Malachite Sunbird IOC v14.2: 9645 birdtheme SpecID 2180 Links will open countrypage in new window
Ciskei 04.12.1981 Birds Djibouti 25.01.2016 Sunbirds SheetGhana 20.10.1997 Birds of Africa MSGhana 02.03.2015 Sunbirds of Africa SheetLesotho 20.04.1981 Birds p 14½Lesotho 10.02.1992 Birds SheetLiberia 15.09.2001 Birds of Africa MSLiberia 26.12.2007 Birds of Africa Togo 30.10.2014 Sunbirds MS
Lesotho 14.06.1982 Imprint 1982 on 1981.01 With wmk