Catalogue numbers for bird stamps from New Zealand
YearDate DescriptionSGMichelScottYvertÅEKSissueKS
1898 05.04.1898 Definitives 251,254,257 70,73,76 70-83 1-3 1898.01 1-3
1899 12.05.1899 Definitives 264 84 2a 1899.01 4
1900 Definitives 261,265,268 81,85,88 1a,4,3a 1900.01 5-7
1902 Definitives 309,312,315 1b,4a,3b 1902.01 8-10
1907 Overprint OFFICIAL on 1898.01 O63-O65 D4-D6 O26-O28 S30-S32 5-7 1907.01 11-13
1907 Definitives 118-120 8-10 1907.02 14-16
1908 Overprint OFFICIAL on 1907.02 O72 D13 11 1908.01 17
1935 01.05.1935 Definitives 556,557,567 189-190,200 12-14 1935.01 18-20
1936 01.04.1936 Definitives 577,578,588 212,213,223 12a-14a 1936.01 21-23
1936 Overprint Official on 1935.01 O115 15 1936.02 24
1936 Overprint Official on 1935.01 O118 16 1936.03 25
1937 Overprint Official on 1935.01 O120 17 1937.01 26
1956 16.01.1956 Southland centennial 754 362 315 351 18 1956.01 27
1958 03.11.1958 Hawke's Bay Province 769 379 324 372 19 1958.01 28
1959 05.01.1959 Pan-Pacific scout jamboree 771 381 326 374 20 1959.01 29
1959 16.09.1959 Health stamps 776-777 386-387 B57-B58 379-380 21-22 1959.02 30-31
1959 16.09.1959 Health stamps MS777c B57a-B58a 1959.03 32-33
1960 10.08.1960 Health stamps 803-804 413A-414A B59-B60 402-403 23-24 1960.01 34-35
1960 10.08.1960 Health stamps MS804b 413C-414C B59a-B60a 23a-24a 1960.02 36-37
1961 02.08.1961 Health stamps 806-807 416-417 B61-B62 405-406 25-26 1961.01 38-39
1961 02.08.1961 Health stamps MS807a B61a-B62a 1961.02 40-41
1962 03.10.1962 Health stamps 812-813 422-423 B63-B64 411-412 27-28 1962.01 42-43
1962 03.10.1962 Health stamps MS813b B63a-B64a 1962.02 44-45
1964 05.08.1964 Health stamps 822-823 433-434 B67-B68 421-422 29-30 1964.01 46-47
1964 05.08.1964 Health stamps MS823b B67a-B68a 1964.02 48-49
1965 04.08.1965 Health stamps 831-832 442-443 B69-B70 430-431 31-32 1965.01 50-51
1965 04.08.1965 Health stamps MS832b B69a-B70a 1965.02 52-53
1966 03.08.1966 Health stamps 839-840 451-452 B71-B72 438-439 33-34 1966.01 54-55
1966 03.08.1966 Health stamps MS841 B71a-B72a 1966.02 56-57
1970 02.12.1970 Chatham Islands 947 549 468 526 35 1970.01 58
1973 07.02.1973 Anniversaries 1000 600 514 A35 1973.01 59
1976 04.08.1976 Health stamps 1127 693 B97 B35 1976.01 60
1976 04.08.1976 Health stamps MS1128 B97a 1976.02 61
1984 01.02.1984 Antarctic research 1328 890 792 860 36 1984.01 62
1984 01.02.1984 Antarctic research 889-892/B5 794a 1984.02 63
1985 24.04.1985 Native birds 1292-1293 931-932 768-769 895-896 37-38 1985.01 64-65
1986 23.04.1986 Native birds 1294-1295 960-961 770,770A 924-925 39-40 1986.01 66-67
1986 01.05.1986 Native birds 1288,1290 962-963 766-767 926-927 41-42 1986.02 68-69
1986 01.05.1986 Native birds 1288/SB41 962 1986.03 70
1987 02.02.1987 Native birds 1289,1291 984-985 830-831 948-949 43-44 1987.01 71-72
1987 02.02.1987 Native birds 1289/SB43 1987.02 73
1987 02.02.1987 Native birds 1289/SB44 1987.03 74
1987 01.11.1987 Native birds 1289/SB45 984 1987.04 75
1987 01.11.1987 Native birds 1289/SB45 1987.05 76
1988 22.04.1988 Native birds 1296 1021 835 984 45 1988.01 77
1988 07.06.1988 Native birds 1466 1027 832 990 46 1988.02 78
1988 07.06.1988 Native birds 1466/SB48 1027 1988.03 79
1988 19.10.1988 Brown Kiwi 1490/SB50 1047I 918 1010 47 1988.04 80
1988 02.11.1988 Native birds 1460-1468 1048A-1055A 919-926 1011-1018 48-55 1988.05 81-88
1988 02.11.1988 Native birds 1463/SB51 1051A 1051A 1988.06 89
1989 19.04.1989 Native birds 1297 1070 935 1027 56 1989.01 90
1989 07.07.1989 PHILEXFRANCE '89 932/B18 SS769a BF66 1989.02 91
1989 11.10.1989 New Zealand heritage 1528 1092 968 1048 57 1989.03 92
1989 08.11.1989 Native birds 1463a 1051C 1989.04 93
1989 17.11.1989 WORLD STAMP EXPO '89 1466 1027/B19 SS832a BF68 1989.05 94
1990 01.08.1990 Native birds 1463/SB53 1990.01 95
1990 07.11.1990 Antarctic birds 1573-1578 1144-1149 1008-1013 1088-1093 58-63 1990.02 96-101
1990 Native birds 1463 1051A 1990.03 900
1990 NZ 1990 1990.04 901
1990 BIRDPEX '90 1990.05 902
1991 06.03.1991 Chatham Islands 1585 1156 1020 1100 64 1991.01 102
1991 17.04.1991 Brown Kiwi 1490b 1164I 1027 1109 65 1991.02 103
1991 17.04.1991 Native birds 1589 1165 935a 1108 51a 1991.03 104
1991 01.07.1991 Native birds 1459a,1463b 1182A,1183A 918B,922A 1126-1127 66-67 1991.04 105-106
1991 01.07.1991 Native birds 1463b/SB56 1183A 924b 1991.05 107
1991 01.07.1991 Native birds 1589a 932 67a 1991.06 108
1991 01.10.1991 Native birds 1463b/SB59 1991.07 109
1991 01.10.1991 Native birds 1463b/SB59b 1183D 67b-67c 1991.08 110-111
1992 01.03.1992 Native birds 1467/SB60 927 1992.01 112
1992 01.03.1992 Native birds 1467/SB61 1992.02 113
1992 08.04.1992 Antarctic seals 1666 1220-1225 1096 68 1992.03 114
1992 27.05.1992 Native birds 1467/SB61a 1992.04 115
1993 31.03.1993 Native birds 1467a/SB63 1283A 928 1227 69 1993.01 116
1993 09.06.1993 Brown Kiwi 1490c 1295 1161 1234 70 1993.02 117
1993 09.06.1993 WWF 1736-1739 1290-1294 1162a-e 1235-1238 71-74 1993.03 118-121
1993 14.08.1993 TAIPEI '93 MS1745 1047II,1164II,1295I/B37 SS1164a BF89 47a,65a 1993.04 122-124
1994 18.02.1994 HONG KONG '94 MS1786 1047II,1164II,1295II/B41 1161c 70a 1994.01 125-127
1994 Native birds 1467a/SB63a 1283C 928c 69a 1994.02 128
1994 16.08.1994 PHILAKOREA '94 MS1830 1048x-1053x,1182A-1183A/B45 SS1236b BF96 1994.03 129-136
1995 03.02.1995 POST'X 95 MS1854 1070/B47 930d BF99 1995.01 137
1995 22.03.1995 Environment protection 1865-1874 1409-1418 1259-1268 1352-1361 75-A75 1995.02 138-139
1995 Native birds 1467a/SB63ab 1283D 69b-69c 1995.03 140-141
1995 01.09.1995 Farmyard animals 1909-1911 1441D-1450D 1298,1300,1299 1395-1404 76a-77a 1995.04 142-144
1995 01.09.1995 SINGAPORE '95 1909-1913/MS1914 1446A-1450A/B51 1302b BF104 76-77,A77 1995.05 145-147
1995 22.09.1995 Native birds 1461a,1465a 1049C,1053C 921a,926b 49a,53a 1995.06 148-149
1995 02.10.1995 Farmyard animals 1899-1901 1455-1464 1302a 78-79,A79 1995.07 150-152
1996 21.02.1996 Seaside environment 1958,1960 1487,1489 1335,1337 1425,1427 80 1996.01 153-154
1996 01.05.1996 Marine wildlife 1992-1994 1511-1516 1366-1368 1455-1460 82-84 1996.02 155-157
1996 18.05.1996 CHINA '96 MS1999 1513/B55 1370a 1996.03 158
1996 07.08.1996 Seaside environment 1538,1540 1344b 1996.04 159-160
1996 02.10.1996 Extinct birds 2028-2033 1558-1563 1393-1398 1482-1487 85-91 1996.05 161-166
1996 02.10.1996 Extinct birds MS2034 1563/B58 1398a 1996.06 167
1996 02.10.1996 Extinct birds 2035/SB83 1564 1399 1495 86 1996.07 168
1996 21.10.1996 TAIPEI '96 1563/B58I 1398b 1996.08 169
1996 21.10.1996 TAIPEI '96 1512/B59 1371a 1996.09 170
1997 06.08.1997 Brown Kiwi 2090 1620 1445 1547 92 1997.01 171
1998 11.02.1998 Museum of New Zealand 2132 1658 1483 1591 93 1998.01 172
1998 20.05.1998 1898 pictorials centenary 2158-2171 1677-1690 1508-1521 1606-1619 94-96 1998.02 173-175
1999 10.02.1999 Popular pets 2237 1741-1746 1578 97 1999.01 176
1999 28.07.1999 Scenic walks 2279,2283 1787,1791 1602,1605 1715,1719 98-99 1999.02 177-178
2000 01.01.2000 The last sunset 1547a 100 2000.01 179
2000 06.03.2000 Gold round kiwi 2090a 1820 1635 1748 101 2000.02 180
2000 07.07.2000 WORLD STAMP EXPO 2000 USA MS2342 B112 1635a 102-106 2000.03 181-185
2000 04.11.2000 Threatened birds 2369-2375 1873-1879 1688-1694 1792-1798 107-113 2000.04 186-192
2001 01.02.2001 Hong Kong 2001 MS2393 B118 SS1694a 114-115 2001.01 193-194
2001 07.11.2001 Penguins 2452-2457 1949-1954 1744-1749 1877-1882 116-121 2001.02 195-200
2002 05.06.2002 Children's book festival 1992-2001 1793,1798 1915-1924 122-123 2002.01 201-202
2002 05.06.2002 Brown Kiwi 2090b 2002a 1787 1914 124 2002.02 203
2005 12.01.2005 Farmyard animals 2750 2232 1995 2134 125 2005.01 204
2005 12.01.2005 Farmyard animals 2750 2232 1995a 126 2005.02 205
2005 12.01.2005 Farmyard animals MS2751 2232/B177 1995b BF193 127 2005.03 206
2005 01.06.2005 150 years of stamps 2792 2258 2018 2164 128 2005.04 207
2005 01.06.2005 150 years of stamps MS2796 2258/B186 2021a 2164/BF198 129 2005.05 208
2005 06.07.2005 Greetings stamps 2801,2809 2266,2274 2031a,2031i 2168,2176 130-131 2005.06 209-210
2005 03.08.2005 WWF 2811-2814 2276-2279 2032-2035 2181-2184 132-135 2005.07 211-214
2006 27.05.2006 Washington 2006 MS2923 B199 2070b 2006.01 215
2006 04.10.2006 Christmas 3178 2093 2006.02 216
2006 04.10.2006 Christmas 2374/B202 2093a 2006.03 217
2006 02.11.2006 Kiwipex 2006 MS2923 2274/B204 2070c 2006.04 218
2007 03.07.2007 Classic Kiwi 2431 2144f 2334 2007.01 219
2008 06.08.2008 The alphabet 2522 2201f 2008.01 220
2009 04.03.2009 Giants of New Zealand 2576,2579 2239,2242 2009.01 221-222
2009 04.03.2009 Giants of New Zealand 2576,2579/B239 2243a 2009.02 223-224
2009 05.08.2009 Tiki tour MS3157 2611-2634 2264a-x 2009.03 225-230
2009 07.09.2009 Health, stamp on stamp 2646-2647 2009.04 231-232
2009 07.09.2009 Health, stamp on stamp 2646-2647/B247 2009.05 233-234
2009 25.11.2009 Sir Peter Blake 2661 2287 2565 2009.06 235
2009 25.11.2009 Sir Peter Blake 2661/B249 2287 2565/BF247 2009.07 236
2010 04.08.2010 Scenic definitives 3239,3241 2707,2709 2318,2320 2605,2607 2010.01 237-238
2010 12.11.2010 Palmpex 2010 MS3252 2002b/B267 1787a BF257 2010.02 239
2011 12.02.2011 Indipex 2011 2707/B269 2605/BF259 2011.01 240
2011 23.03.2011 KiwiStamp 2783BA 2352 2011.02 241
2011 23.03.2011 KiwiStamp 2783BC 2358 2011.03 242
2011 04.05.2011 Beyond the coast 2811 2365a 2011.04 243
2011 06.07.2011 Round Kiwi 2838-2840 2368-2370 2720-2722 2011.05 244-246
2011 06.07.2011 Children's health 3204-3205 2835-2836 B201,B202 2723-2724 2011.06 247-248
2011 06.07.2011 Children's health 2834 B204 2725 2011.07 249
2011 06.07.2011 Children's health MS3206 2835-2837/B277 B201,B202,B203a 2723-2724/BF263 2011.08 250-252
2011 28.07.2011 Philanippon 2011 2839/B278 2369a 2011.09 253
2011 11.11.2011 China 2011 2838-2840/B280 2370b 2011.10 254-256
2012 01.02.2012 Scenic definitive 2886 2012.01 257
2012 04.07.2012 Tiki tour 2949,2954 2415o,2415t 2012.02 258-259
2013 07.08.2013 Classic travel posters 3043 2474l 2013.01 260
2014 03.09.2014 Endangered seabirds 3604-3608 3170-3174 2014.01 261-265
2014 03.09.2014 Endangered seabirds MS3609 3170-3174/B336 2014.02 266-270
2016 07.09.2016 It's a Kiwi thing 3397 2683f 2016.01 271
2016 18.11.2016 Christchurch exhibition 2708-2709/B383 2016.02 272
2017 02.08.2017 Recovering native birds 3486A-3490A 2738-2742 2017.01 273-277
2017 02.08.2017 Recovering native birds 3486C-3490C/B394 2742b 2017.02 278-282
2017 24.11.2017 Royalpex 2017 2740b 2017.03 283-285
2018 04.07.2018 Round Kiwi 2806-2810 2018.01 286-290
2018 04.07.2018 Round Kiwi 2810a 2018.02 291-295
2018 04.07.2018 Round Kiwi 2806a 2018.03 296
2018 01.08.2018 Predator free 2050 2811-2815 2018.04 297-301
2018 01.08.2018 Predator free 2050 2018.05 302-306
2018 21.09.2018 Macao 2018, Predator free 2050 2813ba 2018.06 307-309
2018 21.09.2018 Macao 2018, Round Kiwi 2018.07 310-312
2018 28.11.2018 Thailand 2018, Round Kiwi 2018.08 313-315
2018 28.11.2018 Thailand 2018, Predator free 2050 2018.09 316-318
2019 02.10.2019 Tuia 250: Michel Tuffery 2883 2019.01 319
2019 02.10.2019 Tuia 250: Michel Tuffery 2019.02 320
2020 04.03.2020 Kakariki - New Zealand Parakeets 2908-2912 2020.01 321-325
2020 04.03.2020 Kakariki - New Zealand Parakeets 2912a 2020.02 326-330
2023 05.04.2023 Forest & Bird 100 years 2023.01 331-332
2023 05.04.2023 Forest & Bird 100 years 2023.02 333-334
2023 02.08.2023 Pets 2023.03 335
2023 02.08.2023 Pets 2023.04 336
2024 18.09.2024 Bird of the year 2024 2024.01 337-340
2015 05.03.2025 Animals in Service 2025.01 341
2015 05.03.2025 Animals in Service 2025.02 342
