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221 Mockingbirds, Thrashers Mimidae
Grey Catbird Dumetella carolinensis
Bermuda    21.09.2023     Backyard birds   1$
Grenada    30.10.2000     Bird definitives   5$
Grenadines (G)    21.05.1984     Songbirds   2$
Grenadines (G)    17.11.2003     Birds of the world   50c
Turks & Caicos Islands    01.08.1973     Birds wmk sideways   5c
Turks & Caicos Islands    1977     Birds Diagonal wmk     5c
Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   8c
British Virgin Islands    10.02.1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   8c
Burkina Faso    21.06.1985     Audubon   100f
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds Sheet   425f
Cuba    20.12.1983     Birds   5c
Cuba    23.12.1995     Coco Key (Cayo Coco)   65c
Grenadines (G)    16.05.2007     Birds Sheet   2$
Mexico    30.05.1981     Mexican fauna   80c
Mexico    05.06.1994     Nature conservation 24v sheet   1.30p
Nevis    02.12.1996     Christmas 6v set   1.60$
Tanzania    05.05.1997     Birds of the world   150s
Turks & Caicos Islands    01.08.1973     Birds wmk sideways   30c
Turks & Caicos Islands    1977     Birds Diagonal wmk     30c
Turks & Caicos Islands    19.02.1990     Birds   1.40$
Turks & Caicos Islands    30.12.1993     Birds and nests   35c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    13.06.1987     CAPEX 87 50v sheet   22c
Tropical Mockingbird Mimus gilvus
Aruba    10.07.1998     Arubian birds   50c
Aruba    17.11.2010     Birds   200c
Aruba    01.08.2013     Birds   167c
Belize    09.11.2020     Definitives   75c
Caribbean Netherlands    15.09.2016     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   0.88$
Caribbean Netherlands    19.06.2018     Birds of Bonaire Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    01.07.2020     Birds (Bonaire)   75c
Ecuador    02.05.2019     Ilalo Booklet, sa   0.75$
Grenada    10.09.1990     Birds   15c
Grenada    01.03.2000     Birds Sheet   1$
Grenadines (G)    14.04.1980     Wild birds   2$
Grenadines (St V)    11.05.1978     Birds and their eggs   1c
Mustique    01.08.2011     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   2$
Netherlands Antilles    03.09.1980     Birds   60c
Netherlands Antilles    08.05.1991     Greetings stamps 6v set   30c
St Maarten    18.06.2014     Birds Sheet   300c
Venezuela    06.09.1961     Birds   15c
Bahama Mockingbird Mimus gundlachii
Bahamas    04.02.1991     Birds   60c
Bahamas    01.07.2001     Birds and eggs   50c
Chilean Mockingbird Mimus thenca
Chile    29.01.2001     Chilean birds   160p
Long-tailed Mockingbird Mimus longicaudatus
Peru    15.09.2007     Birds   5.50s
Chalk-browed Mockingbird Mimus saturninus
Argentina    29.12.1962     Child welfare, birds   4p
Surinam    31.12.2014     Birds Sheet   13$
Uruguay    01.04.1963     Birds   1p
Galapagos Mockingbird Mimus parvulus
Guinea-Bissau    10.02.2011     Galapagos 4v sheet   850f
Floreana Mockingbird Mimus trifasciatus
Great Britain    12.02.2009     Charles Darwin 4v sheet   81p
Great Britain    12.02.2009     Charles Darwin Prestige booklet   81p
Mozambique    30.11.2009     Charles Darwin 6v sheet   33m
Sage Thrasher Oreoscoptes montanus
Mozambique    28.09.2002     Audubon 4v sheet   33000m
Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum
Guinea    23.09.1985     Audubon   35s
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
Curve-billed Thrasher Toxostoma curvirostre
Guinea    10.05.2011     Cacti 4v sheet   5000f
Mozambique    15.01.2016     Cactus and birds Sheet   66m
Syria    08.10.2009     Birds   20£
Martinique Thrasher Ramphocinclus brachyurus
Grenada    18.09.1996     West Indian birds Sheet   1.50$
St. Lucia Thrasher Ramphocinclus sanctaeluciae
St Lucia    17.05.1976     Birds   1$
St Lucia    01.02.2001     WWF   20c
St Lucia    11.06.2010     Biodiversity 4v set   2.50$
Blue-and-white Mockingbird Melanotis hypoleucus
El Salvador    02.09.1991     Birds   20c
Scaly-breasted Thrasher Allenia fusca
Antigua & Barbuda    31.08.1995     Birds of Antigua and Barbuda Sheet   75c
Barbuda    16.06.1980     Birds   15c
Barbuda    16.09.1997     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1995.04 Sheet   75c
Caribbean Netherlands    16.02.2024     Birds of St Eustatius Sheet   150c
Dominica    25.07.1988     Dominica rain forest 20v sheet   45c
Grenadines (G)    10.09.1990     Birds   6$
Montserrat    28.05.1984     Birds   40c
Montserrat    12.04.1985     Overprint OHMS on 1984.01   40c
Montserrat    29.11.1987     Royal wedding anniversary "Edingburgh"   5$
Montserrat    18.12.1987     Royal wedding anniversary "Edinburgh"   5$
St Kitts    05.02.1981     Birds   20c
St Kitts    05.02.1981     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1981.01   20c
St Kitts    19.09.1983     Overprint INDEPENDENCE 1983 on 1981.01   20c
Pearly-eyed Thrasher Margarops fuscatus
Anguilla    30.09.1985     Birds   45c
Anguilla    22.05.1986     Overprint AMERIPEX 1986 on 1985.04, 1985.06     45c
Anguilla    13.06.1987     Overprint CAPEX 87 on 1985.04, 1986.01     45c
Anguilla    04.09.1987     Overprint 20 YEARS OF on 1985.03-4, 1985.06, 1986.01     45c
Antigua & Barbuda    19.11.1990     Birds   10c
Barbuda    23.04.1991     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1990.01   10c
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   30c
British Virgin Islands    1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   30c
Caicos Island    12.02.1985     Audubon   50c
Grenadines (G)    24.05.2019     Colorful birds Sheet   3$
St Maarten    16.02.2024     Birds Sheet   155c
Surinam    30.12.2020     Nature   5$
Brown Trembler Cinclocerthia ruficauda
Antigua & Barbuda    06.02.1995     Birds   20$
Barbuda    14.02.1996     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1995.01   20$
Caribbean Netherlands    16.02.2024     Birds of Saba Sheet   150c
Dominica    20.01.1987     Birds of Dominica p 15   1$
Dominica    25.07.1988     Dominica rain forest 20v sheet   45c
Dominica    31.08.1989     Imprint 1989 on 1987.01 p 14     1$
Dominica    1990     Birds of Dominica p 12     1$
Dominica    20.01.1991     Birds of Dominica p 12½x11½     1$
Dominica    30.04.1993     Birds Sheet   90c
Dominica    03.09.2001     Bird definitives   5$
Dominica    29.07.2002     Birds Sheet   1.50$
Montserrat    28.03.2016     Birds of Montserrat Sheet   3.25$
Nicaragua    14.06.1999     Flora and fauna of the tropics 12v sheet   5cor
Redonda    01.07.1980     Birds   25c
St Kitts    27.04.1999     IBRA 99 Sheet   80c
St Kitts    18.09.2001     Caribbean fauna and flora Sheet   1.20$
Grey Trembler Cinclocerthia gutturalis
St Lucia    17.05.1976     Birds   8c
St Lucia    30.06.2004     BirdLife International Sheet   1$
