Catalogue numbers for bird stamps from Guyana
YearDate DescriptionSGMichelScottYvertÅEKSissueKS
1966 26.05.1966 Overprint GUYANA INDEP... on Br Guiana 1954.01 386,396 248,258 7,17 233,243 1-2 1966.01 1-2
1967 06.11.1967 Christmas 441-442 294,296 33,33A 258-259 4-5 1967.01 3-4
1968 22.01.1968 New colour 443-444 295,297 34-35 280-281 7-8 1968.01 5-6
1968 04.03.1968 Definitives 453-457 306-310 44-48 287-291 9-13 1968.02 7-11
1977 26.05.1977 New coinage 672-673 517-518 254-255 498-499 14-15 1977.01 12-13
1978 15.02.1978 Wildlife conservation 687 532 269 513 16 1978.01 14
1981 08.06.1981 Overprint 1981 on 1968.02 791,791d 350, 17-18 1981.01 15-16
1981 01.07.1981 Overprint O17,792 D15,634 O2,257 S16,614 19-20 1981.02 17-18
1982 18.01.1982 Metrication 886 731 437F 21 1982.01 19
1982 12.07.1982 Overprint GUYANA H.R.H on Br Guiana 1954.01 985,983 837,834 542,541 22-23 1982.02 20-21
1982 16.08.1982 Overprint 1982 on 1978.01 992 843 443 749A 24 1982.03 22
1982 18.11.1982 Overprint CARICOM on 1982.01 1023 875 25 1982.04 23
1983 01.02.1983 Overprint 1983 on 1977.01 1037 891 26 1983.01 24
1983 01.02.1983 Overprint POSTAGE on 1981.02 1044 895 27 1983.02 25
1984 05.03.1984 Overprint Protecting Our Heritage 1238-1240a,1243,1250 1087-1089,1092,1099 744-746,749,? 28-32 1984.01 26-30
1984 21.06.1984 Surcharge on 1982.02 1288 1141 798 33 1984.02 31
1984 03.12.1984 Christmas 1425-1429 1266-1270 917a-e 34-38 1984.03 32-36
1985 11.03.1985 Wildlife protection 1448 1306 931 39 1985.01 37
1985 25.04.1985 Surcharge on 1977.01 P5 P5 Q5 40 1985.02 38
1985 26.07.1985 Overprint J.J.Audubon on 1982.03 1546 1409 1354 1208 41 1985.03 39
1986 19.07.1986 Halley's comet, stamp on stamp 1745 B13A 1461 42 1986.01 40
1986 19.07.1986 Halley's comet, stamp on stamp MS1746 B13B 1461c BF11 42 1986.02 41
1986 10.11.1986 Overprint EXPRESS on 1986.02 E3 B14 E5 43 1986.03 42
1986 26.11.1986 Christmas MS1889 1708-1712 1502a-e 1439-1443 44-48 1986.04 43-47
1987 03.03.1987 Maltese cross on 1986.03 E5 B15 E6 49 1987.01 48
1987 10.06.1987 Overprint CAPEX '87 on 1986.01 2186 B17 1822c 50 1987.02 49
1987 09.10.1987 Overprint THE PASSING OF on 1986.02 MS2224 B18 1836 BF13 51 1987.03 50
1987 Overprint EXPRESS FORTY on 1986.01 E10 B19 E11 52 1987.04 51
1987 09.11.1987 Christmas MS2231 1973-1977 1840a-e 1717A-1717E 53-57 1987.05 52-56
1988 28.01.1988 Fauna and flora 2076-2079 1865a-h 1769MA-1769MR 58-61 1988.01 57-60
1989 22.02.1989 Surcharge on 1986.01 and 1987.02 2587,2589 2029-2030 62-63 1989.01 61-62
1989 Overprint EXPRESS FORTY on 1986.01 E14-E15 B51-B52 E14-E15 64-65 1989.02 63-64
1990 23.01.1990 WWF, Harpy Eagle 2672-2675 3077-3080 2241-2243,2246 2152-2155 066-069 1990.01 65-68
1990 23.01.1990 Birds of Guyana 2676-2679 3081-3084 2244-2245,2247-2248 2156-2159 070-073 1990.02 69-72
1990 23.01.1990 Birds of Guyana MS2680a-b 3085-3086/B76-B77 SS2249-SS2250 BF30-BF31 074-075 1990.03 73-74
1990 12.09.1990 Birds 2762-2788 3184-3210 2305-2331 2184-2191,2270-2275,2292-2297,2314-2320 076-102 1990.04 75-101
1990 16.11.1990 Prehistoric animals 3007-3009,3014 3407-3409,3414 2378a,b,c,h 124-127 1990.05 102-105
1990 16.11.1990 Tropical birds of Guyana 2987-3006 3427-3466 2380a-t 2364-2383 103-122 1990.06 106-125
1990 16.11.1990 Rare and endangered birds of South America 2967-2986 3427-3466 2379a-t 2436-2455 128-147 1990.07 126-145
1990 16.11.1990 Rare and endangered wildlife of South America 3027-3033 3468-3487 2381a-t 2631-2650 148-154 1990.08 146-152
1990 16.11.1990 Rare and endangered wildlife of South America 3467/B116 SSE29 BF60 123 1990.09 153
1991 15.09.1991 Centenary of the landing in America 3570-3574 2401-2405 2685A-2685E 155-159 1991.01 154-158
1991 15.09.1991 Centenary of the landing in America 3575/B127 SS2406 BF86A 160 1991.02 159
1992 16.12.1992 Genova 92 B228-B229 A160-B160 1992.01 160-161
1993 10.03.1993 South American parrots 3476-3483 4045-4052 2652-2659 2861-2864,2934-2937 161-168 1993.01 162-169
1993 10.03.1993 South American parrots MS3484a-b 4053-4054/B242-B243 SS2660-SS2661 BF116,BF121 169-170 1993.02 170-171
1993 10.03.1993 Birds of Guyana 3485-3496 4055-4066 2671a-l 2902-2912 173-184 1993.03 172-183
1993 10.03.1993 Birds of Guyana MS3497 4067/B244 SS2673 BF119 185 1993.04 184
1993 10.03.1993 Prehistoric animals 3529 4085 2662a 171 1993.05 185
1993 10.03.1993 Prehistoric animals 3539 4111 2664c 172 1993.06 186
1993 08.06.1993 Scouts B263-B264 186-187 1993.07 187-188
1993 21.07.1993 Fauna, living and prehistoric 4146-4147 2675Ac,2675Ab A187-B187 1993.08 189-190
1994 20.05.1994 Sierra Club 3851-3853,3856 4584-4586,4589 2806a-h 3251-3258 188-191 1994.01 191-194
1994 20.05.1994 Sierra Club 3844,3848 4577,4581 2807a-h 3598-3605 192-193 1994.02 195-196
1994 20.06.1994 Philakorea '94 3965-3968 4645-4648 2841b-e 3386-3389 A193-D193 1994.03 197-200
1994 20.06.1994 Philakorea '94 3975-3977 4655-4657 2842b-d 3396-3398 E193-G193 1994.04 201-203
1994 20.06.1994 Apollo 11 4704-4709 1994.05 900-905
1994 20.06.1994 Apollo 11 4710-4715 1994.06 906-911
1994 20.06.1994 Apollo 11 4716-4721 1994.07 912-917
1994 20.06.1994 Apollo 11 4722/B422 1994.08 918
1994 04.08.1994 Daniel and the lions 4092-4116 4823-4847 2836a-x 220-226 1994.09 204-210
1994 16.08.1994 Philakorea 1994 4129-4140 4848-4859 2858a-l 3455-3466 194-205 1994.10 211-222
1994 16.08.1994 Philakorea 1994 4117-4128 4860-4871 2859a-l 3550-3561 207-218 1994.11 223-234
1994 16.08.1994 Philakorea 1994 MS4141a-b 4873/B428,4872/B427 SS2860-SS2861 BF171,BF178 219,206 1994.12 235-236
1994 10.11.1994 Apollo 11 4920-4928 2873a-i 1994.13 919-927
1994 10.11.1994 Apollo 11 4173 4930/B441 A226 1994.14 237
1995 08.05.1995 Birds of the world 4329-4340 5123-5134 2931-2942 3689-3700 227-238 1995.01 238-249
1995 18.10.1995 Wildlife 4509-4511,4521 5311-5314 2991a-d 3873-3876 239-242 1995.02 250-253
1995 18.10.1995 Wildlife 4513 5316 2992b 3851 243 1995.03 254
1996 29.01.1996 Prehistoric animals 5459-5470 3045b 244 1996.01 255
1996 03.05.1996 Mushrooms MS4706a 5546/B502 SS3063 245 1996.02 256
1996 10.07.1996 Birds 5563-5570 3071a-h 4060-4067 246-253 1996.03 257-264
1996 10.07.1996 Birds 5572-5579 3071j-q 4085-4092 255-262 1996.04 265-272
1996 10.07.1996 Birds 5571,5580/B507,B508 SS3072-SS3073 BF242,BF247 254,263 1996.05 273-274
1997 01.07.1997 Hong Kong '97 5063-5066 5835-5846 264-267 1997.01 275-278
1997 12.08.1997 Birds of the world 5118-5120,5133 6064-6067 3219-3222 4418-4421 268-271 1997.02 279-282
1997 12.08.1997 Hummingbirds 5127-5132 6068-6073 3223a-f 4393-4398 272-277 1997.03 283-288
1997 12.08.1997 Birds of the world 5121-5126 6075-6079 3224a-f 4422-4427 278-283 1997.04 289-294
1997 12.08.1997 Birds of the world MS5134a-b 6080-6081/B550-B551 SS3225-SS3226 BF284,BF286 284-285 1997.05 295-296
1998 23.02.1998 Prehistoric animals 5187-5195 6115-6123 3271a-i 286 1998.01 297
1998 29.10.1998 Royal Air Force MS5405a,MS5405e,MS5405f 6393-6398/B580-B585 SS3350,SS3353,SS3355 287-289 1998.02 298-300
1999 15.03.1999 Flowers of the world 6454-6477 3386d,f 4888-4896 A289-B289 1999.01 301-302
1999 22.06.1999 Paintings by Hokusai 6593-6598 3424a-b 4865-4870 C289-D289 1999.02 303-304
1999 03.08.1999 Parrots of Central America 5659-5666 6645-6652 3429a-h 4990-4997 290-297 1999.03 305-312
1999 03.08.1999 Parrots of Central America 5651-5658 6637-6644 3430a-h 4897-4904 298-305 1999.04 313-320
1999 03.08.1999 Parrots of Central America MS5667a-c 6653-6654/B617-B618 SS3431-SS3432 BF345,BF354 306-307 1999.05 321-322
2001 18.06.2001 Japanese art, Philanippon 2001 6154-6161 7199-7206 3626a-h 5387-5394 308-310 2001.01 323-325
2001 15.10.2001 Tropical birds 6219-6224 7330-7335 3679a-f 5425-5430 311-316 2001.02 326-331
2001 15.10.2001 Tropical birds 6225-6230 7324-7329 3680a-f 5405-5410 317-322 2001.03 332-337
2001 15.10.2001 Tropical birds MS6231a-b 7336-7337/B725-B726 SS3681-SS3682 BF424,BF426 323-324 2001.04 338-339
2001 15.10.2001 Animals of tropical rainforests 6276-6277 7314-7321 3676e-f 5397-5404 325-326 2001.05 340-341
2001 15.10.2001 Animals of tropical rainforests 6267 7306-7313 3675d 327 2001.06 342
2001 15.10.2001 Prehistoric creatures 6260 7274 3663 328 2001.07 343
2001 15.10.2001 Prehistoric creatures 6237 7289 3665c 5473B 329 2001.08 344
2002 01.07.2002 Year of eco tourism MS6316 7408 3710a 5512 330 2002.01 345
2002 07.08.2002 Birds of Central America MS6329 7445-7450 3718a-f 5571-5576 331-336 2002.02 346-351
2002 07.08.2002 Birds of Central America MS6330 7451/B744 SS3723 BF447 337 2002.03 352
2003 27.01.2003 Ronald Reagan MS6338 7472 3733a 5593-5598 338 2003.01 353
2003 27.01.2003 John F. Kennedy MS6339 7482 3731a 5587-5592 339 2003.02 354
2003 01.12.2003 WWF 6406-6409 7626-7629 3792a-d 5683-5686 340-343 2003.03 355-358
2007 15.02.2007 Birds of South America 6602-6604,6609 7912-7915 3953-3956 5936-5939 2007.01 359-362
2007 15.02.2007 Birds of South America 6605-6608 7916-7919 3957a-d 5940-5943 2007.02 363-366
2007 15.02.2007 Birds of South America MS6610a-b 7920/B815,7921/B816 SS3958-SS3959 ?,BF510 2007.03 367-368
2010 Overprint Haiti Earthquake...on 2007.02 6708-6711 4025a-d 6035-6038 2010.01 369-372
2012 30.05.2012 Birds of South America MS6782 8270-8273 4096a-d 2012.01 373-376
2012 30.05.2012 Birds of South America MS6783 8266-8269 4095a-d 2012.02 377-380
2012 30.05.2012 Birds of South America MS6784,MS6785 8275/B846,8274/B845 SS4097,SS4098 2012.03 381-382
2012 23.10.2012 Wildlife of South America MS6806 8331 4137b 2012.04 383
2013 29.04.2013 Birds of South America MS6841 8616-8619 4230a-d 2013.01 384-387
2013 29.04.2013 Birds of South America MS6842 8620/B875 SS4231 2013.02 388
2013 01.05.2013 Mount Jigong 8636/B879 2013.03 389
2013 11.11.2013 Brasiliana 2013 8672 2013.04 390
2014 10.03.2014 Flamingos MS6875 8783-8786 4303a-d 2014.01 391-394
2014 10.03.2014 Flamingos MS6876 8787-8788/B901 4304a-b 2014.02 395-396
2014 01.07.2014 Animals of South America 8865-8866 4345a-b 2014.03 397-398
2014 01.07.2014 Animals of South America 8869/B911,8870/B912 SS4346,SS4347 2014.04 399-400
2014 01.07.2014 Animals and birds 6884-6903 8833-8852 4329-4340 2014.05 401-412
2015 05.01.2015 Parrots of South America 4387a-d 2015.01 413-416
2015 05.01.2015 Parrots of South America SS4389 2015.02 417
2015 05.01.2015 Parrots of South America 4388a-d 2015.03 418-421
2015 05.01.2015 Parrots of South America SS4690 2015.04 422
2015 05.01.2015 Seagulls 4383a-c 2015.05 423-425
2015 05.01.2015 Seagulls SS4385 2015.06 426
2015 05.01.2015 Seagulls 4384a-c 2015.07 427-429
2015 05.01.2015 Seagulls SS4386 2015.08 430
2016 20.02.2016 Capybaras 4452a 2016.01 431
2017 14.04.2017 Animals of the world 4513d 2017.01 432
2017 07.08.2017 Tropical toucans 4515a-d 2017.02 433-436
2017 07.08.2017 Tropical toucans 4516a-b 2017.03 437-438
2017 26.12.2017 Wildlife of Galapagos 45288a-b,d-e 2017.04 439-442
2018 24.01.2018 Birds of Guyana 4538a-d 2018.01 443-446
2018 24.01.2018 Birds of Guyana 4539a-c 2018.02 447-449
2018 07.06.2018 Wildlife 4556,4559,4560 2018.03 450-452
2018 13.07.2018 National bird 4562a-d 2018.04 453-456
2018 13.07.2018 National bird SS4563 2018.05 457
2018 20.11.2018 Tanagers 4587a-f 2018.06 458-463
2018 20.11.2018 Tanagers 4588a-b 2018.09 464-465
2018 20.11.2018 Apollo 11 4592b 2018.10 466
2019 12.02.2019 Valerie Rodway 2019.01 467
2019 16.05.2019 Inca Tern 2019.02 468-471
2019 16.05.2019 Inca Tern 2019.03 472
2019 16.05.2019 Wildlife of South America 2019.04 473-477
2019 17.06.2019 Spangled Cotinga 2019.05 478-481
2019 17.06.2019 Spangled Cotinga 2019.06 482
2020 24.03.2020 Woodpeckers 4620a-h 2020.01 483-490
2020 24.03.2020 Woodpeckers SS4621 2020.02 491
2020 30.09.2020 Owls 2020.03 492-495
2020 30.09.2020 Owls 2020.04 496-497
2020 30.09.2020 Flamingos 2020.05 498-500
2020 30.09.2020 Flamingos 2020.06 501
2021 21.06.2021 Ducks 4671a-d 2021.01 502-505
2021 21.06.2021 Ducks SS4672 2021.02 506
2021 21.06.2021 Hummingbirds 4669a-f 2021.03 507-512
2021 21.06.2021 Hummingbirds SS4670 2021.04 513
2021 01.09.2021 Harpy Eagle 4676a-d 2021.05 514-517
2021 01.09.2021 Harpy Eagle SS4677 2021.06 518
2021 13.09.2021 Nocturnal animals of the U.S. SS4681 2021.07 519
2022 18.11.2022 Short-eared Owl 4716a-d 2022.01 520-523
2022 18.11.2022 Short-eared Owl SS4717 2022.02 524
2022 18.11.2022 Keel-billed Toucan 4714a-f 2022.03 525-530
2022 18.11.2022 Keel-billed Toucan SS4715 2022.04 531
2022 22.12.2022 Diplomatic relations with Cuba 4718c-d 2022.05 532-533
2023 26.04.2023 Hyacinth Macaw 4727a-f 2023.01 534-539
2023 26.04.2023 Hyacinth Macaw SS4728 2023.02 540
