Home Country list Species list

224 Thrushes Turdidae
Grandala Grandala coelicolor
Ajman    27.04.1971     Tropical Asiatic birds Sheet   5d
Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides
Canada    10.01.1997     Birds of Canada Sheet or strip   45c
Guinea    10.04.2009     Origin of species 6v sheet   5000f
Mongolia    03.03.1991     London 90   55m
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    06.01.1990     Idaho   25c
USA    05.04.2014     Songbirds Booklet, sa   *
Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis
Bermuda    15.11.1978     Wildlife   5c
Bermuda    28.03.1985     Audubon   1.50$
Bermuda    18.08.2005     Habitats   70c
Bermuda    15.05.2014     Eastern Bluebird   35c
Bermuda    15.05.2014     Eastern Bluebird   85c
Bermuda    15.05.2014     Eastern Bluebird   1.10$
Bermuda    15.05.2014     Eastern Bluebird   1.25$
Bermuda    21.09.2023     Backyard birds   30c
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds Sheet   425f
Dominica    01.12.1998     Christmas   55c
Guinea    05.11.2007     Alexander Wilson   25000f
Liberia    05.04.1985     Audubon   41c
Marshall Islands    03.10.2013     Birds of the world IV Sheet   46c
Mongolia    03.03.1991     London 90   85m
Nevis    25.03.1985     Audubon   5c
Rumania    07.10.1991     Birds Sheet   2l
Senegal    2006     Birds   75f
UN Vienna    29.10.1993     The environment - climate 4v strip   7s
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    22.06.1991     Birds   3c
USA    03.04.1996     Eastern Bluebird   3c
Union Is    26.05.2016     Icons of New York state 6v sheet   3.15$
Slate-colored Solitaire Myadestes unicolor
El Salvador    10.09.1980     Birds   75c
Kamao Myadestes myadestinus †
Mozambique    30.04.2012     Extinct birds Sheet   16m
Omao Myadestes obscurus
USA    24.08.2010     Hawaiian rain forest 10v sheet, sa   44c
Cuban Solitaire Myadestes elisabeth
Cuba    01.12.1970     Christmas   3c
Cuba    10.03.1978     Endemic birds   1c
Cuba    20.12.1983     Birds   5c
Cuba    15.07.1991     Express mail, birds   50c
Cuba    27.09.1997     Tourism: Valle de Vinales, Cayo Jutia, Soroa, Rio San Juan   10c
Cuba    22.05.2008     MUSEO   10c
Rufous-throated Solitaire Myadestes genibarbis
Antigua    19.01.1976     Definitives   5c
Antigua    1978     Imprint 1978 on 1976.01     5c
Barbuda    04.04.1977     Overprint BARBUDA on Antigua 1976.01   5c
Dominica    30.04.1993     Birds Sheet   90c
Jamaica    22.01.1988     Jamaican birds   45c
Nicaragua    14.06.1999     Flora and fauna of the tropics 12v sheet   5cor
Redonda    10.01.1979     Overprint REDONDA on Antigua 1976.01   5c
St Lucia    30.06.2004     BirdLife International Sheet   1$
Green Cochoa Cochoa viridis
Bhutan    28.07.1998     Birds Sheet   10n
St. Vincent Solitaire Myadestes sibilans
Grenadines (St V)    24.04.1974     Overprint GRENADINES OF on St Vincent 1970.01   4c
St Vincent    12.01.1970     Birds Chalk-surfaced paper   4c
St Vincent    23.11.1973     Birds Glazed paper   4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, Kingstown Harbour     4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, Indian Bay     4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, St Mary's R C Church     4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, St George's Cathedral     4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, View of the interior     4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 4 of each, Sunset over Young Island     4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, Kingstown Harbour   4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, Indian Bay   4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, St Mary's R C Church   4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, St George's Cathedral   4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, View of the interior   4c
St Vincent    05.09.1974     Birds Booklet with 5 of each, Sunset over Young Island   4c
St Vincent    03.05.1989     Birds of St Vincent   5$
St Vincent & Grenadines    11.07.1996     Birds of St Vincent   1$
Varied Thrush Ixoreus naevius
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds Sheet   425f
Mozambique    28.09.2002     Audubon 4v sheet   33000m
Nevis    03.06.1985     Audubon   60c
Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds Sheet   260f
Guyana    12.08.1997     Birds of the world   30$
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Catharus aurantiirostris
Nicaragua    10.02.1986     Birds   3cor
Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus
Canada    23.07.1969     Birds   25c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    12.09.2019     Walt Whitman sa   *
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush Catharus frantzii
Nicaragua    10.02.1986     Birds   10cor
Grey-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus
Guyana    15.02.2007     Birds of South America   35$
Veery Catharus fuscescens
Niue    15.04.1985     Audubon   70c
Niue    15.04.1985     Audubon   1.75$
Scaly Thrush Zoothera dauma
China (Taiwan)    26.10.2000     National Palace Museums bird manual   5$
Japan    24.01.2022     Birds 10v sheet, sa   84y
Korea, North    19.05.2016     Birds   10w
Korea, North    19.05.2016     Birds Sheet with 2 sets   10w
Korea, North    19.05.2016     Birds Booklet   10w
Bonin Thrush Zoothera terrestris †
Mozambique    30.04.2012     Extinct birds Sheet   92m
Spotted Ground Thrush Geokichla guttata
Tanzania    27.11.1999     Rare birds   400s
Spot-winged Thrush Geokichla spiloptera
Sri Lanka    09.10.2021     Endemic birds of Sri Lanka   25r
Sri Lanka    09.10.2021     Endemic birds of Sri Lanka   25r
Groundscraper Thrush Turdus litsitsirupa
Botswana    03.01.1967     Birds   3c
Namibia    25.04.2025     Thrushes of Namibia     *
Nevis    10.05.1999     Birds of the world   5$
Song Thrush Turdus philomelos
Belarus    01.10.2020     Eggs of birds   H
Belarus    01.10.2020     Eggs of birds Sheet   H
Belgium    28.09.1991     Birds   9f
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (St Eustatius) 2022 Sheet   99c
Costa Rica    24.05.1979     International year of the child   1col
Costa Rica    24.05.1979     International year of the child   2col
Costa Rica    24.05.1979     International year of the child   20col
Cyprus (Turkish)    05.06.1990     WWF   150l
Czechoslovakia    15.12.1972     Songbirds   3k
France    03.04.2020     Eggs Booklet, sa   *
France    17.02.2025     Melody of birds Booklet, sa     *
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Great Britain    05.02.1991     Greetings stamps 10v booklet   1st
Great Britain    20.01.1998     Endangered species 6v set   31p
Great Britain    04.05.2017     Songbirds   1st
Grenada    13.07.1993     Songbirds   6$
Guernsey    17.02.2021     Bird definitives   6p
Ireland    02.04.1998     Birds   45p
Ireland    17.11.1998     Birds ph   45p
Ireland    16.02.1999     Birds Sheet, p 14x15, s 21x24 mm, pho   30p
Ireland    30.06.1999     Birds, Song Thrush Booklet   45p
Ireland    11.06.2001     Birds, dual currency   45p
Ireland    09.10.2001     Birds, Song Thrush Booklet, sa   W
Ireland    02.04.2002     Birds, Song Thrush Booklet, sa, SNP   57c
Ireland    05.01.2004     Birds, Puffin and Song Thrush   65c
Ireland    05.01.2004     Birds, Song Thrush Booklet, sa   65c
Jersey    04.08.2009     Song birds   42p
Jersey    04.08.2009     Song birds Sheet   42p
New Zealand    04.08.1976     Health stamps 3v set   10c
New Zealand    04.08.1976     Health stamps Sheet   10c
Portugal    26.05.2022     Hunting in Portugal 4v set   0.57€
Russia    15.06.1995     Skylark x2, Thrush x2 and Nightingale Sheet   250r
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   120d
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   120d
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   120d
Sao Tome and Principe    19.04.1992     The Pope 24v set   120d
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   2$
Yugoslavia    22.02.2002     Birds   28.70d
Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus
Bahrain    21.03.1992     Migratory birds Sheet   150f
Bulgaria    06.10.1999     Birds   0.18l
Guernsey    16.10.1990     Christmas Sheet   10p
Jersey    04.08.2009     Song birds   61p
Jersey    04.08.2009     Song birds Sheet   61p
Jersey    04.08.2009     Song birds Sheet   61p
Lithuania    29.09.2012     Banknotes   2l
Sao Tome Thrush Turdus olivaceofuscus
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   16d
Sao Tome and Principe    1998     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Taita Thrush Turdus helleri
Kenya    06.02.1984     Rare birds of Kenya   3.50s
Kurrichane Thrush Turdus libonyana
Botswana    04.08.1997     Birds   30t
Botswana    2011     Definitive, surcharge   7.30p
Namibia    25.04.2025     Thrushes of Namibia     *
Venda    10.01.1985     Songbirds   50c
Karoo Thrush Turdus smithi
Namibia    25.04.2025     Thrushes of Namibia     *
Redwing Turdus iliacus
Albania    15.07.1974     Song birds   10q
Bahrain    21.03.1992     Migratory birds Sheet   150f
Belgium    29.06.1996     Birds   2f
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (St Eustatius) 2022 Sheet   99c
Georgia    26.02.1996     Birds Sheet   15t
Great Britain    14.01.1992     The four seasons 5v set   33p
Iceland    16.09.1987     Birds   40k
Iran    30.10.2000     Bird definitive   1000r
Isle of Man    28.09.2011     Winter birds p 13¼   UK
Isle of Man    28.09.2011     Winter birds sa   UK
Kosovo    23.09.2010     Birds   0.70€
Togo    16.11.2016     National bird of Turkey   3300f
Common Blackbird Turdus merula
Alderney    24.05.2007     Resident passerines   32p
Alderney    24.05.2007     Resident passerines Prestige booklet   32p
Azerbaijan    27.12.2018     Gara-Yaz state reserve Sheet   0.3m
Belgium    01.06.1992     Birds   2f
Bosnia Herzegovina (Rep Srpska)    03.09.2015     Songbirds   0.90m
Bulgaria    12.10.1987     Birds   30s
Bulgaria    12.10.1987     Birds Sheet   30s
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Saba) 2021 Sheet   99c
Caribbean Netherlands    02.04.2022     Birds (Saba) 2022 Sheet   99c
China (Taiwan)    22.11.2012     Ancient Chinese painting, Bian Wenjin Sheet   12$
China (Taiwan)    22.11.2012     Ancient Chinese painting, Bian Wenjin   70$
Czechoslovakia    21.02.1974     Czechoslovak graphic art 4v set   1.60k
Faroe Islands    23.02.1998     Birds   4.50k
Faroe Islands    23.02.1998     Birds Booklet   4.50k
Finland    15.01.1998     Provincial bird sa   *
France    17.02.2025     Melody of birds Booklet, sa     *
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 4v set   4d
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet   5d
Georgia    26.02.1996     Birds Sheet   15t
Great Britain    08.08.1966     British birds   4d
Great Britain    08.08.1966     British birds pho   4d
Great Britain    23.11.1977     Christmas 6v set   7p
Great Britain    16.11.1983     Christmas 5v set   20½p
Great Britain    16.11.1983     Christmas 5v set   28p
Great Britain    11.03.2025     Garden wildliife 10v set     2nd
Great Britain    11.03.2025     Garden wildliife 10v sheet, sa     2nd
Guernsey    20.11.1984     Christmas 12v sheet   5p
Guernsey    02.11.2006     Christmas 12v set   22p
Guernsey    17.02.2021     Bird definitives   7p
Hungary    18.12.1961     Birds of the woods and fields   1.50fo
Ireland    02.04.1998     Birds   30p
Ireland    02.04.1998     Birds, Woodpigeon and Blackbird Booklet   30p
Ireland    02.04.1998     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Strip, sa, ISS   30p
Ireland    02.04.1998     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Strip, sa, SNP   30p
Ireland    04.09.1998     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Booklet, chsp   30p
Ireland    04.09.1998     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Booklet, chsp   30p
Ireland    17.11.1998     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Strip, sa, pho, SNP   30p
Ireland    17.11.1998     Birds ph   30p
Ireland    14.12.1998     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Strip, sa, pho, ISS   30p
Ireland    25.01.1999     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Booklet, pho   30p
Ireland    25.01.1999     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Booklet, pho   30p
Ireland    16.02.1999     Birds Sheet, p 14x15, s 21x24 mm, pho   30p
Ireland    01.10.2000     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Strip, sa, pho, ISS     30p
Ireland    25.04.2001     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Booklet, pho   30p
Ireland    25.04.2001     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Booklet, pho   30p
Ireland    11.06.2001     Birds, dual currency   30p
Ireland    20.08.2001     Birds, dual currency Strip, sa   30p
Ireland    09.10.2001     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Booklet, sa   N
Ireland    01.01.2002     Birds   38c
Ireland    01.01.2002     Birds, Blackbird and Goldcrest Strip, sa   38c
Ireland    01.01.2002     Birds, Kingfisher and Blackbird Booklet   38c
Ireland    01.01.2002     Birds, Kingfisher and Blackbird Booklet   38c
Ireland    27.07.2017     Francis Ledwidge   1€
Isle of Man    19.10.2017     Christmas 12v set   1st
Isle of Man    19.10.2017     Christmas 12v set, sa   1st
Isle of Man    19.09.2019     Town and country birds   ROW
Jersey    19.06.2007     Garden birds   51p
Jersey    19.06.2007     Garden birds Sheet   51p
Jersey    19.06.2007     Garden birds Sheet   51p
Jordan    21.07.1988     Birds   40f
Jordan    21.07.1988     Birds Sheet with 6 designs, imp   310f
Jordan    13.10.2017     Birds native to Jordan Sheet   30p
Kazakhstan    14.12.2011     Urban birds   250t
Netherlands    24.11.2015     December stamps 2x10v sheet, sa   *
Netherlands    24.11.2015     December stamps 10v booklet, sa   *
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas   2$
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas Sheet   2$
Penrhyn Island    24.12.2011     Christmas Sheet of 3 sets   2$
Portugal    19.08.2005     Nature protection 3v set   0.57€
St Vincent & Grenadines    07.04.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   2$
Sweden    20.11.1970     Christmas Booklet   30ø
Sweden    20.11.1970     Christmas Booklet   30ø
Sweden    09.05.2019     Europa Sheet   21k
Sweden    09.05.2019     Europa Sheet   21k
Syria    2024     Birds   1600£
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Yemen Thrush Turdus menachensis
Fujeira    30.05.1969     Birds   1.50r
Taiwan Thrush Turdus niveiceps
China (Taiwan)    15.01.2009     Birds   9$
Grey-backed Thrush Turdus hortulorum
Korea, North    30.10.1966     Korean birds   10c
Christmas Island Thrush Turdus erythropleurus
Christmas Island    14.06.1982     Birds definitives   10c
Christmas Island    01.05.2002     WWF   1.50$
Maldive Islands    13.09.2000     Birds of the tropics Sheet   10r
New Caledonian Island Thrush Turdus xanthopus
New Caledonia    18.12.1985     Birds   60f
Tasman Sea Island Thrush Turdus poliocephalus †
Norfolk Island    25.02.1970     Birds   9c
Samoan Island Thrush Turdus samoensis
Samoa    10.07.1967     Birds   50s
Fiji Island Thrush Turdus ruficeps
Fiji    25.07.1995     Birds   13c
Fiji    13.06.1997     Birds Booklet   13c
Fiji    26.06.2004     Birds   18c
Fiji    20.08.2008     Surcharge XX 5mm   2c
Fiji    20.08.2008     Surcharge XX 5mm   4c
Fiji    22.08.2008     Surcharge XX 5mm   1c
Fieldfare Turdus pilaris
Azores    09.05.2019     Europa Sheet   0.86€
Belgium    14.12.1998     Birds   21f
Belgium    26.03.2001     Birds, dual currency   21f
Burundi    30.09.1970     Birds   6.50f
Burundi    18.02.1971     Birds, new face values     50f
Czech Republic    17.06.2020     Songbirds   B
Jersey    07.01.1992     Winter birds   57p
Turkey    05.06.2001     World environment day Sheet   300000l
Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus
Alderney    29.07.2004     Migrating birds   45p
Alderney    29.07.2004     Migrating birds Sheet   45p
Benin    30.07.1997     Song birds   200f
Burundi    30.09.1970     Birds   3.50f
Burundi    16.11.1970     Birds, new face values   14f
Caribbean Netherlands    29.01.2021     Birds (Saba) 2021 Sheet   99c
Czech Republic    31.08.2011     Sumava national park 4v sheet   10k
Czechoslovakia    20.09.1965     Mountain birds   1.60k
Jersey    21.10.2008     Migrating birds   58p
Jersey    21.10.2008     Migrating birds Sheet   58p
Jersey    21.10.2008     Migrating birds Sheet   58p
Dusky Thrush Turdus eunomus
Dominica    29.03.2006     Winter olympic games 4v set   3$
Japan    22.12.2000     20th century 10v sheet   80y
American Robin Turdus migratorius
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds Sheet   260f
Dominica    07.12.1999     Christmas   3$
Rumania    26.06.1985     Audubon   50b
Rumania    07.10.1991     Birds Sheet   2l
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 10½x11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
USA    14.04.1982     State birds and flowers 50v sheet, p 11   20c
Rufous-collared Thrush Turdus rufitorques
Guatemala    12.11.2008     Birds of Guatemala   2q
Red-legged Thrush Turdus plumbeus
Burkina Faso    01.10.1998     Birds   170f
Cayman Islands    09.10.2006     Birds definitives   20$
Cuba    10.12.1971     Ramon de la Sagra   30c
Cuba    20.12.1983     Birds   5c
Cuba    23.12.1995     Coco Key (Cayo Coco)   50c
Cuba    29.11.2012     Philatelic cup   1p
Dominica    20.01.1987     Birds of Dominica p 15   45c
Dominica    31.08.1989     Imprint 1989 on 1987.01 p 14     45c
Dominica    1990     Birds of Dominica p 12     45c
Dominica    20.01.1991     Birds of Dominica p 12½x11½     45c
Dominica    03.09.2001     Bird definitives   55c
Grenadines (G)    05.09.1995     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   1$
Grenadines (G)    01.03.2000     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   1.50$
Montserrat    26.03.2001     Caribbean birds   1.50$
St Kitts    18.09.2001     Caribbean fauna and flora Sheet   1.20$
Grand Cayman Thrush Turdus ravidus †
Cayman Islands    05.06.1969     Definitives No wmk   ¼d
Cayman Islands    11.08.1969     Definitives With wmk     ¼d
Cayman Islands    08.09.1969     Surcharge on 1969.01     ¼c
Cayman Islands    08.09.1970     New face value     ¼c
Cayman Islands    15.01.1973     Currency 4v set   3c
Cayman Islands    15.01.1973     Currency 4v sheet   3c
White-chinned Thrush Turdus aurantius
Jamaica    28.04.1980     Definitives   35c
Forest Thrush Turdus lherminieri
Dominica    30.04.1981     Birds   20c
Dominica    30.04.1993     Birds Sheet   90c
France    08.01.2021     Birds of the islands Sheet   1.08€
France    08.01.2021     Birds of the islands Sheet   1.08€
Grenada    01.03.2000     Birds Sheet   1$
Montserrat    30.10.1974     Birds   10$
Montserrat    12.04.1976     Overprint O.H.M.S on 1970.01, 1974.02     10$
Montserrat    28.05.1984     Birds   5$
Montserrat    12.04.1985     Overprint OHMS on 1984.01   5$
St Kitts    27.04.1999     IBRA 99 Sheet   80c
St Lucia    01.02.2001     WWF   95c
White-eyed Thrush Turdus jamaicensis
Jamaica    10.02.1986     Jamaican birds   1.50$
Jamaica    12.05.2004     BirdLife International Sheet   10$
La Selle Thrush Turdus swalesi
Dominican Republic    11.11.1996     Endemic birds Sheet   2p
Dominican Republic    11.11.1996     Endemic birds Sheet   2p
Glossy-black Thrush Turdus serranus
Colombia    21.03.2024     Risaralda 2023 Sheet   2000p
Venezuela    14.12.1962     Birds   20c
Great Thrush Turdus fuscater
Ecuador    02.05.2019     Ilalo Booklet, sa   0.25$
Austral Thrush Turdus falcklandii
Chile    25.01.2002     Chilean birds   10p
Falkland Islands    10.02.1960     Birds   ½d
Falkland Islands    25.10.1966     Birds     ½d
Falkland Islands    14.08.2017     Birds definitives   76p
Tristan Thrush Turdus eremita
Tristan da Cunha    15.05.1968     Birds   1s6d
Tristan da Cunha    20.11.1972     Royal Silver Wedding   2½p
Tristan da Cunha    20.11.1972     Royal Silver Wedding   7½p
Tristan da Cunha    03.01.1979     Wildlife conservation 4v set   15p
Tristan da Cunha    21.03.1988     Fauna of Nightingale Island 5v set   10p
Tristan da Cunha    07.02.2006     Nightingale Island 5v strip   50p
Tristan da Cunha    30.11.2016     Biodeversity I 6v set   70p
Rufous-backed Thrush Turdus rufopalliatus
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Pale-breasted Thrush Turdus leucomelas
Surinam    16.02.1966     Birds   10c
Cocoa Thrush Turdus fumigatus
Grenadines (G)    04.02.1976     Flora and fauna 7v set   1c
St Maarten    23.08.2013     Birds   475c
Rufous-bellied Thrush Turdus rufiventris
Argentina    06.05.1972     Child welfare, birds   65c
Brazil    01.03.1994     Birds   50cr
Brazil    01.07.1994     Birds   5c
Cuba    26.05.2010     MUSEO   90c
Kampuchea    05.07.1985     Argentina 85   3r
Togo    16.11.2016     National bird of Brazil   3300f
Uruguay    01.04.1963     Birds   2c
Clay-colored Thrush Turdus grayi
Costa Rica    09.01.1984     Birds   1col
Costa Rica    24.06.2010     Upaep 2x2v sheet   280col
Costa Rica    13.09.2018     Towards celebration of independence 2x3v sheet   580col
Spectacled Thrush Turdus nudigenis
Grenada    01.07.1969     Definitives   5$
Grenada    02.05.1972     Overprint AIR MAIL on 1968.01, 1969.01-02     5$
Grenada    07.02.1974     Overprint INDEPENDENCE... on 1968.01, 1969.01-02   5$
Grenada    10.09.1990     Birds   65c
Grenadines (G)    29.05.1974     Overprint GRENADINES on Grenada 1968.01, 1969.01-2   5$
Grenadines (St V)    24.04.1974     Overprint GRENADINES OF on St Vincent 1970.01   20c
Montserrat    01.12.2003     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   1.50$
St Vincent    12.01.1970     Birds Chalk-surfaced paper   20c
St Vincent    23.11.1973     Birds Glazed paper   20c
