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230 Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches Passeridae
Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows   2l
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows Sheet   2l
Madeira    15.06.1988     Birds   60e
Madeira    15.06.1988     Birds Booklet, ctb   60e
White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis
Andorra sp    27.03.2002     Nature protection   0.50€
Italy    11.03.1995     Birds   600l
Slovenia    29.05.2015     Birds sa   0.20€
Cape Sparrow Passer melanurus
Centralafrica    25.02.2000     Birds of Africa   450f
Lesotho    05.04.1988     Birds   75s
Russet Sparrow Passer cinnamomeus
Gambia    07.07.1989     Japanese art   50b
Guyana    22.06.1999     Paintings by Hokusai 6v sheet   80$
Japan    06.10.1999     International letter writing week 6v set   90y
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus
Antigua & Barbuda    01.07.1989     Hiroshige   50c
Barbuda    14.12.1989     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1989.01     50c
Belarus    16.06.2006     Garden birds   300r
Belarus    16.06.2006     Garden birds Sheet   300r
Belgium    04.12.1989     Birds   2f
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows   1l
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows Sheet   1l
Cambodia    20.02.1997     Birds   1000r
Centralafrica    20.05.1997     Hiroshige Sheet   430f
Centralafrica    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 5v sheet   500f
China (Taiwan)    15.08.1975     Famous Chinese paintings on moon 4v set   8$
China (Taiwan)    05.06.2008     Birds   15$
China (Taiwan)    22.11.2012     Ancient Chinese painting, Bian Wenjin   70$
China (Taiwan)    26.04.2017     Ancient Chinese paintings 8v set   10$
Czech Republic    09.09.2020     Songbirds   E
Estonia    07.03.2002     Bird of the year   4.40k
Estonia    29.04.2021     Estonian Ornithological Society Sheet   1.90€
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige   25d
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 4v set   4d
Gambia    17.04.2001     Philanippon 01 12v set   5d
Gambia    17.04.2001     Philanippon 01 4v sheet   10d
Grenadines (G)    10.02.2005     International year of rice 6v sheet   1.50$
Grenadines (G)    10.02.2005     International year of rice 6v sheet   1.50$
Iraq    21.01.2015     Iraqi birds   250d
Iraq    21.01.2015     Iraqi birds   1500d
Japan    10.02.2003     Greetings 5v sheet, sa   80y
Japan    20.04.2007     Philately week 5v sheet with 2 of each   80y
Korea, North    05.10.1988     Paintings by O Un Byol 5v set   30c
Korea, North    21.07.1991     Cats 5v set   10c
Korea, North    12.05.1995     White animals 2v set   40c
Korea, North    12.05.1995     White animals 2v sheet with 3 of each   40c
Korea, North    20.01.2014     Vegetables and fruits 6v booklet   10w
Korea, North    20.01.2014     Vegetables and fruits Sheet with 4x10w   10w
Macau    01.11.2013     Chinese calligraphy   12p
Marshall Islands    09.01.1999     Birds of the Marshall Islands   10$
Marshall Islands    02.05.1999     Anniversary, stamp on stamp 4v sheet   33c
Marshall Islands    29.05.2002     Tropical island birds Sheet   37c
Micronesia    25.03.2002     Japanese art 6v sheet   60c
Mozambique    10.05.2016     Pulses 4v sheet   66m
Poland    15.07.1993     Birds   1500z
Sharjah    27.07.1972     Birds   2r
Slovenia    18.11.1997     Christmas   14t
St Vincent    06.07.1989     Hiroshige   2$
Sweden    01.11.2018     Winterbirds Booklet, sa   Brev
Sweden    01.11.2018     Winterbirds Booklet, sa   Brev
Turkey    23.07.2004     Bird definitives   700000l
Vietnam, South    15.01.1970     Birds of Vietnam   30p
Yugoslavia    24.05.1982     Birds   15d
Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows   0.65l
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows Sheet   0.65l
Malta    22.06.2001     Birds of Malta Sheet   6c
Yugoslavia    24.05.1982     Birds   8d
Italian Sparrow Passer italiae
San Marino    30.06.1972     Birds   1l
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
Alderney    24.05.2007     Resident passerines   50p
Alderney    24.05.2007     Resident passerines Prestige booklet   50p
Ascension    12.08.1996     Birds   5p
Australia    21.04.2005     World heritage 8v set   50c
Bahrain    15.09.1991     Birds Sheet   150f
Bangladesh    27.09.2010     Birds   10t
Bangladesh    27.09.2010     Birds Sheet   10t
Belarus    31.03.2003     Bird of the year BirdLife   630r
Belarus    31.03.2003     Bird of the year BirdLife   630r
Belgium    03.01.1994     Birds   13f
Bosnia Herzegovina    26.05.2011     Fauna   2.50m
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows   1.50l
Bulgaria    21.10.2017     Sparrows Sheet   1.50l
Cape Verde Islands    08.08.2005     Birds   44e
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (St Eustatius) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (St Eustatius) 2022 Sheet   99c
Cuba    19.05.2010     Jose Marti 12v set   15c
Czech Republic    09.09.2020     Songbirds   E
Denmark    20.10.1994     Protected animals 5v set   3.75k
Denmark    20.10.1994     Protected animals Booklet   3.75k
Estonia    07.03.2002     Bird of the year   4.40k
Faroe Islands    22.02.1999     Sedentary birds   4.50k
Faroe Islands    22.02.1999     Sedentary birds Booklet   4.50k
France    11.06.2018     Birds of our gardens Sheet   0.80€
France    11.06.2018     Birds of our gardens Sheet   0.80€
France    03.04.2020     Eggs Booklet, sa   *
France    24.04.2023     Eva Gonzales   2.32€
France    17.02.2025     Melody of birds Booklet, sa     *
Great Britain    21.04.2005     World heritage 8v set   1st
Great Britain    28.07.2016     Beatrix Potter 4v sheet   1.33£
Great Britain    28.07.2016     Beatrix Potter Pane from prestige booklet   1.33£
Guernsey    17.02.2021     Bird definitives   1p
India    09.07.2010     Common birds   5r
India    09.07.2010     Common birds Sheet   5r
Iraq    21.08.2000     Birds   50d
Iraq    20.12.2021     Centennial of the Iraqi state   1500d
Iraq    20.12.2021     Centennial of the Iraqi state   5000d
Isle of Man    19.09.2019     Town and country birds   1st
Jersey    19.06.2007     Garden birds   34p
Jersey    19.06.2007     Garden birds Sheet   34p
Kazakhstan    14.12.2011     Urban birds   250t
Kyrgyzstan    10.01.2023     Bird of the year, Birdlife   175s+25s
Liberia    28.08.2000     Birds of the world   30$
Luxembourg    10.03.2020     Rare birds   1.40€
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi Sheet   200k
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi   350k
Maldive Islands    08.02.2007     Birds Sheet   10r
Maldive Islands    15.12.2014     Songbirds   60r
Mali    25.09.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   150f
Moldova    08.04.2010     Birds   1l
Moldova    06.08.2010     Flowers in paintings 4v set   1.20l
Netherlands    20.05.2019     Gardenbirds Sheet   1
Poland    07.05.2017     Wladyslaw Reymont   2.60z
Poland    27.04.2022     Birds of Polish parks   3.60z
San Marino    16.01.2002     The colours of life 8v set   1€
Serbia    12.04.2010     City birds 4v set   22d
Sierra Leone    30.09.2009     Birds of Africa   1500l
Spain    01.02.2006     Flora and fauna Booklet, sa   A
Syria    17.03.1991     Birds   600p
Uganda    03.12.1998     Christmas   400s
Yugoslavia    24.05.1982     Birds   3.50d
Yugoslavia    24.05.1982     Birds   5.60d
Iago Sparrow Passer iagoensis
Cape Verde Islands    08.08.2005     Birds   19e
Desert Sparrow Passer simplex
Morocco    01.12.1987     Birds   1d
Sudan Golden Sparrow Passer luteus
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds   10f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds Sheet   350f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds Sheet   350f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds Sheet   350f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds Sheet   350f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds   350f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds   350f
Niger    01.07.1985     Vegetation protection 5v set   210f
