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by Kjell Scharning

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Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius

Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius
Distribution map for Golden-shouldered Parrot

Golden-shouldered Parrot - Old World Parrots - Psittaculidae
Links will open countrypage in new window

Australia 01.07.1980 Australian birds
Australia 1983 Australian birds
Congo (Kinshasa) 16.08.2000 Parrots
Lesotho 27.04.1998 Fauna and flora of the world MS
Marshall Islands 18.06.2012 Birds of the Pacific Sheet
