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241 Buntings Emberizidae
Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra
Austria    02.03.2024     Corn Bunting   95c
Austria    02.03.2024     Corn Bunting Booklet, 4x95c   95c
Belarus    27.10.2023     International year of millets   H
Czech Republic    09.09.2020     Songbirds   E
Grenadines (G)    13.07.1993     Songbirds Sheet   75c
Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella
Bulgaria    12.10.1987     Birds   13s
Bulgaria    12.10.1987     Birds Sheet   13s
Czech Republic    09.09.2020     Songbirds   E
Georgia    26.02.1996     Birds Sheet   15t
Germany    02.05.2019     Europa   70c
Great Britain    04.05.2017     Songbirds   1st
Guinea-Bissau    27.06.2016     Lighthouses 4v sheet   825f
Hungary    18.12.1961     Birds of the woods and fields   2fo
Isle of Man    05.05.2000     WWF Strip   77p
Jersey    14.08.2012     Threatened birds   60p
Jersey    14.08.2012     Threatened birds Sheet   60p
Jersey    03.09.2018     Links with China   50p
Jersey    03.09.2018     Links with China Sheet   50p
Luxembourg    07.05.2019     Europa   0.80€
Netherlands    04.01.2021     Dwingelderveld 10v sheet, sa   1
Poland    28.02.2023     Birds of Polish parks   3.90z
Rumania    06.02.2015     Songbirds   5l
Sweden    11.11.2004     Winter birds Booklet   10k
Sweden    07.11.2019     Small birds sa   Brev
Rock Bunting Emberiza cia
France    03.04.2020     Eggs Booklet, sa   *
Hungary    06.05.1999     Europa, Aggtelek and Bukk national parks   27fo
Meadow Bunting Emberiza cioides
Bhutan    10.03.2003     Japanese birdpaintings   90n
Japan    01.05.1964     Japanese birds   10y
Tanzania    26.08.1999     Birds of Japan Sheet   250s
Jankowski's Bunting Emberiza jankowskii
Russia (USSR)    20.08.1981     Song birds   15k
Cinereous Bunting Emberiza cineracea
Syria    08.10.2009     Birds   20£
Syria    2013     Birds   75£
Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana
Bulgaria    06.10.1999     Birds   0.60l
Cambodia    20.02.1997     Birds   3000r
Centralafrica    17.11.1981     Birds   140f
Czech Republic    09.09.2020     Songbirds   E
Gibraltar    20.10.2010     Bird definitives   76p
Jordan    18.07.2002     Migratory birds Sheet with 4 designs, imp   200f
San Marino    30.06.1972     Birds   4l
Slovenia    23.09.2011     Birds   C
Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus
Belgium    21.03.2005     Birds   0.05€
Cambodia    01.12.1994     Birds   700r
Great Britain    04.09.2007     Endangered birds   1st
Jersey    07.09.1993     Summer birds   39p
Jersey    14.08.2012     Threatened birds   88p
Jersey    14.08.2012     Threatened birds Sheet   88p
Jersey    14.08.2012     Threatened birds Sheet     88p
Cinnamon-breasted Bunting Emberiza tahapisi
Niger    06.07.1998     Scouts, birds and flowers 4v sheet   400f
Gosling's Bunting Emberiza goslingi
Ghana    16.10.1989     Birds   600c
Chestnut-eared Bunting Emberiza fucata
Japan    10.08.2016     Mountain day 10v sheet   82y
Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla
Cambodia    01.12.1994     Birds   400r
Yellow-throated Bunting Emberiza elegans
China (Taiwan)    09.10.1997     Bird paintings from National Palace Museum   5$
China (Taiwan)    07.03.2008     Taipei 2008   5$
China (Taiwan)    07.03.2008     Taipei 2008 Sheet   5$
Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola
China    03.12.2021     Protected wildlife 8v sheet   80f
Hong Kong    27.04.1997     Hong Kong migratory birds   1.30$
Hong Kong    30.09.2000     Wetland Booklet   1.30$
Hong Kong    30.09.2000     Wetland Sheet   1.30$
Mongolia    28.12.2022     Animals and plants of the Mongolian Red Book 4v sheet   1000t
Nepal    12.04.2024     Yellow-breasted Bunting sa   13r
Philippines    19.12.2007     Birds   24p
Golden-breasted Bunting Emberiza flaviventris
Benin    30.01.1999     Birds   400f
Gambia    22.10.1996     Birds   75b
Lesotho    01.03.1971     Birds   20c
Rhodesia    01.06.1971     Birds of Rhodesia   5c
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Zimbabwe    08.02.2005     Birds of Zimbabwe   10000$
Cabanis's Bunting Emberiza cabanisi
Sierra Leone    01.12.1992     Birds definitives   300l
Sierra Leone    1994     Imprint 1994 on 1992.05   300l
Sierra Leone    1996     Imprint 1996 on 1992.05   300l
Sierra Leone    1997     Imprint 1997 on 1992.05   300l
Sierra Leone    1998     Imprint 1998 on 1992.05     300l
Sierra Leone    1999     Imprint 1999 on 1992.05     300l
Sierra Leone    2000     Imprint 2000 on 1992.05   300l
Sierra Leone    29.01.2004     British Council   500l
Sierra Leone    29.01.2004     British Council   1000l
Sierra Leone    29.01.2004     British Council   2000l
Sierra Leone    29.01.2004     British Council   3000l
Sierra Leone    31.12.2006     Imprint 2006 on 1992.05, 1999.02   300l
Zimbabwe    08.02.2005     Birds of Zimbabwe   A
Tibetan Bunting Emberiza koslowi
China    01.04.2002     Chinese birds   5.40y
China    28.02.2008     Birds Sheet   1.20y
Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala
Centralafrica    17.11.1981     Birds   140f
Grenadines (G)    13.07.1993     Songbirds Sheet   45c
Jordan    24.06.1987     Birds   50f
Russia    27.01.2022     Birds   25r
Slovenia    08.06.1995     Fauna of Slovenia Sheet   215t
Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps
Iran    18.03.2001     New year stamps   300r
Turkey    23.07.2004     Bird definitives   800000l
Yellow Bunting Emberiza sulphurata
Tanzania    26.08.1999     Birds of Japan   1500s
Common Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus
Belgium    28.09.1991     Birds   3f
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds Sheet   260f
Cambodia    20.02.1997     Birds   2500r
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Saba) 2021 Sheet   99c
Centralafrica    10.03.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   280f
Czech Republic    09.09.2020     Songbirds   E
Jersey    06.08.2024     Jerseys wetland birds   2.95£
Jersey    06.08.2024     Jerseys wetland birds Sheet   2.95£
Rumania    01.08.1983     Birds of the Danube Delta   4l
