Catalogue numbers for bird stamps from Ireland
YearDate DescriptionSGMichelScottYvertÅEKSissueKS
1978 26.10.1978 Irish currency 429 384 436 386 1 1978.01 1
1979 30.08.1979 Birds 442-445 397-400 449-452 400-403 2-5 1979.01 2-5
1983 23.06.1983 Irish dogs 560 512 565 508 6 1983.01 6
1983 23.06.1983 Irish dogs 512/B4 567a 1983.02 7
1987 17.11.1987 Christmas 681 637 703 642 7 1987.01 8
1989 05.10.1989 Game birds 733-736 690-693 755-758 693-696 8-11 1989.01 9-12
1989 05.10.1989 Game birds MS737 B7 SS758a B7 12-15 1989.02 13-16
1992 09.07.1992 WWF 851 801 871 16 1992.01 17
1996 24.09.1996 Fresh water ducks 1018-1021 960-963 1024-1027 963-966 17-20 1996.01 18-21
1996 24.09.1996 Fresh water ducks MS1022 964-967/B20 SS1024 BF23 21-24 1996.02 22-25
1997 16.01.1997 Birds 1037,1053,1056,1059,1060 976-980 1036-1040 979-983 25-29 1997.01 26-30
1997 06.03.1997 Birds, Robin 1084/SB58 977 1040a,1040b 30-31 1997.02 31-32
1997 06.03.1997 Birds, Falcon and Robin 1088-1089 993-994 1053-1054 996-997 32-33 1997.03 33-34
1997 01.04.1997 Birds, Falcon and Robin 1092-1093 993-994 1054b,1054c 34-35 1997.04 35-36
1997 14.05.1997 Europa, Tales and legends 1124 1000 1060 36 1997.05 37
1997 14.05.1997 Europa, Tales and legends 1126 1002 1062 37 1997.06 38
1997 29.05.1997 Pacific 97 MS1131 1007/B23 SS1067 BF25 38 1997.07 39
1997 27.08.1997 Birds 1031-1033,1035-1036,1062 1016-1021 1076-1081 1021-1026 39-44 1997.08 40-45
1997 06.12.1997 Birds, Corncrake and Falcon 1080,1085/SB61 1018,1041 1094a 45-47 1997.09 46-48
1998 02.04.1998 Birds 1034,1038,1054-1055,1057-1058,1061 1050-1056 1105-1111 1057-1063 48-54 1998.01 49-55
1998 02.04.1998 Birds, Woodpigeon and Blackbird 1081-1082/SB64 1050,1051/MH41 1112-1113 55-56 1998.02 56-57
1998 02.04.1998 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1087,1086 1058,1057 1114-1115 57-58 1998.03 58-59
1998 02.04.1998 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1091,1090 1058,1057 1115b,1115c 59-60 1998.04 60-61
1998 04.09.1998 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1038a,1039/SB67 1051,1051,1100,1100/MH44 1106b,1113b 61-64 1998.05 62-65
1998 17.11.1998 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1091p,1090p 1058,1057 65-66 1998.06 66-67
1998 17.11.1998 Birds 1038ac,1053ac,1054ac,1055ac,1057ac,1058ac 1051,977,1052-1055 67-72 1998.07 68-73
1998 14.12.1998 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1087p,1086p 1058,1057 73-74 1998.08 74-75
1999 25.01.1999 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest SB67a 1051,1100/MH44y 75-78 1999.01 76-79
1999 16.02.1999 Birds, Woodpigeon and Goldcrest 1081b,1083/SB70 1050,1100 1064,1136/C1136 79-80 1999.02 80-81
1999 16.02.1999 Birds 1040-1044,1039p,1045-1049,1038ap,1050-1052 1120-1124,1100,1125-1129,1051,1130-1132 1122-1135,1058a 81-95 1999.03 82-96
1999 29.04.1999 Europa 1228 1139 1174 1143 96 1999.04 97
1999 29.04.1999 Europa 1230 1141 1176 1145 97 1999.05 98
1999 30.06.1999 Birds, Robin 1053p/SB/! 977 1113d 980c 98 1999.06 99
1999 30.06.1999 Birds, Song Thrush 1057p/SB72 1054 1061b 99 1999.07 100
2000 01.10.2000 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1058,1057 100-101 2000.01 101-102
2000 01.12.2000 Birds, Stonechat 1052 102 2000.02 103
2001 25.04.2001 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1038as,1038as,1039s,1039s/SB67b 1051,1051,1100,1100/MH44G 103-106 2001.01 104-107
2001 01.06.2001 Birds, Plover and Sparrowhawk 1055p,1058p 1053,1055 107-108 2001.02 108-109
2001 11.06.2001 Birds, dual currency 1424-1429 1341-1346 1353-1358 109-114 2001.03 110-115
2001 20.08.2001 Birds, dual currency 1430-1431 1351-1352 1359-1360 115-116 2001.04 116-117
2001 09.10.2001 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1453-1454/SB90 1373-1374 1381-1382 117-118 2001.05 118-119
2001 09.10.2001 Birds, Robin 1455/SB91 1375 1383 119 2001.06 120
2001 09.10.2001 Birds, Song Thrush 1456/SB92 1376 1384 120 2001.07 121
2002 01.01.2002 Coins 1507 1404 1391 121 2002.01 122
2002 01.01.2002 Birds 1466-1474,1476,1478,1479,1481,1483-1486 1382-1398 1353-1369 1393-1409 122-138 2002.02 123-139
2002 01.01.2002 Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest 1491-1492 1401-1402 1372-1373 1412-1413 139-140 2002.03 140-141
2002 01.01.2002 Birds, Kingfisher and Blackbird 1487,1489,1489/SB95 1399,1400,1400 1370,1371,1371 1410,1411,1411 141-143 2002.04 142-144
2002 02.04.2002 Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest 1493-1494 1423-1424 1436-1437 144-145 2002.05 145-146
2002 02.04.2002 Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest 1493-1494 1423-1424 1436-1437/C1436 146-147 2002.06 147-148
2002 02.04.2002 Birds, Robin 1495 1425 1438/C1438 148 2002.07 149
2002 02.04.2002 Birds, Song Thrush 1496 1426 1439/C1439 149 2002.08 150
2002 17.06.2002 Birds 1477,1480,1482 1444-1446 1450-1452 150-152 2002.09 151-153
2002 06.08.2002 Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest 1474-1475/SB101 1390,1452 1401a,1463A 153-154 2002.10 154-155
2002 06.08.2002 Birds, Wren and Chaffinch 1488,1490,1490/SB102 1453,1454,1454 1422,1423,1423 1462,1463,1463 155-157 2002.11 156-158
2002 17.10.2002 Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest 1498-1499 1423-1424 1436a-1437a 158-159 2002.12 159-160
2003 06.01.2003 Birds, Plover and Sparrowhawk 1482c-1482d 1476-1477 1447-1448 1481-1482 160-161 2003.01 161-162
2003 06.01.2003 Birds, Puffin 1496 1478 1449 1483 162 2003.02 163
2003 25.08.2003 Birds, Stonechat and Falcon ?,1477a 1523A-1524A 1492-1493 1527-1528 163-164 2003.03 164-165
2003 25.08.2003 Birds, Wagtail and Falcon 1495b-1495c 1525-1526 1494-1495 1529-1530 165-166 2003.04 166-167
2003 25.08.2003 Birds, Wagtail and Falcon 1495b-1495c 1525-1526 1494-1495 1529-1530/C1529 167-168 2003.05 168-169
2003 30.09.2003 Birds, Corncrake and Falcon 1486a,1490a 1545Dl,1545Dr,1546Dl,1546Dr/MH57 1553,1554/C1553 169-172 2003.06 170-173
2003 30.09.2003 Birds, Wagtail and Falcon 1477b,1477a 1542Do,1542Du,1524Do,1524Du/MH56 1528a,1552/C1552 173-176 2003.07 174-177
2003 30.09.2003 Birds, Wagtail and Falcon 1495e,1495d 1543I-1544I 1547-1548/C1547 177-178 2003.08 178-179
2003 30.09.2003 Birds, Wagtail and Falcon 1495e,1495d 1543-1544 1547-1548 179-180 2003.09 180-181
2004 05.01.2004 Birds, Wagtail and Falcon 1543II-1544II 1547a-1548a 181-182 2004.01 182-183
2004 05.01.2004 Birds, Puffin and Song Thrush 1482a-1482b 1554-1555 1559-1560 183-184 2004.02 184-185
2004 05.01.2004 Birds, Puffin 1497b/SB116 1556 1561/C1561 185 2004.03 186
2004 05.01.2004 Birds, Song Thrush 1497c/SB117 1557 1562/C1562 186 2004.04 187
2004 11.05.2004 Ducks 1644-1647 1577-1580 1545-1548 1584-1587 187-190 2004.05 188-191
2004 11.05.2004 Ducks MS1648 1577-1580/B51 1548a 191-194 2004.06 192-195
2005 28.01.2005 Love and greetings 1714 1621 1586 1626 195 2005.01 196
2005 28.01.2005 Love and greetings MS1715 1623/B53 1587 196 2005.02 197
2005 28.01.2005 Love and greetings 1717-1718 1625-1628 1591a 1629-1630 197-198 2005.03 198-199
2005 22.04.2005 Biosphere reserves 1736 1649 1612 1653 199 2005.04 200
2005 22.04.2005 Biosphere reserves MS1737 1649/B55 1612a 200 2005.05 201
2010 29.07.2010 Birds of prey 2019-2022 1942-1945 1891-1894 1945-1948 2010.01 202-205
2010 29.07.2010 Birds of prey MS2023 1942-1945/B83 1894a 1945-1948/BF87 2010.02 206-209
2010 04.11.2010 Christmas 2032 1957 1906 1960 2010.03 210
2012 03.05.2012 Europa 2117-2118 2016 1963 2012.01 211
2012 13.09.2012 Myths and legends 2140-2143 2030 1978 2032 2012.02 212
2013 02.04.2013 Definitives 2155 2043 1991 2013.01 213
2013 02.04.2013 Definitives 2157 2045 1993 2013.02 214
2014 21.07.2014 Definitives 2222 2097 2040 2014.01 215
2015 01.07.2015 Definitives 2273-2274 2136-2137 2076-2077 2015.01 216-217
2017 27.07.2017 Francis Ledwidge 2232 2156 2017.01 218
2019 11.04.2019 Europa 2302-2303 2226-2227 2019.01 219-220
2019 11.04.2019 Europa 2302-2303/B109 2019.02 221-222
2019 17.10.2019 Christmas 2339 2019.03 223
2021 15.04.2021 Antarctic explorers (Ice men) 2391 2021.01 224
2022 31.03.2022 Booklet of 10 national stamps 2022.01 225
2022 31.03.2022 Booklet of 10 international stamps 2022.02 226
2022 13.10.2022 Saorstat Eireann (the Irish Free State) 2022.03 227
2023 06.04.2023 Sean O'Casey 2023.01 228
2024 29.02.2024 Bicentenary of the RNLI 2024.01 229
