254 Tanagers and allies Thraupidae
      Catamblyrhynchus diadema

    Hooded Tanager
      Nemosia pileata

    Blue-backed Tanager
      Cyanicterus cyanicterus

    Blue Finch
      Rhopospina caerulescens

    Green Honeycreeper
      Chlorophanes spiza

    Yellow-backed Tanager
      Hemithraupis flavicollis

    Guira Tanager
      Hemithraupis guira

    Swallow Tanager
      Tersina viridis

    Purple Honeycreeper
      Cyanerpes caeruleus

    Red-legged Honeycreeper
      Cyanerpes cyaneus

    Blue Dacnis
      Dacnis cayana

    Turquoise Dacnis
      Dacnis hartlaubi

    Black-faced Dacnis
      Dacnis lineata

    Yellow-tufted Dacnis
      Dacnis egregia

    Buff-throated Saltator
      Saltator maximus

      Coereba flaveola

    Yellow-faced Grassquit
      Tiaris olivaceus

      Euneornis campestris

    Greater Antillean Bullfinch
      Melopyrrha violacea

    Grand Cayman Bullfinch
      Melopyrrha taylori

    Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
      Loxipasser anoxanthus

    Cuban Grassquit
      Phonipara canora

    Barbados Bullfinch
      Loxigilla barbadensis

    Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
      Loxigilla noctis

    St. Lucia Black Finch
      Melanospiza richardsoni

    Black-faced Grassquit
      Melanospiza bicolor

    Green Warbler-Finch
      Certhidea olivacea

    Cocos Finch
      Pinaroloxias inornata

    Mangrove Finch
      Camarhynchus heliobates

    Medium Tree Finch
      Camarhynchus pauper

    Woodpecker Finch
      Camarhynchus pallidus

    Small Tree Finch
      Camarhynchus parvulus

    Large Tree Finch
      Camarhynchus psittacula

    Small Ground Finch
      Geospiza fuliginosa

    Sharp-beaked Ground Finch
      Geospiza difficilis

    Espanola Cactus Finch
      Geospiza conirostris

    Large Ground Finch
      Geospiza magnirostris

    Common Cactus Finch
      Geospiza scandens

    Medium Ground Finch
      Geospiza fortis

    Blue-black Grassquit
      Volatinia jacarina

    Grey-headed Tanager
      Eucometis penicillata

    Red Pileated Finch
      Coryphospingus cucullatus

    Tawny-crested Tanager
      Tachyphonus delatrii

    Crimson-breasted Finch
      Rhodospingus cruentus

    Crimson-collared Tanager
      Ramphocelus sanguinolentus

    Scarlet-rumped Tanager
      Ramphocelus passerinii

    Crimson-backed Tanager
      Ramphocelus dimidiatus

    Masked Crimson Tanager
      Ramphocelus nigrogularis

    Silver-beaked Tanager
      Ramphocelus carbo

    Lined Seedeater
      Sporophila lineola

    Black-and-white Seedeater
      Sporophila luctuosa

    Double-collared Seedeater
      Sporophila caerulescens

    Yellow-bellied Seedeater
      Sporophila nigricollis

    Slate-colored Seedeater
      Sporophila schistacea

    Slender-billed Finch
      Xenospingus concolor

    Black-headed Hemispingus
      Pseudospingus verticalis

    Long-tailed Reed Finch
      Donacospiza albifrons

    Saffron Finch
      Sicalis flaveola

    Grassland Yellow Finch
      Sicalis luteola

    Patagonian Sierra Finch
      Phrygilus patagonicus

    Inaccessible Island Finch
      Nesospiza acunhae

    Wilkins's Finch
      Nesospiza wilkinsi

    Nightingale Island Finch
      Nesospiza questi

    Gough Finch
      Rowettia goughensis

    White-bridled Finch
      Melanodera melanodera

    Yellow-bridled Finch
      Melanodera xanthogramma

    Slaty Finch
      Haplospiza rustica

    Band-tailed Seedeater
      Catamenia analis

    Masked Flowerpiercer
      Diglossa cyanea

    Rusty Flowerpiercer
      Diglossa sittoides

    Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer
      Diglossa baritula

    Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer
      Diglossa gloriosissima

    Purplish-mantled Tanager
      Iridosornis porphyrocephalus

    Golden-crowned Tanager
      Iridosornis rufivertex

    Fawn-breasted Tanager
      Pipraeidea melanonota

    Blue-and-yellow Tanager
      Rauenia bonariensis

    Hooded Mountain Tanager
      Buthraupis montana

    Grass-green Tanager
      Chlorornis riefferii

    Blue-winged Mountain Tanager
      Anisognathus somptuosus

    Black-chinned Mountain Tanager
      Anisognathus notabilis

    Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager
      Anisognathus igniventris

    Lacrimose Mountain Tanager
      Anisognathus lacrymosus

    Multicolored Tanager
      Chlorochrysa nitidissima

    Gold-ringed Tanager
      Bangsia aureocincta

    Black-and-gold Tanager
      Bangsia melanochlamys

    Diuca Finch
      Diuca diuca

    Yellow Cardinal
      Gubernatrix cristata

    Diademed Tanager
      Stephanophorus diadematus

    Red-crested Cardinal
      Paroaria coronata

    Red-cowled Cardinal
      Paroaria dominicana

    Yellow-billed Cardinal
      Paroaria capitata

    Red-capped Cardinal
      Paroaria gularis

    Dotted Tanager
      Ixothraupis varia

    Rufous-throated Tanager
      Ixothraupis rufigula

    Spotted Tanager
      Ixothraupis punctata

    Speckled Tanager
      Ixothraupis guttata

    Yellow-bellied Tanager
      Ixothraupis xanthogastra

    Golden-naped Tanager
      Chalcothraupis ruficervix

    Blue-grey Tanager
      Thraupis episcopus

    Sayaca Tanager
      Thraupis sayaca

    Palm Tanager
      Thraupis palmarum

    Golden-hooded Tanager
      Stilpnia larvata

    Blue-necked Tanager
      Stilpnia cyanicollis

    Black-backed Tanager
      Stilpnia peruviana

    Chestnut-backed Tanager
      Stilpnia preciosa

    Scrub Tanager
      Stilpnia vitriolina

    Burnished-buff Tanager
      Stilpnia cayana

    Lesser Antillean Tanager
      Stilpnia cucullata

    Blue-and-black Tanager
      Tangara vassorii

    Beryl-spangled Tanager
      Tangara nigroviridis

    Bay-headed Tanager
      Tangara gyrola

    Saffron-crowned Tanager
      Tangara xanthocephala

    Golden Tanager
      Tangara arthus

    Emerald Tanager
      Tangara florida

    Silver-throated Tanager
      Tangara icterocephala

    Seven-colored Tanager
      Tangara fastuosa

    Green-headed Tanager
      Tangara seledon

    Red-necked Tanager
      Tangara cyanocephala

    Gilt-edged Tanager
      Tangara cyanoventris

    Turquoise Tanager
      Tangara mexicana

    White-bellied Tanager
      Tangara brasiliensis

    Paradise Tanager
      Tangara chilensis

    Opal-rumped Tanager
      Tangara velia

Stamps showing Bananaquit Coereba flaveola
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Bananaquit Coereba flaveola Bananaquit Coereba flaveola Bananaquit Coereba flaveola Bananaquit Coereba flaveola Bananaquit Coereba flaveola
Bananaquit Coereba flaveola

Bananaquit IOC v14.2: 10951 birdtheme SpecID 2409
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Anguilla 08.07.1968 Anguillan birds
Anguilla 11.11.1985 Birds
Anguilla 14.12.1988 Overprint H R H PRINCESS on 1985.04, 1985.06, 1986.01
Antigua & Barbuda 01.03.1988 Birds of Antigua
Antigua & Barbuda 06.02.1995 Birds
Antigua & Barbuda 31.08.1995 Birds of Antigua and Barbuda Sheet
Antigua & Barbuda 10.09.2001 Vanishing species of the Caribbean 6v set
Antigua & Barbuda 25.11.2002 Birds Sheet
Antigua & Barbuda 04.11.2009 Birds Sheet
Aruba 04.05.1988 Greetings stamps 2v set
Aruba 10.07.1998 Arubian birds
Aruba 17.11.2010 Birds
Aruba 01.08.2013 Birds
Bahamas 01.07.2001 Birds and eggs
Barbados 07.08.1979 Birds
Barbados 01.02.1982 Surcharge on 1979.01
Barbados 01.03.1982 New face value
Barbuda 30.06.1976 Birds
Barbuda 04.07.1988 Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1988.01
Barbuda 14.02.1996 Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1995.01
Barbuda 16.09.1997 Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1995.04 Sheet
Canouan 30.09.2015 Birds Sheet
Caribbean Netherlands 15.09.2016 Birds of Bonaire Sheet
Caribbean Netherlands 19.06.2018 Birds of Bonaire Sheet
Caribbean Netherlands 04.10.2019 Birds (Saba) Sheet
Caribbean Netherlands 01.07.2020 Birds (Bonaire)
Caribbean Netherlands 16.02.2024 Birds of Bonaie Sheet
Cayman Islands 15.08.1984 Birds of the Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands 09.10.2006 Birds definitives
Cayman Islands 09.01.2007 Birds definitives Booklet, sa
Cayman Islands 09.10.2008 Birds definitives Glossy booklet, sa
Cayman Islands 2010 Birds definitives Booklet, sa
Centralafrica 19.07.2001 Birds Sheet
Curacao 21.01.2019 Tourism 6v set
Curacao 29.11.2023 Birds
Dominica 28.06.1976 Wild birds
Dominica 28.06.1976 Wild birds Sheet
Dominica 25.07.1988 Dominica rain forest 20v sheet
Dominica 30.04.1993 Birds Sheet
Dominica 09.11.1999 Fauna 6v set
Dominica 03.09.2001 Bird definitives
Dominica 29.07.2002 Birds Sheet
Grenada 19.10.1968 Definitives
Grenada 02.05.1972 Overprint AIR MAIL on 1968.01, 1969.01-02
Grenada 07.02.1974 Overprint INDEPENDENCE... on 1968.01, 1969.01-02
Grenada 20.01.1976 Flora and fauna 7v set
Grenada 30.10.2000 Bird definitives
Grenada 22.01.2009 Birds of the Caribbean
Grenadines (G) 29.05.1974 Overprint GRENADINES on Grenada 1968.01, 1969.01-2
Grenadines (G) 10.09.1990 Birds
Grenadines (G) 26.04.1999 Flora and fauna MS
Grenadines (G) 21.12.2015 Birds of Grenada Sheet
Grenadines (G) 24.05.2019 Colorful birds Sheet
Grenadines (St V) 24.04.1974 Overprint GRENADINES OF on St Vincent 1970.01
Grenadines (St V) 11.05.1978 Birds and their eggs
Grenadines (St V) 01.07.1980 Birds and their eggs "1980"
Grenadines (St V) 26.11.1990 Birds of the West Indies Sheet
Marshall Islands 03.06.2008 Colourful birds of the world Sheet
Montserrat 02.07.1970 Birds Chalk-surfaced paper
Montserrat 22.01.1971 Birds Glazed paper
Montserrat 12.04.1976 Surcharge on 1970.01
Montserrat 28.05.1984 Birds
Montserrat 12.04.1985 Overprint OHMS on 1984.01
Montserrat 01.12.2003 Birds of the Caribbean MS
Mustique 05.11.2003 Caribbean birds
Mustique 01.08.2011 Birds of the Caribbean Sheet
Netherlands Antilles 03.09.1980 Birds
Netherlands Antilles 18.01.1989 Anniversaries 3v strip
Netherlands Antilles 08.05.1991 Greetings stamps 6v set
Netherlands Antilles 08.10.2004 Birds
Nevis 28.05.1991 Birds of Nevis Sheet
Nevis 10.05.1999 Birds of the Caribbean MS
Nicaragua 14.06.1999 Flora and fauna of the tropics 4v set
Nicaragua 23.08.2000 Birds of America Sheet
Peru 15.09.2007 Birds
St Kitts 05.02.1981 Birds
St Kitts 05.02.1981 Overprint OFFICIAL on 1981.01
St Kitts 19.09.1983 Overprint INDEPENDENCE 1983 on 1981.01
St Kitts 12.03.2001 Flora and fauna of the Caribbean 6v sheet
St Kitts 18.09.2001 Caribbean fauna and flora Sheet
St Maarten 31.08.2017 Birds Sheet
St Vincent 12.01.1970 Birds Chalk-surfaced paper
St Vincent 23.11.1973 Birds Glazed paper
St Vincent & Grenadines 11.07.1996 Birds of St Vincent
St Vincent & Grenadines 07.04.1997 Birds of the world Sheet
Trinidad & Tobago 17.12.1990 Birds Script wmk
Turks & Caicos Islands 01.08.1973 Birds wmk sideways
Zambia 27.10.1999 Flora and fauna 12v sheet

Anguilla 22.05.1986 Overprint AMERIPEX 1986 on 1985.04, 1985.06
Anguilla 04.09.1987 Overprint 20 YEARS OF on 1985.03-4, 1985.06, 1986.01
Montserrat 12.04.1976 Overprint O.H.M.S on 1970.01, 1974.02
Trinidad & Tobago 03.03.1997 Birds Block wmk
Turks & Caicos Islands 1977 Birds Diagonal wmk
