Grey Catbird Dumetella carolinensis |
Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos |
British Virgin Islands |
03.07.1985 |
Birds of the British Virgin Islands
| 8c |
British Virgin Islands |
10.02.1986 |
Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01
| 8c |
Burkina Faso |
21.06.1985 |
| 100f |
Burkina Faso |
01.10.1998 |
Birds Sheet
| 425f |
Cuba |
20.12.1983 |
| 5c |
Cuba |
23.12.1995 |
Coco Key (Cayo Coco)
| 65c |
Grenadines (G) |
16.05.2007 |
Birds Sheet
| 2$ |
Mexico |
30.05.1981 |
Mexican fauna
| 80c |
Mexico |
05.06.1994 |
Nature conservation 24v sheet
| 1.30p |
Nevis |
02.12.1996 |
Christmas 6v set
| 1.60$ |
Tanzania |
05.05.1997 |
Birds of the world
| 150s |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
01.08.1973 |
Birds wmk sideways
| 30c |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
1977 |
Birds Diagonal wmk | 30c |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
19.02.1990 |
| 1.40$ |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
30.12.1993 |
Birds and nests
| 35c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11
| 20c |
14.04.1982 |
State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11
| 20c |
13.06.1987 |
CAPEX 87 50v sheet
| 22c |
Tropical Mockingbird Mimus gilvus |
Bahama Mockingbird Mimus gundlachii |
Chilean Mockingbird Mimus thenca |
Long-tailed Mockingbird Mimus longicaudatus |
Chalk-browed Mockingbird Mimus saturninus |
Galapagos Mockingbird Mimus parvulus |
Floreana Mockingbird Mimus trifasciatus |
Sage Thrasher Oreoscoptes montanus |
Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum |
Curve-billed Thrasher Toxostoma curvirostre |
Martinique Thrasher Ramphocinclus brachyurus |
St. Lucia Thrasher Ramphocinclus sanctaeluciae |
Blue-and-white Mockingbird Melanotis hypoleucus |
Scaly-breasted Thrasher Allenia fusca |
Pearly-eyed Thrasher Margarops fuscatus |
Brown Trembler Cinclocerthia ruficauda |
Grey Trembler Cinclocerthia gutturalis |