Stamps showing Western Tanager Piranga ludoviciana
Distribution map for Western Tanager, range
Western Tanager IOC v14.1: 10757 birdtheme SpecID 2418 Links will open countrypage in new window
Anguilla 29.04.1985 Audubon MSCentralafrica 20.06.2016 Alexander Wilson SheetGrenada 21.12.2015 Birds of the world MSLesotho 28.06.1999 Birds of the world SheetMauritania 14.08.1985 Audubon Nevis 03.06.1985 Audubon Niger 20.04.2016 Alexander Wilson SheetUSA 27.06.2002 Audubon saUSA 05.04.2014 Songbirds Booklet, sa