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by Kjell Scharning

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Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena

Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena
Malayan Banded Pitta Hydrornis irena
Distribution map for Malayan Banded Pitta

Malayan Banded Pitta - Pittas - Pittidae
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Guinea 22.11.1999 Passerine birds of the world Sheet
Liberia 04.01.1999 Birds of the world Sheet
Malaysia 14.05.2005 Birds of Malaysia
Micronesia 07.07.2013 Wildlife of Thailand 8v sheet
Palau 26.12.2001 Birds of Palau Sheet
Zambia 08.09.2000 Birds of the world Sheet
