2f |
229 |
Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis |
10f |
90 |
Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides |
15f |
231 |
Comoro Fody Foudia eminentissima |
30f |
82 |
Cuckoo-roller Leptosomus discolor |
75f |
163 |
Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata |
100f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
5f |
70 |
Great Egret Ardea alba |
10f |
27 |
Comoro Olive Pigeon Columba pollenii |
15f |
70 |
Striated Heron Butorides striata |
25f |
27 |
Comoro Blue Pigeon Alectroenas sganzini |
35f |
225 |
Humblot's Flycatcher Humblotia flavirostris |
40f |
30 |
Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni |
1975.01 |
Overprint ETAT COMORIEN on 1967.01 |
10f |
229 |
Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis |
1975.02 |
Overprint ETAT COMORIEN on 1971.01 |
40f |
30 |
Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni |
1976.01 |
30.12.1976 |
Endangered animals |
6v set |
15f |
75 |
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus |
1977.01 |
14.04.1977 |
Endangered animals |
6v set |
400f |
59 |
Galapagos Penguin Spheniscus mendiculus |
15f |
30 |
Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni |
20f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
35f |
90 |
Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides |
40f |
163 |
Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata |
75f |
229 |
Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis |
400f |
70 |
Little Egret Egretta garzetta |
500f |
231 |
Comoro Fody Foudia eminentissima |
MS |
1979.01 |
10.04.1979 |
Fauna |
3v set |
50f |
82 |
Cuckoo-roller Leptosomus discolor |
75f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
1979.02 |
02.05.1979 |
Overprint Republique Federale… on 1978.01 |
15f |
30 |
Allen's Gallinule Porphyrio alleni |
30f |
90 |
Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides |
50f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
50f |
163 |
Malagasy Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone mutata |
200f |
229 |
Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis |
1981.01 |
Surcharge on 1979.01 |
60f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
1985.01 |
15.01.1985 |
Audubon |
100f |
188 |
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica |
125f |
250 |
Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula |
150f |
78 |
Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus |
500f |
102 |
Red-breasted Sapsucker Sphyrapicus ruber |
1989.01 |
15.03.1989 |
Scouts |
6v set |
375f |
232 |
Bronze Mannikin Spermestes cucullata |
500f |
204 |
Malagasy White-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus |
1989.02 |
15.03.1989 |
Scouts |
6v sheet |
1989.01 |
375f |
232 |
Bronze Mannikin Spermestes cucullata |
500f |
204 |
Malagasy White-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus |
1989.03 |
15.03.1989 |
Scouts |
1989.01 |
375f |
232 |
Bronze Mannikin Spermestes cucullata |
MS |
500f |
204 |
Malagasy White-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus |
MS |
1989.04 |
15.03.1989 |
Scouts |
750f |
231 |
Forest Fody Foudia omissa |
MS |
1989.05 |
15.03.1989 |
Scouts |
1500f |
108 |
Grey-headed Lovebird Agapornis canus |
MS |
1994.01 |
05.04.1994 |
Prehistoric animals |
16v sheet |
150f |
Diatryma Diatryma sp |
525f |
Euryapteryx Euryapteryx sp |
1998.01 |
10.08.1998 |
Marine life |
9v sheet |
150f |
52 |
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus |
150f |
52 |
Franklin's Gull Leucophaeus pipixcan |
1998.02 |
10.08.1998 |
Marine life |
12v sheet |
200f |
61 |
Snowy Albatross Diomedea exulans |
175f |
229 |
Regal Sunbird Cinnyris regius |
175f |
90 |
Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus |
175f |
165 |
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach |
175f |
100 |
Red-and-yellow Barbet Trachyphonus erythrocephalus |
175f |
232 |
Green-winged Pytilia Pytilia melba |
175f |
88 |
Lilac-breasted Roller Coracias caudatus |
175f |
11 |
Vulturine Guineafowl Acryllium vulturinum |
175f |
231 |
Southern Red Bishop Euplectes orix |
175f |
23 |
Southern Black Korhaan Afrotis afra |
1998.04 |
Birds of prey |
Sheet |
200f |
78 |
Shikra Tachyspiza badia |
200f |
78 |
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis |
200f |
78 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
200f |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
200f |
78 |
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
200f |
78 |
Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus |
200f |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
200f |
77 |
Osprey Pandion haliaetus |
200f |
78 |
Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja |
75f |
254 |
Green-headed Tanager Tangara seledon |
75f |
54 |
Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica |
150f |
30 |
Water Rail Rallus aquaticus |
150f |
229 |
Fork-tailed Sunbird Aethopyga christinae |
200f |
13 |
Black Francolin Francolinus francolinus |
200f |
13 |
Himalayan Monal Lophophorus impejanus |
375f |
130 |
Splendid Fairywren Malurus splendens |
375f |
208 |
Silver-eared Mesia Leiothrix argentauris |
1500f |
98 |
White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus |
MS |
1500f |
46 |
Northern Jacana Jacana spinosa |
MS |
1999.03 |
25.01.1999 |
Waterbirds |
Sheet |
375f |
8 |
Common Pochard Aythya ferina |
375f |
8 |
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula |
375f |
8 |
Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator |
375f |
8 |
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos |
375f |
8 |
Wood Duck Aix sponsa |
375f |
8 |
Baikal Teal Sibirionetta formosa |
1999.04 |
25.01.1999 |
Birds of prey |
Sheet |
375f |
104 |
Merlin Falco columbarius |
375f |
80 |
Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus |
375f |
78 |
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos |
375f |
80 |
Buffy Fish Owl Ketupa ketupu |
375f |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
375f |
80 |
Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata |
1999.05 |
25.01.1999 |
Protection of the world's environment |
4v sheet |
375f |
70 |
Great Egret Ardea alba |
375f |
87 |
Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Tockus flavirostris |
1999.06 |
25.01.1999 |
Protection of the world's environment |
4v sheet |
375f |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
1999.07 |
25.01.1999 |
Protection of the world's environment |
4v sheet |
375f |
73 |
Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis |
and |
35 |
American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber |
375f |
35 |
American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber |
375f |
35 |
American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber |
1999.08 |
25.01.1999 |
Fauna and flora |
8v sheet |
150f |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1999.09 |
25.01.1999 |
Fauna and flora |
8v sheet |
150f |
8 |
Nene Branta sandvicensis |
1999.10 |
25.01.1999 |
Fauna and flora |
8v sheet |
150f |
35 |
American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber |
1999.11 |
25.01.1999 |
Fauna and flora |
1500f |
107 |
Red-crowned Amazon Amazona viridigenalis |
MS |
1500f |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
MS |
1999.12 |
25.01.1999 |
Prehistoric animals |
12v sheet |
150f |
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx lithografica |
1999.13 |
25.01.1999 |
Prehistoric animals |
1500f |
Diatryma Diatryma sp |
MS |
2009.01 |
07.01.2009 |
Audubon & Gould |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
125f |
166 |
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata |
150f |
83 |
Elegant Trogon Trogon elegans |
225f |
27 |
Passenger Pigeon Ectopistes migratorius † |
300f |
254 |
Blue-and-yellow Tanager Rauenia bonariensis |
400f |
166 |
Northern Raven Corvus corax |
1000f |
170 |
Arfak Astrapia Astrapia nigra |
2009.02 |
07.01.2009 |
Audubon & Gould |
3000f |
250 |
Bullock's Oriole Icterus bullockii |
MS |
and |
Not identified Not identified |
2009.03 |
07.01.2009 |
Lighthouses |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
125f |
8 |
Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca |
150f |
52 |
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus |
225f |
58 |
Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata |
300f |
60 |
Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus |
400f |
61 |
Shy Albatross Thalassarche cauta |
1000f |
73 |
Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens |
2009.04 |
07.01.2009 |
Lighthouses |
3000f |
57 |
Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus |
MS |
2009.05 |
02.03.2009 |
Kingfishers |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
200f |
90 |
Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima |
250f |
90 |
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis |
350f |
90 |
Woodland Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis |
450f |
90 |
African Pygmy Kingfisher Ispidina picta |
500f |
90 |
Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus chloris |
1000f |
90 |
Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus |
2009.06 |
02.03.2009 |
Kingfishers |
3000f |
90 |
Blue-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon malimbica |
MS |
2009.07 |
02.03.2009 |
Owls |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
200f |
80 |
Pemba Scops Owl Otus pembaensis |
250f |
80 |
Southern White-faced Owl Ptilopsis granti |
350f |
79 |
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba |
450f |
80 |
Long-eared Owl Asio otus |
500f |
80 |
African Wood Owl Strix woodfordii |
1000f |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
3000f |
80 |
Spotted Eagle-Owl Bubo africanus |
MS |
2009.09 |
01.07.2009 |
Charles Darwin |
6v sheet |
125f |
201 |
Levaillant's Cisticola Cisticola tinniens |
225f |
108 |
Fischer's Lovebird Agapornis fischeri |
300f |
87 |
Von der Decken's Hornbill Tockus deckeni |
2009.10 |
05.09.2009 |
Bee-eaters |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
93 |
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus |
350f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
350f |
93 |
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus |
350f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
350f |
93 |
Olive Bee-eater Merops superciliosus |
2009.11 |
05.09.2009 |
Bee-eaters |
3000f |
93 |
European Bee-eater Merops apiaster |
MS |
2009.12 |
05.09.2009 |
Ducks |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
8 |
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata |
350f |
8 |
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata |
350f |
8 |
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata |
350f |
8 |
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata |
350f |
8 |
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata |
3000f |
8 |
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata |
MS |
2009.14 |
05.09.2009 |
Raptors |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
78 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
350f |
78 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
350f |
78 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
350f |
78 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
350f |
78 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
2009.15 |
05.09.2009 |
Raptors |
3000f |
78 |
Black Kite Milvus migrans |
MS |
2009.16 |
05.09.2009 |
Parrots |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
108 |
Grey-headed Lovebird Agapornis canus |
350f |
108 |
Comoro Black Parrot Coracopsis sibilans |
350f |
108 |
Comoro Black Parrot Coracopsis sibilans |
350f |
108 |
Comoro Black Parrot Coracopsis sibilans |
350f |
108 |
Comoro Black Parrot Coracopsis sibilans |
2009.17 |
05.09.2009 |
Parrots |
3000f |
108 |
Comoro Black Parrot Coracopsis sibilans |
MS |
2009.18 |
05.09.2009 |
Pigeons |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
450f |
27 |
Rock Dove Columba livia |
450f |
27 |
European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur |
450f |
27 |
Madagascar Green Pigeon Treron australis |
450f |
27 |
Ring-necked Dove Streptopelia capicola |
450f |
27 |
Comoro Blue Pigeon Alectroenas sganzini |
2009.19 |
05.09.2009 |
Pigeons |
3000f |
27 |
Tambourine Dove Turtur tympanistria |
MS |
2009.20 |
05.09.2009 |
Terns |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
450f |
52 |
Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana |
450f |
52 |
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia |
450f |
52 |
Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii |
450f |
52 |
Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica |
450f |
52 |
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus |
3000f |
52 |
Brown Noddy Anous stolidus |
MS |
2009.22 |
05.09.2009 |
Owls |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
450f |
79 |
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba |
450f |
80 |
Karthala Scops Owl Otus pauliani |
450f |
80 |
Anjouan Scops Owl Otus capnodes |
450f |
80 |
Rainforest Scops Owl Otus rutilus |
450f |
79 |
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba |
3000f |
80 |
Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica |
MS |
2009.24 |
05.09.2009 |
Flamingos |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
450f |
35 |
Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor |
450f |
35 |
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus |
450f |
35 |
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus |
450f |
35 |
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus |
450f |
35 |
Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor |
and |
35 |
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus |
2009.25 |
05.09.2009 |
Flamingos |
3000f |
35 |
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus |
MS |
2009.26 |
05.09.2009 |
Falcons |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
450f |
104 |
Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae |
and |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
450f |
104 |
Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae |
and |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
450f |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
and |
104 |
American Kestrel Falco sparverius |
450f |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
450f |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
and |
104 |
Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae |
2009.27 |
05.09.2009 |
Falcons |
3000f |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
MS |
2009.28 |
05.09.2009 |
Wading birds |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
49 |
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa |
350f |
49 |
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus |
350f |
49 |
Sanderling Calidris alba |
350f |
49 |
Pin-tailed Snipe Gallinago stenura |
350f |
49 |
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica |
2009.29 |
05.09.2009 |
Wading birds |
3000f |
49 |
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola |
MS |
2009.30 |
05.09.2009 |
Herons |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
70 |
Striated Heron Butorides striata |
350f |
70 |
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea |
350f |
70 |
Great Egret Ardea alba |
350f |
70 |
Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis |
350f |
70 |
Western Cattle Egret Ardea ibis |
2009.31 |
05.09.2009 |
Herons |
3000f |
70 |
Great Egret Ardea alba |
MS |
2009.32 |
05.09.2009 |
Darter |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
67 |
African Darter Anhinga rufa |
350f |
67 |
African Darter Anhinga rufa |
350f |
67 |
African Darter Anhinga rufa |
350f |
67 |
African Darter Anhinga rufa |
350f |
67 |
African Darter Anhinga rufa |
2009.33 |
05.09.2009 |
Darter |
3000f |
67 |
African Darter Anhinga rufa |
MS |
2009.34 |
05.09.2009 |
Orioles |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
350f |
160 |
Black-headed Oriole Oriolus larvatus |
350f |
160 |
Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus |
350f |
160 |
Black-hooded Oriole Oriolus xanthornus |
350f |
160 |
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis |
350f |
160 |
Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus |
2009.35 |
05.09.2009 |
Orioles |
3000f |
160 |
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis |
MS |
2009.36 |
14.12.2009 |
Polar year |
4v sheet |
500f |
59 |
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae |
500f |
80 |
Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus |
2009.37 |
14.12.2009 |
Ports of the Indian Ocean |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
500f |
52 |
Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana |
500f |
52 |
Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii |
500f |
52 |
Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis |
500f |
52 |
White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa |
2009.38 |
14.12.2009 |
Ports of the Indian Ocean |
3000f |
52 |
River Tern Sterna aurantia |
MS |
2009.39 |
14.12.2009 |
Indian Ocean birds |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
500f |
63 |
Snow Petrel Pagodroma nivea |
and |
61 |
Snowy Albatross Diomedea exulans |
and |
71 |
Hamerkop Scopus umbretta |
500f |
64 |
African Openbill Anastomus lamelligerus |
and |
57 |
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus |
and |
63 |
Cory's Shearwater Calonectris borealis |
500f |
66 |
Red-footed Booby Sula sula |
and |
70 |
Great Egret Ardea alba |
500f |
65 |
Great Frigatebird Fregata minor |
and |
66 |
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster |
2009.40 |
14.12.2009 |
Indian Ocean birds |
3000f |
70 |
Goliath Heron Ardea goliath |
MS |
and |
57 |
Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus |
and |
64 |
Black Stork Ciconia nigra |
2009.41 |
14.12.2009 |
Indian Ocean birds and lighthouses |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
500f |
89 |
Scaly Ground Roller Geobiastes squamiger |
500f |
108 |
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor |
500f |
27 |
Madagascar Blue Pigeon Alectroenas madagascariensis |
500f |
147 |
Helmet Vanga Euryceros prevostii |
2009.42 |
14.12.2009 |
Indian Ocean birds and lighthouses |
3000f |
90 |
Malagasy Kingfisher Corythornis vintsioides |
MS |
2009.43 |
14.12.2009 |
Prehistoric animals |
4v sheet |
500f |
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx lithografica |
2009.44 |
14.12.2009 |
Antarctic animals |
4v sheet |
500f |
59 |
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri |
500f |
63 |
Snow Petrel Pagodroma nivea |
2011.01 |
28.07.2011 |
Owls, Philanippon |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
400f |
80 |
Long-whiskered Owlet Xenoglaux loweryi |
400f |
79 |
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba |
400f |
79 |
Lesser Sooty Owl Tyto multipunctata |
400f |
80 |
Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata |
400f |
80 |
Great Grey Owl Strix nebulosa |
2011.02 |
28.07.2011 |
Owls, Philanippon |
2000f |
80 |
Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus |
MS |
2011.03 |
28.07.2011 |
Owls |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
500f |
79 |
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba |
500f |
80 |
Little Owl Athene noctua |
500f |
80 |
Tawny Owl Strix aluco |
500f |
80 |
Marsh Owl Asio capensis |
500f |
80 |
Eurasian Eagle-Owl Bubo bubo |
2500f |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
MS |
2011.05 |
28.07.2011 |
Peafowls |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
500f |
13 |
Green Peafowl Pavo muticus |
500f |
13 |
Green Peafowl Pavo muticus |
500f |
13 |
Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus |
500f |
13 |
Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus |
500f |
13 |
Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus |
2011.06 |
28.07.2011 |
Peafowls |
2500f |
13 |
Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus |
MS |
2011.07 |
28.07.2011 |
Wading birds |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
500f |
35 |
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus |
500f |
64 |
Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis |
500f |
70 |
Great Egret Ardea alba |
500f |
70 |
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea |
500f |
35 |
Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor |
2011.08 |
28.07.2011 |
Wading birds |
2500f |
70 |
Great Egret Ardea alba |
MS |
2011.09 |
28.07.2011 |
Birds of prey |
Sheet |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
500f |
78 |
Rüppell's Vulture Gyps rueppelli |
500f |
78 |
White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus |
500f |
78 |
Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus |
500f |
78 |
Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotos |
500f |
78 |
White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis |
2011.10 |
28.07.2011 |
Birds of prey |
2500f |
78 |
Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus |
MS |
Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Southern Africa, group of islands in the Mozambique Channel
Population: 731,700
Climate: tropical marine; rainy season
Terrain: volcanic islands, interiors vary from steep mountains to low hills
Birds: 146 species. 14 endemic species.
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