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52 Gulls, Terns, Skimmers Laridae
African Skimmer Rynchops flavirostris
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Indian Skimmer Rynchops albicollis
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Black Skimmer Rynchops niger
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White Tern Gygis alba
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Brown Noddy Anous stolidus
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Lesser Noddy Anous tenuirostris
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Black Noddy Anous minutus
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Grey Noddy Anous albivitta
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Blue Noddy Anous ceruleus
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Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus
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Bridled Tern Onychoprion anaethetus
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Spectacled Tern Onychoprion lunatus
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Little Tern Sternula albifrons
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Saunders's Tern Sternula saundersi
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Least Tern Sternula antillarum
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Peruvian Tern Sternula lorata
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Fairy Tern Sternula nereis
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Damara Tern Sternula balaenarum
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Large-billed Tern Phaetusa simplex
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Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica
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Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia
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Inca Tern Larosterna inca
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Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida
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Black-fronted Tern Chlidonias albostriatus
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Black Tern Chlidonias niger
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White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus
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River Tern Sterna aurantia
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Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri
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Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea
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South American Tern Sterna hirundinacea
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Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata
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Kerguelen Tern Sterna virgata
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Common Tern Sterna hirundo
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White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa
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Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
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Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii
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Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis
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Cabot's Tern Thalasseus acuflavidus
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Elegant Tern Thalasseus elegans
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Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis
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Royal Tern Thalasseus maximus
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Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii
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Chinese Crested Tern Thalasseus bernsteini
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Swallow-tailed Gull Creagrus furcatus
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Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus
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Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea
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Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
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Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea
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Sabine's Gull Xema sabini
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Saunders's Gull Saundersilarus saundersi
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Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei
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Bonaparte's Gull Chroicocephalus philadelphia
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Silver Gull Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae
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Black-billed Gull Chroicocephalus bulleri
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Andean Gull Chroicocephalus serranus
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Brown-hooded Gull Chroicocephalus maculipennis
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Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus
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Brown-headed Gull Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus
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Grey-headed Gull Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus
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Hartlaub's Gull Chroicocephalus hartlaubii
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Dolphin Gull Leucophaeus scoresbii
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Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla
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Franklin's Gull Leucophaeus pipixcan
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Lava Gull Leucophaeus fuliginosus
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Pallas's Gull Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus
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Relict Gull Ichthyaetus relictus
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Audouin's Gull Ichthyaetus audouinii
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Mediterranean Gull Ichthyaetus melanocephalus
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Sooty Gull Ichthyaetus hemprichii
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White-eyed Gull Ichthyaetus leucophthalmus
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Pacific Gull Larus pacificus
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Belcher's Gull Larus belcheri
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Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris
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Olrog's Gull Larus atlanticus
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Heermann's Gull Larus heermanni
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Common Gull Larus canus
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Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis
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Western Gull Larus occidentalis
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Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans
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Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus
Argentina    14.07.2001     Environmental protection   75c
British Antarctic Territory    30.11.1998     Birds   1£
British Antarctic Territory    03.12.2010     Antarctic birds   1.15£
Centralafrica    25.06.2015     Gulls Sheet   900f
Chile    25.06.2001     Easter Island 2v strip   260p
Comoro Islands    07.01.2009     Lighthouses Sheet   150f
Falkland Islands    10.02.1960     Birds   1d
Falkland Islands    02.01.1993     Gulls and terns   72p
Falkland Islands    06.12.1999     Millennium 6v set   9p
Falkland Islands    27.03.2017     Shipwrecks 4v set   1.22£
Falkland Islands    01.10.2020     Mike Peake Birds   1.04£
French Antarctic Territory    01.01.1986     Birds   4.60f
French Antarctic Territory    03.11.2005     Stamp anniversary   0.90€
Mozambique    30.01.2010     Seabirds Sheet   33m
Namibia    28.02.2006     Gulls of Namibia   3.10$
New Zealand    21.02.1996     Seaside environment 10v booklet   40c
New Zealand    21.02.1996     Seaside environment 10v booklet   40c
New Zealand    07.08.1996     Seaside environment 10v booklet, sa   40c
New Zealand    07.08.1996     Seaside environment 10v booklet, sa   40c
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.2014     Global warming   96000d
South Africa    03.02.1988     Bartolomeu Dias 4v set   30c
South Africa    03.08.2009     Coastal birds of South Africa Sheet with 2 sets   IASL
South Africa    21.10.2016     Biospheres 6v sheet, sa   *
South Georgia & Southsandwich    24.04.1987     Birds   1p
South Georgia & Southsandwich    10.03.2012     WWF   1.15£
South Georgia & Southsandwich    10.03.2012     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   1.15£
South West Africa    28.05.1982     Bartulomeu Dias 4v set   25c
Uruguay    16.11.2011     Isla de Flores   12p
European Herring Gull Larus argentatus
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Vega Gull Larus vegae
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Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis
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Heuglin's Gull Larus heuglini
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Armenian Gull Larus armenicus
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Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus
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Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus
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Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus
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California Gull Larus californicus
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American Herring Gull Larus smithsonianus
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Glaucous-winged Gull Larus glaucescens
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Slaty-backed Gull Larus schistisagus
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Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides
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