Village Weaver IOC v14.1: 9759 birdtheme SpecID 2237 Links will open countrypage in new window
Benin 01.09.1982 Birds Benin 07.12.1999 Birds Biafra 1968 Overprint SOVEREIGN BIAFRA on Nigeria 1966.01-02 Burkina Faso 2001 Birds Congo (Kinshasa) 28.02.2000 Wildlife of Africa 12v sheetCongo (Kinshasa) 16.08.2000 Birds of Congo SheetEritrea 16.03.1998 Birds SheetEthiopia 15.02.1966 Ethiopian birds Gambia 04.11.1963 Birds Gambia 18.02.1965 Overprint INDEPENDENCE on 1963.01 Gambia 14.05.1990 African birds SheetGambia 22.10.1996 Birds Ghana 13.06.1994 Birds of Ghana SheetGrenadines (G) 05.09.1995 Birds of the Caribbean MSGrenadines (G) 26.10.2011 Birds of the world SheetGuinea-Bissau 27.12.1996 Birds MSLiberia 04.01.1999 Birds of the world SheetLiberia 28.08.2000 Birds of the world Liberia 15.09.2001 Birds of Africa Mozambique 17.06.2002 Birds of Africa SheetNigeria 01.04.1966 Definitives Nigeria 22.06.1971 Definitives 'WEAVERS'Senegal 26.04.1969 Birds Sierra Leone 04.01.2000 Birds of Africa Sheet
Gambia 22.12.2023 Village Weaver SheetGambia 22.12.2023 Village Weaver MS