Catalogue numbers for bird stamps from Aruba
YearDate DescriptionSGMichelScottYvertÅEKSissueKS
1986 05.02.1986 Definitives 9 8 6 8 1 1986.01 1
1988 04.05.1988 Greetings stamps 48 44 36 44 2 1988.01 2
1990 07.02.1990 Environmental protection 75 71 54 71 3 1990.01 3
1991 29.11.1991 Tourism 104 100 75 100 4 1991.01 4
1994 28.01.1994 WWF 138-141 134-137 101-104 134-137 5-8 1994.01 5-8
1997 29.05.1997 Pacific 97 205 196-204 150a-i 196-204 9 1997.01 9
1998 10.07.1998 Arubian birds 225-228 221-224 162-165 221-224 10-13 1998.01 10-13
2001 31.01.2001 Pets 288 270 203 14 2001.01 14
2002 31.10.2002 Child welfare 314 300 B69 300 15 2002.01 15
2004 31.03.2004 Seabirds 337-340 323-326 244-247 323-326 16-19 2004.01 16-19
2005 31.05.2005 Sunset 363 353 267 20 2005.01 20
2005 29.07.2005 Birds of prey 364-367 354-357 268-271 21-24 2005.02 21-24
2005 29.07.2005 Birds of prey 364-367/MS368 354-357/B4 271A 25-28 2005.03 25-28
2006 31.10.2006 Arikok national park 390-392 380-382 293-295 2006.01 29-31
2008 30.04.2008 Shoco, Burrowing Owl 415-417 324-326 2008.01 32-34
2010 02.06.2010 Parrots 468-470 493-495 365a-c 458-460 2010.01 35-37
2010 17.11.2010 Birds 492-501 517-526 370a-j 502-511 2010.02 38-47
2012 19.01.2012 Birds of prey 601-610 631-640 395a-j 611-620 2012.01 48-57
2013 05.04.2013 Bank notes 727 425c 2013.01 58
2013 01.08.2013 Birds 705-716 739-750 429a-l 2013.02 59-70
2013 12.11.2013 Aruban nature photography 733-742 767,771 432a,432e 2013.03 71-72
2013 16.12.2013 Forest animals 743-750 779,783 433c,433g 2013.04 73-74
2014 24.04.2014 Birds-of-paradise 801-810 437a-j 2014.01 75-84
2015 28.08.2015 Ostrich 887-896 468a-j 2015.01 85-94
2016 31.03.2016 Aruban Burrowing Owl 923-926 2016.01 95-98
2016 31.08.2016 Birds 949-956 2016.02 99-106
2017 30.06.2017 Birds 997-2004 550-557 2017.01 107-114
2017 29.09.2017 Island views 1014-1021 570-571 2017.02 115-116
2018 24.04.2018 Personalized stamps 587 2018.01 117
2018 28.09.2018 Water sports 2018.02 118-121
2018 31.10.2018 Pets 2018.03 122
2018 30.11.2018 Sustainable energy 615-616 2018.04 123-124
2019 31.10.2019 Feathers 2019.01 125-128
2022 29.04.2022 Flamingo 681-684 2022.01 129-132
2024 12.07.2024 Yellow-shouldered Amazon 2024.01 133-136
