Home Country list Species list

24 Cuckoos Cuculidae
Guira Cuckoo Guira guira
Uruguay    30.09.2010     Birds and flowers 4v set   12p
Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani
Antigua & Barbuda    17.04.2000     Stamp Show 2000 Sheet   1.20$
Bahamas    04.02.1991     Birds   40c
Bahamas    31.12.1993     Imprint 1993 on 1991.01     40c
Bahamas    1995     Imprint 1995 on 1991.01     40c
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   18c
British Virgin Islands    10.02.1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   18c
British Virgin Islands    15.05.1990     Birds   60c
Dominica    25.07.1988     Dominica rain forest 20v sheet   45c
Grenada    10.09.1990     Birds   6$
Grenadines (St V)    11.05.1978     Birds and their eggs   4c
Montserrat    02.07.1970     Birds Chalk-surfaced paper   15c
Montserrat    22.01.1971     Birds Glazed paper   15c
Montserrat    01.04.2009     Birds of Montserrat Sheet   2.75$
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the world   60c
Groove-billed Ani Crotophaga sulcirostris
Guyana    12.08.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   80$
Liberia    31.08.1998     Birds of the world   32c
Peru    17.10.2014     Birds of Peru Sheet   9s
Striped Cuckoo Tapera naevia
Surinam    31.01.2001     Birds   825g
Surinam    20.02.2013     Birds   5.50$
Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus
Finland    20.01.2017     Lions International Sheet, sa   *
St Vincent & Grenadines    12.04.1999     Fauna and flora 12v sheet   70c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
Lesser Roadrunner Geococcyx velox
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Banded Ground Cuckoo Neomorphus radiolosus
Ecuador    20.10.2015     Birds Booklet, sa   0.25$
Buff-headed Coucal Centropus milo
Solomon Islands    01.09.2005     BirdLife International Sheet   7.50$
Green-billed Coucal Centropus chlororhynchos
Sri Lanka    15.12.1983     Birds   20r
Sri Lanka    15.12.1983     Birds Sheet   20r
Senegal Coucal Centropus senegalensis
Centralafrica    09.02.1971     African tales 5v set   30f
Niger    26.09.1968     Birds "Postes 1968"   15f
Niger    04.01.1971     Birds "Postes 1970"   15f
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos   14000l
Blue-headed Coucal Centropus monachus
Guinea    16.06.1971     Birds   30f
White-browed Coucal Centropus superciliosus
Ciskei    04.12.1981     Birds   3c
Ghana    20.10.1997     Birds of Africa Sheet   800c
Madagascar    1999     Animals of the world 2v sheet   12500f
Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis
Macau    11.09.2011     WWF   4.50p
Macau    11.09.2011     WWF Sheet   4.50p
Malagasy Coucal Centropus toulou
British Indian Ocean Territory    28.02.1975     Birds   10c
Malagasy    13.03.1987     Endangered animals   450f
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    13.07.1983     Birds   3.50r
Lesser Coucal Centropus bengalensis
Bangladesh    14.06.2012     Indonesia 2012   20t
Pheasant Coucal Centropus phasianinus
Maldive Islands    26.07.1977     Birds   5r
Crested Coua Coua cristata
Malagasy    23.12.1986     Birds   60f
Malagasy    29.09.1988     Scouts 6v set   550f
Malagasy    27.05.1993     Butterflies and birds 16v sheet   60f
Verreaux's Coua Coua verreauxi
Malagasy    27.05.1993     Butterflies and birds 16v sheet   45f
Blue Coua Coua caerulea
Malagasy    12.08.1963     Malagasy birds and orchids 10v set   2f
Malagasy    29.09.1988     Scouts 6v set   80f
Giant Coua Coua gigas
Malagasy    23.12.1986     Birds   60f
Malagasy    27.05.1993     Butterflies and birds 16v sheet   140f
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha Phaenicophaeus curvirostris
Brunei    03.05.1993     Birds   30s
Red-faced Malkoha Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus
Sri Lanka    14.07.1993     Birds   5r
Sri Lanka    14.07.1993     Birds Sheet   5r
Sri Lanka    05.10.2019     Wasgamuwa national park 6v set   45r
Sri Lanka    05.10.2019     Wasgamuwa national park   45r
Blue-faced Malkoha Phaenicophaeus viridirostris
Sri Lanka    27.09.2003     Resident birds of Sri Lanka Sheet   4.50r
Green-billed Malkoha Phaenicophaeus tristis
Thailand    02.04.1976     Thai birds   1.50b
Scale-feathered Malkoha Dasylophus cumingi
Ajman    27.04.1971     Tropical Asiatic birds Sheet   80d
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo Clamator coromandus
Bangladesh    13.01.2013     Migratory birds Sheet   10t
Gambia    07.07.1989     Japanese art   2d
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   5d
Kampuchea    02.02.1984     Birds   1.20r
Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius
Bhutan    28.07.1998     Birds Sheet   5n
Bulgaria    01.12.2023     Endangered birds of Bulgaria   1.35l
Bulgaria    01.12.2023     Endangered birds of Bulgaria Sheet   1.35l
Bulgaria    01.12.2023     Endangered birds of Bulgaria Sheet, non-gummed paper with UV fibers   1.35l
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds of the tropics Sheet   7d
Gambia    16.07.2001     Animals of Africa 6v set   3d
Ivory Coast    10.03.2014     Cuckoos Sheet   350f
Lesotho    17.05.2004     Birds Sheet   6m
Mozambique    17.06.2002     Birds of Africa Sheet   17000m
Namibia    25.04.2019     Cuckoos   inlreg
Niger    02.12.1999     Birds and ancient relics Sheet   400f
Portugal    26.02.2002     Birds of Portugal   0.70€
Portugal    26.02.2002     Birds of Portugal Booklet, sa   0.28€
Portugal    26.02.2002     Birds of Portugal sa   0.28€
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos Sheet   4300l
Levaillant's Cuckoo Clamator levaillantii
Ivory Coast    10.03.2014     Cuckoos Sheet   250f
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos   10000l
Jacobin Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus
Ivory Coast    10.03.2014     Cuckoos Sheet   750f
Namibia    25.04.2019     Cuckoos   reg
Little Cuckoo Coccycua minuta
St Maarten    23.08.2013     Birds   350c
Squirrel Cuckoo Piaya cayana
Argentina    22.03.2003     National parks (Benitez, Alisos, Monte Leon) 5v set   50c
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
St Maarten    23.08.2013     Birds   250c
Black-bellied Cuckoo Piaya melanogaster
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   100f
St Maarten    23.08.2013     Birds   300c
Dark-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus melacoryphus
St Maarten    18.06.2014     Birds Sheet   50c
Surinam    30.12.2020     Nature   5$
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus
Antigua & Barbuda    06.02.1995     Birds   65c
Aruba    30.06.2017     Birds   305c
Barbuda    14.02.1996     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1995.01   65c
Caribbean Netherlands    01.07.2020     Birds (St Eustatius)   75c
Sierra Leone    28.01.2016     Cuckoos Sheet   6000l
Tristan da Cunha    19.11.2019     Vagrant species 4v set   45p
Turks & Caicos Islands    19.02.1990     Birds   10c
Mangrove Cuckoo Coccyzus minor
Antigua & Barbuda    31.08.1995     Birds of Antigua and Barbuda Sheet   75c
Bahamas    04.02.1991     Birds   55c
Bahamas    23.09.1993     Imprint 1993 on 1991.01     55c
Bahamas    1995     Imprint 1995 on 1991.01     55c
Barbuda    16.06.1980     Birds   6c
Barbuda    04.04.1985     Audubon   50c
Barbuda    16.09.1997     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1995.04 Sheet   75c
British Virgin Islands    30.06.1973     First issue of coinage   25c
British Virgin Islands    03.07.1985     Birds of the British Virgin Islands   5c
British Virgin Islands    1986     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1985.01   5c
Centralafrica    25.01.1985     Audubon   110f
Centralafrica    25.03.1985     Audubon   300f
Dominica    25.07.1988     Dominica rain forest 20v sheet   45c
Dominica    07.12.1999     Christmas   2$
Grenadines (G)    11.02.1985     Audubon   5$
Grenadines (G)    10.09.1990     Birds   6$
Grenadines (St V)    24.04.1974     Overprint GRENADINES OF on St Vincent 1970.01   10c
Grenadines (St V)    11.05.1978     Birds and their eggs   2c
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds Sheet   20$
Montserrat    23.06.1997     Active Volcano 9v sheet   1.50$
Montserrat    29.12.1997     Royal Albert Hall 9v sheet   1.50$
Nevis    25.03.1985     Audubon   55c
St Kitts    27.04.1999     IBRA 99 Sheet   80c
St Lucia    20.06.1985     Nature reserves: Frigate Island, Savannes Bay, Maria Island, Lapins Island   35c
St Vincent    12.01.1970     Birds Chalk-surfaced paper   10c
St Vincent    23.11.1973     Birds Glazed paper   10c
St Vincent    03.05.1989     Birds of St Vincent   2$
Surinam    19.10.2005     Birds Sheet   0.80$
Cocos Cuckoo Coccyzus ferrugineus
Costa Rica    05.04.2001     America   95col
Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus
Guinea    23.09.1985     Audubon   7s
Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo Coccyzus pluvialis
Jamaica    10.02.1986     Jamaican birds   25c
Jamaica    22.01.1988     Jamaican birds   45c
Bay-breasted Cuckoo Coccyzus rufigularis
Dominican Republic    11.11.1996     Endemic birds Sheet   2p
Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo Coccyzus vetula
Jamaica    25.10.1982     Jamaican birds Strip   1$
Jamaica    25.10.1982     Jamaican birds Strip   1$
Jamaica    25.10.1982     Jamaican birds Strip   1$
Jamaica    25.10.1982     Jamaican birds Strip   1$
Jamaica    25.10.1982     Jamaican birds Strip   1$
Jamaica    12.05.2004     BirdLife International Sheet   10$
Great Lizard Cuckoo Coccyzus merlini
Bahamas    01.07.2001     Birds and eggs   65c
Bahamas    06.01.2009     Rare birds   65c
Cuba    10.12.1971     Ramon de la Sagra   4c
Cuba    20.12.1983     Birds   5c
Cuba    13.12.2011     Turnat 2011   10c
Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo Coccyzus vieilloti
Grenadines (G)    01.03.2000     Birds of the Caribbean   6$
Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoo Coccyzus longirostris
Dominican Republic    11.11.1996     Endemic birds Sheet   2p
Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopaceus
Maldive Islands    09.08.1990     Birds   50l
Maldive Islands    05.07.1993     Birds Sheet   3.50r
Maldive Islands    08.04.2002     Birds of the Maldives   3r
Maldive Islands    22.06.2010     Birds   30r
Pacific Long-tailed Cuckoo Urodynamis taitensis
Kiribati    18.02.1982     Birds   2$
Kiribati    28.06.1983     Overprint O.K.G.S. on 1982.01   2$
Marshall Islands    09.01.1999     Birds of the Marshall Islands   55c
Marshall Islands    29.05.2002     Tropical island birds Sheet   37c
Marshall Islands    22.05.2020     Birds definitives     7.75$
Micronesia    20.10.1994     Migratory birds   29c
Niue    26.03.1993     Birds   7$
Niue    01.09.1994     Overprint O.H.M.S on 1993.01-02   7$
Norfolk Island    25.02.1970     Birds   4c
Tuvalu    02.03.1988     Birds   1$
Tuvalu    22.02.1989     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1988.01     1$
Tuvalu    11.06.1999     Kosovo relief overprint on 1988.01   1$
Asian Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx maculatus
Sierra Leone    28.01.2016     Cuckoos Sheet   6000l
Diederik Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius
Botswana    03.01.1967     Birds   2r
Ethiopia    05.05.1962     Ethiopian birds   1$
Gambia    22.10.1996     Birds   1.50d
Lesotho    10.02.1992     Birds Sheet   30s
Liberia    28.08.2000     Birds of the world Sheet   15$
Mali    02.09.1996     Birds Sheet   250f
Namibia    25.04.2019     Cuckoos   ZoneB
Sierra Leone    29.01.1980     Birds   7c
Sierra Leone    11.10.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1980.01   7c
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos Sheet   4300l
Klaas's Cuckoo Chrysococcyx klaas
Ivory Coast    10.03.2014     Cuckoos Sheet   500f
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi Sheet   700k
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi   350k
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos Sheet   4300l
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos Sheet   4300l
Sierra Leone    28.01.2016     Cuckoos Sheet   6000l
African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus
Benin    1986     Surcharge   90f
Benin    2007     Surcharge     250f
Dahomey    20.01.1967     Birds   250f
Gambia    04.11.1963     Birds   1£
Gambia    18.02.1965     Overprint INDEPENDENCE on 1963.01   1£
Gambia    24.04.1989     West African birds   20b
Gambia    13.05.1991     Wildlife 16v sheet   1.50d
Ivory Coast    10.03.2014     Cuckoos   2500f
Liberia    11.08.1997     Birds   5c
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi Sheet   400k
Rwanda    07.01.1980     Birds   26f
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   14d
Sao Tome and Principe    03.10.1992     Marcelo da Veiga Sheet   10d
Sao Tome and Principe    03.10.1992     Marcelo da Veiga Sheet   40d
Sao Tome and Principe    03.10.1992     Marcelo da Veiga Sheet   50d
Sao Tome and Principe    03.10.1992     Marcelo da Veiga Sheet   100d
Sao Tome and Principe    1996     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Sao Tome and Principe    01.12.2010     Banknotes Sheet   25000d
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    10.03.2008     Surcharge on 2000.06 Sheet   3500l
Sierra Leone    27.05.2016     Bwindi Impenetrable national park   24000l
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds   9s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds Booklet   9s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1990.03   9s
Tanzania    1999     Surcharge on 1990.03     150s
Uganda    09.10.1992     Birds   300s
Shining Bronze Cuckoo Chalcites lucidus
Vanuatu    12.05.1999     Birds   67v
Vanuatu    1999     Birds Booklet   67v
Fan-tailed Cuckoo Cacomantis flabelliformis
New Hebrides    27.02.1980     Birds, English issue   40f
New Hebrides    27.02.1980     Birds, French issue   40f
Solomon Islands    15.03.2013     Birds Sheet   5$
Plaintive Cuckoo Cacomantis merulinus
Sierra Leone    28.01.2016     Cuckoos Sheet   6000l
Solomons Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis addendus
Solomon Islands    15.03.2013     Birds Sheet   5$
Black Cuckoo Cuculus clamosus
Ciskei    04.12.1981     Birds   9c
Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius
Rwanda    18.12.1967     Birds of Rwanda   3f
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos Sheet   4300l
Transkei    30.07.1980     Birds   5c
Lesser Cuckoo Cuculus poliocephalus
China    10.09.1982     Birds   2y
Gambia    20.05.1997     Hiroshige 6v sheet   4d
Japan    10.05.1954     Definitives   3y
Japan    15.07.1971     Definitives "NIPPON"   3y
Japan    31.01.1972     Definitives "NIPPON"     3y
Japan    31.01.1972     Definitives "NIPPON"     3y
Japan    31.01.1972     Definitives "NIPPON"     3y
Japan    31.01.1972     Definitives "NIPPON"     3y
Japan    20.05.1988     National afforestation campaign   60y
Japan    2011     Old stamp images, new font for digits   3y
African Cuckoo Cuculus gularis
Namibia    25.04.2019     Cuckoos   postc
Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus optatus
Micronesia    20.10.1994     Migratory birds   29c
Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus
Albania    31.08.1965     Migratory birds   20q
Bahrain    21.03.1992     Migratory birds Sheet   150f
Belarus    11.03.2014     Bird of the year Birdlife   N
Belgium    25.01.2021     Birds   *
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat)    01.11.2009     Birds of Hutovo Blato   1.50m
Bulgaria    30.06.1959     Birds   80s
Burundi    31.08.2012     Air pollution and birds Sheet   1070f
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (St Eustatius) 2022 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    10.03.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   490f
Czechoslovakia    15.12.1972     Songbirds   60h
Czechoslovakia    15.12.1972     Songbirds   80h
Estonia    25.04.2024     Bird of the year   1.30€
Finland    18.06.1960     Karelian national festival   30m
Finland    18.05.1999     Nocturnal summer birds Sheet   3m
Finland    15.01.2003     Provincial birds Strip, sa   *
Fujeira    30.05.1969     Birds   50d
Great Britain    14.05.1985     European music year 4v set   31p
Great Britain    04.05.2017     Songbirds   1st
Japan    23.06.1987     Travel diary by Basho Matsuo 4v set   60y
Japan    10.03.1989     Travel diary by Basho Matsuo Sheet, imp   60y
Jersey    16.06.2011     Summer visiting birds   59p
Jersey    16.06.2011     Summer visiting birds Sheet   59p
Korea, North    05.07.1996     Seasonal birds Sheet   50c
Latvia    22.06.2023     Birds   1.97€
Lesotho    17.05.2004     Birds Sheet   6m
Malagasy    10.12.1991     Birds   60f
Moldova    08.08.1992     Birds   15r
Moldova    25.07.1993     Birds   50r
Niger    02.12.1999     Birds and ancient relics Sheet   400f
Sierra Leone    22.05.2015     Cuckoos Sheet   4300l
Sierra Leone    28.01.2016     Cuckoos   24000l
Slovenia    11.09.1998     Radio Cuckoo   50t
Switzerland    07.03.2006     Birds sa   240c
Tanzania    15.10.1992     Birds   300s
Turkmenistan    15.12.2002     Birds Sheet   3000m
Ukraine    27.07.2019     Mezyn national nature park 5v sheet   8h
St. Helena Cuckoo Nannococcyx psix †
St Helena    01.08.2023     Extinct birds   1.35£
