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160 Figbirds, Orioles, Piopios Oriolidae
South Island Piopio Turnagra capensis †
New Zealand    02.10.1996     Extinct birds   1$
Maroon Oriole Oriolus traillii
Bhutan    19.04.1982     Birds   25n
China (Taiwan)    25.11.1967     Taiwan birds   2$
Vietnam, North    31.10.1966     Birds   30x
Black-hooded Oriole Oriolus xanthornus
Azerbaijan    19.06.1996     Birds   150m
Bangladesh    31.08.1994     Birds p 13¾x14½   4t
Bangladesh    31.08.1994     Birds Sheet, p 14½   4t
Bangladesh    28.05.2016     Birds Sheet   10t
Bangladesh    10.08.2017     Stamp Day, stamp on stamp   7t
Caribbean Netherlands    01.07.2020     Birds (Saba)   75c
Ceylon    05.02.1966     Birds of Ceylon   75c
Ceylon    05.02.1966     Birds of Ceylon Sheet, imp   75c
Ceylon    1967     Exhibition 1967 Sheet, imp   75c
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Orioles Sheet   350f
India    28.04.1975     Indian birds   50p
Western Oriole Oriolus brachyrynchus
Sierra Leone    29.01.1980     Birds   3c
Sierra Leone    15.03.1982     Imprint 1981 on 1980.01   3c
Sierra Leone    11.10.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1980.01   3c
Sierra Leone    25.06.1988     Birds   40l
Sao Tome Oriole Oriolus crassirostris
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   17d
Sao Tome and Principe    1998     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Sao Tome and Principe    31.12.2007     Birds Sheet   10000d
Sao Tome and Principe    2008     WWF   10000d
Sao Tome and Principe    2008     WWF Sheet   10000d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.12.2010     Banknotes Sheet   20000d
Black-headed Oriole Oriolus larvatus
Chad    14.01.2014     Cook, Ross Sheet   300f
Ciskei    02.04.1984     Birds   11c
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Orioles Sheet   350f
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Swaziland    02.01.1976     Birds   1c
Venda    10.01.1985     Songbirds   30c
Ethiopian Oriole Oriolus monacha
Ethiopia    12.09.1963     Ethiopian birds   10c
Ethiopia    18.05.1989     Endemic birds of Ethiopia   1b
Black-winged Oriole Oriolus nigripennis
Liberia    26.12.2007     Birds of Africa Sheet   45$
African Golden Oriole Oriolus auratus
Angola    22.03.1951     Birds   4a
Bechuanaland    02.10.1961     Definitives   1c
Botswana    30.09.1966     Overprint REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA on Bechuanaland 1961.01   1c
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo Sheet   9f
Ivory Coast    29.10.1999     Birds   50f
Liberia    26.12.2007     Birds of Africa Sheet   45$
Mozambique    24.07.1992     Birds   800m
Rwanda    17.05.1972     Rwanda birds   100f
Sierra Leone    25.06.1988     Birds   8l
Sierra Leone    01.12.1992     Birds definitives   10l
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    10.03.2008     Surcharge on 1988.01   800l
Sierra Leone    10.03.2008     Surcharge on 2000.06 Sheet   3500l
Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus
Albania    31.07.1964     Albanian birds   18l
Azerbaijan    19.06.1996     Birds   200m
Bahrain    21.03.1992     Migratory birds Sheet   150f
Belarus    30.07.2002     BirdLife International Sheet   200r
Belgium    31.08.1992     Birds   7f
Belgium    17.06.2019     Europa Sheet   3
Botswana    03.01.1967     Birds   1c
Bulgaria    20.04.1965     Birds   2s
Burundi    30.09.1970     Birds   6.50f
Burundi    18.02.1971     Birds, new face values     50f
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Saba) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (Saba) 2022 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    25.02.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   390f
Centralafrica    10.06.2013     Amsterdam Rijksmuseum 4v sheet   750f
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Orioles Sheet   350f
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Orioles Sheet   350f
Cyprus (Turkish)    10.10.1983     Birds of Cyprus Sheet   65l
Czechoslovakia    16.11.1959     Birds   60h
Egypt    02.12.2014     Birds   1.25£
Egypt    24.10.2023     Migratory birds of Egypt Sheet   10£
Finland    06.09.2001     Birds sa   *
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Georgia    26.02.1996     Birds Sheet   15t
Germany, East    20.03.1973     Songbirds   35p
Germany, West    12.06.1963     Child welfare   15p
Guinea    16.06.1971     Birds   20f
Guinea    16.06.1971     Birds   100f
Hungary    16.03.1952     Birds   40fi
Hungary    18.12.1961     Birds of the woods and fields   1.20fo
Hungary    25.04.1968     Protected birds   50fi
Iran    15.03.1996     New year stamps   100r
Japan    07.10.2022     International letter writing week 5v set     7y
Jordan    18.07.2002     Migratory birds Sheet with 4 designs, imp   200f
Kosovo    31.01.2018     Birds of Kosovo Sheet   1€
Kosovo    31.01.2018     Birds of Kosovo   1€
Kuwait    01.12.1973     Birds and hunting equipment   8f
Kyrgyzstan    05.06.1998     Fauna 8v sheet   1000t
Latvia    26.06.2015     Birds   0.71€
Lebanon    23.02.1965     Birds   20p
Liberia    19.08.1996     Birds Sheet   25c
Liberia    08.12.2000     Amsterdam Rijksmuseum 6v sheet   20$
Liberia    26.05.2003     Surcharge on 1996.02 Sheet   15$
Libya    01.04.1982     Birds   45d
Liechtenstein    09.09.2011     WWF Sheet, sa   1f
Luxembourg    07.12.1992     Endangered birds   14f
Malagasy    10.12.1991     Birds   2000f
Maldive Islands    08.04.2002     Birds of the Maldives Sheet   7r
Malta    22.06.2001     Birds of Malta Sheet   6c
Mauritania    07.09.1963     Postage due, birds   2f
Moldova    08.08.1992     Birds   65k
Moldova    25.07.1993     Birds   3r
Mongolia    01.03.1961     Mongolian birds   15m
Mongolia    25.10.1979     Protected birds   1t
Mongolia    05.07.1994     Wildlife 18v sheet   60t
Mozambique    17.06.2002     Birds of Africa Sheet   17000m
Palestine    29.05.1997     Birds   150f
Poland    17.11.1966     Woodland birds   10g
Poland    17.11.1966     Woodland birds   40g
Portugal    15.04.2004     Birds of Portugal   0.56€
Portugal    15.04.2004     Birds of Portugal Booklet, sa   0.56€
Qatar    12.03.1972     Birds   75d
Rumania    20.06.1959     Birds   20b
Rumania    30.04.1993     Birds No wmk   50l
Rumania    1995     Birds With wmk     50l
Rumania    28.10.2022     Songbirds   10.50l
Russia    03.05.1999     Europa   5r
Russia (USSR)    18.09.1979     Birds   2k
San Marino    28.01.1960     Birds   1l
Sierra Leone    31.05.1999     A wonderland of wildlife 6v sheet   900l
Sweden    10.03.2005     Golden Oriole   11k
Switzerland    01.12.1969     Pro Juventute   20c
Switzerland    01.12.1969     Pro Juventute Booklet     20c
Syria    17.03.1991     Birds   600p
Syria    18.12.2018     Birds   400£
Togo    08.09.1999     Songbirds   150f
Turkey    05.06.1992     World environment day   1000l
Yugoslavia    20.09.1993     Nature protection   300000000d
Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis
Bhutan    22.11.1989     Birds   10n
Cambodia    07.05.1996     Birds   500r
China    08.10.1980     UNESCO 3v set   8f
China    10.09.1982     Birds   8f
China (Taiwan)    09.10.1969     Ancient painting of flowers and birds   5$
China (Taiwan)    16.02.1977     Taiwan birds   2$
China (Taiwan)    09.10.1997     Bird paintings from National Palace Museum   5$
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Orioles Sheet   350f
Comoro Islands    05.09.2009     Orioles   3000f
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Indonesia    25.01.1965     Social day   20r
Indonesia    05.11.1996     Flora and fauna day 10v sheet   300r
Indonesia    29.05.1997     Pacific `97   2000r
Indonesia    05.11.2008     Flora and fauna 11v sheet   2500r
Korea, North    15.03.1961     Birds   10c
Korea, North    08.08.1976     Embroidery 6v set   15c
Korea, North    01.02.2001     Hong Kong 2001   1.40w
Korea, North    2006     Surcharges   158w
Korea, South    20.12.1986     Birds   80w
Korea, South    30.07.1987     Birds clr   80w
Malaysia    09.09.1965     Birds   50c
Malaysia    02.12.1967     Stamp centenary, stamp on stamp   50c
Malaysia    27.06.2002     Birds   30s
Marshall Islands    03.06.2008     Colourful birds of the world Sheet   42c
Nevis    21.10.2002     Japanese art 2v sheet   3$
Philippines    30.10.2007     Birds   1p
Philippines    06.05.2008     Birds   1p
Philippines    04.09.2008     Birds   1p
Philippines    16.10.2008     Birds   1p
Singapore    19.09.1991     Garden birds   75c
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet   *
Singapore    20.03.2002     William Farquhar collection Sheet, sa   *
Singapore    27.06.2002     Birds   1$
Singapore    27.06.2002     Birds Sheet   1$
Singapore    22.10.2003     Garden city 4v set   *
Singapore    22.10.2003     Garden city Booklet, sa   *
Vietnam, North    31.10.1966     Birds   12x
