Paradise Tanager IOC v14.2: 11274 birdtheme SpecID 2435 Links will open countrypage in new window
Djibouti 20.04.1998 International year of the ocean 12v sheetEcuador 17.06.1966 Birds Guinea 26.12.2001 Passerines Sheet without surroundsGuinea 26.12.2001 Passerines Sheet with surroundsGuyana 16.11.1990 Tropical birds of Guyana SheetGuyana 10.03.1993 Birds of Guyana SheetIsle of Man 09.02.2021 Show Birds Liberia 28.08.2000 Tropical birds of the world Mali 20.10.1995 Birds of the world SheetNicaragua 01.02.1991 Birds Paraguay 14.11.1973 Birds Surinam 27.04.1977 Birds Surinam 26.05.1977 Birds Sheet with 2 of eachSurinam 26.05.1977 Amphilex 77 Sheet with 2 of eachSurinam 01.10.1986 Surcharge on 1977.01 Surinam 26.05.2010 Birds SheetSurinam 25.11.2015 Van Reijen SheetTanzania 28.10.1991 Pet birds Sheet