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Comoro Islands
Bird stamps from Comoro Islands

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   8   11   13   23   27   30   35   46   49   52   54   57   58   59   60   61   63   64   65   66   67   70   71   73   75   77   78   79   80   82   83   87   88   89   90   93   98   100   102   104   107   108   130   147   160   163   165   166   170   188   201   204   208   225   229   231   232   250   254  

Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name
1967.01   20.06.1967   Birds      
Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides Comoro Fody Foudia eminentissima Cuckoo-roller Leptosomus discolor Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus
2f     229     Anjouan Sunbird    Cinnyris comorensis     
10f     90     Malagasy Kingfisher    Corythornis vintsioides     
15f     231     Comoro Fody    Foudia eminentissima     
30f     82     Cuckoo-roller    Leptosomus discolor     
75f     163     Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher    Terpsiphone mutata     
100f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     

1971.01   12.03.1971   Birds      
Great Egret Ardea alba Comoro Olive Pigeon Columba pollenii Striated Heron Butorides striata Comoro Blue Pigeon Alectroenas sganzini Humblot's Flycatcher Humblotia flavirostris Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni
5f     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
10f     27     Comoro Olive Pigeon    Columba pollenii     
15f     70     Striated Heron    Butorides striata     
25f     27     Comoro Blue Pigeon    Alectroenas sganzini     
35f     225     Humblot's Flycatcher    Humblotia flavirostris     
40f     30     Allen's Gallinule    Porphyrio alleni     

1975.01   Overprint ETAT COMORIEN on 1967.01      
Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis
10f     229     Anjouan Sunbird    Cinnyris comorensis     

1975.02   Overprint ETAT COMORIEN on 1971.01      
Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni
40f     30     Allen's Gallinule    Porphyrio alleni     

1976.01   30.12.1976   Endangered animals   6v set   
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus
15f     75     Andean Condor    Vultur gryphus     

1977.01   14.04.1977   Endangered animals   6v set   
Galapagos Penguin Spheniscus mendiculus
400f     59     Galapagos Penguin    Spheniscus mendiculus     

1978.01   06.02.1978   Birds      
Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis Little Egret Egretta garzetta
15f     30     Allen's Gallinule    Porphyrio alleni     
20f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     
35f     90     Malagasy Kingfisher    Corythornis vintsioides     
40f     163     Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher    Terpsiphone mutata     
75f     229     Anjouan Sunbird    Cinnyris comorensis     
400f     70     Little Egret    Egretta garzetta     

1978.02   06.02.1978   Birds      
Comoro Fody Foudia eminentissima
500f     231     Comoro Fody    Foudia eminentissima     MS

1979.01   10.04.1979   Fauna   3v set   
Cuckoo-roller Leptosomus discolor Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus
50f     82     Cuckoo-roller    Leptosomus discolor     
75f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     

1979.02   02.05.1979   Overprint Republique Federale… on 1978.01      
Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis
15f     30     Allen's Gallinule    Porphyrio alleni     
30f     90     Malagasy Kingfisher    Corythornis vintsioides     
50f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     
50f     163     Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher    Terpsiphone mutata     
200f     229     Anjouan Sunbird    Cinnyris comorensis     

1981.01   Surcharge on 1979.01      
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus
60f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     

1985.01   15.01.1985   Audubon      
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus Red-breasted Sapsucker Sphyrapicus ruber
100f     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
125f     250     Baltimore Oriole    Icterus galbula     
150f     78     Red-shouldered Hawk    Buteo lineatus     
500f     102     Red-breasted Sapsucker    Sphyrapicus ruber     

1989.01   15.03.1989   Scouts   6v set   
Bronze Mannikin Spermestes cucullata Malagasy White-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus
375f     232     Bronze Mannikin    Spermestes cucullata     
500f     204     Malagasy White-eye    Zosterops maderaspatanus     

1989.02   15.03.1989   Scouts   6v sheet   1989.01
Bronze Mannikin Spermestes cucullata Malagasy White-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus
375f     232     Bronze Mannikin    Spermestes cucullata     
500f     204     Malagasy White-eye    Zosterops maderaspatanus     

1989.03   15.03.1989   Scouts      1989.01
375f     232     Bronze Mannikin    Spermestes cucullata     MS
500f     204     Malagasy White-eye    Zosterops maderaspatanus     MS

1989.04   15.03.1989   Scouts      
Forest Fody Foudia omissa
750f     231     Forest Fody    Foudia omissa     MS

1989.05   15.03.1989   Scouts      
Grey-headed Lovebird Agapornis canus
1500f     108     Grey-headed Lovebird    Agapornis canus     MS

1994.01   05.04.1994   Prehistoric animals   16v sheet   
Diatryma Diatryma sp Euryapteryx Euryapteryx sp
150f          Diatryma    Diatryma sp     
525f          Euryapteryx    Euryapteryx sp     

1998.01   10.08.1998   Marine life   9v sheet   
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus Franklin's Gull Leucophaeus pipixcan
150f     52     Sooty Tern    Onychoprion fuscatus     
150f     52     Franklin's Gull    Leucophaeus pipixcan     

1998.02   10.08.1998   Marine life   12v sheet   
Snowy Albatross Diomedea exulans
200f     61     Snowy Albatross    Diomedea exulans     

1998.03   Birds   Sheet   
Regal Sunbird Cinnyris regius Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach Red-and-yellow Barbet Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Green-winged Pytilia Pytilia melba Lilac-breasted Roller Coracias caudatus Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium vulturinum Southern Red Bishop Euplectes orix Southern Black Korhaan Afrotis afra
175f     229     Regal Sunbird    Cinnyris regius     
175f     90     Malachite Kingfisher    Corythornis cristatus     
175f     165     Long-tailed Shrike    Lanius schach     
175f     100     Red-and-yellow Barbet    Trachyphonus erythrocephalus     
175f     232     Green-winged Pytilia    Pytilia melba     
175f     88     Lilac-breasted Roller    Coracias caudatus     
175f     11     Vulturine Guineafowl    Acryllium vulturinum     
175f     231     Southern Red Bishop    Euplectes orix     
175f     23     Southern Black Korhaan    Afrotis afra     

1998.04   Birds of prey   Sheet   
Shikra Tachyspiza badia Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Black Kite Milvus migrans African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Osprey Pandion haliaetus Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja
200f     78     Shikra    Tachyspiza badia     
200f     78     Red-tailed Hawk    Buteo jamaicensis     
200f     78     Black Kite    Milvus migrans     
200f     78     African Fish Eagle    Icthyophaga vocifer     
200f     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     
200f     78     Griffon Vulture    Gyps fulvus     
200f     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     
200f     77     Osprey    Pandion haliaetus     
200f     78     Harpy Eagle    Harpia harpyja     

1999.01   25.01.1999   Birds      
Green-headed Tanager Tangara seledon Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica Water Rail Rallus aquaticus Fork-tailed Sunbird Aethopyga christinae Black Francolin Francolinus francolinus Himalayan Monal Lophophorus impejanus Splendid Fairywren Malurus splendens Silver-eared Mesia Leiothrix argentauris
75f     254     Green-headed Tanager    Tangara seledon     
75f     54     Atlantic Puffin    Fratercula arctica     
150f     30     Water Rail    Rallus aquaticus     
150f     229     Fork-tailed Sunbird    Aethopyga christinae     
200f     13     Black Francolin    Francolinus francolinus     
200f     13     Himalayan Monal    Lophophorus impejanus     
375f     130     Splendid Fairywren    Malurus splendens     
375f     208     Silver-eared Mesia    Leiothrix argentauris     

1999.02   25.01.1999   Birds      
White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus Northern Jacana Jacana spinosa
1500f     98     White-throated Toucan    Ramphastos tucanus     MS
1500f     46     Northern Jacana    Jacana spinosa     MS

1999.03   25.01.1999   Waterbirds   Sheet   
Common Pochard Aythya ferina Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Wood Duck Aix sponsa Baikal Teal Sibirionetta formosa
375f     8     Common Pochard    Aythya ferina     
375f     8     Common Goldeneye    Bucephala clangula     
375f     8     Red-breasted Merganser    Mergus serrator     
375f     8     Mallard    Anas platyrhynchos     
375f     8     Wood Duck    Aix sponsa     
375f     8     Baikal Teal    Sibirionetta formosa     

1999.04   25.01.1999   Birds of prey   Sheet   
Merlin Falco columbarius Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Buffy Fish Owl Ketupa ketupu Crested Caracara Caracara plancus Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata
375f     104     Merlin    Falco columbarius     
375f     80     Boreal Owl    Aegolius funereus     
375f     78     Golden Eagle    Aquila chrysaetos     
375f     80     Buffy Fish Owl    Ketupa ketupu     
375f     104     Crested Caracara    Caracara plancus     
375f     80     Spectacled Owl    Pulsatrix perspicillata     

1999.05   25.01.1999   Protection of the world's environment   4v sheet   
Great Egret Ardea alba Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Tockus flavirostris
375f     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
375f     87     Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill    Tockus flavirostris     

1999.06   25.01.1999   Protection of the world's environment   4v sheet   
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri
375f     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     

1999.07   25.01.1999   Protection of the world's environment   4v sheet   
Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber
375f     73     Brown Pelican    Pelecanus occidentalis     
and     35     American Flamingo    Phoenicopterus ruber     
375f     35     American Flamingo    Phoenicopterus ruber     
375f     35     American Flamingo    Phoenicopterus ruber     

1999.08   25.01.1999   Fauna and flora   8v sheet   
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome
150f     59     Southern Rockhopper Penguin    Eudyptes chrysocome     

1999.09   25.01.1999   Fauna and flora   8v sheet   
Nene Branta sandvicensis
150f     8     Nene    Branta sandvicensis     

1999.10   25.01.1999   Fauna and flora   8v sheet   
American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber
150f     35     American Flamingo    Phoenicopterus ruber     

1999.11   25.01.1999   Fauna and flora      
Red-crowned Amazon Amazona viridigenalis Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua
1500f     107     Red-crowned Amazon    Amazona viridigenalis     MS
1500f     59     Gentoo Penguin    Pygoscelis papua     MS

1999.12   25.01.1999   Prehistoric animals   12v sheet   
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx lithografica
150f          Archaeopteryx    Archaeopteryx lithografica     

1999.13   25.01.1999   Prehistoric animals      
Diatryma Diatryma sp
1500f          Diatryma    Diatryma sp     MS

2009.01   07.01.2009   Audubon & Gould   Sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Blue Jay  Cyanocitta cristata Elegant Trogon  Trogon elegans Passenger Pigeon  Ectopistes migratorius † Blue-and-yellow Tanager  Rauenia bonariensis Northern Raven  Corvus corax Arfak Astrapia  Astrapia nigra
125f     166     Blue Jay    Cyanocitta cristata     
150f     83     Elegant Trogon    Trogon elegans     
225f     27     Passenger Pigeon    Ectopistes migratorius †     
300f     254     Blue-and-yellow Tanager    Rauenia bonariensis     
400f     166     Northern Raven    Corvus corax     
1000f     170     Arfak Astrapia    Astrapia nigra     

2009.02   07.01.2009   Audubon & Gould      
Bullock's Oriole Icterus bullockii
3000f     250     Bullock's Oriole    Icterus bullockii     MS
and          Not identified    Not identified     

2009.03   07.01.2009   Lighthouses   Sheet   

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Egyptian Goose  Alopochen aegyptiaca Kelp Gull  Larus dominicanus Red-throated Loon  Gavia stellata Wilson's Storm Petrel  Oceanites oceanicus Shy Albatross  Thalassarche cauta Pink-backed Pelican  Pelecanus rufescens
125f     8     Egyptian Goose    Alopochen aegyptiaca     
150f     52     Kelp Gull    Larus dominicanus     
225f     58     Red-throated Loon    Gavia stellata     
300f     60     Wilson's Storm Petrel    Oceanites oceanicus     
400f     61     Shy Albatross    Thalassarche cauta     
1000f     73     Pink-backed Pelican    Pelecanus rufescens     

2009.04   07.01.2009   Lighthouses      
Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus
3000f     57     Red-billed Tropicbird    Phaethon aethereus     MS

2009.05   02.03.2009   Kingfishers   Sheet   

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Giant Kingfisher  Megaceryle maxima Common Kingfisher  Alcedo atthis Woodland Kingfisher  Halcyon senegalensis African Pygmy Kingfisher  Ispidina picta Collared Kingfisher  Todiramphus chloris Malachite Kingfisher  Corythornis cristatus
200f     90     Giant Kingfisher    Megaceryle maxima     
250f     90     Common Kingfisher    Alcedo atthis     
350f     90     Woodland Kingfisher    Halcyon senegalensis     
450f     90     African Pygmy Kingfisher    Ispidina picta     
500f     90     Collared Kingfisher    Todiramphus chloris     
1000f     90     Malachite Kingfisher    Corythornis cristatus     

2009.06   02.03.2009   Kingfishers      
Blue-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon malimbica
3000f     90     Blue-breasted Kingfisher    Halcyon malimbica     MS

2009.07   02.03.2009   Owls   Sheet   

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Pemba Scops Owl  Otus pembaensis Southern White-faced Owl  Ptilopsis granti Western Barn Owl  Tyto alba Long-eared Owl  Asio otus African Wood Owl  Strix woodfordii Short-eared Owl  Asio flammeus
200f     80     Pemba Scops Owl    Otus pembaensis     
250f     80     Southern White-faced Owl    Ptilopsis granti     
350f     79     Western Barn Owl    Tyto alba     
450f     80     Long-eared Owl    Asio otus     
500f     80     African Wood Owl    Strix woodfordii     
1000f     80     Short-eared Owl    Asio flammeus     

2009.08   02.03.2009   Owls      
Spotted Eagle-Owl Bubo africanus
3000f     80     Spotted Eagle-Owl    Bubo africanus     MS

2009.09   01.07.2009   Charles Darwin   6v sheet   
Levaillant's Cisticola Cisticola tinniens Fischer's Lovebird Agapornis fischeri Von der Decken's Hornbill Tockus deckeni
125f     201     Levaillant's Cisticola    Cisticola tinniens     
225f     108     Fischer's Lovebird    Agapornis fischeri     
300f     87     Von der Decken's Hornbill    Tockus deckeni     

2009.10   05.09.2009   Bee-eaters   Sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater  Merops persicus Olive Bee-eater  Merops superciliosus Blue-cheeked Bee-eater  Merops persicus Olive Bee-eater  Merops superciliosus Olive Bee-eater  Merops superciliosus
350f     93     Blue-cheeked Bee-eater    Merops persicus     
350f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     
350f     93     Blue-cheeked Bee-eater    Merops persicus     
350f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     
350f     93     Olive Bee-eater    Merops superciliosus     

2009.11   05.09.2009   Bee-eaters      
European Bee-eater Merops apiaster
3000f     93     European Bee-eater    Merops apiaster     MS

2009.12   05.09.2009   Ducks   Sheet   

Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
White-faced Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna viduata White-faced Whistling Duck  Dendrocygna viduata
350f     8     White-faced Whistling Duck    Dendrocygna viduata     
350f     8     White-faced Whistling Duck    Dendrocygna viduata     
350f     8     White-faced Whistling Duck    Dendrocygna viduata     
350f     8     White-faced Whistling Duck    Dendrocygna viduata     
350f     8     White-faced Whistling Duck    Dendrocygna viduata     

2009.13   05.09.2009   Ducks      
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata
3000f     8     White-faced Whistling Duck    Dendrocygna viduata     MS

2009.14   05.09.2009   Raptors   Sheet   

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Black Kite  Milvus migrans Black Kite  Milvus migrans Black Kite  Milvus migrans Black Kite  Milvus migrans Black Kite  Milvus migrans
350f     78     Black Kite    Milvus migrans     
350f     78     Black Kite    Milvus migrans     
350f     78     Black Kite    Milvus migrans     
350f     78     Black Kite    Milvus migrans     
350f     78     Black Kite    Milvus migrans     

2009.15   05.09.2009   Raptors      
Black Kite Milvus migrans
3000f     78     Black Kite    Milvus migrans     MS

2009.16   05.09.2009   Parrots   Sheet   

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Grey-headed Lovebird  Agapornis canus Comoro Black Parrot  Coracopsis sibilans Comoro Black Parrot  Coracopsis sibilans Comoro Black Parrot  Coracopsis sibilans Comoro Black Parrot  Coracopsis sibilans
350f     108     Grey-headed Lovebird    Agapornis canus     
350f     108     Comoro Black Parrot    Coracopsis sibilans     
350f     108     Comoro Black Parrot    Coracopsis sibilans     
350f     108     Comoro Black Parrot    Coracopsis sibilans     
350f     108     Comoro Black Parrot    Coracopsis sibilans     

2009.17   05.09.2009   Parrots      
Comoro Black Parrot Coracopsis sibilans
3000f     108     Comoro Black Parrot    Coracopsis sibilans     MS

2009.18   05.09.2009   Pigeons   Sheet   

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Rock Dove  Columba livia European Turtle Dove  Streptopelia turtur Madagascar Green Pigeon  Treron australis Ring-necked Dove  Streptopelia capicola Comoro Blue Pigeon  Alectroenas sganzini
450f     27     Rock Dove    Columba livia     
450f     27     European Turtle Dove    Streptopelia turtur     
450f     27     Madagascar Green Pigeon    Treron australis     
450f     27     Ring-necked Dove    Streptopelia capicola     
450f     27     Comoro Blue Pigeon    Alectroenas sganzini     

2009.19   05.09.2009   Pigeons      
Tambourine Dove Turtur tympanistria
3000f     27     Tambourine Dove    Turtur tympanistria     MS

2009.20   05.09.2009   Terns   Sheet   

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Black-naped Tern  Sterna sumatrana Caspian Tern  Hydroprogne caspia Greater Crested Tern  Thalasseus bergii Gull-billed Tern  Gelochelidon nilotica Sooty Tern  Onychoprion fuscatus
450f     52     Black-naped Tern    Sterna sumatrana     
450f     52     Caspian Tern    Hydroprogne caspia     
450f     52     Greater Crested Tern    Thalasseus bergii     
450f     52     Gull-billed Tern    Gelochelidon nilotica     
450f     52     Sooty Tern    Onychoprion fuscatus     

2009.21   05.09.2009   Terns      
Brown Noddy Anous stolidus
3000f     52     Brown Noddy    Anous stolidus     MS

2009.22   05.09.2009   Owls   Sheet   

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Western Barn Owl  Tyto alba Karthala Scops Owl  Otus pauliani Anjouan Scops Owl  Otus capnodes Rainforest Scops Owl  Otus rutilus Western Barn Owl  Tyto alba
450f     79     Western Barn Owl    Tyto alba     
450f     80     Karthala Scops Owl    Otus pauliani     
450f     80     Anjouan Scops Owl    Otus capnodes     
450f     80     Rainforest Scops Owl    Otus rutilus     
450f     79     Western Barn Owl    Tyto alba     

2009.23   05.09.2009   Owls      
Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica
3000f     80     Brown Wood Owl    Strix leptogrammica     MS

2009.24   05.09.2009   Flamingos   Sheet   

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Lesser Flamingo  Phoeniconaias minor Greater Flamingo  Phoenicopterus roseus Greater Flamingo  Phoenicopterus roseus Greater Flamingo  Phoenicopterus roseus Lesser Flamingo  Phoeniconaias minor
450f     35     Lesser Flamingo    Phoeniconaias minor     
450f     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     
450f     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     
450f     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     
450f     35     Lesser Flamingo    Phoeniconaias minor     
and     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     

2009.25   05.09.2009   Flamingos      
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
3000f     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     MS

2009.26   05.09.2009   Falcons   Sheet   

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Eleonora's Falcon  Falco eleonorae Eleonora's Falcon  Falco eleonorae Peregrine Falcon  Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon  Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon  Falco peregrinus
450f     104     Eleonora's Falcon    Falco eleonorae     
and     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     
450f     104     Eleonora's Falcon    Falco eleonorae     
and     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     
450f     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     
and     104     American Kestrel    Falco sparverius     
450f     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     
450f     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     
and     104     Eleonora's Falcon    Falco eleonorae     

2009.27   05.09.2009   Falcons      
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
3000f     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     MS

2009.28   05.09.2009   Wading birds   Sheet   

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Black-tailed Godwit  Limosa limosa Terek Sandpiper  Xenus cinereus Sanderling  Calidris alba Pin-tailed Snipe  Gallinago stenura Bar-tailed Godwit  Limosa lapponica
350f     49     Black-tailed Godwit    Limosa limosa     
350f     49     Terek Sandpiper    Xenus cinereus     
350f     49     Sanderling    Calidris alba     
350f     49     Pin-tailed Snipe    Gallinago stenura     
350f     49     Bar-tailed Godwit    Limosa lapponica     

2009.29   05.09.2009   Wading birds      
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
3000f     49     Wood Sandpiper    Tringa glareola     MS

2009.30   05.09.2009   Herons   Sheet   

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Striated Heron  Butorides striata Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea Great Egret  Ardea alba Western Reef Heron  Egretta gularis Western Cattle Egret  Ardea ibis
350f     70     Striated Heron    Butorides striata     
350f     70     Grey Heron    Ardea cinerea     
350f     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
350f     70     Western Reef Heron    Egretta gularis     
350f     70     Western Cattle Egret    Ardea ibis     

2009.31   05.09.2009   Herons      
Great Egret Ardea alba
3000f     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     MS

2009.32   05.09.2009   Darter   Sheet   

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African Darter  Anhinga rufa African Darter  Anhinga rufa African Darter  Anhinga rufa African Darter  Anhinga rufa African Darter  Anhinga rufa
350f     67     African Darter    Anhinga rufa     
350f     67     African Darter    Anhinga rufa     
350f     67     African Darter    Anhinga rufa     
350f     67     African Darter    Anhinga rufa     
350f     67     African Darter    Anhinga rufa     

2009.33   05.09.2009   Darter      
African Darter Anhinga rufa
3000f     67     African Darter    Anhinga rufa     MS

2009.34   05.09.2009   Orioles   Sheet   

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Black-headed Oriole  Oriolus larvatus Eurasian Golden Oriole  Oriolus oriolus Black-hooded Oriole  Oriolus xanthornus Black-naped Oriole  Oriolus chinensis Eurasian Golden Oriole  Oriolus oriolus
350f     160     Black-headed Oriole    Oriolus larvatus     
350f     160     Eurasian Golden Oriole    Oriolus oriolus     
350f     160     Black-hooded Oriole    Oriolus xanthornus     
350f     160     Black-naped Oriole    Oriolus chinensis     
350f     160     Eurasian Golden Oriole    Oriolus oriolus     

2009.35   05.09.2009   Orioles      
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis
3000f     160     Black-naped Oriole    Oriolus chinensis     MS

2009.36   14.12.2009   Polar year   4v sheet   
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus
500f     59     Adelie Penguin    Pygoscelis adeliae     
500f     80     Snowy Owl    Bubo scandiacus     

2009.37   14.12.2009   Ports of the Indian Ocean   Sheet   

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Black-naped Tern  Sterna sumatrana Greater Crested Tern  Thalasseus bergii Sandwich Tern  Thalasseus sandvicensis White-cheeked Tern  Sterna repressa
500f     52     Black-naped Tern    Sterna sumatrana     
500f     52     Greater Crested Tern    Thalasseus bergii     
500f     52     Sandwich Tern    Thalasseus sandvicensis     
500f     52     White-cheeked Tern    Sterna repressa     

2009.38   14.12.2009   Ports of the Indian Ocean      
River Tern Sterna aurantia
3000f     52     River Tern    Sterna aurantia     MS

2009.39   14.12.2009   Indian Ocean birds   Sheet   

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Snow Petrel  Pagodroma nivea Cory's Shearwater  Calonectris borealis Red-footed Booby  Sula sula Great Frigatebird  Fregata minor
500f     63     Snow Petrel    Pagodroma nivea     
and     61     Snowy Albatross    Diomedea exulans     
and     71     Hamerkop    Scopus umbretta     
500f     64     African Openbill    Anastomus lamelligerus     
and     57     White-tailed Tropicbird    Phaethon lepturus     
and     63     Cory's Shearwater    Calonectris borealis     
500f     66     Red-footed Booby    Sula sula     
and     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
500f     65     Great Frigatebird    Fregata minor     
and     66     Brown Booby    Sula leucogaster     

2009.40   14.12.2009   Indian Ocean birds      
Goliath Heron Ardea goliath
3000f     70     Goliath Heron    Ardea goliath     MS
and     57     Red-billed Tropicbird    Phaethon aethereus     
and     64     Black Stork    Ciconia nigra     

2009.41   14.12.2009   Indian Ocean birds and lighthouses   Sheet   

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Scaly Ground Roller  Geobiastes squamiger Swift Parrot  Lathamus discolor Madagascar Blue Pigeon  Alectroenas madagascariensis Helmet Vanga  Euryceros prevostii
500f     89     Scaly Ground Roller    Geobiastes squamiger     
500f     108     Swift Parrot    Lathamus discolor     
500f     27     Madagascar Blue Pigeon    Alectroenas madagascariensis     
500f     147     Helmet Vanga    Euryceros prevostii     

2009.42   14.12.2009   Indian Ocean birds and lighthouses      
Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides
3000f     90     Malagasy Kingfisher    Corythornis vintsioides     MS

2009.43   14.12.2009   Prehistoric animals   4v sheet   
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx lithografica
500f          Archaeopteryx    Archaeopteryx lithografica     

2009.44   14.12.2009   Antarctic animals   4v sheet   
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri Snow Petrel Pagodroma nivea
500f     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     
500f     63     Snow Petrel    Pagodroma nivea     

2011.01   28.07.2011   Owls, Philanippon   Sheet   

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Long-whiskered Owlet  Xenoglaux loweryi Western Barn Owl  Tyto alba Lesser Sooty Owl  Tyto multipunctata Spectacled Owl  Pulsatrix perspicillata Great Grey Owl  Strix nebulosa
400f     80     Long-whiskered Owlet    Xenoglaux loweryi     
400f     79     Western Barn Owl    Tyto alba     
400f     79     Lesser Sooty Owl    Tyto multipunctata     
400f     80     Spectacled Owl    Pulsatrix perspicillata     
400f     80     Great Grey Owl    Strix nebulosa     

2011.02   28.07.2011   Owls, Philanippon      
Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus
2000f     80     Northern Saw-whet Owl    Aegolius acadicus     MS

2011.03   28.07.2011   Owls   Sheet   

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Western Barn Owl  Tyto alba Little Owl  Athene noctua Tawny Owl  Strix aluco Marsh Owl  Asio capensis Eurasian Eagle-Owl  Bubo bubo
500f     79     Western Barn Owl    Tyto alba     
500f     80     Little Owl    Athene noctua     
500f     80     Tawny Owl    Strix aluco     
500f     80     Marsh Owl    Asio capensis     
500f     80     Eurasian Eagle-Owl    Bubo bubo     

2011.04   28.07.2011   Owls      
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus
2500f     80     Short-eared Owl    Asio flammeus     MS

2011.05   28.07.2011   Peafowls   Sheet   

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Green Peafowl  Pavo muticus Green Peafowl  Pavo muticus Indian Peafowl  Pavo cristatus Indian Peafowl  Pavo cristatus Indian Peafowl  Pavo cristatus
500f     13     Green Peafowl    Pavo muticus     
500f     13     Green Peafowl    Pavo muticus     
500f     13     Indian Peafowl    Pavo cristatus     
500f     13     Indian Peafowl    Pavo cristatus     
500f     13     Indian Peafowl    Pavo cristatus     

2011.06   28.07.2011   Peafowls      
Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus
2500f     13     Indian Peafowl    Pavo cristatus     MS

2011.07   28.07.2011   Wading birds   Sheet   

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Greater Flamingo  Phoenicopterus roseus Saddle-billed Stork  Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis Great Egret  Ardea alba Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea Lesser Flamingo  Phoeniconaias minor
500f     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     
500f     64     Saddle-billed Stork    Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis     
500f     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
500f     70     Grey Heron    Ardea cinerea     
500f     35     Lesser Flamingo    Phoeniconaias minor     

2011.08   28.07.2011   Wading birds      
Great Egret Ardea alba
2500f     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     MS

2011.09   28.07.2011   Birds of prey   Sheet   

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Rüppell's Vulture  Gyps rueppelli White-backed Vulture  Gyps africanus Egyptian Vulture  Neophron percnopterus Lappet-faced Vulture  Torgos tracheliotos White-rumped Vulture  Gyps bengalensis
500f     78     Rüppell's Vulture    Gyps rueppelli     
500f     78     White-backed Vulture    Gyps africanus     
500f     78     Egyptian Vulture    Neophron percnopterus     
500f     78     Lappet-faced Vulture    Torgos tracheliotos     
500f     78     White-rumped Vulture    Gyps bengalensis     

2011.10   28.07.2011   Birds of prey      
Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus
2500f     78     Hooded Vulture    Necrosyrtes monachus     MS

Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Southern Africa, group of islands in the Mozambique Channel
Population: 731,700
Climate: tropical marine; rainy season
Terrain: volcanic islands, interiors vary from steep mountains to low hills

Birds: 146 species. 14 endemic species.

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