8 Ducks, Geese, Swans Anatidae
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata
Black-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis
Spotted Whistling Duck Dendrocygna guttata
West Indian Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arborea
Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygna bicolor
Plumed Whistling Duck Dendrocygna eytoni
Wandering Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arcuata
Lesser Whistling Duck Dendrocygna javanica
White-backed Duck Thalassornis leuconotus
Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae
Brant Goose Branta bernicla
Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis
Nene Branta sandvicensis
Canada Goose Branta canadensis
Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis
Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii
Bar-headed Goose Anser indicus
Emperor Goose Anser canagicus
Snow Goose Anser caerulescens
Greylag Goose Anser anser
Swan Goose Anser cygnoides
Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis
Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus
Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons
Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus
Coscoroba Swan Coscoroba coscoroba
Black Swan Cygnus atratus
Black-necked Swan Cygnus melancoryphus
Mute Swan Cygnus olor
Trumpeter Swan Cygnus buccinator
Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus
Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus
Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa
Blue Duck Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos
Flying Steamer Duck Tachyeres patachonicus
Fuegian Steamer Duck Tachyeres pteneres
Falkland Steamer Duck Tachyeres brachypterus
Torrent Duck Merganetta armata
Spur-winged Goose Plectropterus gambensis
Comb Duck Sarkidiornis sylvicola
Knob-billed Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos
Blue-winged Goose Cyanochen cyanoptera
Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca
Orinoco Goose Neochen jubata
Andean Goose Chloephaga melanoptera
Upland Goose Chloephaga picta
Kelp Goose Chloephaga hybrida
Ashy-headed Goose Chloephaga poliocephala
Ruddy-headed Goose Chloephaga rubidiceps
Radjah Shelduck Radjah radjah
Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna
Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea
South African Shelduck Tadorna cana
Australian Shelduck Tadorna tadornoides
Paradise Shelduck Tadorna variegata
Crested Shelduck Tadorna cristata †
Pink-eared Duck Malacorhynchus membranaceus
Salvadori's Teal Salvadorina waigiuensis
Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata
White-winged Duck Asarcornis scutulata
Hartlaub's Duck Pteronetta hartlaubii
Wood Duck Aix sponsa
Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata
Maned Duck Chenonetta jubata
African Pygmy Goose Nettapus auritus
Cotton Pygmy Goose Nettapus coromandelianus
Green Pygmy Goose Nettapus pulchellus
Brazilian Teal Amazonetta brasiliensis
Ringed Teal Callonetta leucophrys
Crested Duck Lophonetta specularioides
Baikal Teal Sibirionetta formosa
Garganey Spatula querquedula
Blue-billed Teal Spatula hottentota
Puna Teal Spatula puna
Silver Teal Spatula versicolor
Red Shoveler Spatula platalea
Cinnamon Teal Spatula cyanoptera
Blue-winged Teal Spatula discors
Cape Shoveler Spatula smithii
Northern Shoveler Spatula clypeata
Gadwall Mareca strepera
Falcated Duck Mareca falcata
Eurasian Wigeon Mareca penelope
Chiloe Wigeon Mareca sibilatrix
American Wigeon Mareca americana
African Black Duck Anas sparsa
Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata
Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa
Laysan Duck Anas laysanensis
Philippine Duck Anas luzonica
Indian Spot-billed Duck Anas poecilorhyncha
Eastern Spot-billed Duck Anas zonorhyncha
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
American Black Duck Anas rubripes
Cape Teal Anas capensis
White-cheeked Pintail Anas bahamensis
Red-billed Teal Anas erythrorhyncha
Yellow-billed Pintail Anas georgica
Eaton's Pintail Anas eatoni
Northern Pintail Anas acuta
Eurasian Teal Anas crecca
Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis
Yellow-billed Teal Anas flavirostris
Sunda Teal Anas gibberifrons
Andaman Teal Anas albogularis
Grey Teal Anas gracilis
Chestnut Teal Anas castanea
Bernier's Teal Anas bernieri
Brown Teal Anas chlorotis
Campbell Teal Anas nesiotis
Marbled Duck Marmaronetta angustirostris
Pink-headed Duck Rhodonessa caryophyllacea †
Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina
Rosy-billed Pochard Netta peposaca
Southern Pochard Netta erythrophthalma
Canvasback Aythya valisineria
Redhead Aythya americana
Common Pochard Aythya ferina
Hardhead Aythya australis
Madagascar Pochard Aythya innotata
Baer's Pochard Aythya baeri
Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca
Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula
Greater Scaup Aythya marila
Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis
Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri
Spectacled Eider Somateria fischeri
King Eider Somateria spectabilis
Common Eider Somateria mollissima
Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus
Labrador Duck Camptorhynchus labradorius †
Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata
Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca
White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi
Common Scoter Melanitta nigra
Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis
Bufflehead Bucephala albeola
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula
Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala islandica
Smew Mergellus albellus
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus
Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceus
Common Merganser Mergus merganser
Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator
Scaly-sided Merganser Mergus squamatus
Masked Duck Nomonyx dominicus
Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis
Maccoa Duck Oxyura maccoa
White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala
9 Megapodes Megapodiidae
10 Chachalacas, Curassows, Guans Cracidae
11 Guineafowl Numididae
12 New World Quail Odontophoridae
13 Pheasants & Allies Phasianidae
14 Frogmouths Podargidae
15 Oilbird Steatornithidae
16 Potoos Nyctibiidae
17 Nightjars Caprimulgidae
18 Owlet-nightjars Aegothelidae
19 Treeswifts Hemiprocnidae
20 Swifts Apodidae
21 Hummingbirds Trochilidae
22 Turacos Musophagidae
23 Bustards Otididae
24 Cuckoos Cuculidae
26 Sandgrouse Pteroclidae
27 Pigeons, Doves Columbidae
28 Finfoots Heliornithidae
29 Flufftails Sarothruridae
30 Rails, Crakes, Coots Rallidae
31 Trumpeters Psophiidae
32 Cranes Gruidae
33 Limpkin Aramidae
34 Grebes Podicipedidae
35 Flamingos Phoenicopteridae
36 Buttonquail Turnicidae
37 Stone-curlews, Thick-knees Burhinidae
38 Sheathbills Chionidae
40 Oystercatchers Haematopodidae
41 Ibisbill Ibidorhynchidae
42 Stilts, Avocets Recurvirostridae
43 Plovers Charadriidae
44 Egyptian Plover Pluvianidae
45 Painted-snipes Rostratulidae
46 Jacanas Jacanidae
49 Sandpipers, Snipes Scolopacidae
50 Crab-plover Dromadidae
51 Coursers, Pratincoles Glareolidae
52 Gulls, Terns, Skimmers Laridae
53 Skuas Stercorariidae
54 Auks Alcidae
55 Kagu Rhynochetidae
56 Sunbittern Eurypygidae
57 Tropicbirds Phaethontidae
58 Loons Gaviidae
59 Penguins Spheniscidae
60 Austral Storm Petrels Oceanitidae
61 Albatrosses Diomedeidae
62 Northern Storm Petrels Hydrobatidae
63 Petrels, Shearwaters, Diving Petrels Procellariidae
64 Storks Ciconiidae
65 Frigatebirds Fregatidae
66 Gannets, Boobies Sulidae
67 Anhingas, Darters Anhingidae
68 Cormorants, Shags Phalacrocoracidae
69 Ibises, Spoonbills Threskiornithidae
70 Herons, Bitterns Ardeidae
71 Hamerkop Scopidae
72 Shoebill Balaenicipitidae
73 Pelicans Pelecanidae
74 Hoatzin Opisthocomidae
75 New World Vultures Cathartidae
76 Secretarybird Sagittariidae
77 Ospreys Pandionidae
78 Kites, Hawks, Eagles Accipitridae
79 Barn Owls Tytonidae
80 Owls Strigidae
81 Mousebirds Coliidae
82 Cuckoo Roller Leptosomidae
83 Trogons Trogonidae
84 Hoopoes Upupidae
85 Wood Hoopoes Phoeniculidae
86 Ground Hornbills Bucorvidae
87 Hornbills Bucerotidae
88 Rollers Coraciidae
89 Ground Rollers Brachypteraciidae
90 Kingfishers Alcedinidae
91 Todies Todidae
92 Motmots Momotidae
93 Bee-eaters Meropidae
94 Jacamars Galbulidae
95 Puffbirds Bucconidae
96 New World Barbets Capitonidae
97 Toucan Barbets Semnornithidae
98 Toucans Ramphastidae
99 Asian Barbets Megalaimidae
100 African Barbets Lybiidae
101 Honeyguides Indicatoridae
102 Woodpeckers Picidae
103 Seriemas Cariamidae
104 Caracaras, Falcons Falconidae
105 New Zealand Parrots Strigopidae
106 Cockatoos Cacatuidae
107 African & New World Parrots Psittacidae
108 Old World Parrots Psittaculidae
109 New Zealand Wrens Acanthisittidae
111 Asities Philepittidae
112 Typical Broadbills Eurylaimidae
113 African & Green Broadbills Calyptomenidae
114 Pittas Pittidae
115 Ovenbirds Furnariidae
116 Antbirds Thamnophilidae
118 Antpittas Grallariidae
119 Gnateaters Conopophagidae
120 Tapaculos Rhinocryptidae
121 Crescentchests Melanopareiidae
122 Tyrant Flycatchers Tyrannidae
123 Cotingas Cotingidae
124 Manakins Pipridae
125 Sharpbill, Tityras, Becards Tityridae
126 Lyrebirds Menuridae
127 Scrubbirds Atrichornithidae
128 Bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchidae
129 Australasian Treecreepers Climacteridae
130 Australasian Wrens Maluridae
131 Honeyeaters Meliphagidae
133 Pardalotes Pardalotidae
134 Australasian Warblers Acanthizidae
135 Australasian Babblers Pomatostomidae
136 Logrunners Orthonychidae
137 Satinbirds Cnemophilidae
138 Berrypeckers, Longbills Melanocharitidae
139 Painted Berrypeckers Paramythiidae
140 New Zealand Wattlebirds Callaeidae
141 Stitchbird Notiomystidae
143 Jewel-babblers, Quail-thrushes Cinclosomatidae
144 Wattle-eyes, Batises Platysteiridae
145 Bushshrikes Malaconotidae
147 Vangas, Helmetshrikes, Woodshrikes, Shrike-flycatchers Vangidae
148 Bristlehead Pityriaseidae
149 Woodswallows, Butcherbirds, Peltops Artamidae
150 Mottled Berryhunter Rhagologidae
151 Ioras Aegithinidae
152 Cuckooshrikes Campephagidae
153 Whiteheads Mohouidae
158 Whistlers and allies Pachycephalidae
159 Vireos, Greenlets, Shrike-babblers Vireonidae
160 Figbirds, Orioles, Piopios Oriolidae
161 Drongos Dicruridae
162 Fantails, Silktails Rhipiduridae
163 Monarchs Monarchidae
165 Shrikes Laniidae
166 Crows, Jays Corvidae
169 Ifrita Ifritidae
170 Birds-of-paradise Paradisaeidae
171 Australasian Robins Petroicidae
172 Rockfowl Picathartidae
173 Rockjumpers Chaetopidae
175 Waxwings Bombycillidae
176 Silky-flycatchers Ptiliogonatidae
177 Hypocolius Hypocoliidae
178 Palmchat Dulidae
179 Oos Mohoidae
181 Fairy Flycatchers Stenostiridae
182 Tits, Chickadees Paridae
183 Penduline Tits Remizidae
184 Nicators Nicatoridae
185 Bearded Reedling Panuridae
186 Larks Alaudidae
187 Bulbuls Pycnonotidae
188 Swallows, Martins Hirundinidae
190 Crombecs, African Warblers Macrosphenidae
191 Cettia Bush Warblers & Allies Cettiidae
193 Yellow Flycatchers Erythrocercidae
195 Bushtits Aegithalidae
196 Leaf Warblers & Allies Phylloscopidae
197 Reed Warblers, Grauer's Warbler & Allies Acrocephalidae
198 Grassbirds & Allies Locustellidae
199 Black-capped Donacobius Donacobiidae
201 Cisticolas & Allies Cisticolidae
202 Sylviid Babblers Sylviidae
203 Parrotbills and allies Paradoxornithidae
204 White-eyes Zosteropidae
205 Babblers, Scimitar Babblers Timaliidae
206 Ground Babblers Pellorneidae
208 Laughingthrushes & Allies Leiothrichidae
210 Sugarbirds Promeropidae
211 Fairy-bluebirds Irenidae
212 Goldcrests, Kinglets Regulidae
215 Wrens Troglodytidae
216 Gnatcatchers Polioptilidae
217 Nuthatches Sittidae
218 Wallcreeper Tichodromidae
219 Treecreepers Certhiidae
221 Mockingbirds, Thrashers Mimidae
222 Starlings, Rhabdornises Sturnidae
223 Oxpeckers Buphagidae
224 Thrushes Turdidae
225 Chats, Old World Flycatchers Muscicapidae
226 Dippers Cinclidae
227 Leafbirds Chloropseidae
228 Flowerpeckers Dicaeidae
229 Sunbirds Nectariniidae
230 Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches Passeridae
231 Weavers, Widowbirds Ploceidae
232 Waxbills, Munias & Allies Estrildidae
233 Indigobirds, Whydahs Viduidae
235 Accentors Prunellidae
236 Wagtails, Pipits Motacillidae
237 Przevalski's Finch Urocynchramidae
238 Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae
239 Longspurs, Snow Buntings Calcariidae
240 Thrush-tanager Rhodinocichlidae
241 Buntings Emberizidae
242 New World Sparrows, Bush Tanagers Passerellidae
243 Chat-tanagers Calyptophilidae
244 Hispaniolan Tanagers Phaenicophilidae
246 Spindalises Spindalidae
248 Cuban Warblers Teretistridae
249 Yellow-breasted Chat Icteriidae
250 Oropendolas, Orioles, Blackbirds Icteridae
251 New World Warblers Parulidae
252 Mitrospingid Tanagers Mitrospingidae
253 Cardinals & Allies Cardinalidae
254 Tanagers and allies Thraupidae
Stamps showing Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
Mallard IOC v14.2: 166 birdtheme SpecID 179 Links will open countrypage in new window
Albania 06.10.1965 Hunting 6v set
Albania 25.11.1967 Domestic fowl 8v set
Andorra fr 03.08.1985 Nature protection
Antigua & Barbuda 06.01.1986 Audubon
Antigua & Barbuda 02.01.2015 Ducks Sheet
Antigua & Barbuda 20.05.2020 Mallard Sheet
Antigua & Barbuda 20.05.2020 Mallard MS
Austria 16.02.2001 Hunting and the environment
Azerbaijan 05.11.2012 Poultry 6v sheet
Bahrain 22.05.1993 Water birds Sheet
Belarus 10.09.1996 Ducks and wading birds Sheet
Belarus 04.05.2001 Europa
Belarus 19.04.2023 Waterfowl
Belarus 19.04.2023 Waterfowl Sheet
Belgium 04.09.1989 Ducks Booklet
Bhutan 06.12.1985 Audubon
Bhutan 28.07.1998 Birds Sheet
Bosnia Herzegovina 30.06.2006 Wildlife 5v set
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croat) 01.11.2007 Birds of Hutovo Blato Sheet with 2 sets
Bosnia Herzegovina (Rep Srpska) 12.04.2000 Bridges
Bosnia Herzegovina (Rep Srpska) 14.10.2016 River animals 5v set
Bulgaria 27.03.1976 Waterfowl
Bulgaria 27.12.1985 Hunting dogs 7v set
Bulgaria 25.11.1993 Hunting 6v set
Bulgaria 30.12.2021 Game birds
Bulgaria 30.12.2021 Game birds Sheet
Burkina Faso 06.06.2008 Hunting resorts 5v set
Canada 22.04.1992 Canadian rivers (South Saskatchewan River) 2x5v booklet
Canada 03.09.2006 Duck decoys Sheet with 4 sets
Canada 03.09.2006 Duck decoys Sheet
Caribbean Netherlands 29.01.2021 Birds (Bonaire) 2021 Sheet
Caribbean Netherlands 29.01.2021 Birds (St Eustatius) 2021 Sheet
Caribbean Netherlands 02.04.2022 Birds (Bonaire) 2022 Sheet
Centralafrica 20.11.2014 Waterbirds Sheet
Centralafrica 25.06.2015 Ducks Sheet
China (Taiwan) 07.03.2008 Taipei 2008
China (Taiwan) 07.03.2008 Taipei 2008 Sheet
Comoro Islands 25.01.1999 Waterbirds Sheet
Congo (Brazzaville) 22.05.1978 Birds
Congo (Brazzaville) 08.08.1991 Wild ducks
Cuba 15.06.2006 Domestic birds MS
Cuba 03.02.2015 Dogs 6v set
Cuba 15.01.2016 Waterbirds
Cyprus (Turkish) 22.09.2006 Birds
Czech Republic 04.10.2000 Hunting and gamekeeping 4v set
Czech Republic 04.10.2000 Hunting and gamekeeping Booklet
Czechoslovakia 24.10.1960 Water birds
Dominica 15.04.1995 Birds
Dominica 15.05.2001 Japanese paintings 5v sheet
Estonia 01.06.2006 UNICEF 60 years
Faroe Islands 11.06.2007 Poultry 3v set
Fernando Po 08.07.1964 Birds
Finland 20.09.1993 Water birds Booklet
Finland 13.09.2010 Autumn 3v sheet, sa
Gambia 20.05.1997 Hiroshige 6v sheet
Gambia 16.07.2001 Ducks
Gambia 16.07.2001 Ducks Sheet
Georgia 15.04.2013 Tourism 12v sheet
Germany, East 26.03.1968 Small game 6v set
Germany, East 17.11.1977 Hunting 6v set
Gibraltar 10.09.2014 RAF squadrons 4v sheet
Great Britain 05.02.1991 Greetings stamps 10v booklet
Greenland 21.06.2019 Europa
Greenland 21.06.2019 Europa Booklet, sa
Guinea 03.06.2016 Dogs 4v sheet
Guinea-Bissau 01.04.2001 Ducks MS
Guinea-Bissau 26.03.2007 Birds MS
Haiti 14.04.1956 Definitives
Hungary 17.03.1956 Hungarian dogs 8v set
Hungary 02.09.1964 Stamp day, Imex 64 4v strip
Hungary 02.09.1964 Stamp day, Imex 64 4v sheet
Hungary 29.07.1988 Wild ducks MS
Hungary 25.09.2021 Hunting 8v sheet
Iceland 16.09.1987 Birds
Iraq 21.08.2000 Birds
Iraq 29.07.2007 Birds
Iraq 22.04.2009 Marshes
Iraq 11.01.2011 International year of biodiversity
Iraq 08.02.2015 Marshes of South Iraq 2v set
Iraq 20.12.2021 Centennial of the Iraqi state
Iraq 20.12.2021 Centennial of the Iraqi state
Ireland 23.06.1983 Irish dogs 5v set
Ireland 23.06.1983 Irish dogs 5v sheet
Ireland 24.09.1996 Fresh water ducks
Ireland 24.09.1996 Fresh water ducks Sheet
Isle of Man 12.02.1997 Spring in Man 4v set
Israel 18.07.1989 Ducks Strip, s 34x25mm
Israel 17.11.1989 WORLD STAMP EXPO '89 Sheet, s 29x23mm
Japan 05.08.2016 Greetings, traditional colours 10v sheet, sa
Jersey 06.04.2004 Ducks and swans MS
Jersey 22.09.2016 Ducks
Jordan 05.10.1968 Game protection 9v set
Jordan 01.02.2009 Birds
Jordan 09.02.2014 Migratory birds
Kiribati 18.02.1982 Birds
Kiribati 22.01.2001 Ducks
Korea, North 31.12.1965 Korean ducks
Korea, North 26.06.1988 Praga '88 2v set
Korea, North 20.08.2022 Waterfalls Sheet with two 4v sets
Liberia 04.05.1998 The animals of Noah's Ark 25v sheet
Liberia 04.01.1999 Birds of the world
Liechtenstein 03.09.1990 Game birds
Luxembourg 09.05.2000 Ducks
Macau 21.09.1984 Ausipex 84
Maldive Islands 27.02.1995 Ducks Sheet
Marshall Islands 10.02.2010 Waterfowl Sheet
Moldova 17.05.1996 Birds
Moldova 05.05.1999 Europa
Mongolia 10.08.1973 Aquatic birds
Mongolia 26.05.1992 Birds MS
Mozambique 30.11.2009 Sir Peter Scott Sheet
Mozambique 30.11.2009 Sir Peter Scott MS
Mozambique 25.06.2013 Lighthouses and seabirds Sheet
New Zealand 04.08.2010 Scenic definitives 5v set
New Zealand 18.11.2016 Christchurch exhibition 2v sheet
Niger 10.09.2014 Birds Sheet
Niger 10.09.2014 Castles Sheet
Niger 13.10.2014 Lighthouses MS
Norway 18.04.1980 Norwegian birds 2 booklets
Norway 07.11.2023 Domesticated animals 2v set, sa
Pakistan 31.12.1992 Water birds Strip
Pakistan 31.12.1992 Water birds Strip, different background
Pakistan 31.12.1992 Water birds Strip, different background
Pakistan 31.12.1992 Water birds Strip, different background
Palau 01.02.1999 Environmental heroes 16v sheet
Palau 27.12.2018 Pacific Waterfowl Sheet
Philippines 06.08.2007 Ducks
Poland 20.11.1968 Paintings 8v set
Poland 28.02.1970 Game birds
Poland 30.06.1981 Game shooting 6v set
Portugal 24.11.1976 Water conservation 4v set
Portugal 16.09.1994 Falconry
Portugal 28.06.2021 Hunting in Portugal
Rumania 10.09.1965 Migratory birds
Rumania 26.06.1985 Audubon
Rumania 23.01.2004 Birds of the Danube Delta Sheet
Rumania 24.03.2014 Ducks
Russia 29.01.1999 Hunting 5v set
Russia (USSR) 28.03.1957 Russian wildlife 6v set
Russia (USSR) 01.07.1990 Ducks
Russia (USSR) 01.07.1990 Ducks Sheet
Rwanda 28.12.1978 Stock rearing year 8v set
San Marino 12.02.1959 Native birds
San Marino 22.03.1996 Fauna 5v set
Sao Tome and Principe 23.09.2015 Audubon MS
Senegal 23.03.1992 National parks: Saloum, Djoudj, Niokolo-Koba, Basse Casamance
Sierra Leone 2014 Farm animals 3v sheet
Sierra Leone 23.10.2015 Ducks Sheet
Solomon Islands 25.09.2015 Dogs 4v sheet
Spain 11.10.1995 America
Spain 01.02.2018 Girona sa
St Vincent & Grenadines 12.07.2001 Japanese paintings 10v set
St Vincent & Grenadines 19.05.2014 Farm animals Sheet
St Vincent & Grenadines 12.12.2022 Ducks Sheet
Switzerland 01.12.1971 Pro Juventute
Switzerland 07.11.2024 Globine and the birds 2v set, sa
Syria 27.09.2002 Birds Strip
Tanzania 22.05.1986 Audubon
Tanzania 22.05.1986 Audubon Sheet
Togo 30.12.2014 Dogs 4v sheet
Tristan da Cunha 21.11.1994 Island livestock 4v set
Turkey 24.02.2022 Reflections 2v set
Tuvalu 21.07.2014 Ducks Sheet
Tuvalu 21.07.2014 Ducks Sheet
Tuvalu 17.05.2021 Birds of Tuvalu Sheet
Tuvalu 21.11.2022 Mallard Duck Sheet
Tuvalu 21.11.2022 Mallard Duck Sheet
USA 10.06.1978 CAPEX 78 8v set
USA 02.07.1984 Migratory bird hunting and conservation
Uganda 02.10.1995 Domestic animals 16v sheet
Vatican City 19.03.2019 Europa
Vietnam 15.02.1990 Ducks 6v sheet
Yugoslavia 25.05.1958 Yugoslav game birds
Yugoslavia 23.02.1989 WWF
Zambia 27.10.1999 Flora and fauna 12v sheet
Barbuda 1986 Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1986.01
Canada 22.04.1992 Canadian rivers (South Saskatchewan River) 2x5v booklet
Dominica 26.07.1994 Philakorea '94 10v sheet