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131 Honeyeaters Meliphagidae
Eastern Spinebill Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
Australia    23.03.2000     Gardens 5v strip, p 14½x14   45c
Australia    23.03.2000     Gardens 5v strip, sa, p 11¾   45c
Australia    23.03.2000     Gardens 5v booklet, sa, p 11½x11   45c
Australia    01.08.2019     In the garden 5v set   1$
Australia    01.08.2019     In the garden 5v sheet   1$
Australia    01.08.2019     In the garden Booklet, sa   1$
Australia    01.08.2019     In the garden Prestige booklet   1$
Crimson Chat Epthianura tricolor
Australia    09.08.2001     Nature of Australia - Desert birds Sheet, p 14x14½   45c
Australia    09.08.2001     Nature of Australia - Desert birds Sheet, sa, p 11½x11, SNP   45c
Australia    09.08.2001     Nature of Australia - Desert birds $4.50 booklet, sa, p 11½x11, SNP   45c
Australia    09.08.2001     Nature of Australia - Desert birds $9 booklet, sa, p 11½x11, SNP   45c
Australia    09.08.2001     Nature of Australia - Desert birds Strip, sa, p 11½x11, SNP   45c
Australia    09.08.2001     Nature of Australia - Desert birds Strip, sa, p 12½x13, Pemara   45c
Australia    16.10.2001     Hafnia 01 Sheet, sa   45c
Australia    02.08.2002     Philakorea 2002 Sheet, sa   45c
Australia    26.09.2002     China 2002 Sheet, sa   45c
Ghana    14.06.2017     Colorful birds Sheet   4c
Zambia    08.09.2000     Birds of the world Sheet   1000k
Wattled Smoky Honeyeater Melipotes carolae
Indonesia    06.11.2006     New and rediscovered 4v set   1500r
MacGregor's Honeyeater Macgregoria pulchra
Papua New Guinea    31.08.2021     Birds of Paradise   3.30k
Papua New Guinea    31.08.2021     Birds of Paradise Sheet   5k
White-bellied Honeyeater Glycifohia notabilis
New Hebrides    27.02.1980     Birds, English issue   10f
New Hebrides    27.02.1980     Birds, French issue   10f
Vanuatu    01.02.2001     Birds   110v
Tui Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae
Cuba    24.08.1990     New Zealand 90   50c
Laos    24.08.1990     New Zealand 1990   10k
New Zealand    01.05.1935     Definitives   1s
New Zealand    01.04.1936     Definitives New wmk     1s
New Zealand    1936     Overprint Official on 1935.01     1s
New Zealand    01.08.2018     Predator free 2050   1.20$
New Zealand    01.08.2018     Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand    21.09.2018     Macao 2018, Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand    28.11.2018     Thailand 2018, Predator free 2050 Sheet   1.20$
New Zealand Bellbird Anthornis melanura
New Zealand    03.08.1966     Health stamps   3d
New Zealand    03.08.1966     Health stamps 2 sheets   3d
Red-headed Myzomela Myzomela erythrocephala
Rumania    07.10.1991     Birds Sheet   2l
Rote Myzomela Myzomela irianawidodoae
Indonesia    05.11.2019     Flora and fauna 6v set   3000r
Scarlet Myzomela Myzomela sanguinolenta
Australia    09.09.2009     Australian songbirds   2.75$
Australia    09.09.2009     Australian songbirds Prestige booklet   2.75$
Australia    09.09.2009     Australian songbirds 'Celebrating Stamp Bulletin'   2.75$
Australia    11.05.2013     Australian birds on stamps Prestige booklet, pane 4   2.75$
New Caledonian Myzomela Myzomela caledonica
New Caledonia    10.10.1966     Birds   37f
Cardinal Myzomela Myzomela cardinalis
Marshall Islands    03.06.2008     Colourful birds of the world Sheet   42c
New Hebrides    15.08.1966     English definitives   1f
New Hebrides    15.08.1966     French definitives   1f
Palau    20.02.2002     Birds   10c
Samoa    17.08.1988     Birds   50s
Samoa    25.10.1988     National conservation campaign 6v set   45s
Solomon Islands    05.12.1990     Birdpex 90   45c
Solomon Islands    05.06.2012     Birds Sheet   9$
Solomon Islands    03.09.2015     Honeyeaters Sheet   12$
USA    29.07.1998     Tropical birds   32c
USA    29.07.1998     Tropical birds Booklet   32c
Vanuatu    01.02.2001     Birds   35v
Rotuma Myzomela Myzomela chermesina
Fiji    22.11.1971     Birds and flowers Upright wmk   2c
Fiji    22.11.1971     Birds and flowers Booklet   2c
Fiji    12.12.1973     Birds and flowers Booklet. Sideways wmk     2c
Fiji    09.04.1975     Birds and flowers New wmk   2c
Micronesian Myzomela Myzomela rubratra
Micronesia    18.11.1991     Pohnpei rain forest 18v sheet   29c
Palau    24.02.1986     Songbirds   44c
Palau    18.12.1989     Christmas Strip   25c
Palau    05.04.1997     Palaus avian environment 12v sheet   20c
Palau    19.12.2018     Beautiful birds Sheet   1$
Palau    19.12.2018     Beautiful birds Sheet   2$
Crimson-rumped Myzomela Myzomela eichhorni
Solomon Islands    03.09.2015     Honeyeaters Sheet   12$
Sooty Myzomela Myzomela tristrami
Solomon Islands    03.09.2015     Honeyeaters Sheet   12$
Sulphur-breasted Myzomela Myzomela jugularis
Fiji    15.07.1968     Definitives   1s6d
Fiji    13.01.1969     New face value   15c
Fiji    04.12.1972     Overprint HURRICANE RELIEF on 1969.01   15c+5c
Fiji    01.05.1990     London 90 Sheet   2$
Fiji    29.04.2002     Endemic palm of Fiji 2v sheet   2$
Helmeted Friarbird Philemon buceroides
Indonesia    05.11.1994     Flora and fauna day 10v sheet   150r
Indonesia    05.11.1994     Flora and fauna day   3500r
Indonesia    21.08.1995     Primera 95   3500r
Indonesia    29.03.1997     Anniversary, stamp on stamp   700r
New Caledonian Friarbird Philemon diemenensis
New Caledonia    19.02.1970     Birds   15f
New Holland Honeyeater Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
Australia    15.08.2023     Aussie bird count   1.20$
Australia    15.08.2023     Aussie bird count Sheet   1-20$
White-cheeked Honeyeater Phylidonyris niger
Australia    21.05.2018     Silo art 4v set   1$
Australia    21.05.2018     Silo art 4v sheet   1$
Australia    21.05.2018     Silo art Booklet, sa   1$
Australia    21.05.2018     Silo art Prestige booklet   1$
Australia    06.07.2018     Perth stamp show 4x1v sheet   1$
Syria    08.10.2009     Birds   20£
Grey-eared Honeyeater Lichmera incana
Vanuatu    02.05.2012     Birds definitives   140v
Vanuatu    02.05.2012     Birds definitives Sheet   140v
Yellow-billed Honeyeater Gymnomyza viridis
Niuafo'ou    15.11.1983     Birds of Niuafoou sa   9s
Niuafo'ou    16.04.1986     Surcharge on 1983.01 sa   4s
Mao Gymnomyza samoensis
Samoa    14.07.1969     Birds   2$
Samoa    17.08.1988     Birds   40s
Samoa    29.05.2013     Definitives 12v set   15$
Samoa    23.07.2014     Definitives overprinted OFFICIAL 12v set   15$
Crow Honeyeater Gymnomyza aubryana
New Caledonia    16.12.1967     Birds   10f
New Caledonia    04.08.2007     BirdLife International   35f
New Caledonia    08.11.2018     Pollinators 4v sheet   110f
Polynesian Wattled Honeyeater Foulehaio carunculatus
Samoa    10.07.1967     Birds   1s
Samoa    02.09.2009     WWF Sheet with 2 sets   5$
Tonga    06.02.2012     Definitives White frames   3.40p
Tonga    06.02.2012     Definitives Sheet, no white frames   3.40p
Tonga    06.06.2013     Definitives White frames   2$
Tonga    06.06.2013     Definitives Sheet, no white frames   2$
Tonga    2014     Definitives overprinted OFFICIAL   3.40p
Tonga    2014     Definitives overprinted OFFICIAL   2$
Wallis & Futuna    28.05.2011     Birds   20f
Kadavu Honeyeater Meliphacator provocator
Fiji    22.11.1971     Birds and flowers Upright wmk   25c
Fiji    11.04.1973     Birds and flowers Sideways wmk   25c
Fiji    17.09.2024     Caring for nature     44c
Fiji    17.09.2024     Caring for nature Sheet     44c
Blue-faced Honeyeater Entomyzon cyanotis
Australia    14.02.1966     Definitives   6c
Zambia    08.09.2000     Birds of the world Sheet   1400k
Black-chinned Honeyeater Melithreptus gularis
Rumania    07.10.1991     Birds Sheet   2l
Yellow-tufted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops
Australia    19.11.1984     Victoria 2v set   30c
Australia    25.06.1998     WWF 2 strips   5c
Australia    21.04.2020     Bird emblems   1.10$
Australia    21.04.2020     Bird emblems sa   1.10$
UN NY    07.04.2021     Endangered species 4v set   1.20$
Regent Honeyeater Anthochaera phrygia
Australia    04.08.2020     Wildlife recovery 6v set   1.10$
Australia    04.08.2020     Wildlife recovery 6v sheet   1.10$
Australia    04.08.2020     Wildlife recovery 6v set, sa   1.10$
Noisy Miner Manorina melanocephala
Australia    15.08.2023     Aussie bird count   1.20$
Australia    15.08.2023     Aussie bird count Sheet   1-20$
Solomon Islands    03.09.2015     Honeyeaters Sheet   12$
Solomon Islands    03.09.2015     Honeyeaters   40$
