Catalogue numbers for bird stamps from Ascension
YearDate DescriptionSGMichelScottYvertÅEKSissueKS
1934 02.07.1934 Definitives 28 29 30 28 1 1934.01 1
1956 19.11.1956 Definitives 62,67 67,72 67,72 68,73 2-3 1956.01 2-3
1963 23.05.1963 Definitives 70-83 75-88 75-88 76-89 4-17 1963.01 4-17
1963 23.05.1963 Definitives SB1 84a 1963.02 18-23
1970 07.09.1970 Royal naval crests 133 137 137 138 18 1970.01 24
1976 26.04.1976 Birds 199-214 196-211 196-211 197-212 19-34 1976.01 25-40
1984 26.07.1984 New coinage 366 367 358 360 35 1984.01 41
1987 08.10.1987 Sea birds 442-446 443-447 430a-e 437-441 36-40 1987.01 42-46
1988 15.08.1988 Sea birds 469-473 470-474 453a-e 464-468 41-45 1988.01 47-51
1990 05.03.1990 WWF 517-520 521-524 483-486 503-506 46-49 1990.01 52-55
1993 12.01.1993 Yellow Canary 591-594 598-601 553-556 575-578 50-53 1993.01 56-59
1994 16.08.1994 Sooty Tern 633-636 645-648 594-597 614-617 54-57 1994.01 60-63
1994 16.08.1994 Sooty Tern MS637 B27 SS598 BF27 58 1994.02 64
1994 11.10.1994 Christmas 641 653 602 621 59 1994.03 65
1996 12.08.1996 Birds 679-694 691-706 640-655 657-672 60-75 1996.01 66-81
1997 03.02.1997 Hong Kong 97 MS708 B30 652a 72a 1997.01 82
1997 20.06.1997 The return of Hong Kong to China MS718 B31 653a 73a 1997.02 83
1997 01.09.1997 Birds 726-727 736D-736E 681-682 706-707 76-77 1997.03 84-87
1998 15.06.1998 Migratory birds 747-751 763-767 702-706 720-724 78-82 1998.01 88-92
1999 27.04.1999 WWF, Fairy Tern 770-773 786-789 725-728 747-750 83-86 1999.01 93-96
2001 01.10.2001 BirdLife International 834-837 857A-860A 785-788 792A-792D 87-90 2001.01 97-100
2001 01.10.2001 BirdLife International MS838 861C,857C-860C 789a BF45A 91-95 2001.02 101-105
2002 28.08.2002 Views and flowers 879-890 805,808 96-97 2002.01 106-107
2004 06.02.2004 BirdLife International 889-893 917A-921A 838-842 838-842 98-102 2004.01 108-112
2004 06.02.2004 BirdLife International 889-893/MS894 917C-921C/B51 842a 838-842/BF51 103-107 2004.02 113-117
2004 28.10.2004 Lunar eclipse 908 935 856 108 2004.03 118
2004 28.10.2004 Lunar eclipse MS909 935/B54 856a 109 2004.04 119
2005 27.05.2005 BirdLife International 921-925 948-952 868-872 865-869 110-114 2005.01 120-124
2005 27.05.2005 BirdLife International 921-925/MS926 948-952/B56 872a 865-869/BF56 115-119 2005.02 125-129
2006 24.07.2006 Exploration and innovation 981-982 898a&b 2006.01 130-131
2007 10.12.2007 BOU expedition 979-986 1013-1020 921a&b,922b,923b 2007.01 132-135
2008 05.02.2008 Animals 987-998 1027,1029,1031,1032 930,932,934,935 2008.01 136-139
2009 13.11.2009 Charles Darwin 1090-1093 985,987,988 2009.01 140-142
2009 04.12.2009 Tropicbird 1060-1063 1094-1097 989-992 996-999 2009.02 143-146
2009 04.12.2009 Tropicbird 1094-1097 992a 996-999 2009.03 147-150
2010 11.10.2010 The Yellow Canary 1082-1085 1118-1121 1004-1007 1008-1011 2010.01 151-154
2010 11.10.2010 The Yellow Canary 1082-1085 1118-1121 1004-1007 1008-1011 2010.02 155-158
2011 31.08.2011 WWF 1113-1116 1151-1154 1034-1037 1038-1041 2011.01 159-162
2011 31.08.2011 WWF 1155-1158 1038a-d 2011.02 163-166
2012 05.12.2012 Wideawake airfield MS1149 1190-1194/B73 1066a,d 2012.01 167-168
2013 16.08.2013 Ascension Frigatebird 1176-1181 1219-1224 1093-1098 2013.01 169-174
2016 22.02.2016 WWF 1153-1156 2016.01 175-178
2016 22.02.2016 WWF 1157a-d 2016.02 179-182
2020 22.12.2020 Definitives 1229-1231 2020.01 183-185
2021 09.11.2021 Blue Belt Programme 2021.01 186
