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Bird stamps from Brazil

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   2   5   6   8   10   21   27   30   43   52   57   59   61   64   65   66   67   69   70   74   78   80   93   98   102   104   106   107   108   115   122   123   124   125   166   178   182   188   215   224   227   238   242   250   254  

Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name
1968.01   30.05.1968   150th anniversary of national museum      
Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja
20c     78     Harpy Eagle    Harpia harpyja     

1968.02   19.07.1968   Birds      
Musician Wren Cyphorhinus arada
20c     215     Musician Wren    Cyphorhinus arada     

1968.03   02.08.1968   Birds      
Atlantic Royal Flycatcher Onychorhynchus swainsoni
50c     125     Atlantic Royal Flycatcher    Onychorhynchus swainsoni     

1969.01   20.08.1969   Birds      
Red-crested Cardinal Paroaria coronata
10c     254     Red-crested Cardinal    Paroaria coronata     

1973.01   27.05.1973   Tropical birds and plants      
Blue Manakin Chiroxiphia caudata
20c     124     Blue Manakin    Chiroxiphia caudata     

1973.02   16.06.1973   Tropical birds and plants      
Campo Troupial Icterus jamacaii
20c     250     Campo Troupial    Icterus jamacaii     

1973.03   19.06.1973   Tropical birds and plants      
Brazilian Ruby Heliodoxa rubricauda
20c     21     Brazilian Ruby    Heliodoxa rubricauda     

1973.04   28.12.1973   Brazilian flora and fauna   4v set   
Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber Scarlet Macaw Ara macao Greater Rhea Rhea americana
40c     69     Scarlet Ibis    Eudocimus ruber     
1cr     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     
2cr     2     Greater Rhea    Rhea americana     

1978.01   05.06.1978   Birds      
Saffron Finch Sicalis flaveola Banded Cotinga Cotinga maculata Seven-colored Tanager Tangara fastuosa
7.50cr     254     Saffron Finch    Sicalis flaveola     
8.50cr     123     Banded Cotinga    Cotinga maculata     
9.50cr     254     Seven-colored Tanager    Tangara fastuosa     

1980.01   18.10.1980   Lubrapex 80      
Red-tailed Amazon Amazona brasiliensis Vinaceous-breasted Amazon Amazona vinacea Brown-backed Parrotlet Touit melanonotus Red-spectacled Amazon Amazona pretrei
5cr     107     Red-tailed Amazon    Amazona brasiliensis     
5cr     107     Vinaceous-breasted Amazon    Amazona vinacea     
28cr     107     Brown-backed Parrotlet    Touit melanonotus     
28cr     107     Red-spectacled Amazon    Amazona pretrei     

1981.01   22.05.1981   Hummingbirds      
Planalto Hermit Phaethornis pretrei Ruby-topaz Hummingbird Chrysolampis mosquitus Frilled Coquette Lophornis magnificus Horned Sungem Heliactin bilophus
7cr     21     Planalto Hermit    Phaethornis pretrei     
7cr     21     Ruby-topaz Hummingbird    Chrysolampis mosquitus     
7cr     21     Frilled Coquette    Lophornis magnificus     
7cr     21     Horned Sungem    Heliactin bilophus     

1983.01   20.02.1983   First Brazilian Antarctic expedition      
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae
150cr     59     Adelie Penguin    Pygoscelis adeliae     

1983.02   21.05.1983   Toucans      
Toco Toucan Ramphastos toco White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus Red-breasted Toucan Ramphastos dicolorus Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus
30cr     98     Toco Toucan    Ramphastos toco     
185cr     98     White-throated Toucan    Ramphastos tucanus     
205cr     98     Red-breasted Toucan    Ramphastos dicolorus     
215cr     98     Channel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos vitellinus     

1984.01   20.01.1984   Gilberto Freyre      
Tui Parakeet Brotogeris sanctithomae
45cr     107     Tui Parakeet    Brotogeris sanctithomae     

1984.02   05.06.1984   Mato Grosso   Strip   
Great Egret Ardea alba Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja Jabiru Jabiru mycteria
65cr     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
65cr     69     Roseate Spoonbill    Platalea ajaja     
80cr     64     Jabiru    Jabiru mycteria     
and     254     Red-cowled Cardinal    Paroaria dominicana     

1984.03   08.06.1984   Postal Union of the Americas and Spain      
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
65cr     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     
and     107     Glaucous Macaw    Anodorhynchus glaucus †     

1984.04   09.07.1984   Marajo Island water buffaloes   3v strip   
Wood Stork Mycteria americana Wood Stork Mycteria americana
65cr     64     Wood Stork    Mycteria americana     
and     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
65cr     64     Wood Stork    Mycteria americana     
and     69     Roseate Spoonbill    Platalea ajaja     

1984.05   03.12.1984   Christmas   4v set   
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
120cr     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     

1985.01   05.06.1985   Abrolhos national park      
Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens Masked Booby Sula dactylatra Brown Noddy Anous stolidus Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola
220cr     65     Magnificent Frigatebird    Fregata magnificens     
and     66     Masked Booby    Sula dactylatra     
220cr     66     Masked Booby    Sula dactylatra     
and     57     Red-billed Tropicbird    Phaethon aethereus     
220cr     52     Brown Noddy    Anous stolidus     
2000cr     43     Grey Plover    Pluvialis squatarola     

1986.01   10.11.1986   Christmas      
Luzon Bleeding-heart Gallicolumba luzonica European Bee-eater Merops apiaster Not identified Not identified
50c     27     Luzon Bleeding-heart    Gallicolumba luzonica     
and     227     Javan Leafbird    Chloropsis cochinchinensis     
6.50cz     93     European Bee-eater    Merops apiaster     
and     182     Crested Tit    Lophophanes cristatus     
and     104     Crested Caracara    Caracara plancus     
7.30cz          Not identified    Not identified     

1987.01   05.03.1987   Heitor Villa-Lobos      
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
1.50cz     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     

1987.02   09.03.1987   Brazilian Antarctic programme      
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae
1cz     59     Adelie Penguin    Pygoscelis adeliae     

1987.03   04.08.1987   National tourism year   2v set   
Coconut Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus
3cz     108     Coconut Lorikeet    Trichoglossus haematodus     

1987.04   21.12.1987   Gabriel Soares de Sousa      
Greater Rhea Rhea americana
7cz     2     Greater Rhea    Rhea americana     
and     70     Cocoi Heron    Ardea cocoi     

1988.01   10.12.1988   Brapex VII   3v sheet   
Red-tailed Amazon Amazona brasiliensis Great Egret Ardea alba
100cz     107     Red-tailed Amazon    Amazona brasiliensis     
400cz     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     

1990.01   22.02.1990   Brazilian Antarctic programme      
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus
20cz     59     Chinstrap Penguin    Pygoscelis antarcticus     MS

1991.01   20.02.1991   Visit of president Collor to Antarctica      
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri
300cr     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     
and     59     Chinstrap Penguin    Pygoscelis antarcticus     

1991.02   05.06.1991   United Nations conference on environment      
Orinoco Goose Neochen jubata
45cr     8     Orinoco Goose    Neochen jubata     

1991.03   13.10.1991   Brapex VIII      
White-vented Violetear Colibri serrirostris Glittering-bellied Emerald Chlorostilbon lucidus Brazilian Ruby Heliodoxa rubricauda
50cr     21     White-vented Violetear    Colibri serrirostris     
65cr     21     Glittering-bellied Emerald    Chlorostilbon lucidus     
65cr     21     Brazilian Ruby    Heliodoxa rubricauda     

1991.04   13.10.1991   Brapex VIII   Sheet   
White-vented Violetear Colibri serrirostris Glittering-bellied Emerald Chlorostilbon lucidus Brazilian Ruby Heliodoxa rubricauda
50cr     21     White-vented Violetear    Colibri serrirostris     
50cr     21     Glittering-bellied Emerald    Chlorostilbon lucidus     
500cr     21     Brazilian Ruby    Heliodoxa rubricauda     

1992.01   25.02.1992   2nd United Nations conference on environment   2v set   
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus
400cr     57     White-tailed Tropicbird    Phaethon lepturus     

1992.02   20.03.1992   Arbrafex 92   4v set   
Lesser Rhea Rhea pennata
250cr     2     Lesser Rhea    Rhea pennata     

1992.03   20.03.1992   Arbrafex 92   4v sheet   1992.02
Lesser Rhea Rhea pennata
500cr     2     Lesser Rhea    Rhea pennata     

1992.04   17.07.1992   Capivara national park   2v strip   
Small-billed Tinamou Crypturellus parvirostris
550cr     5     Small-billed Tinamou    Crypturellus parvirostris     

1993.01   13.10.1993   America      
Lear's Macaw Anodorhynchus leari Spix's Macaw Cyanopsitta spixii
22cr     107     Lear's Macaw    Anodorhynchus leari     
and     107     Glaucous Macaw    Anodorhynchus glaucus †     
and     107     Hyacinth Macaw    Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus     
130cr     107     Spix's Macaw    Cyanopsitta spixii     

1994.01   01.03.1994   Birds      
Rufous-bellied Thrush Turdus rufiventris
50cr     224     Rufous-bellied Thrush    Turdus rufiventris     

1994.02   09.03.1994   Birds      
Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris
20cr     78     Roadside Hawk    Rupornis magnirostris     

1994.03   17.03.1994   Birds      
Blue-and-white Swallow Pygochelidon cyanoleuca
10cr     188     Blue-and-white Swallow    Pygochelidon cyanoleuca     

1994.04   04.04.1994   Birds      
Ruddy Ground Dove Columbina talpacoti
100cr     27     Ruddy Ground Dove    Columbina talpacoti     

1994.05   13.04.1994   Birds      
Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis
500cr     242     Rufous-collared Sparrow    Zonotrichia capensis     

1994.06   27.04.1994   Birds      
Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis
200cr     43     Southern Lapwing    Vanellus chilensis     

1994.07   01.07.1994   Birds      1994.01-06
Blue-and-white Swallow Pygochelidon cyanoleuca Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris Rufous-bellied Thrush Turdus rufiventris Ruddy Ground Dove Columbina talpacoti Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis Rufous Hornero Furnarius rufus
1c     188     Blue-and-white Swallow    Pygochelidon cyanoleuca     
2c     78     Roadside Hawk    Rupornis magnirostris     
5c     224     Rufous-bellied Thrush    Turdus rufiventris     
10c     27     Ruddy Ground Dove    Columbina talpacoti     
20c     43     Southern Lapwing    Vanellus chilensis     
50c     242     Rufous-collared Sparrow    Zonotrichia capensis     
1r     115     Rufous Hornero    Furnarius rufus     New

1994.08   26.08.1994   Sao Paulo maternity hospital      
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
12c     64     White Stork    Ciconia ciconia     

1995.01   05.06.1995   Preservation of fauna      
Solitary Tinamou Tinamus solitarius Alagoas Curassow Mitu mitu
12c     5     Solitary Tinamou    Tinamus solitarius     
12c     10     Alagoas Curassow    Mitu mitu     

1995.02   28.09.1995   Lighthouses   3v set   
Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber
15c     69     Scarlet Ibis    Eudocimus ruber     

1995.03   30.09.1995   Lubrapex 95      
White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi Great Egret Ardea alba
15c     69     White-faced Ibis    Plegadis chihi     
84c     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
and     6     Horned Screamer    Anhima cornuta     

1995.04   30.09.1995   Lubrapex 95 (Rio Tiete)   Sheet   1995.03
White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi Great Egret Ardea alba
1.50r     69     White-faced Ibis    Plegadis chihi     
1.50r     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
and     6     Horned Screamer    Anhima cornuta     

1995.05   12.10.1995   America   2v set   
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus
84c     8     Black-necked Swan    Cygnus melancoryphus     
and     8     Coscoroba Swan    Coscoroba coscoroba     

1995.06   16.11.1995   Birds      
Saffron Finch Sicalis flaveola
15c     254     Saffron Finch    Sicalis flaveola     

1996.01   04.05.1996   Espamer 96      
Crimson Topaz Topaza pella Green-crowned Plovercrest Stephanoxis lalandi Swallow-tailed Hummingbird Eupetomena macroura
15c     21     Crimson Topaz    Topaza pella     
1.05r     21     Green-crowned Plovercrest    Stephanoxis lalandi     
1.15r     21     Swallow-tailed Hummingbird    Eupetomena macroura     

1997.01   09.06.1997   Missionaries   2v set   
Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber
1.05r     69     Scarlet Ibis    Eudocimus ruber     
and     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     

1997.02   22.07.1997   Definitives   sa   
Blue-black Grassquit Volatinia jacarina
*     254     Blue-black Grassquit    Volatinia jacarina     

1997.03   13.10.1997   Definitives      
Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana
22c     122     Fork-tailed Flycatcher    Tyrannus savana     

1998.01   16.02.1998   Definitives   sa   
Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis
22c     122     Social Flycatcher    Myiozetetes similis     

1998.02   05.06.1998   Nature protection   2v strip   
Azure Jay Cyanocorax caeruleus
0.22r     166     Azure Jay    Cyanocorax caeruleus     

1999.01   05.03.1999   Sea resources   6v sheet   
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra
0.31r     66     Masked Booby    Sula dactylatra     

2000.01   22.04.2000   Discovery of Brazil   20v sheet   
Red-spectacled Amazon Amazona pretrei Toco Toucan Ramphastos toco Golden Parakeet Guaruba guarouba
0.45r     107     Red-spectacled Amazon    Amazona pretrei     
0.45r     98     Toco Toucan    Ramphastos toco     
0.45r     107     Golden Parakeet    Guaruba guarouba     

2000.02   16.05.2000   GERCO      
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
0.40r     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     

2000.03   12.12.2000   Border arbitration anniversary      
Great Egret Ardea alba
0.40r     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     

2001.01   03.06.2001   WWF   Sheet   
Hyacinth Macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Golden-capped Parakeet Aratinga auricapillus Ochre-marked Parakeet Pyrrhura cruentata Yellow-faced Parrot Alipiopsitta xanthops
1.30r     107     Hyacinth Macaw    Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus     
1.30r     107     Golden-capped Parakeet    Aratinga auricapillus     
1.30r     107     Ochre-marked Parakeet    Pyrrhura cruentata     
1.30r     107     Yellow-faced Parrot    Alipiopsitta xanthops     

2001.02   20.11.2001   Pantanal   10v booklet, sa   

Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja Anhinga Anhinga anhinga Cocoi Heron Ardea cocoi Jabiru Jabiru mycteria Great Egret Ardea alba Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinica
0.55r     69     Roseate Spoonbill    Platalea ajaja     
0.55r     67     Anhinga    Anhinga anhinga     
0.55r     70     Cocoi Heron    Ardea cocoi     
0.55r     64     Jabiru    Jabiru mycteria     
0.55r     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
0.55r     30     Purple Gallinule    Porphyrio martinica     

2001.03   13.12.2001   Merchant ships   2v strip   
Snowy Albatross Diomedea exulans
0.55r     61     Snowy Albatross    Diomedea exulans     

2002.01   14.07.2002   Preservation of the Caatinga Nordestina      
White-browed Guan Penelope jacucaca
1.10r     10     White-browed Guan    Penelope jacucaca     MS

2002.02   27.07.2002   SIVAM      
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna
1.10r     107     Blue-and-yellow Macaw    Ara ararauna     
and     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     

2002.03   02.10.2002   Mercosur      
Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus
1r     107     Red-and-green Macaw    Ara chloropterus     
and     98     Toco Toucan    Ramphastos toco     
and     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
and     64     Jabiru    Jabiru mycteria     

2003.01   31.10.2003   Greeting stamps   2v set   
Green-crowned Plovercrest Stephanoxis lalandi
0.60r     21     Green-crowned Plovercrest    Stephanoxis lalandi     

2004.01   20.02.2004   Guara      
Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber
0.74r     69     Scarlet Ibis    Eudocimus ruber     

2004.02   05.06.2004   Preservation of mangroves and coastal habitats   5v sheet   
Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus Little Wood Rail Aramides mangle
1.60r     69     Roseate Spoonbill    Platalea ajaja     
1.60r     122     Great Kiskadee    Pitangus sulphuratus     
1.60r     30     Little Wood Rail    Aramides mangle     

2004.03   28.06.2004   Parintins festival: Garantido & Caprichoso   2v strip   
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
0.74r     107     Scarlet Macaw    Ara macao     

2004.04   22.09.2004   Greeting stamp      
Blue Manakin Chiroxiphia caudata
*     124     Blue Manakin    Chiroxiphia caudata     

2004.05   15.10.2004   Greeting stamp      
Jabiru Jabiru mycteria
*     64     Jabiru    Jabiru mycteria     

2006.01   04.09.2006   National parks (Emas)   4v set   
Greater Rhea Rhea americana
0.85r     2     Greater Rhea    Rhea americana     

2007.01   13.03.2007   Polar year   3v set   
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri
*     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     

2007.02   05.10.2007   Zoo animals   6v set   
Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus
0.60r     107     Red-and-green Macaw    Ara chloropterus     

2008.01   16.05.2008   Serra do Japi   2v sheet   
Burnished-buff Tanager Stilpnia cayana
2r     254     Burnished-buff Tanager    Stilpnia cayana     

2008.02   10.10.2008   Mercosul      
Kaempfer's Woodpecker Celeus obrieni Mottled Owl Strix virgata
1.40r     102     Kaempfer's Woodpecker    Celeus obrieni     
1.40r     80     Mottled Owl    Strix virgata     

2009.01   14.05.2009   Tocantins   12v sheet   
Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia
*     80     Burrowing Owl    Athene cunicularia     

2009.02   02.10.2009   Colourful birds   Sheet   

Red-crested Cardinal Paroaria coronata Guianan Cock-of-the-rock Rupicola rupicola Blue-naped Chlorophonia Chlorophonia cyanea Blue Finch Rhopospina caerulescens Red-necked Tanager Tangara cyanocephala Scarlet-headed Blackbird Amblyramphus holosericeus
1r     254     Red-crested Cardinal    Paroaria coronata     
1r     123     Guianan Cock-of-the-rock    Rupicola rupicola     
1r     238     Blue-naped Chlorophonia    Chlorophonia cyanea     
1r     254     Blue Finch    Rhopospina caerulescens     
1r     254     Red-necked Tanager    Tangara cyanocephala     
1r     250     Scarlet-headed Blackbird    Amblyramphus holosericeus     

2010.01   29.06.2010   Pantanal   8v sheet   
Hyacinth Macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Jabiru Jabiru mycteria
*     107     Hyacinth Macaw    Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus     
*     64     Jabiru    Jabiru mycteria     

2011.01   06.07.2011   Tijuca national park   Sheet   
Green-headed Tanager Tangara seledon Violet-capped Woodnymph Thalurania glaucopis
5r     254     Green-headed Tanager    Tangara seledon     
5r     21     Violet-capped Woodnymph    Thalurania glaucopis     

2011.02   25.11.2011   Parana      
Azure Jay Cyanocorax caeruleus Azure Jay Cyanocorax caeruleus
*     166     Azure Jay    Cyanocorax caeruleus     
*     166     Azure Jay    Cyanocorax caeruleus     

2013.01   19.12.2013   Buriti   2v sheet   
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna
2.45r     107     Blue-and-yellow Macaw    Ara ararauna     

2014.01   30.01.2014   Football world cup 2014   12v sheet   
Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus
1.20r     107     Red-and-green Macaw    Ara chloropterus     

2014.02   10.06.2014   Diplomatic relations with Philippines      
Chaco Eagle Buteogallus coronatus Philippine Eagle Pithecophaga jefferyi
2.90r     78     Chaco Eagle    Buteogallus coronatus     
2.90r     78     Philippine Eagle    Pithecophaga jefferyi     

2017.01   19.06.2017   Brazilian birds, Birdpex 8      
Purple-winged Ground Dove Paraclaravis geoffroyi Blue-eyed Ground Dove Columbina cyanopis Araripe Manakin Chiroxiphia bokermanni
1.25r     27     Purple-winged Ground Dove    Paraclaravis geoffroyi     
1.25r     27     Blue-eyed Ground Dove    Columbina cyanopis     
1.25r     124     Araripe Manakin    Chiroxiphia bokermanni     

2017.02   19.06.2017   Brazilian birds, Birdpex 8, sa      2017.01
Purple-winged Ground Dove Paraclaravis geoffroyi Blue-eyed Ground Dove Columbina cyanopis Araripe Manakin Chiroxiphia bokermanni
*     27     Purple-winged Ground Dove    Paraclaravis geoffroyi     
*     27     Blue-eyed Ground Dove    Columbina cyanopis     
*     124     Araripe Manakin    Chiroxiphia bokermanni     

2018.01   02.10.2018   Diplomatic relations with India      
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna
1.85r     107     Blue-and-yellow Macaw    Ara ararauna     

2018.02   06.11.2018   Upaep 2018, pets   30v sheet   
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus
1.55r     108     Budgerigar    Melopsittacus undulatus     
1.55r     106     Cockatiel    Nymphicus hollandicus     

2018.03   04.12.2018   Friendship with Guyana      
Hoatzin Opisthocomus hoazin
1.85r     74     Hoatzin    Opisthocomus hoazin     

2018.04   04.12.2018   Rio de Janeiro National Museum   2v set   
Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja
3.10r     78     Harpy Eagle    Harpia harpyja     

2021.01   19.04.2021   Diplomatic relations with Dominican Republic      
Palmchat Dulus dominicus
3.95r     178     Palmchat    Dulus dominicus     

2023.01   07.12.2023   Luiz Gama      
Not identified Not identified
*          Not identified    Not identified     

Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Eastern South America
Population: 172.8 million
Climate: mostly tropical, but temperate in south
Terrain: mostly flat to rolling lowlands in north; some plains, hills, mountains, and narrow coastal belt

Birds: 1715 species. 182 endemic species.

Correios postal administration website
Where do you want to go birding today?
Marajo water buffaloes - web search -  image search
Abrolhos - web search -  image search
Capivara national park - web search -  image search -  map search
Rio Tiete - web search -  image search -  map search
Pantanal - web search -  image search -  map search
Caatinga Nordestina - web search -  image search
Emas national park - web search -  image search -  map search

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