1976.01 |
19.01.1976 |
Definitives |
½c |
21 |
Antillean Crested Hummingbird Orthorhyncus cristatus |
1c |
107 |
Imperial Amazon Amazona imperialis |
2c |
27 |
Zenaida Dove Zenaida aurita |
3c |
122 |
Loggerhead Kingbird Tyrannus caudifasciatus |
4c |
27 |
Scaly-naped Pigeon Patagioenas squamosa |
5c |
224 |
Rufous-throated Solitaire Myadestes genibarbis |
1978.01 |
Imprint 1978 on 1976.01 |
½c |
21 |
Antillean Crested Hummingbird Orthorhyncus cristatus |
1c |
107 |
Imperial Amazon Amazona imperialis |
2c |
27 |
Zenaida Dove Zenaida aurita |
3c |
122 |
Loggerhead Kingbird Tyrannus caudifasciatus |
4c |
27 |
Scaly-naped Pigeon Patagioenas squamosa |
5c |
224 |
Rufous-throated Solitaire Myadestes genibarbis |
10c |
90 |
Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata |
30c |
27 |
Plain Pigeon Patagioenas inornata |
1$ |
21 |
Green-throated Carib Eulampis holosericeus |
2$ |
42 |
Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus |
2.50$ |
52 |
Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii |
MS |
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Stamps issued after independence 1981 are listed under Antigua & Barbuda
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