5c |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
10c |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
= 5c |
20c |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
= 5c |
1940.01 |
Surcharge on 1931.01 |
80c |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
1948.01 |
06.12.1948 |
Chilean flora and fauna |
25v sheet |
60c |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
60c |
8 |
Torrent Duck Merganetta armata |
60c |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
60c |
30 |
Red-gartered Coot Fulica armillata |
60c |
27 |
Chilean Pigeon Patagioenas araucana |
1948.02 |
06.12.1948 |
Chilean flora and fauna |
25v sheet |
1948.01 |
2.60p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
2.60p |
8 |
Torrent Duck Merganetta armata |
2.60p |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
2.60p |
30 |
Red-gartered Coot Fulica armillata |
2.60p |
27 |
Chilean Pigeon Patagioenas araucana |
1948.03 |
06.12.1948 |
Chilean flora and fauna |
25v sheet |
1948.01 |
3p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
3p |
8 |
Torrent Duck Merganetta armata |
3p |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
3p |
30 |
Red-gartered Coot Fulica armillata |
3p |
27 |
Chilean Pigeon Patagioenas araucana |
1976.01 |
11.09.1976 |
3rd anniversary of Military Junta |
3v strip |
2p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
1980.01 |
11.09.1980 |
7th anniversary of Military Government |
3.50p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
1981.01 |
28.01.1981 |
Tourism |
3v set |
10.50p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1984.01 |
18.06.1984 |
Chilean Antarctic |
3v set |
15p |
59 |
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus |
1984.02 |
11.07.1984 |
Regionalization |
15v sheet |
9p |
59 |
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus |
1985.01 |
21.01.1985 |
Flora and fauna |
12v sheet |
10p |
42 |
White-backed Stilt Himantopus melanurus |
10p |
107 |
Burrowing Parrot Cyanoliseus patagonus |
10p |
254 |
Diuca Finch Diuca diuca |
10p |
80 |
Austral Pygmy Owl Glaucidium nana |
1985.02 |
09.08.1985 |
Endangered animals |
4v sheet |
20p |
35 |
James's Flamingo Phoenicoparrus jamesi |
20p |
30 |
Giant Coot Fulica gigantea |
1986.01 |
16.07.1986 |
Antarctic fauna |
40p |
52 |
Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata |
40p |
68 |
Antarctic Shag Leucocarbo bransfieldensis |
40p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
40p |
53 |
Brown Skua Stercorarius antarcticus |
1987.01 |
30.07.1987 |
Flora and fauna |
16v sheet |
25p |
49 |
Sanderling Calidris alba |
25p |
77 |
Osprey Pandion haliaetus |
25p |
21 |
Juan Fernandez Firecrown Sephanoides fernandensis |
25p |
2 |
Lesser Rhea Rhea pennata |
1989.01 |
29.05.1989 |
Chilean Antarctic Institute |
150p |
59 |
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus |
1989.02 |
25.08.1989 |
Expo '89 |
250p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1989.03 |
25.08.1989 |
Expo '89 |
1989.02 |
250p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
MS |
1990.01 |
25.01.1990 |
National parks |
16v sheet |
35p |
35 |
Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis |
35p |
250 |
Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca |
35p |
52 |
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus |
35p |
8 |
Torrent Duck Merganetta armata |
35p |
2 |
Lesser Rhea Rhea pennata |
35p |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
1990.02 |
12.10.1990 |
America |
2v set |
30p |
35 |
Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis |
1990.03 |
06.11.1990 |
Chilean Antarctic |
Strip |
250p |
53 |
Brown Skua Stercorarius antarcticus |
250p |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
1990.04 |
06.11.1990 |
Chilean Antarctic |
Sheet |
1990.03 |
250p |
53 |
Brown Skua Stercorarius antarcticus |
250p |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
1991.01 |
07.10.1991 |
Antarctic treaty |
2v strip |
80p |
59 |
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus |
and |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
and |
53 |
South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki |
1992.01 |
28.09.1992 |
Emperor Penguin |
p 13¼x13½ |
200p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
250p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
1992.02 |
28.09.1992 |
Emperor Penguin |
Sheet, p 13½x13¼ |
1992.01 |
200p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
250p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
1993.01 |
12.10.1993 |
America |
2v set |
150p |
107 |
Burrowing Parrot Cyanoliseus patagonus |
1993.02 |
03.12.1993 |
Chilean Antarctic |
200p |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
250p |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
1993.03 |
03.12.1993 |
Chilean Antarctic |
Sheet |
1993.02 |
200p |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
250p |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
1994.01 |
31.05.1994 |
Chilean Antarctic Institute anniversary |
2v strip |
300p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1995.01 |
22.11.1995 |
Chilean Antarctic |
100p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
250p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
1995.02 |
22.11.1995 |
Chilean Antarctic |
Sheet |
1995.01 |
100p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
250p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
1996.01 |
09.09.1996 |
Chilean Antarctic |
250p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
300p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
1996.02 |
09.09.1996 |
Chilean Antarctic |
Sheet |
1996.01 |
250p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
300p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
1996.03 |
18.11.1996 |
Cities |
2v set |
150p |
35 |
Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis |
1998.01 |
22.07.1998 |
Antarctic research |
250p |
59 |
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus |
350p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1998.02 |
29.11.1998 |
Chilean birds |
10p |
242 |
Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis |
"1998" |
20p |
250 |
Austral Blackbird Curaeus curaeus |
"1998" |
1999.01 |
15.06.1999 |
Chilean Antarctic |
360p |
68 |
Antarctic Shag Leucocarbo bransfieldensis |
450p |
59 |
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus |
and |
68 |
Antarctic Shag Leucocarbo bransfieldensis |
1999.02 |
15.06.1999 |
Chilean Antarctic |
1500p |
59 |
Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarcticus |
MS |
1999.03 |
16.07.1999 |
Alexander von Humboldt |
2v set |
360p |
59 |
Humboldt Penguin Spheniscus humboldti |
2000.01 |
Chilean birds |
1998.02 |
10p |
242 |
Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis |
"2000" |
20p |
250 |
Austral Blackbird Curaeus curaeus |
"2000" |
2000.02 |
29.02.2000 |
Juan Fernandez |
8v sheet |
360p |
21 |
Juan Fernandez Firecrown Sephanoides fernandensis |
2000.03 |
01.04.2000 |
Chilean birds |
50p |
102 |
Magellanic Woodpecker Campephilus magellanicus |
"2000" |
100p |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
"2000" |
2000.04 |
10.07.2000 |
Discovery of Brazil anniversary |
1500p |
107 |
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao |
MS |
2000.05 |
15.09.2000 |
Chilean Antarctic |
3v set |
450p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
2001.01 |
13.01.2001 |
National Zoo anniversary |
4v sheet |
160p |
1 |
Common Ostrich Struthio camelus |
160p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
2001.02 |
29.01.2001 |
Chilean birds |
160p |
107 |
Slender-billed Parakeet Enicognathus leptorhynchus |
160p |
120 |
Moustached Turca Pteroptochos megapodius |
160p |
221 |
Chilean Mockingbird Mimus thenca |
160p |
21 |
Juan Fernandez Firecrown Sephanoides fernandensis |
2001.03 |
25.06.2001 |
Easter Island |
2v strip |
260p |
52 |
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus |
2001.04 |
29.08.2001 |
Chilean Antarctic |
350p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
and |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
700p |
63 |
Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus |
2001.05 |
29.08.2001 |
Chilean Antarctic |
2000p |
39 |
Snowy Sheathbill Chionis albus |
MS |
and |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
2002.01 |
25.01.2002 |
Chilean birds |
10p |
224 |
Austral Thrush Turdus falcklandii |
20p |
250 |
Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca |
2002.02 |
09.02.2002 |
Valdivia 450th anniversary |
260p |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
2002.03 |
01.07.2002 |
Easter Island |
2v set |
450p |
254 |
Diuca Finch Diuca diuca |
2002.04 |
01.07.2002 |
Easter Island |
2002.03 |
2000p |
254 |
Diuca Finch Diuca diuca |
MS |
2002.05 |
22.10.2002 |
2v set |
300p |
35 |
Andean Flamingo Phoenicoparrus andinus |
2003.01 |
15.01.2003 |
Chilean birds |
2000.03 |
500p |
102 |
Magellanic Woodpecker Campephilus magellanicus |
"2003" |
1000p |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
"2003" |
2003.02 |
12.10.2003 |
Upaep |
2v set |
300p |
107 |
Burrowing Parrot Cyanoliseus patagonus |
2004.01 |
22.04.2004 |
Cristo Redentor |
200p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
2004.02 |
27.09.2004 |
Upaep |
2v set |
600p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
2005.01 |
13.05.2005 |
Juan Pablo II |
3v set |
230p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
2005.02 |
30.06.2005 |
Rotary anniversary |
230p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
2005.03 |
22.10.2005 |
ExpoAustral 2005 |
390p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
2006.01 |
19.05.2006 |
Tourism |
5v set |
230p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2006.02 |
25.10.2006 |
Antarctica, joint issue with Estonia |
2v set |
500p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
2007.01 |
09.05.2007 |
Tourism |
5v set |
390p |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
2008.01 |
29.01.2008 |
Polar year |
6v sheet |
250p |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
and |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2008.02 |
21.11.2008 |
Torres del Paine national park |
6v sheet |
500p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
500p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
2009.01 |
15.07.2009 |
Protected birds |
10p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
20p |
107 |
Burrowing Parrot Cyanoliseus patagonus |
50p |
35 |
Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis |
100p |
59 |
Humboldt Penguin Spheniscus humboldti |
500p |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
2010.01 |
04.05.2010 |
Antarctic airbase anniversary |
6v sheet |
500p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2018.01 |
09.10.2018 |
Exfil 2018 |
360p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
2018.02 |
09.10.2018 |
Exfil 2018 |
2018.01 |
1500p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
MS |
2019.01 |
29.10.2019 |
Antarctic airbase anniversary |
4v set |
1000p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2023.01 |
27.01.2023 |
Diplomatic relations with USA |
550p |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
and |
78 |
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Southern South America
Population: 16.4 million
Climate: temperate; desert in north; Mediterranean in central region; cool and damp in south
Terrain: low coastal mountains; fertile central valley; rugged Andes in east
Birds: 479 species. 12 endemic species.
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