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Bird stamps from France

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   1   3   4   8   13   21   23   27   32   35   43   52   54   57   59   61   63   64   66   70   75   76   77   78   80   90   93   98   102   104   106   107   152   163   166   182   186   188   202   215   224   225   230   238   241   250  

Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name
1947.01   07.05.1947   UPU congress   5v set   
European Herring Gull Larus argentatus
500f     52     European Herring Gull    Larus argentatus     

1949.01   13.06.1949   International telephone and telegraph congress      
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
100f     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     

1957.01   12.01.1957   Pigeon-fanciers      
Rock Dove Columba livia
15f     27     Rock Dove    Columba livia     

1960.01   12.11.1960   Nature protection      
Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica European Bee-eater Merops apiaster
30c     54     Atlantic Puffin    Fratercula arctica     
50c     93     European Bee-eater    Merops apiaster     

1960.02   17.12.1960   Bird migration      
Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Eurasian Teal Anas crecca
20c     43     Northern Lapwing    Vanellus vanellus     
45c     8     Eurasian Teal    Anas crecca     

1970.01   21.03.1970   Nature conservation year      
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
45c     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     

1972.01   29.01.1972   Crozet Islands and Kerguelen      
King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus
90c     59     King Penguin    Aptenodytes patagonicus     

1972.02   15.04.1972   Nature conservation   2v set   
Eurasian Eagle-Owl Bubo bubo
65c     80     Eurasian Eagle-Owl    Bubo bubo     

1973.01   12.05.1973   Nature conservation   2v set   
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
60c     64     White Stork    Ciconia ciconia     

1975.01   15.02.1975   Nature conservation      
Little Egret Egretta garzetta
70c     70     Little Egret    Egretta garzetta     

1978.01   14.10.1978   Nature conservation   2v set   
Osprey Pandion haliaetus
1.80f     77     Osprey    Pandion haliaetus     

1978.02   21.10.1978   World gymnastics championships      
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
1f     64     White Stork    Ciconia ciconia     

1981.01   20.06.1981   Conservation of littoral regions      
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
1.60f     70     Grey Heron    Ardea cinerea     

1984.01   22.09.1984   Birds of prey      
Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
1f     78     Bearded Vulture    Gypaetus barbatus     
2f     78     Short-toed Snake Eagle    Circaetus gallicus     
3f     78     Eurasian Sparrowhawk    Accipiter nisus     
5f     104     Peregrine Falcon    Falco peregrinus     

1991.01   14.09.1991   Nature   4v set   
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis
5f     90     Common Kingfisher    Alcedo atthis     

1993.01   06.02.1993   Ducks      
Smew Mergellus albellus Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator
2f     8     Smew    Mergellus albellus     
3f     8     Ferruginous Duck    Aythya nyroca     
4f     8     Common Shelduck    Tadorna tadorna     
5f     8     Red-breasted Merganser    Mergus serrator     

1995.01   25.02.1995   Audubon   p 12¾x12¼   
Band-tailed Pigeon Patagioenas fasciata Snowy Egret Egretta thula Common Tern Sterna hirundo Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus
2.80f     27     Band-tailed Pigeon    Patagioenas fasciata     
2.80f     70     Snowy Egret    Egretta thula     
4.30f     52     Common Tern    Sterna hirundo     
4.40f     78     Rough-legged Buzzard    Buteo lagopus     

1995.02   25.02.1995   Audubon   Sheet, p 13¼   1995.01
Band-tailed Pigeon Patagioenas fasciata Snowy Egret Egretta thula Common Tern Sterna hirundo Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus
2.80f     27     Band-tailed Pigeon    Patagioenas fasciata     
2.80f     70     Snowy Egret    Egretta thula     
4.30f     52     Common Tern    Sterna hirundo     
4.40f     78     Rough-legged Buzzard    Buteo lagopus     

1996.01   20.04.1996   Mercantour national park   3v set   
Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus
4.40f     78     Bearded Vulture    Gypaetus barbatus     

1997.01   12.04.1997   National parks: Ecrins, Port Cros      
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan
3f     78     Golden Eagle    Aquila chrysaetos     
4.50f     63     Yelkouan Shearwater    Puffinus yelkouan     

1998.01   03.11.1998   50th anniversary of world conservation      
Horned Puffin Fratercula corniculata
3f     54     Horned Puffin    Fratercula corniculata     

1999.01   24.04.1999   Europa, La Camargue      
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
3f     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     

2000.01   04.11.2000   Threatened birds      
Southern Brown Kiwi Apteryx australis Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni
3f     3     Southern Brown Kiwi    Apteryx australis     
5.20f     104     Lesser Kestrel    Falco naumanni     

2003.01   24.03.2003   Birds from the overseas territories      
Blue-headed Hummingbird Riccordia bicolor Purple-throated Carib Eulampis jugularis Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone bourbonnensis
0.41€     21     Blue-headed Hummingbird    Riccordia bicolor     
0.46€     21     Purple-throated Carib    Eulampis jugularis     
0.46€     98     Channel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos vitellinus     
0.69€     163     Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher    Terpsiphone bourbonnensis     

2003.02   24.03.2003   Birds from the overseas territories   Sheet   2003.01
Blue-headed Hummingbird Riccordia bicolor Purple-throated Carib Eulampis jugularis Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone bourbonnensis
0.41€     21     Blue-headed Hummingbird    Riccordia bicolor     
0.46€     21     Purple-throated Carib    Eulampis jugularis     
0.46€     98     Channel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos vitellinus     
0.69€     163     Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher    Terpsiphone bourbonnensis     

2003.03   20.09.2003   Region portraits   10v sheet   
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
0.50€     64     White Stork    Ciconia ciconia     

2003.04   20.09.2003   Region portraits   10v prestige booklet   2003.03
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
0.50€     64     White Stork    Ciconia ciconia     

2003.05   27.09.2003   Parks and gardens   2v sheet   
Rock Dove Columba livia
1.90€     27     Rock Dove    Columba livia     

2003.06   06.11.2003   Greetings   2v set   
European Robin Erithacus rubecula
0.50€     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     pho

2003.07   06.11.2003   Greetings   Sold with label attached   2003.06
0.50€     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     No pho

2003.08   06.11.2003   Greetings   Booklet, sa   2003.06
European Robin Erithacus rubecula
0.50€     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     

2003.09   08.11.2003   Greetings      2003.06
European Robin Erithacus rubecula
0.50€     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     No pho MS

2004.01   28.06.2004   Le salon du timbre 2004   4v sheet   2003.05
Rock Dove Columba livia
1.90€     27     Rock Dove    Columba livia     

2005.01   06.06.2005   Environment protection      
European Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis rufula
0.53€     188     European Red-rumped Swallow    Cecropis rufula     

2007.01   28.04.2007   Protected fauna in the overseas territories   4v set   
Barau's Petrel Pterodroma baraui
0.86€     63     Barau's Petrel    Pterodroma baraui     

2007.02   28.04.2007   Protected fauna in the overseas territories   4v sheet   2007.01
Barau's Petrel Pterodroma baraui
0.86€     63     Barau's Petrel    Pterodroma baraui     

2008.01   11.02.2008   Coronelli's globes      
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
0.85€     70     Grey Heron    Ardea cinerea     

2008.02   11.02.2008   Coronelli's globes      2008.01
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea
0.85€     70     Grey Heron    Ardea cinerea     MS

2008.03   21.04.2008   Prehistoric animals   4v set   
Phororhacos Phororhacus sp
0.55€          Phororhacos    Phororhacus sp     

2008.04   21.04.2008   Prehistoric animals   4v sheet   2008.03
Phororhacos Phororhacus sp
0.55€          Phororhacos    Phororhacus sp     

2009.01   12.01.2009   Works of art   12v booklet, sa   
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis
Lp     238     European Goldfinch    Carduelis carduelis     
and     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
and     80     Boreal Owl    Aegolius funereus     
and     215     Eurasian Wren    Troglodytes troglodytes     

2009.02   30.03.2009   Preserve the polar regions   Sheet   
Snowy Albatross Diomedea exulans Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri
0.56€     61     Snowy Albatross    Diomedea exulans     
0.85€     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     

2009.03   22.06.2009   Endangered wildlife   4v set   
California Condor Gymnogyps californianus
0.90€     75     California Condor    Gymnogyps californianus     

2009.04   22.06.2009   Endangered wildlife   4v sheet   
California Condor Gymnogyps californianus
0.90€     75     California Condor    Gymnogyps californianus     

2010.01   01.03.2010   Stamp day   10v booklet, sa   
Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Lp     52     Black-headed Gull    Chroicocephalus ridibundus     

2010.02   14.06.2010   Soyouz in French Guiana      
Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus
0.85€     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     

2010.03   14.06.2010   Soyouz in French Guiana   sa   2010.02
Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus
0.85€     98     Keel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos sulfuratus     

2011.01   11.04.2011   Angers      
Mute Swan Cygnus olor
0.58€     8     Mute Swan    Cygnus olor     

2011.02   09.05.2011   Europa      
Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes
0.75€     238     Hawfinch    Coccothraustes coccothraustes     

2011.03   09.05.2011   Europa   sa   2011.02
Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes
0.75€     238     Hawfinch    Coccothraustes coccothraustes     

2011.04   21.10.2011   Discovery of Clipperton Island      
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra
1€     66     Masked Booby    Sula dactylatra     

2011.05   28.11.2011   Overseas departments   12v booklet, sa   
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae
Lp     59     Adelie Penguin    Pygoscelis adeliae     

2012.01   14.05.2012   LPO centenary   Sheet   
Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax Bluethroat Luscinia svecica Osprey Pandion haliaetus Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica
0.57€     23     Little Bustard    Tetrax tetrax     
0.57€     225     Bluethroat    Luscinia svecica     
0.57€     77     Osprey    Pandion haliaetus     
0.57€     54     Atlantic Puffin    Fratercula arctica     

2012.02   14.05.2012   LPO centenary   sa   2012.01
Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica
0.57€     54     Atlantic Puffin    Fratercula arctica     

2013.01   03.06.2013   André Le Nôtre   2v sheet (95x110 mm)   
Mute Swan Cygnus olor
2.55€     8     Mute Swan    Cygnus olor     

2013.02   03.06.2013   André Le Nôtre   2v sheet (200x95 mm)   2013.01
Mute Swan Cygnus olor
2.55€     8     Mute Swan    Cygnus olor     

2013.03   25.10.2013   The little joys   12v booklet, sa   
European Robin Erithacus rubecula
*     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     

2013.04   07.11.2013   UNESCO      
Red-crowned Crane Grus japonensis
0.58€     32     Red-crowned Crane    Grus japonensis     

2014.01   15.06.2014   Paris Zoo      
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
0.98€     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     

2014.02   18.07.2014   Paris Zoo      2014.01
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
0.98€     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     MS

2014.03   08.11.2014   UNESCO      
Hyacinth Macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
0.98€     107     Hyacinth Macaw    Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus     

2015.01   31.07.2015   Animals are watching us   12v booklet, sa   

Hyacinth Macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Southern White-faced Owl Ptilopsis granti White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus Secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus
*     107     Hyacinth Macaw    Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus     
*     80     Southern White-faced Owl    Ptilopsis granti     
*     98     White-throated Toucan    Ramphastos tucanus     
*     76     Secretarybird    Sagittarius serpentarius     
*     13     Red Junglefowl    Gallus gallus     
*     78     Bearded Vulture    Gypaetus barbatus     

2015.02   01.09.2015   Treasures of philately   Sheet   1949.01
1.75€     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
1.75€     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
1.75€     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
1.75€     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
2€     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     

2015.03   25.09.2015   Landing on Mauritius      
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus
0.96€     57     White-tailed Tropicbird    Phaethon lepturus     

2015.04   28.09.2015   Expressions   12v booklet, sa   
European Robin Erithacus rubecula Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum Indian Peafowl Pavo cristatus
*     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     
*     32     Grey Crowned Crane    Balearica regulorum     
*     13     Indian Peafowl    Pavo cristatus     

2015.05   09.11.2015   UNESCO      
Western Cattle Egret Ardea ibis
0.95€     70     Western Cattle Egret    Ardea ibis     

2015.06   15.11.2015   French cocks      
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
0.68€     13     Red Junglefowl    Gallus gallus     

2015.07   15.11.2015   French cocks   4v sheet   2015.06
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
0.68€     13     Red Junglefowl    Gallus gallus     

2015.08   15.11.2015   French cocks   2v sheet   2015.06
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
0.68€     13     Red Junglefowl    Gallus gallus     

2016.01   27.02.2016   French cocks   12v booklet, sa   
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
*     13     Red Junglefowl    Gallus gallus     

2016.02   05.09.2016   Maquis      
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus
3.20€     78     Bald Eagle    Haliaeetus leucocephalus     

2016.03   07.11.2016   Bievre      
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis
0.70€     90     Common Kingfisher    Alcedo atthis     

2017.01   22.04.2017   Jean-Babtiste Charcot      
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri
1.30€     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     
and     59     Gentoo Penguin    Pygoscelis papua     
and     63     Snow Petrel    Pagodroma nivea     

2017.02   22.04.2017   Jean-Babtiste Charcot      2017.01
Emperor Penguin Aptenodytes forsteri
1.30€     59     Emperor Penguin    Aptenodytes forsteri     MS
and     59     Gentoo Penguin    Pygoscelis papua     
and     63     Snow Petrel    Pagodroma nivea     

2018.01   11.06.2018   Birds of our gardens      2018.02
Eurasian Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus
0.80€     182     Eurasian Blue Tit    Cyanistes caeruleus     

2018.02   11.06.2018   Birds of our gardens   Sheet   
European Robin Erithacus rubecula House Sparrow Passer domesticus Eurasian Magpie Pica pica Eurasian Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus
0.80€     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     
0.80€     230     House Sparrow    Passer domesticus     
0.80€     166     Eurasian Magpie    Pica pica     
0.80€     182     Eurasian Blue Tit    Cyanistes caeruleus     

2018.03   11.06.2018   Birds of our gardens   Sheet   2018.02
European Robin Erithacus rubecula House Sparrow Passer domesticus
0.80€     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     
0.80€     230     House Sparrow    Passer domesticus     

2018.04   11.06.2018   Birds of our gardens   Sheet   2018.02
Eurasian Magpie Pica pica Eurasian Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus
0.80€     166     Eurasian Magpie    Pica pica     
0.80€     182     Eurasian Blue Tit    Cyanistes caeruleus     

2018.05   11.06.2018   Paris Philex 2018   4v sheet   1949.01
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
4€     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     

2018.06   20.06.2018   Kaysersberg      
White Stork Ciconia ciconia
0.80€     64     White Stork    Ciconia ciconia     

2018.07   06.07.2018   Euromed: Houses of the Mediterranean      
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
1.30€     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     

2019.01   12.11.2019   Ile Tromelin      
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra
1.30€     66     Masked Booby    Sula dactylatra     
and     66     Red-footed Booby    Sula sula     

2020.01   10.02.2020   Animals of the world   12v booklet, sa   

King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides European Herring Gull Larus argentatus
*     59     King Penguin    Aptenodytes patagonicus     
*     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     
*     70     Squacco Heron    Ardeola ralloides     
*     52     European Herring Gull    Larus argentatus     

2020.02   06.03.2020   Curiosities   12v booklet, sa   
Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia
*     80     Burrowing Owl    Athene cunicularia     

2020.03   03.04.2020   Eggs   Booklet, sa   

Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo House Sparrow Passer domesticus Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Song Thrush Turdus philomelos Rock Bunting Emberiza cia Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Common Ostrich Struthio camelus Carrion Crow Corvus corone
*     43     Northern Lapwing    Vanellus vanellus     
*     13     Red Junglefowl    Gallus gallus     
*     4     Emu    Dromaius novaehollandiae     
*     13     Wild Turkey    Meleagris gallopavo     
*     230     House Sparrow    Passer domesticus     
*     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
*     224     Song Thrush    Turdus philomelos     
*     241     Rock Bunting    Emberiza cia     
*     225     Spotted Flycatcher    Muscicapa striata     
*     104     Common Kestrel    Falco tinnunculus     
*     1     Common Ostrich    Struthio camelus     
*     166     Carrion Crow    Corvus corone     

2020.04   04.11.2020   Notre-Dame Paris   4v sheet   1947.01
European Herring Gull Larus argentatus
4€     52     European Herring Gull    Larus argentatus     

2021.01   08.01.2021   Birds of the islands      
Razorbill Alca torda
1.08€     54     Razorbill    Alca torda     

2021.02   08.01.2021   Birds of the islands   Sheet   
Reunion Cuckooshrike Lalage newtoni Martinique Oriole Icterus bonana Forest Thrush Turdus lherminieri Razorbill Alca torda
1.08€     152     Reunion Cuckooshrike    Lalage newtoni     
1.08€     250     Martinique Oriole    Icterus bonana     
1.08€     224     Forest Thrush    Turdus lherminieri     
1.08€     54     Razorbill    Alca torda     2021.01

2021.03   08.01.2021   Birds of the islands   Sheet   2021.02
Reunion Cuckooshrike Lalage newtoni Forest Thrush Turdus lherminieri
1.08€     152     Reunion Cuckooshrike    Lalage newtoni     
1.08€     224     Forest Thrush    Turdus lherminieri     

2021.04   08.01.2021   Birds of the islands   Sheet   2021.02
Razorbill Alca torda Martinique Oriole Icterus bonana
1.08€     54     Razorbill    Alca torda     
1.08€     250     Martinique Oriole    Icterus bonana     

2022.01   11.02.2022   Animals at dusk   12v booklet, sa   
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita King Penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus White Stork Ciconia ciconia Great Egret Ardea alba
*     106     Sulphur-crested Cockatoo    Cacatua galerita     
*     59     King Penguin    Aptenodytes patagonicus     
*     64     White Stork    Ciconia ciconia     
*     70     Great Egret    Ardea alba     
and     52     Black-headed Gull    Chroicocephalus ridibundus     

2022.02   23.06.2022   You have 12 messages   12v booklet, sa   
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
*     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     
and     188     Western House Martin    Delichon urbicum     
*     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     

2022.03   17.10.2022   Lakes      
Black Stork Ciconia nigra
1.16€     64     Black Stork    Ciconia nigra     

2023.01   03.02.2023   Tender animals   12v booklet, sa   
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus European Bee-eater Merops apiaster Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus
*     35     Greater Flamingo    Phoenicopterus roseus     
*     93     European Bee-eater    Merops apiaster     
*     61     Short-tailed Albatross    Phoebastria albatrus     

2023.02   23.03.2023   Paris Philex 2023   4x7€ sheet   1949.01
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
7€     188     Barn Swallow    Hirundo rustica     

2023.03   24.04.2023   Eva Gonzales      
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
2.32€     230     House Sparrow    Passer domesticus     

2023.04   13.07.2023   RN 85 La Route Napoleon   3v sheet   
European Bee-eater Merops apiaster
1.16€     93     European Bee-eater    Merops apiaster     

2023.05   13.07.2023   RN 85 La Route Napoleon      2023.04
European Bee-eater Merops apiaster
1.16€     93     European Bee-eater    Merops apiaster     MS

2023.06   16.10.2023   Biodiversity   4v sheet   
Barau's Petrel Pterodroma baraui Tawny Owl Strix aluco
1.16€     63     Barau's Petrel    Pterodroma baraui     
1.16€     80     Tawny Owl    Strix aluco     

2023.07   13.11.2023   Philatelic Salon, Paris   4x7€ sheet   1947.01
European Herring Gull Larus argentatus
7€     52     European Herring Gull    Larus argentatus     

2024.01   13.05.2024   Lauteret Garden      
Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus
1.29€     78     Bearded Vulture    Gypaetus barbatus     

2024.02   12.11.2024   Andre Japy      
9.85€     8     Canada Goose    Branta canadensis     

2025.01   17.02.2025   Melody of birds   Booklet, sa   
*     230     House Sparrow    Passer domesticus     
*     202     Garden Warbler    Sylvia borin     
*     166     Eurasian Magpie    Pica pica     
*     224     Common Blackbird    Turdus merula     
*     186     Eurasian Skylark    Alauda arvensis     
*     224     Song Thrush    Turdus philomelos     
*     225     European Robin    Erithacus rubecula     
*     238     Eurasian Chaffinch    Fringilla coelebs     
*     182     Eurasian Blue Tit    Cyanistes caeruleus     
*     225     Common Nightingale    Luscinia megarhynchos     
*     238     European Goldfinch    Carduelis carduelis     
*     102     Great Spotted Woodpecker    Dendrocopos major     

Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Western Europe
Population: 64 million
Climate: generally cool winters and mild summers, but mild winters and hot summers along the Mediterranean
Terrain: mostly flat plains or gently rolling hills in north and west; remainder is mountainous, especially Pyrenees in south, Alps in east

Birds: 479 species

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Where do you want to go birding today?
Mercantour national park - web search -  image search -  map search
Ecrins - web search -  image search -  map search
Port Cros - web search -  image search -  map search
Camargue - web search -  image search -  map search
Coronelli - web search

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