Catalogue numbers for bird stamps from Russia (USSR)
YearDate DescriptionSGMichelScottYvertÅEKSissueKS
1956 31.07.1956 Gallery Tretjakov 1980 1848 1956.01 900
1957 28.03.1957 Russian wildlife 2058,2060 1924,1926 1917,1921 1904,1906 1-2 1957.01 1-2
1957 06.12.1957 Russian wildlife 2057a 2027 1916 1903C 3 1957.02 3
1959 12.05.1959 Writers 2321 2212 2178B 2161A 4 1959.01 4
1959 18.08.1959 International geophysical year 2373 2260 2234 2216 5 1959.02 5
1959 25.12.1959 Russian wildlife 2063c-2063d 2309-2310 2218-2219 2183-2184 6-7 1959.03 6-7
1962 26.12.1962 Birds 2783-2787 2688-2692 2683-2687 2609-2613 8-12 1962.01 8-12
1963 16.09.1963 Arctic and antarctic research 2894 2801 2779 2712 13 1963.01 13
1964 18.06.1964 Moscow Zoo 3004,3006 2918,2920 2909,2911 2815,2827 14-15 1964.01 14-15
1965 29.11.1965 Birds of prey 3220-3221 3149-3150 3127-3128 3043-3044 16-17 1965.01 16-17
1965 24.12.1965 Birds of prey 3217-3218,3222-3223 3146-3147,3151-3152 3124-3125,3129-3130 3040-3041,3045-3046 18-21 1965.02 18-21
1965 29.12.1965 Birds of prey 3219,3224 3148,3153 3126,3131 3042,3047 22-23 1965.03 22-23
1966 14.02.1966 Soviet Antarctic expedition 3251 3181 3163 3065 24 1966.01 24
1966 25.12.1966 Soviet far eastern territories 3376 3310 3287 3187 25 1966.02 25
1967 20.08.1967 Soviet-Japanese friendship 3450 3379 3359 3257 26 1967.01 26
1968 16.10.1968 Fauna 3609-3613 3546-3550 3518-3522 3416-3420 27-30 1968.01 27-30
1969 10.09.1969 Belovezhskaya Pushcha nature reserve 3729 3667 3640 3528 31 1969.01 31
1970 19.08.1970 Sikhote-Alin nature reserve 3850 3787 3759 3644 32 1970.01 32
1972 12.01.1972 Sea birds 4025-4029 3974-3978 3939-3943 3802-3806 33-37 1972.01 33-37
1972 07.12.1972 Russian paintings MS4129 4076/B81 SS4042 BF80 38 1972.02 38
1973 26.07.1973 Caucasus and Voronezh nature reserves 4184 4139 4095 3947 39 1973.01 39
1973 12.12.1973 Foreign paintings in soviet galleries 4231 4187 4141 3991 40 1973.02 40
1974 20.11.1974 Foreign paintings in soviet galleries 4346 4304 4265 4099 41 1974.01 41
1975 20.07.1975 International exposition, Okinawa 4418 4379 4346 4164 42 1975.01 42
1975 25.08.1975 Berezinsky and Stolby nature reserves 4433,4436 4395,4398 4361,4364 4176,4179 43-44 1975.02 43-44
1976 18.08.1976 Water birds 4545-4549 4506-4510 4465-4469 4274-4278 45-49 1976.01 45-49
1978 20.07.1978 Antarctic fauna 4784-4786 4742-4744 4679-4681 4498-4500 50-52 1978.01 50-52
1979 18.09.1979 Birds 4922-4926 4883-4887 4776-4780 4627-4631 53-57 1979.01 53-57
1981 20.08.1981 Song birds 5158-5162 5103-5107 4972-4976 4838-4842 58-62 1981.01 58-62
1982 10.06.1982 International ornithological congress 5235-5240 5118-5186 5050-5055 4912-4917 63-68 1982.01 63-68
1984 16.02.1984 Moscow Zoo 5412-5413 5359-5360 5229-5230 5078-5079 69-70 1984.01 69-70
1984 10.08.1984 Folk tales 5465 5419 5279d 5130 71 1984.02 71
1988 22.12.1988 Definitives 5948,5950 5902,5904 5731,5733 5585,5587 72-73 1988.01 72-73
1989 18.01.1989 Nature conservation 5967 5921 5747 5600 74 1989.01 74
1989 12.06.1989 Europe - our common home 6003 5957 5780 5639 75 1989.02 75
1989 01.07.1989 Ducks 6011-6013 5965-5967 5783-5785 5641-5643 76-78 1989.03 76-78
1989 01.07.1989 Ducks 5965-5967 5785a 1989.04 79-81
1989 14.12.1989 Nature conservation MS6071 6024/B211 SSB165 BF210 79 1989.05 82
1989 25.12.1989 Definitives 6084,6086 6033,6035 5846,5848 5586a,5588a 80-81 1989.06 83-84
1990 05.01.1990 Nature conservation 6098 6044 5852 82 1990.01 85
1990 08.02.1990 Owls 6117-6119 6063-6065 5871-5873 5725-5727 83-85 1990.02 86-88
1990 04.05.1990 Relief fund 6135-6137 6079-6081 B166-B168 5742-5744 86-88 1990.03 89-91
1990 01.07.1990 Ducks 6159-6161 6099-6101 5906-5908 5761-5763 89-91 1990.04 92-94
1990 01.07.1990 Ducks 6099-6101 1990.05 95-97
1990 01.07.1990 Poultry 6156-6158 6102-6104 5909-5911 5764-5766 92-93 1990.06 98-99
1990 12.09.1990 Nature conservation MS6182 6125/B215 SSB172 BF214 94 1990.07 100
1991 04.02.1991 Relief fund 6226 6172 B179 5829 95 1991.01 101
1991 01.07.1991 Ducks 6264-6266 6210-6212 6009-6011 5870-5872 96-98 1991.02 102-104
1991 01.07.1991 Ducks 6210-6212 6011a 1991.03 105-107
