1968.01 |
16.01.1968 |
Definitives |
20n |
32 |
Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum |
1969.01 |
23.10.1969 |
Tourist year |
4v set |
25n |
93 |
Southern Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicoides |
1975.01 |
03.01.1975 |
Definitives |
2n |
11 |
Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris |
4n |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1k |
22 |
Ross's Turaco Tauraco rossae |
1977.01 |
01.07.1977 |
Birds of Zambia |
4n |
236 |
Grimwood's Longclaw Macronyx grimwoodi |
9n |
229 |
Shelley's Sunbird Cinnyris shelleyi |
10n |
108 |
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis |
15n |
232 |
Locust Finch Paludipasser locustella |
20n |
100 |
White-chested Tinkerbird Pogoniulus makawai |
25n |
100 |
Chaplin's Barbet Lybius chaplini |
1979.01 |
21.09.1979 |
International year of the child |
4v set |
42n |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1979.02 |
21.09.1979 |
International year of the child |
4v sheet |
1979.01 |
42n |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1982.01 |
30.03.1982 |
Boy scout movement |
4v set |
1k |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1982.02 |
30.03.1982 |
Boy scout movement |
4v sheet |
1982.01 |
1k |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1983.01 |
10.03.1983 |
Commonwealth day |
4v set |
1k |
22 |
Purple-crested Turaco Gallirex porphyreolophus |
25n |
29 |
Chestnut-headed Flufftail Sarothrura lugens |
35n |
188 |
Black-and-rufous Swallow Hirundo nigrorufa |
1k |
87 |
Bradfield's Hornbill Lophoceros bradfieldi |
1.25k |
144 |
Margaret's Batis Batis margaritae |
1.60k |
229 |
Anchieta's Sunbird Anthreptes anchietae |
1.70k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
1.95k |
145 |
Gorgeous Bushshrike Telophorus viridis |
5k |
104 |
Taita Falcon Falco fasciinucha |
1987.02 |
30.06.1987 |
Tourism |
4v set |
10k |
73 |
Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus |
5n |
201 |
Dambo Cisticola Cisticola dambo |
10n |
222 |
Babbling Starling Neocichla gutturalis |
30n |
100 |
Miombo Pied Barbet Tricholaema frontata |
40n |
32 |
Wattled Crane Grus carunculata |
50n |
70 |
Slaty Egret Egretta vinaceigula |
2k |
72 |
Shoebill Balaeniceps rex |
1988.01 |
10.03.1988 |
Birds |
1987.03 |
20n |
197 |
Papyrus Yellow Warbler Calamonastides gracilirostris |
New |
75n |
225 |
Olive-flanked Ground Robin Dessonornis anomalus |
New |
1.65k |
100 |
Miombo Pied Barbet Tricholaema frontata |
10k |
70 |
Slaty Egret Egretta vinaceigula |
20k |
72 |
Shoebill Balaeniceps rex |
1989.01 |
01.07.1989 |
Surcharge on 1987.01, 1987.03 |
70n |
188 |
Black-and-rufous Swallow Hirundo nigrorufa |
3k |
201 |
Dambo Cisticola Cisticola dambo |
8k |
144 |
Margaret's Batis Batis margaritae |
9.90k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
10.40k |
229 |
Anchieta's Sunbird Anthreptes anchietae |
12.50k |
87 |
Bradfield's Hornbill Lophoceros bradfieldi |
15k |
145 |
Gorgeous Bushshrike Telophorus viridis |
20k |
72 |
Shoebill Balaeniceps rex |
"K20.00" |
20.35k |
104 |
Taita Falcon Falco fasciinucha |
10n |
193 |
Livingstone's Flycatcher Erythrocercus livingstonei |
15n |
231 |
Bar-winged Weaver Ploceus angolensis |
30n |
152 |
Purple-throated Cuckooshrike Campephaga quiscalina |
50n |
147 |
Retz's Helmetshrike Prionops retzii |
1.20k |
27 |
Western Bronze-naped Pigeon Columba iriditorques |
15k |
30 |
Corn Crake Crex crex |
20.50k |
104 |
Dickinson's Kestrel Falco dickinsoni |
50k |
23 |
Denham's Bustard Neotis denhami |
1991.01 |
11.01.1991 |
International literacy year |
4v set |
1.20k |
88 |
Lilac-breasted Roller Coracias caudatus |
18.50k |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1991.02 |
07.05.1991 |
Birds |
1990.01 |
50n |
193 |
Livingstone's Flycatcher Erythrocercus livingstonei |
1k |
231 |
Bar-winged Weaver Ploceus angolensis |
2k |
152 |
Purple-throated Cuckooshrike Campephaga quiscalina |
3k |
147 |
Retz's Helmetshrike Prionops retzii |
5k |
27 |
Western Bronze-naped Pigeon Columba iriditorques |
20k |
104 |
Dickinson's Kestrel Falco dickinsoni |
1994.01 |
30.05.1994 |
Sunbirds |
20k |
229 |
Bronze Sunbird Nectarinia kilimensis |
50k |
229 |
Western Violet-backed Sunbird Anthreptes longuemarei |
100k |
229 |
Scarlet-chested Sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis |
150k |
229 |
Bannerman's Sunbird Cyanomitra bannermani |
200k |
229 |
Oustalet's Sunbird Cinnyris oustaleti |
250k |
229 |
Anchieta's Sunbird Anthreptes anchietae |
300k |
229 |
Olive Sunbird Cyanomitra olivacea |
350k |
229 |
Green-headed Sunbird Cyanomitra verticalis |
400k |
229 |
Scarlet-tufted Sunbird Nectarinia johnstoni |
500k |
229 |
Variable Sunbird Cinnyris venustus |
800k |
229 |
Copper Sunbird Cinnyris cupreus |
1000k |
229 |
Orange-tufted Sunbird Cinnyris bouvieri |
1500k |
229 |
Amethyst Sunbird Chalcomitra amethystina |
2000k |
229 |
Green-throated Sunbird Chalcomitra rubescens |
O |
229 |
Marico Sunbird Cinnyris mariquensis |
P |
229 |
Eastern Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris mediocris |
1995.01 |
29.08.1995 |
Christmas |
4v set |
450k |
32 |
Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum |
and |
70 |
Goliath Heron Ardea goliath |
and |
22 |
Schalow's Turaco Tauraco schalowi |
and |
22 |
Ross's Turaco Tauraco rossae |
and |
87 |
Trumpeter Hornbill Bycanistes bucinator |
200k |
64 |
Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis |
300k |
108 |
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis |
500k |
108 |
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis |
900k |
64 |
Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis |
1996.02 |
27.11.1996 |
Sheet |
1996.01 |
200k |
64 |
Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis |
300k |
108 |
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis |
500k |
108 |
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis |
900k |
64 |
Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis |
1997.01 |
12.02.1997 |
Endangered species of the world |
6v sheet |
500k |
107 |
Puerto Rican Amazon Amazona vittata |
500k |
78 |
Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja |
300k |
80 |
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl Ketupa lactea |
500k |
80 |
Pel's Fishing Owl Scotopelia peli |
700k |
79 |
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba |
900k |
80 |
Spotted Eagle-Owl Bubo africanus |
1997.03 |
18.12.1997 |
Owls |
Sheet |
1997.02 |
900k |
80 |
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl Ketupa lactea |
900k |
80 |
Pel's Fishing Owl Scotopelia peli |
900k |
79 |
Western Barn Owl Tyto alba |
900k |
80 |
Spotted Eagle-Owl Bubo africanus |
1998.01 |
01.06.1998 |
Parrots |
Sheet |
500k |
108 |
Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus moluccanus |
500k |
108 |
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus |
and |
108 |
Blossom-headed Parakeet Psittacula roseata |
500k |
107 |
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna |
500k |
108 |
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot Loriculus galgulus |
500k |
107 |
Golden Parakeet Guaruba guarouba |
500k |
106 |
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita |
1998.02 |
01.06.1998 |
Parrots |
Sheet |
1000k |
107 |
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna |
1000k |
107 |
Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus |
1000k |
108 |
Pale-headed Rosella Platycercus adscitus |
1000k |
108 |
Northern Rosella Platycercus caledonicus |
1000k |
106 |
Gang-gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum |
1000k |
106 |
Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus |
1998.03 |
01.06.1998 |
Parrots |
3200k |
106 |
Pink Cockatoo Cacatua leadbeateri |
MS |
3200k |
108 |
Mulga Parrot Psephotellus varius |
MS |
1999.01 |
27.10.1999 |
Flora and fauna |
10v set |
100k |
104 |
American Kestrel Falco sparverius |
500k |
70 |
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias |
500k |
8 |
Northern Pintail Anas acuta |
1999.02 |
27.10.1999 |
Flora and fauna |
12v sheet |
700k |
250 |
Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula |
700k |
166 |
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata |
700k |
70 |
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea |
700k |
8 |
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos |
1999.03 |
27.10.1999 |
Flora and fauna |
12v sheet |
700k |
21 |
Purple-throated Carib Eulampis jugularis |
700k |
107 |
St. Vincent Amazon Amazona guildingii |
700k |
254 |
Bananaquit Coereba flaveola |
700k |
42 |
Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus |
1999.04 |
27.10.1999 |
Flora and fauna |
12v sheet |
700k |
57 |
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus |
700k |
52 |
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus |
700k |
52 |
Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla |
700k |
52 |
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger |
700k |
73 |
Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis |
1999.05 |
27.10.1999 |
Flora and fauna |
4000k |
107 |
St. Vincent Amazon Amazona guildingii |
MS |
1999.06 |
20.12.1999 |
Definitives |
O |
8 |
Knob-billed Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos |
50k |
43 |
Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus |
100k |
69 |
African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus |
200k |
30 |
African Swamphen Porphyrio madagascariensis |
250k |
70 |
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea |
300k |
69 |
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus |
400k |
64 |
Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumenifer |
450k |
69 |
African Spoonbill Platalea alba |
500k |
28 |
African Finfoot Podica senegalensis |
600k |
67 |
African Darter Anhinga rufa |
700k |
52 |
African Skimmer Rynchops flavirostris |
800k |
8 |
Spur-winged Goose Plectropterus gambensis |
900k |
71 |
Hamerkop Scopus umbretta |
1000k |
73 |
Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus |
1500k |
42 |
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus |
2000k |
70 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax |
2000.01 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the world |
700k |
165 |
Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio |
800k |
236 |
Golden Pipit Tmetothylacus tenellus |
1200k |
229 |
Orange-breasted Sunbird Anthobaphes violacea |
1400k |
238 |
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis |
1500k |
22 |
Red-crested Turaco Tauraco erythrolophus |
3000k |
93 |
Southern Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicoides |
2000.02 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the world |
Sheet |
1000k |
232 |
Gouldian Finch Chloebia gouldiae |
1000k |
232 |
Red-throated Parrotfinch Erythrura psittacea |
1000k |
232 |
Purple Grenadier Granatina ianthinogaster |
1000k |
231 |
Southern Red Bishop Euplectes orix |
1000k |
254 |
Red-crested Cardinal Paroaria coronata |
1000k |
163 |
Spectacled Monarch Symposiachrus trivirgatus |
1000k |
131 |
Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor |
1000k |
208 |
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush Pterorhinus pectoralis |
1000k |
143 |
Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler Ptilorrhoa castanonota |
2000.03 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the world |
Sheet |
1200k |
123 |
Lovely Cotinga Cotinga amabilis |
1200k |
123 |
Andean Cock-of-the-rock Rupicola peruvianus |
1200k |
227 |
Orange-bellied Leafbird Chloropsis hardwickii |
1200k |
124 |
Pin-tailed Manakin Ilicura militaris |
1200k |
112 |
Long-tailed Broadbill Psarisomus dalhousiae |
1200k |
92 |
Rufous Motmot Baryphthengus martii |
1200k |
238 |
American Goldfinch Spinus tristis |
1200k |
232 |
Double-barred Finch Stizoptera bichenovii |
1200k |
222 |
Golden-breasted Starling Lamprotornis regius |
2000.04 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the world |
Sheet |
1400k |
250 |
Orange-backed Troupial Icterus croconotus |
1400k |
251 |
Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina |
1400k |
254 |
Purple Honeycreeper Cyanerpes caeruleus |
1400k |
131 |
Blue-faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis |
1400k |
253 |
Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea |
1400k |
254 |
Green-headed Tanager Tangara seledon |
1400k |
130 |
Blue-breasted Fairywren Malurus pulcherrimus |
1400k |
114 |
Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena |
1400k |
124 |
Wire-tailed Manakin Pipra filicauda |
2000.05 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the world |
5000k |
26 |
Pin-tailed Sandgrouse Pterocles alchata |
MS |
5000k |
23 |
Southern Black Korhaan Afrotis afra |
MS |
5000k |
8 |
Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina |
MS |
2000.06 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the tropics |
400k |
87 |
Great Hornbill Buceros bicornis |
500k |
106 |
Cockatiel Nymphicus hollandicus |
600k |
123 |
Amazonian Umbrellabird Cephalopterus ornatus |
1000k |
108 |
Black-capped Lory Lorius lory |
2000k |
108 |
Red-collared Lorikeet Trichoglossus rubritorquis |
2000.07 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the tropics |
8v sheet |
1500k |
98 |
Green Aracari Pteroglossus viridis |
1500k |
108 |
Moluccan Eclectus Eclectus roratus |
1500k |
21 |
Crimson Topaz Topaza pella |
1500k |
170 |
King Bird-of-paradise Cicinnurus regius |
1500k |
98 |
Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus |
1500k |
108 |
Australian King Parrot Alisterus scapularis |
1500k |
107 |
Hyacinth Macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus |
2000.08 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the tropics |
8v sheet |
1500k |
107 |
Yellow-headed Amazon Amazona oratrix |
1500k |
22 |
Guinea Turaco Tauraco persa |
1500k |
98 |
Plate-billed Mountain Toucan Andigena laminirostris |
1500k |
107 |
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao |
1500k |
107 |
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna |
1500k |
123 |
Guianan Cock-of-the-rock Rupicola rupicola |
1500k |
106 |
Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus |
2000.09 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the tropics |
8v sheet |
1500k |
83 |
Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno |
1500k |
93 |
Northern Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicus |
1500k |
111 |
Common Sunbird-Asity Neodrepanis coruscans |
1500k |
106 |
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo Cacatua galerita |
1500k |
22 |
Great Blue Turaco Corythaeola cristata |
1500k |
108 |
Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans |
1500k |
87 |
Malabar Pied Hornbill Anthracoceros coronatus |
2000.10 |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the tropics |
5000k |
107 |
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna |
MS |
5000k |
98 |
Toco Toucan Ramphastos toco |
MS |
2001.01 |
19.03.2001 |
Definitives |
1999.06 |
O |
8 |
Knob-billed Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos |
A |
43 |
Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus |
B |
69 |
African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus |
C |
30 |
African Swamphen Porphyrio madagascariensis |
2001.02 |
30.03.2001 |
Animals of Africa |
6v sheet |
2000k |
32 |
Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum |
2001.03 |
30.03.2001 |
Animals of Africa |
6v sheet |
2000k |
145 |
Crimson-breasted Shrike Laniarius atrococcineus |
2000k |
93 |
European Bee-eater Merops apiaster |
2002.01 |
01.07.2002 |
Surcharge on 1994.01 |
300k |
229 |
Western Violet-backed Sunbird Anthreptes longuemarei |
2002.02 |
12.08.2002 |
Bee-eaters |
700k |
93 |
White-fronted Bee-eater Merops bullockoides |
1200k |
93 |
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus |
1400k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
1500k |
93 |
Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus |
2003.01 |
26.06.2003 |
Surcharge on 1996.01 |
1000k |
64 |
Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis |
1000k |
108 |
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis |
1000k |
108 |
Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis |
1000k |
64 |
Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis |
2003.02 |
26.12.2003 |
Bee-eaters |
2002.02 |
1000k |
93 |
White-fronted Bee-eater Merops bullockoides |
1200k |
93 |
Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus |
1500k |
93 |
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus |
1800k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
2004.01 |
11.10.2004 |
Sheet |
500k |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
750k |
70 |
Western Cattle Egret Ardea ibis |
1000k |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1100k |
104 |
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus |
1500k |
83 |
Bar-tailed Trogon Apaloderma vittatum |
1700k |
78 |
African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer |
1800k |
22 |
Purple-crested Turaco Gallirex porphyreolophus |
2200k |
32 |
Blue Crane Grus paradisea |
2007.01 |
19.03.2007 |
Surcharge on 2003.02, 2002.02 |
1500k |
93 |
Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus |
3300k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
2007.02 |
31.05.2007 |
Surcharge on 1994.01 |
1850k |
229 |
Bronze Sunbird Nectarinia kilimensis |
2007.03 |
09.10.2007 |
5v sheet |
1500k |
223 |
Yellow-billed Oxpecker Buphagus africanus |
2008.01 |
30.05.2008 |
4v set |
3000k |
223 |
Red-billed Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorynchus |
2008.02 |
30.05.2008 |
Sheet with 2 sets |
3000k |
223 |
Red-billed Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorynchus |
2009.01 |
29.05.2009 |
Surcharge on 2003.02 |
1500k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
2010.01 |
Surcharge on 2001.01 |
2500k |
43 |
Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus |
2500k |
69 |
African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus |
2013.01 |
25.07.2013 |
Surcharge on 2003.02,2010.01 |
1.50k |
93 |
Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus |
2.50k |
43 |
Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus |
2.50k |
69 |
African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus |
2014.01 |
02.05.2014 |
Surcharge on 2003.02,2001.01 |
1.50k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
2.50k |
43 |
Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus |
2.50k |
69 |
African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus |
4,95k |
30 |
African Swamphen Porphyrio madagascariensis |
2022.01 |
Surcharge on 2002.02,2007.02 |
10k |
93 |
Böhm's Bee-eater Merops boehmi |
10k |
229 |
Bronze Sunbird Nectarinia kilimensis |
Link to map, opens in new window
Location: Southern Africa
Population: 11.6 million
Climate: tropical; modified by altitude; rainy season
Terrain: mostly high plateau with some hills and mountains
Birds: 779 species. 1 endemic species: Chaplin's Barbet, on 1977 Birds of Zambia.
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