165 Shrikes Laniidae
Magpie Shrike Lanius melanoleucus
Southern White-crowned Shrike Eurocephalus anguitimens
Bull-headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus
Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus
Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio
Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus
Red-tailed Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides
Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach
Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus
Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor
Iberian Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis
Chinese Grey Shrike Lanius sphenocercus
Long-tailed Fiscal Lanius cabanisi
Southern Fiscal Lanius collaris
Sao Tome Fiscal Lanius newtoni
Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator
Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus
166 Crows, Jays Corvidae
169 Ifrita Ifritidae
170 Birds-of-paradise Paradisaeidae
171 Australasian Robins Petroicidae
172 Rockfowl Picathartidae
173 Rockjumpers Chaetopidae
175 Waxwings Bombycillidae
176 Silky-flycatchers Ptiliogonatidae
177 Hypocolius Hypocoliidae
178 Palmchat Dulidae
179 Oos Mohoidae
181 Fairy Flycatchers Stenostiridae
182 Tits, Chickadees Paridae
183 Penduline Tits Remizidae
184 Nicators Nicatoridae
185 Bearded Reedling Panuridae
186 Larks Alaudidae
187 Bulbuls Pycnonotidae
188 Swallows, Martins Hirundinidae
190 Crombecs, African Warblers Macrosphenidae
191 Cettia Bush Warblers & Allies Cettiidae
193 Yellow Flycatchers Erythrocercidae
195 Bushtits Aegithalidae
196 Leaf Warblers & Allies Phylloscopidae
197 Reed Warblers, Grauer's Warbler & Allies Acrocephalidae
198 Grassbirds & Allies Locustellidae
199 Black-capped Donacobius Donacobiidae
201 Cisticolas & Allies Cisticolidae
202 Sylviid Babblers Sylviidae
203 Parrotbills and allies Paradoxornithidae
204 White-eyes Zosteropidae
205 Babblers, Scimitar Babblers Timaliidae
206 Ground Babblers Pellorneidae
208 Laughingthrushes & Allies Leiothrichidae
210 Sugarbirds Promeropidae
211 Fairy-bluebirds Irenidae
212 Goldcrests, Kinglets Regulidae
215 Wrens Troglodytidae
216 Gnatcatchers Polioptilidae
217 Nuthatches Sittidae
218 Wallcreeper Tichodromidae
219 Treecreepers Certhiidae
221 Mockingbirds, Thrashers Mimidae
222 Starlings, Rhabdornises Sturnidae
223 Oxpeckers Buphagidae
224 Thrushes Turdidae
225 Chats, Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae
226 Dippers Cinclidae
227 Leafbirds Chloropseidae
228 Flowerpeckers Dicaeidae
229 Sunbirds Nectariniidae
230 Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches Passeridae
231 Weavers, Widowbirds Ploceidae
232 Waxbills, Munias & Allies Estrildidae
233 Indigobirds, Whydahs Viduidae
235 Accentors Prunellidae
236 Wagtails, Pipits Motacillidae
237 Przevalski's Finch Urocynchramidae
238 Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae
239 Longspurs, Snow Buntings Calcariidae
240 Thrush-tanager Rhodinocichlidae
241 Buntings Emberizidae
242 New World Sparrows, Bush Tanagers Passerellidae
243 Chat-tanagers Calyptophilidae
244 Hispaniolan Tanagers Phaenicophilidae
246 Spindalises Spindalidae
248 Cuban Warblers Teretistridae
249 Yellow-breasted Chat Icteriidae
250 Oropendolas, Orioles, Blackbirds Icteridae
251 New World Warblers Parulidae
252 Mitrospingid Tanagers Mitrospingidae
253 Cardinals & Allies Cardinalidae
254 Tanagers and allies Thraupidae
Stamps showing Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor
Great Grey Shrike IOC v14.2: 6942 birdtheme SpecID 1645 Links will open countrypage in new window
Belgium 06.07.1998 Birds
Belgium 26.03.2001 Birds, dual currency
Burundi 30.09.1970 Birds
Burundi 16.11.1970 Birds, new face values
Cambodia 20.02.1997 Birds
Cambodia 05.09.1999 Birds
Djibouti 23.08.2000 Birds Strip
Gambia 02.10.2000 Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet
Guinea 16.06.1971 Birds
Liberia 28.08.2000 Birds of the world Sheet
Luxembourg 06.12.1994 Endangered birds
Luxembourg 26.08.2022 Birdpex 9 Sheet
Nepal 22.11.1979 International world pheasant association symposium
Netherlands 14.09.2020 Birds of woods Sheet, sa
Poland 15.12.1995 Birds
Sierra Leone 31.01.1985 Audubon MS
Sierra Leone 18.02.1999 Birds definitives
Sierra Leone 31.12.2006 Imprint 2006 on 1992.05, 1999.02
Tanzania 26.08.1999 Birds of Japan Sheet
Tuvalu 23.11.2006 Birds Sheet
Ukraine 14.07.2006 Shatsk national park 5v sheet