223 Oxpeckers Buphagidae
Yellow-billed Oxpecker Buphagus africanus
Red-billed Oxpecker Buphagus erythrorynchus
224 Thrushes Turdidae
225 Chats, Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae
226 Dippers Cinclidae
227 Leafbirds Chloropseidae
228 Flowerpeckers Dicaeidae
229 Sunbirds Nectariniidae
230 Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches Passeridae
231 Weavers, Widowbirds Ploceidae
232 Waxbills, Munias & Allies Estrildidae
233 Indigobirds, Whydahs Viduidae
235 Accentors Prunellidae
236 Wagtails, Pipits Motacillidae
237 Przevalski's Finch Urocynchramidae
238 Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae
239 Longspurs, Snow Buntings Calcariidae
240 Thrush-tanager Rhodinocichlidae
241 Buntings Emberizidae
242 New World Sparrows, Bush Tanagers Passerellidae
243 Chat-tanagers Calyptophilidae
244 Hispaniolan Tanagers Phaenicophilidae
246 Spindalises Spindalidae
248 Cuban Warblers Teretistridae
249 Yellow-breasted Chat Icteriidae
250 Oropendolas, Orioles, Blackbirds Icteridae
251 New World Warblers Parulidae
252 Mitrospingid Tanagers Mitrospingidae
253 Cardinals & Allies Cardinalidae
254 Tanagers and allies Thraupidae
Stamps showing Yellow-billed Oxpecker Buphagus africanus
Yellow-billed Oxpecker IOC v14.2: 8970 birdtheme SpecID 1963 Links will open countrypage in new window
Botswana 04.08.1997 Birds
Botswana 09.10.2007 SAPOA 5v sheet
Burundi 21.12.2012 Elephants 4v sheet
Centralafrica 14.11.1983 WWF 4v set
Centralafrica 25.02.2000 Birds of Africa MS
Chad 01.08.2000 Buffalos 4v sheet with 2 of each
Gambia 07.08.2019 Hippos 4v sheet
Guinea 02.09.2009 WWF Sheet with two 4v sets
Guinea-Bissau 15.03.2005 Fauna, Schweitzer 6v sheet
Guinea-Bissau 16.07.2012 Giant animals 4v sheet
Guinea-Bissau 18.01.2016 African fauna 6v sheet
Kenya 12.12.2013 Anniversary of independence 25v sheet
Liberia 28.08.2000 Birds of the world Sheet
Liberia 25.10.2018 Oxpecker Sheet
Malawi 09.10.2007 SAPOA 5v sheet
Malawi 27.04.2019 Wildlife 6v sheet
Mali 25.09.2000 Birds of Africa Sheet
Namibia 09.10.2007 SAPOA 5v sheet
Niger 01.03.2013 Buffalos MS
Sierra Leone 29.04.2002 Wildlife of West Africa 6v sheet
Sierra Leone 28.01.2016 Hippopotamus 4v sheet
South Africa 12.03.2010 International year of biodiversity 4v sheet
Tanzania 15.10.1992 Birds
Tanzania 22.04.2003 Animal giants 5v set
Togo 15.06.2010 Hippopotamus 4v sheet
Turkey 14.12.2022 Common life in nature
UN Vienna 24.03.1995 Endangered species 4v set
Uganda 22.07.1987 Flora and fauna 8v set
Zambia 09.10.2007 SAPOA 5v sheet
Zimbabwe 09.10.2007 SAPOA 5v set
Zimbabwe 09.10.2007 SAPOA 5v sheet
Guinea 02.09.2009 WWF Sheet with four 4v sets