Catalogue numbers for bird stamps from Angola
YearDate DescriptionSGMichelScottYvertÅEKSissueKS
1951 23.01.1951 Birds 458-481 339-362 333-356 328-351 1-9 1951.01 1-9
1951 27.01.1951 Birds 458-481 339-362 333-356 328-351 10 1951.02 10
1951 22.03.1951 Birds 458-481 339-362 333-356 328-351 11-16 1951.03 11-16
1951 27.03.1951 Birds 458-481 339-362 333-356 328-351 17-24 1951.04 17-24
1984 24.10.1984 Birds 827-832 701-706 683-688 689A-689F 25-30 1984.01 25-30
1992 02.06.1992 Nature protection 989-992 891-894 837-840 862-865 31-34 1992.01 31-34
1994 27.09.1994 Tourism 1066 969 911 938 35 1994.01 35
1996 20.04.1996 Birds 1127-1138 1032-1043 957a-l 991-1002 36-47 1996.01 36-47
1996 20.04.1996 Birds 1139-1150 1044-1055 958a-958l 1003-1014 48-59 1996.02 48-59
1996 20.04.1996 Birds MS1151a-b B25-B26 SS959-SS960 BF25-BF26 60-61 1996.03 60-61
1996 27.04.1996 Angolan fauna 1111-1113,1115,1120,1124-1125 1058-1069 955a-l 1015-1026 62-68 1996.04 62-68
1996 12.06.1996 SONANGOL 1184-1187 1091-1092 981,978 69-70 1996.05 69-70
1998 25.05.1998 Decade of education in Africa MS1309 1236/B45 SS1007 A70 1998.01 71
1999 25.03.1999 WWF 1414-1417 1321-1324 1058a-d 1253-1256 71-74 1999.01 72-75
1999 25.03.1999 Fauna 1418-1421 1325-1328 1059-1062 1243-1246 75-77 1999.02 76-78
1999 25.03.1999 Fauna 1422-1427 1329-1334 1058a-d 78-80 1999.03 79-81
2000 07.04.2000 Animals of the world 1542 1471 1124 85 2000.01 82
2000 07.04.2000 Animals of the world MS1544d 1491-1496 1131a-f 1367-1372 86 2000.02 83
2000 07.04.2000 Animals of the world MS1544a 1473-1478 1128a-f 87 2000.03 84
2000 07.04.2000 Animals of the world MS1544b 1485-1490 1129a-f 1425-1430 88-89 2000.04 85-86
2000 10.04.2000 Birds of prey 1545-1547 1501-1504 1138-1141 1363A-1363D 90-93 2000.05 87-90
2000 10.04.2000 Birds of prey MS1548a 1505-1510 1143a-f 1403-1408 94-99 2000.06 91-96
2000 10.04.2000 Birds of prey MS1548b 1511-1516 1142a-f 1385-1390 100-105 2000.07 97-102
2000 10.04.2000 Birds of prey MS1548c 1517-1519 1144a-c 1363E-1363G 106-108 2000.08 103-105
2000 10.04.2000 Birds of prey MS1548d 1520-1522 1145a-c 1364-1366 109-111 2000.09 106-108
2000 10.04.2000 Birds of prey MS1548e-MS1548h 1523-1526/B79-B82 SS1146-SS1149 BF79A,BF76,BF79,BF81 112-115 2000.10 109-112
2000 13.04.2000 Nature heritage of Angola 1549-1560 1527-1538 1126a-l 1373-1384 116-117 2000.11 113-114
2000 13.04.2000 Nature heritage of Angola 1561-1572 1539-1550 1127a-l 1391-1402 118-120 2000.12 115-117
2000 07.08.2000 Millennium 1500-1550 1577 1553 1150a 121 2000.13 118
2003 10.12.2003 Eagles 1686-1689 1715-1718 1255-1258 122-125 2003.01 119-122
2003 10.12.2003 Eagles MS1690 1719/B108 SS1259 126 2003.02 123
2005 23.02.2005 Rotary 1750 1281 127 2005.01 124
2005 23.02.2005 Rotary 1750/B112 1281a 128 2005.02 125
2006 30.10.2006 LUBRAPEX 2007 1769-1770 1298,1300 2006.01 126-127
2010 01.06.2010 International day of the child 1794-1795 1835,1837 1355-1356 1663,1665 2010.01 128-129
2010 01.06.2010 International day of the child MS1796 1839/B130 SS1358 BF130 2010.02 130
