107 African & New World Parrots Psittacidae
Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus
Timneh Parrot Psittacus timneh
Red-fronted Parrot Poicephalus gulielmi
Yellow-fronted Parrot Poicephalus flavifrons
Brown-necked Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis
Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus
Meyer's Parrot Poicephalus meyeri
Rüppell's Parrot Poicephalus rueppellii
Brown-headed Parrot Poicephalus cryptoxanthus
Senegal Parrot Poicephalus senegalus
Red-bellied Parrot Poicephalus rufiventris
Lilac-tailed Parrotlet Touit batavicus
Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet Touit huetii
Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet Touit purpuratus
Brown-backed Parrotlet Touit melanonotus
Mountain Parakeet Psilopsiagon aurifrons
Barred Parakeet Bolborhynchus lineola
Monk Parakeet Myiopsitta monachus
Tui Parakeet Brotogeris sanctithomae
Plain Parakeet Brotogeris tirica
White-winged Parakeet Brotogeris versicolurus
Yellow-chevroned Parakeet Brotogeris chiriri
Grey-cheeked Parakeet Brotogeris pyrrhoptera
Orange-chinned Parakeet Brotogeris jugularis
Golden-winged Parakeet Brotogeris chrysoptera
Pileated Parrot Pionopsitta pileata
Brown-hooded Parrot Pyrilia haematotis
Saffron-headed Parrot Pyrilia pyrilia
Rose-faced Parrot Pyrilia pulchra
Orange-cheeked Parrot Pyrilia barrabandi
Caica Parrot Pyrilia caica
Bald Parrot Pyrilia aurantiocephala
Fuertes's Parrot Hapalopsittaca fuertesi
Dusky Parrot Pionus fuscus
Blue-headed Parrot Pionus menstruus
White-crowned Parrot Pionus senilis
Yellow-faced Parrot Alipiopsitta xanthops
Festive Amazon Amazona festiva
Vinaceous-breasted Amazon Amazona vinacea
Tucuman Amazon Amazona tucumana
Red-spectacled Amazon Amazona pretrei
Black-billed Amazon Amazona agilis
White-fronted Amazon Amazona albifrons
Yellow-billed Amazon Amazona collaria
Cuban Amazon Amazona leucocephala
Hispaniolan Amazon Amazona ventralis
Puerto Rican Amazon Amazona vittata
Lilac-crowned Amazon Amazona finschi
Red-lored Amazon Amazona autumnalis
Red-crowned Amazon Amazona viridigenalis
Yucatan Amazon Amazona xantholora
Blue-cheeked Amazon Amazona dufresniana
Red-necked Amazon Amazona arausiaca
St. Lucia Amazon Amazona versicolor
Yellow-headed Amazon Amazona oratrix
Yellow-naped Amazon Amazona auropalliata
Yellow-crowned Amazon Amazona ochrocephala
Yellow-shouldered Amazon Amazona barbadensis
Turquoise-fronted Amazon Amazona aestiva
Mealy Amazon Amazona farinosa
Imperial Amazon Amazona imperialis
Red-tailed Amazon Amazona brasiliensis
Orange-winged Amazon Amazona amazonica
St. Vincent Amazon Amazona guildingii
Dusky-billed Parrotlet Forpus modestus
Green-rumped Parrotlet Forpus passerinus
Spectacled Parrotlet Forpus conspicillatus
Yellow-faced Parrotlet Forpus xanthops
Black-headed Parrot Pionites melanocephalus
White-bellied Parrot Pionites leucogaster
Red-fan Parrot Deroptyus accipitrinus
Ochre-marked Parakeet Pyrrhura cruentata
Maroon-bellied Parakeet Pyrrhura frontalis
Crimson-bellied Parakeet Pyrrhura perlata
White-eared Parakeet Pyrrhura leucotis
Painted Parakeet Pyrrhura picta
Santa Marta Parakeet Pyrrhura viridicata
Maroon-tailed Parakeet Pyrrhura melanura
White-breasted Parakeet Pyrrhura albipectus
Flame-winged Parakeet Pyrrhura calliptera
Blood-eared Parakeet Pyrrhura hoematotis
Sulphur-winged Parakeet Pyrrhura hoffmanni
Austral Parakeet Enicognathus ferrugineus
Slender-billed Parakeet Enicognathus leptorhynchus
Burrowing Parrot Cyanoliseus patagonus
Hyacinth Macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
Lear's Macaw Anodorhynchus leari
Glaucous Macaw Anodorhynchus glaucus †
Thick-billed Parrot Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha
Olive-throated Parakeet Eupsittula nana
Orange-fronted Parakeet Eupsittula canicularis
Peach-fronted Parakeet Eupsittula aurea
Brown-throated Parakeet Eupsittula pertinax
Carolina Parakeet Conuropsis carolinensis †
Dusky-headed Parakeet Aratinga weddellii
Nanday Parakeet Aratinga nenday
Sun Parakeet Aratinga solstitialis
Jandaya Parakeet Aratinga jandaya
Golden-capped Parakeet Aratinga auricapillus
Spix's Macaw Cyanopsitta spixii
Red-bellied Macaw Orthopsittaca manilatus
Blue-headed Macaw Primolius couloni
Golden-collared Macaw Primolius auricollis
Blue-winged Macaw Primolius maracana
Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna
Blue-throated Macaw Ara glaucogularis
Chestnut-fronted Macaw Ara severus
Red-fronted Macaw Ara rubrogenys
Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor †
Military Macaw Ara militaris
Great Green Macaw Ara ambiguus
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus
Yellow-eared Parrot Ognorhynchus icterotis
Golden Parakeet Guaruba guarouba
Red-shouldered Macaw Diopsittaca nobilis
Blue-crowned Parakeet Thectocercus acuticaudatus
Red-throated Parakeet Psittacara rubritorquis
Pacific Parakeet Psittacara strenuus
Scarlet-fronted Parakeet Psittacara wagleri
Cordilleran Parakeet Psittacara frontatus
Mitred Parakeet Psittacara mitratus
Red-masked Parakeet Psittacara erythrogenys
Finsch's Parakeet Psittacara finschi
White-eyed Parakeet Psittacara leucophthalmus
Cuban Parakeet Psittacara euops
Hispaniolan Parakeet Psittacara chloropterus
108 Old World Parrots Psittaculidae
109 New Zealand Wrens Acanthisittidae
111 Asities Philepittidae
112 Typical Broadbills Eurylaimidae
113 African & Green Broadbills Calyptomenidae
114 Pittas Pittidae
115 Ovenbirds Furnariidae
116 Antbirds Thamnophilidae
118 Antpittas Grallariidae
119 Gnateaters Conopophagidae
120 Tapaculos Rhinocryptidae
121 Crescentchests Melanopareiidae
122 Tyrant Flycatchers Tyrannidae
123 Cotingas Cotingidae
124 Manakins Pipridae
125 Sharpbill, Tityras, Becards Tityridae
126 Lyrebirds Menuridae
127 Scrubbirds Atrichornithidae
128 Bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchidae
129 Australasian Treecreepers Climacteridae
130 Australasian Wrens Maluridae
131 Honeyeaters Meliphagidae
133 Pardalotes Pardalotidae
134 Australasian Warblers Acanthizidae
135 Australasian Babblers Pomatostomidae
136 Logrunners Orthonychidae
137 Satinbirds Cnemophilidae
138 Berrypeckers, Longbills Melanocharitidae
139 Painted Berrypeckers Paramythiidae
140 New Zealand Wattlebirds Callaeidae
141 Stitchbird Notiomystidae
143 Jewel-babblers, Quail-thrushes Cinclosomatidae
144 Wattle-eyes, Batises Platysteiridae
145 Bushshrikes Malaconotidae
147 Vangas, Helmetshrikes, Woodshrikes, Shrike-flycatchers Vangidae
148 Bristlehead Pityriaseidae
149 Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Peltops Artamidae
150 Mottled Berryhunter Rhagologidae
151 Ioras Aegithinidae
152 Cuckooshrikes Campephagidae
153 Whiteheads Mohouidae
158 Whistlers and allies Pachycephalidae
159 Vireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblers Vireonidae
160 Figbirds, Orioles, Piopios Oriolidae
161 Drongos Dicruridae
162 Fantails, Silktails Rhipiduridae
163 Monarchs Monarchidae
165 Shrikes Laniidae
166 Crows, Jays Corvidae
169 Ifrita Ifritidae
170 Birds-of-paradise Paradisaeidae
171 Australasian Robins Petroicidae
172 Rockfowl Picathartidae
173 Rockjumpers Chaetopidae
175 Waxwings Bombycillidae
176 Silky-flycatchers Ptiliogonatidae
177 Hypocolius Hypocoliidae
178 Palmchat Dulidae
179 Oos Mohoidae
181 Fairy Flycatchers Stenostiridae
182 Tits, Chickadees Paridae
183 Penduline Tits Remizidae
184 Nicators Nicatoridae
185 Bearded Reedling Panuridae
186 Larks Alaudidae
187 Bulbuls Pycnonotidae
188 Swallows, Martins Hirundinidae
190 Crombecs, African Warblers Macrosphenidae
191 Cettia Bush Warblers & Allies Cettiidae
193 Yellow Flycatchers Erythrocercidae
195 Bushtits Aegithalidae
196 Leaf Warblers & Allies Phylloscopidae
197 Reed Warblers, Grauer's Warbler & Allies Acrocephalidae
198 Grassbirds & Allies Locustellidae
199 Black-capped Donacobius Donacobiidae
201 Cisticolas & Allies Cisticolidae
202 Sylviid Babblers Sylviidae
203 Parrotbills and allies Paradoxornithidae
204 White-eyes Zosteropidae
205 Babblers, Scimitar Babblers Timaliidae
206 Ground Babblers Pellorneidae
208 Laughingthrushes & Allies Leiothrichidae
210 Sugarbirds Promeropidae
211 Fairy-bluebirds Irenidae
212 Goldcrests, Kinglets Regulidae
215 Wrens Troglodytidae
216 Gnatcatchers Polioptilidae
217 Nuthatches Sittidae
218 Wallcreeper Tichodromidae
219 Treecreepers Certhiidae
221 Mockingbirds, Thrashers Mimidae
222 Starlings, Rhabdornises Sturnidae
223 Oxpeckers Buphagidae
224 Thrushes Turdidae
225 Chats, Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae
226 Dippers Cinclidae
227 Leafbirds Chloropseidae
228 Flowerpeckers Dicaeidae
229 Sunbirds Nectariniidae
230 Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches Passeridae
231 Weavers, Widowbirds Ploceidae
232 Waxbills, Munias & Allies Estrildidae
233 Indigobirds, Whydahs Viduidae
235 Accentors Prunellidae
236 Wagtails, Pipits Motacillidae
237 Przevalski's Finch Urocynchramidae
238 Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae
239 Longspurs, Snow Buntings Calcariidae
240 Thrush-tanager Rhodinocichlidae
241 Buntings Emberizidae
242 New World Sparrows, Bush Tanagers Passerellidae
243 Chat-tanagers Calyptophilidae
244 Hispaniolan Tanagers Phaenicophilidae
246 Spindalises Spindalidae
248 Cuban Warblers Teretistridae
249 Yellow-breasted Chat Icteriidae
250 Oropendolas, Orioles, Blackbirds Icteridae
251 New World Warblers Parulidae
252 Mitrospingid Tanagers Mitrospingidae
253 Cardinals & Allies Cardinalidae
254 Tanagers and allies Thraupidae
Stamps showing Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus
Grey Parrot IOC v14.2: 4106 birdtheme SpecID 562 Links will open countrypage in new window
Ajman 25.01.1969 Birds
Angola 30.10.2006 LUBRAPEX 2007 3v set
Biafra 1968 Overprint SOVEREIGN BIAFRA on Nigeria 1966.02-03
Burundi 01.12.2011 Parrots
Burundi 01.12.2011 Parrots Sheet
Burundi 21.12.2012 Parrots Sheet
Cameroun 1995 Birds
Centralafrica 14.11.1983 Scouts and Rotary
Centralafrica 25.01.1991 Fauna protection 3v set
Centralafrica 20.10.1993 Biodiversity
Centralafrica 12.07.2001 Birds Sheet
Centralafrica 20.12.2011 Parrots Sheet
Centralafrica 25.04.2012 Parrots Sheet
Centralafrica 30.08.2013 Parrots Sheet
Centralafrica 20.11.2014 Parrots Sheet
Centralafrica 15.12.2015 Parrots MS
Centralafrica 22.05.2023 Biodiversity, birds Sheet
Chad 15.07.1982 Scouts 6v set
China (Taiwan) 11.11.1999 National Palace Museum's bird manual
Congo (Brazzaville) 29.12.1982 Bird's nests
Congo (Brazzaville) 28.11.1987 Simon Kimbangu 3v set
Congo (Brazzaville) 28.11.1987 Simon Kimbangu 3v sheet
Congo (Brazzaville) 10.07.1990 Birds
Congo (Kinshasa) 22.10.2012 Parrots Sheet
Cuba 20.12.1967 Christmas
Djibouti 25.01.2016 Parrots MS
Equatorial Guinea 1992 Nature protection
Gabon 12.10.1971 Birds
Gabon 01.11.1978 Philexafrique
Gabon 17.04.1989 Birds
Gabon 17.04.1989 Birds Sheet
Gambia 02.10.2000 Birds of the tropics Sheet
Gambia 02.10.2000 Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet
Gambia 16.07.2001 Animals of Africa 6v sheet
Gambia 16.05.2011 Parrots of Africa MS
Gambia 11.10.2011 Birds of Africa Sheet
Ghana 14.12.1964 Definitives 8v set
Ghana 16.10.1989 Birds
Ghana 25.10.1990 African tropical rain forest 20v sheet
Ghana 01.05.2000 Fauna and flora of Africa Sheet
Ghana 12.07.2012 Parrots of Africa Sheet
Guinea 22.12.1962 Birds
Guinea 28.03.2001 Parrots Sheet
Guinea 14.06.2001 Scouts, butterflies and birds 6v sheet
Guinea 14.06.2001 Scouts MS
Guinea 25.02.2009 Parrots Sheet
Guinea 25.02.2009 Parrots MS
Guinea 02.12.2011 Parrots Sheet
Guinea 01.06.2012 Endangered animals in West Africa 3v sheet
Guinea 01.06.2012 Endangered animals in West Africa 3v sheet
Guinea 01.06.2012 Endangered animals in West Africa MS
Guinea 03.12.2012 Earth summit
Guinea-Bissau 25.10.2005 Parrots Sheet
Guinea-Bissau 05.05.2008 Gazelles and parrots Sheet
Guyana 15.10.2001 Animals of tropical rainforests 8v sheet
Ivory Coast 11.06.1983 Birds
Ivory Coast 29.10.1999 Birds
Liberia 14.01.1994 Birds of Liberia Sheet
Liberia 15.09.2001 Birds of Africa Sheet
Liberia 15.09.2001 African wonderland 6v sheet
Malawi 10.11.2003 Birds of Africa Sheet
Maldive Islands 17.06.1997 Birds of the world Sheet
Manama 25.01.1969 Birds
Mongolia 23.10.1990 Parrots
Mozambique 24.09.1999 Birds and butterflies 6v sheet
Mozambique 17.06.2002 Birds of Africa Sheet
Mozambique 10.12.2007 Parrots Sheet
Mozambique 30.01.2010 Parrots 6v sheet
Mozambique 30.01.2010 Parrots MS
Mozambique 20.08.2014 Parrots Sheet
Mozambique 15.06.2015 Parrots MS
Mozambique 15.01.2016 Parrots Sheet
Niger 01.03.2013 Parrots Sheet
Niger 01.03.2013 Parrots MS
Nigeria 17.10.1966 Definitives
Nigeria 08.11.1990 Wildlife 4v set
Nigeria 08.11.1990 Wildlife 4v sheet
Rio Muni 01.10.1961 General Franco 4v set
Rio Muni 01.06.1966 Child welfare 3v set
Rumania 05.01.2016 Brukenthal 4v set
Rumania 06.07.2022 Intelligent animals 4v set
Sao Tome and Principe 15.12.1978 New currency
Sao Tome and Principe 15.10.1987 Parrots
Sao Tome and Principe 20.02.1991 Jako
Sao Tome and Principe 15.11.1991 Exhibition 12v set
Sao Tome and Principe 12.07.2000 Anniversary of independence 4v sheet
Sao Tome and Principe 2004 Scouts jamboree 9v sheet
Sao Tome and Principe 2006 Anniversary overprint on 2004.02 9v sheet, silver ovp
Sao Tome and Principe 2006 Anniversary overprint on 2004.02 9v sheet, gold ovp
Sao Tome and Principe 31.01.2009 WWF
Sao Tome and Principe 31.01.2009 WWF Sheet with 2 sets
Sao Tome and Principe 18.11.2015 Hong Kong 2015 4v sheet
Sao Tome and Principe 2015 Biodiversity 8v sheet
Sierra Leone 18.05.1999 Birds of Africa Sheet
Sierra Leone 31.05.1999 A wonderland of wildlife MS
Sierra Leone 15.05.2000 Stamp Show 2000
Sierra Leone 10.03.2008 Surcharge on 1999.05 Sheet
Sierra Leone 17.09.2013 Parrots of Africa Sheet
Sierra Leone 23.10.2015 Parrots Sheet
Singapore 15.11.2023 Bird Paradise Park
Somalia 28.05.1999 Parrots
Spanish Guinea 01.06.1957 Native welfare fund
St Maarten 27.01.2016 Parrots I MS
St Vincent & Grenadines 05.04.2024 Birds of the world Sheet
Tanzania 15.03.1989 Birds Sheet
Tanzania 19.07.2004 Birds Sheet
Tanzania 20.01.2012 Birds of Africa Sheet
Togo 12.06.1965 Definitives
Togo 05.06.1991 Forests 3v set
Togo 01.01.2013 Birds in painting Sheet
Togo 22.07.2013 Parrots Sheet
Togo 22.07.2013 Parrots MS
Togo 22.09.2014 Grey Parrot Sheet
Togo 22.09.2014 Grey Parrot Sheet with 3 sets
Togo 22.09.2014 Grey Parrot MS
Uganda 06.12.1999 Birds of Uganda Sheet
Uganda 08.07.2013 Endangered and vulnerable bird species Sheet
Chad 27.12.1983 Overprint XV WORLD JAMB... on 1982.01
Congo (Kinshasa) 22.10.2012 Scouts and birds
Congo (Kinshasa) 22.10.2012 Scouts and birds Sheet
Congo (Kinshasa) 22.10.2012 Scouts and birds MS
Congo (Kinshasa) 22.10.2012 Parrots
Congo (Kinshasa) 22.10.2012 Parrots MS
Ghana 14.12.1964 Pictorial issue 5v sheet, imp
Rio Muni 01.06.1966 Child welfare 3v set
Sao Tome and Principe 16.04.1997 Surcharge on 1991.01