½d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
2d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
2½d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
4d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
6d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
1s |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
2s6d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
5s |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
10s |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
1£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
= ½d |
1933.01 |
02.01.1933 |
British administration |
5s |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
1938.01 |
03.01.1938 |
Definitives |
1d |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
4d |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
2s6d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1941.01 |
14.07.1941 |
Definitives |
1938.01 |
2d |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
1946.01 |
10.12.1946 |
Definitives |
1s3d |
75 |
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura |
1949.01 |
15.06.1949 |
Definitives |
1938.01 |
2½d |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
1952.01 |
02.01.1952 |
Definitives, George VI |
2d |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
1s |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1s3d |
8 |
Kelp Goose Chloephaga hybrida |
1955.01 |
15.07.1955 |
Definitives, Elisabeth II |
1952.01 |
1s |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1956.01 |
03.09.1956 |
Definitives, Elisabeth II |
1952.01 |
2d |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
½d |
224 |
Austral Thrush Turdus falcklandii |
Upright wmk |
1d |
52 |
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus |
2d |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2½d |
250 |
Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca |
3d |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
4d |
8 |
Falkland Steamer Duck Tachyeres brachypterus |
5½d |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
6d |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
9d |
34 |
Silvery Grebe Podiceps occipitalis |
1s |
40 |
Magellanic Oystercatcher Haematopus leucopodus |
1s3d |
8 |
Yellow-billed Teal Anas flavirostris |
2s |
8 |
Kelp Goose Chloephaga hybrida |
5s |
68 |
King Shag Leucocarbo albiventer |
10s |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
1£ |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
1966.01 |
25.10.1966 |
Birds |
1960.01 |
½d |
224 |
Austral Thrush Turdus falcklandii |
Sideways wmk |
1974.01 |
06.03.1974 |
Tourism |
4v set |
5p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
15p |
250 |
Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca |
1975.01 |
31.12.1975 |
New coinage |
4v set |
5½p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
8p |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
10p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
1980.01 |
11.08.1980 |
Birds of prey |
3p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
11p |
78 |
Variable Hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma |
15p |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
25p |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
1982.01 |
06.12.1982 |
Passerine birds |
5p |
115 |
Blackish Cinclodes Cinclodes antarcticus |
10p |
238 |
Black-chinned Siskin Spinus barbatus |
13p |
215 |
Grass Wren Cistothorus platensis |
17p |
254 |
White-bridled Finch Melanodera melanodera |
25p |
236 |
Correndera Pipit Anthus correndera |
34p |
122 |
Dark-faced Ground Tyrant Muscisaxicola maclovianus |
1984.01 |
06.08.1984 |
Grebes |
17p |
34 |
Great Grebe Podiceps major |
22p |
34 |
Silvery Grebe Podiceps occipitalis |
52p |
34 |
White-tufted Grebe Rollandia rolland |
1984.02 |
05.11.1984 |
Nature conservation |
4v set |
6p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
and |
52 |
South American Tern Sterna hirundinacea |
and |
Vague |
1984.03 |
05.11.1984 |
Nature conservation |
4v sheet |
1984.02 |
6p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
and |
52 |
South American Tern Sterna hirundinacea |
and |
Vague |
1985.01 |
04.11.1985 |
Early naturalists, Joseph Paul Gaimard |
4v set |
27p |
63 |
Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix |
1986.01 |
25.08.1986 |
Rockhopper Penguin |
10p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
24p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
29p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
58p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1988.01 |
25.07.1988 |
Falkland Islands geese |
10p |
8 |
Kelp Goose Chloephaga hybrida |
24p |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
29p |
8 |
Ruddy-headed Goose Chloephaga rubidiceps |
58p |
8 |
Ashy-headed Goose Chloephaga poliocephala |
1990.01 |
09.04.1990 |
Nature reserves, Beauchene Island, Bird Island |
4v set |
26p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
31p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
and |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1990.02 |
03.10.1990 |
Black-browed Albatross |
12p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
26p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
31p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
62p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
1991.01 |
07.01.1991 |
Postage due |
1p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
2p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
= 1p |
3p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
= 1p |
4p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
= 1p |
5p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
= 1p |
10p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
= 1p |
20p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
= 1p |
50p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
= 1p |
2p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
6p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
12p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
20p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
31p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
62p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
1993.01 |
02.01.1993 |
Gulls and terns |
15p |
52 |
South American Tern Sterna hirundinacea |
31p |
52 |
Brown-hooded Gull Chroicocephalus maculipennis |
36p |
52 |
Dolphin Gull Leucophaeus scoresbii |
72p |
52 |
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus |
1993.02 |
01.10.1993 |
Tourism |
4v set |
34p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1994.01 |
24.10.1994 |
Falkland beaches (Volunteer Beach) |
4v set |
65p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
1995.01 |
01.03.1995 |
Shore birds |
17p |
40 |
Magellanic Oystercatcher Haematopus leucopodus |
35p |
43 |
Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestus |
40p |
40 |
Blackish Oystercatcher Haematopus ater |
65p |
43 |
Two-banded Plover Anarhynchus falklandicus |
1995.02 |
11.09.1995 |
Wildlife |
6v set |
35p |
8 |
Kelp Goose Chloephaga hybrida |
35p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
35p |
68 |
King Shag Leucocarbo albiventer |
35p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
35p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1997.01 |
02.01.1997 |
Magellanic Penguin |
17p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
35p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
40p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
65p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
1997.02 |
06.10.1997 |
Endangered species |
17p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
and |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
19p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
= 17p |
40p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
= 17p |
73p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
= 17p |
1998.01 |
14.07.1998 |
Rare visiting birds |
1p |
43 |
Tawny-throated Dotterel Oreopholus ruficollis |
2p |
49 |
Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica |
5p |
27 |
Eared Dove Zenaida auriculata |
9p |
34 |
Great Grebe Podiceps major |
10p |
43 |
Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis |
16p |
69 |
Buff-necked Ibis Theristicus caudatus |
30p |
8 |
Ashy-headed Goose Chloephaga poliocephala |
65p |
68 |
Red-legged Cormorant Poikilocarbo gaimardi |
88p |
8 |
Red Shoveler Spatula platalea |
1£ |
30 |
Red-fronted Coot Fulica rufifrons |
3£ |
35 |
Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis |
5£ |
122 |
Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana |
1998.02 |
14.07.1998 |
Rare visiting birds |
Booklet |
9p |
69 |
Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja |
17p |
107 |
Austral Parakeet Enicognathus ferrugineus |
1998.03 |
14.07.1998 |
Rare visiting birds |
Booklet |
35p |
104 |
American Kestrel Falco sparverius |
9p |
8 |
Chiloe Wigeon Mareca sibilatrix |
17p |
8 |
Crested Duck Lophonetta specularioides |
30p |
8 |
Yellow-billed Pintail Anas georgica |
35p |
8 |
Silver Teal Spatula versicolor |
40p |
8 |
Yellow-billed Teal Anas flavirostris |
65p |
8 |
Falkland Steamer Duck Tachyeres brachypterus |
1999.02 |
06.12.1999 |
Millennium |
6v set |
9p |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
9p |
52 |
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus |
30p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
30p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
2001.01 |
01.02.2001 |
Hong Kong 2001 |
Sheet |
37p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
37p |
78 |
Mountain Hawk-Eagle Nisaetus nipalensis |
2001.02 |
28.09.2001 |
Carcass Island |
4v set |
37p |
115 |
Blackish Cinclodes Cinclodes antarcticus |
43p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
2001.03 |
26.10.2001 |
Gentoo Penguins |
10p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
33p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
37p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
43p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2002.01 |
30.08.2002 |
WWF, penguins |
36p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
40p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
45p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
70p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
2002.02 |
30.08.2002 |
WWF, penguins |
Sheet |
2002.01 |
36p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
40p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
45p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
70p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
2002.03 |
31.10.2002 |
West Point Island |
4v set |
40p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
45p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
2003.01 |
21.07.2003 |
Bird definitives |
1p |
8 |
Chiloe Wigeon Mareca sibilatrix |
2p |
52 |
Dolphin Gull Leucophaeus scoresbii |
5p |
8 |
Falkland Steamer Duck Tachyeres brachypterus |
10p |
254 |
White-bridled Finch Melanodera melanodera |
22p |
34 |
White-tufted Grebe Rollandia rolland |
25p |
43 |
Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestus |
45p |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
50p |
122 |
Dark-faced Ground Tyrant Muscisaxicola maclovianus |
95p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
1£ |
78 |
Variable Hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma |
3£ |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
5£ |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
2003.02 |
11.09.2003 |
Bird definitives |
Booklet, sa |
* |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
2003.03 |
26.09.2003 |
BirdLife International |
22p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
22p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
40p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
1£ |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
2003.04 |
26.09.2003 |
BirdLife International |
Sheet |
2003.03 |
16p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
New |
22p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
22p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
40p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
1£ |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
2003.05 |
24.10.2003 |
New Island |
4v set |
40p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
45p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
2004.01 |
17.06.2004 |
Falklands Conservation 1979-2004 |
20p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
24p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
50p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1£ |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
and |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
2004.02 |
31.08.2004 |
Sir Rowland Hill, stamp on stamp |
4v set |
1933.01 |
50p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
2004.03 |
15.09.2004 |
Sea Lion Island |
4v set |
42p |
68 |
King Shag Leucocarbo albiventer |
50p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
18p |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
45p |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
50p |
79 |
American Barn Owl Tyto furcata |
1.50£ |
79 |
American Barn Owl Tyto furcata |
2£ |
79 |
American Barn Owl Tyto furcata |
MS |
2005.01 |
11.01.2005 |
Sea Lion Island |
2v strip |
2004.03 |
42p |
68 |
King Shag Leucocarbo albiventer |
"2005" |
2005.02 |
12.09.2005 |
Pebble Island |
4v set |
45p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
55p |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
2005.03 |
28.10.2005 |
H C Andersen |
4v set |
45p |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
and |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
and |
13 |
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus |
1£ |
188 |
Chilean Swallow Tachycineta leucopyga |
2005.04 |
02.12.2005 |
Postage due |
1p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
3p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
5p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
10p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
20p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
50p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2£ |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
3£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
5£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2006.01 |
10.02.2006 |
Night Heron |
24p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
55p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
80p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
1£ |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
25p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
25p |
68 |
King Shag Leucocarbo albiventer |
60p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
60p |
61 |
Snowy Albatross Diomedea exulans |
2006.03 |
18.09.2006 |
Bleaker Island |
4v set |
50p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
60p |
250 |
Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca |
2006.04 |
15.11.2006 |
Bird definitives |
"2006" |
20p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
25p |
43 |
Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestus |
2003.01 |
5£ |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
2003.01 |
25p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
50p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
60p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
85p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
2007.01 |
24.02.2007 |
Fisheries |
6v set |
60p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
2007.02 |
28.09.2007 |
Saunders Island |
4v set |
50p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
55p |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
2008.01 |
15.07.2008 |
Elephant Seals |
4v set |
1.10£ |
115 |
Blackish Cinclodes Cinclodes antarcticus |
2008.02 |
01.12.2008 |
Penguins |
AP |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
AP |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
AP |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AP |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
2008.03 |
01.12.2008 |
Penguins |
Sheet |
2008.02 |
AP |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
AP |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
AP |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AP |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
2009.01 |
23.04.2009 |
Charles Darwin |
4v set |
1.10£ |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
2009.02 |
19.10.2009 |
Albatrosses |
22p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
27p |
61 |
Grey-headed Albatross Thalassarche chrysostoma |
60p |
61 |
Light-mantled Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata |
90p |
61 |
Snowy Albatross Diomedea exulans |
2009.03 |
10.11.2009 |
WWF, Cobb's Wren |
27p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
65p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
90p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
1.10£ |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
2009.04 |
10.11.2009 |
WWF, Cobb's Wren |
Sheet with 4 sets |
2009.03 |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
27p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
No white frame |
65p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
No white frame |
90p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
No white frame |
1.10£ |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
No white frame |
2009.05 |
10.11.2009 |
Falklands Conservation, Cobb's Wren |
Sheet |
2009.03 |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
27p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
65p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
90p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
1.10£ |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
2010.01 |
08.07.2010 |
Petrels and Shearwaters |
White frames |
27p |
63 |
Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea |
70p |
63 |
White-chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis |
95p |
63 |
Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus |
1.15£ |
63 |
Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis |
2010.02 |
08.07.2010 |
Petrels and Shearwaters |
Sheet, no frames |
2010.01 |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
27p |
63 |
Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea |
70p |
63 |
White-chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis |
95p |
63 |
Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus |
1.15£ |
63 |
Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis |
2010.03 |
29.09.2010 |
Penguins |
White frames |
AL |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
AL |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
AL |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AL |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AL |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
AL |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2010.04 |
29.09.2010 |
Penguins |
Sheet, no frames |
2010.03 |
Click on thumbnail to launch image in popup
AL |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
AL |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
AL |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AL |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AL |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
AL |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2011.01 |
16.11.2011 |
Penguins, predators and prey |
4v set |
27p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1.15£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2012.01 |
14.06.2012 |
Anniversary of liberation |
6v set |
1.20£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2012.02 |
14.12.2012 |
Colour in nature |
4v set |
30p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
75p |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
2013.01 |
28.03.2013 |
Penguins, predators and prey |
4v set |
30p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
75p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1£ |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
2013.02 |
03.10.2013 |
Colour in nature |
4v set |
30p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
75p |
8 |
Crested Duck Lophonetta specularioides |
2013.03 |
21.11.2013 |
Penguins |
White frames |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AP |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
AP |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AP |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
AP |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
2013.04 |
21.11.2013 |
Penguins |
Sheet, no frames |
2013.03 |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AP |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
AP |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
AP |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
AP |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
AP |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
2014.01 |
25.03.2014 |
Penguins, predators and prey |
4v set |
30p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
1.20£ |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
2014.02 |
16.09.2014 |
Colour in nature |
4v set |
30p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
75p |
40 |
Blackish Oystercatcher Haematopus ater |
2015.01 |
11.02.2015 |
Birds and their young |
30p |
40 |
Magellanic Oystercatcher Haematopus leucopodus |
75p |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1£ |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
1.20£ |
53 |
Brown Skua Stercorarius antarcticus |
2015.02 |
12.05.2015 |
Colour in nature |
4v set |
30p |
254 |
White-bridled Finch Melanodera melanodera |
75p |
52 |
Dolphin Gull Leucophaeus scoresbii |
2015.03 |
21.08.2015 |
Penguins, predators and prey |
4v set |
30p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
1£ |
53 |
Brown Skua Stercorarius antarcticus |
1.20£ |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
2015.04 |
30.11.2015 |
6v set |
1£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
2016.01 |
13.01.2016 |
Birds of prey |
31p |
79 |
American Barn Owl Tyto furcata |
31p |
80 |
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus |
76p |
104 |
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus |
76p |
78 |
Variable Hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma |
1.01£ |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
1.22£ |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
2017.01 |
27.03.2017 |
Shipwrecks |
4v set |
76p |
68 |
Rock Shag Leucocarbo magellanicus |
1.01£ |
68 |
Rock Shag Leucocarbo magellanicus |
and |
68 |
Imperial Shag Leucocarbo atriceps |
1.22£ |
52 |
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus |
2017.02 |
14.08.2017 |
Birds definitives |
1p |
115 |
Blackish Cinclodes Cinclodes antarcticus |
2p |
250 |
Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca |
5p |
238 |
Black-chinned Siskin Spinus barbatus |
10p |
236 |
Correndera Pipit Anthus correndera |
20p |
215 |
Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi |
50p |
254 |
White-bridled Finch Melanodera melanodera |
76p |
224 |
Austral Thrush Turdus falcklandii |
1£ |
43 |
Two-banded Plover Anarhynchus falklandicus |
1.20£ |
215 |
Grass Wren Cistothorus platensis |
2£ |
122 |
Dark-faced Ground Tyrant Muscisaxicola maclovianus |
3.50£ |
43 |
Rufous-chested Dotterel Zonibyx modestus |
5£ |
49 |
Magellanic Snipe Gallinago magellanica |
2017.03 |
14.08.2017 |
Birds definitives |
Booklet, sa |
* |
236 |
Correndera Pipit Anthus correndera |
2018.01 |
02.03.2018 |
Shipwrecks |
4v set |
31p |
68 |
Rock Shag Leucocarbo magellanicus |
2018.02 |
18.04.2018 |
Penguins, predators and prey |
4v set |
31p |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
1.22£ |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
2018.03 |
18.10.2018 |
Migratory species |
31p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
76p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
1.01£ |
63 |
Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea |
1.22£ |
63 |
Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea |
2019.01 |
04.03.2019 |
Shipwrecks |
4v set |
1.01£ |
68 |
Rock Shag Leucocarbo magellanicus |
and |
68 |
Imperial Shag Leucocarbo atriceps |
1.22£ |
8 |
Falkland Steamer Duck Tachyeres brachypterus |
2019.02 |
05.08.2019 |
Feathers |
32p |
104 |
Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis |
32p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
78p |
79 |
American Barn Owl Tyto furcata |
78p |
8 |
Yellow-billed Teal Anas flavirostris |
1.26£ |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
1.26£ |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
2019.03 |
Birds definitives |
Booklet reprint, sa |
2017.03 |
* |
236 |
Correndera Pipit Anthus correndera |
"2019" |
2020.01 |
10.08.2020 |
Penguins and coins |
32p |
59 |
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome |
68p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
78p |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
1.04£ |
59 |
Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua |
1.26£ |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
2020.02 |
07.09.2020 |
Philatelic Study Group |
4v set |
78p |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
1.04£ |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
2020.03 |
01.10.2020 |
Mike Peake Birds |
32p |
8 |
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus |
49p |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
78p |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
1.04£ |
52 |
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus |
1.26£ |
78 |
Variable Hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma |
1.35£ |
8 |
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta |
2020.04 |
13.11.2020 |
Removing mines |
4v set |
1.10£ |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
2020.05 |
20.11.2020 |
Christmas |
4v set |
1.04£ |
250 |
Long-tailed Meadowlark Leistes loyca |
and |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
and |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
2021.01 |
22.10.2021 |
Tourism |
6v set |
78p |
8 |
Falkland Steamer Duck Tachyeres brachypterus |
1.26£ |
49 |
Magellanic Snipe Gallinago magellanica |
2021.02 |
17.11.2021 |
Black-browed Albatross |
32p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
78p |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
1.04£ |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
1.26£ |
61 |
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris |
2022.01 |
14.06.2022 |
40th anniversary of liberation |
4v set |
1.07£ |
59 |
Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus |
2023.01 |
03.10.2023 |
King Penguin |
Airmail Letter |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
Airmail Packet |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
Airmail Postcard |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
Airmail Postcard |
59 |
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus |
(Two adults) |
2024.01 |
03.10.2024 |
Macaroni Penguin |
Airmail Postcard |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
Airmail Postcard |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
(Two adults) |
Airmail Letter |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
Airmail Packet |
59 |
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus |
Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Southern South America, islands in the South Atlantic Ocean
Population: 3,100
Climate: cold marine; span style="font-weight:bold" westerly winds, cloudy, humid
Terrain: rocky, hilly, mountainous with some boggy, undulating plains
Birds: 196 species. 2 endemic species: Cobb's Wren (not on stamp) and Falkland Steamerduck (on 1960 Birds, 1999 Ducks and 2003 Birds definitives).
Falkland Islands Philatelic Bureau
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