Distribution map for Rose-breasted Grosbeak, range
Rose-breasted Grosbeak IOC v14.1: 10774 birdtheme SpecID 2470 Links will open countrypage in new window
Barbuda 16.06.1980 Birds Barbuda 25.03.1991 Wild birds Barbuda 09.10.1993 Overprint WORLD BIRDWATCH... on 1991.01 Cuba 01.12.1965 Christmas El Salvador 09.08.1996 Migratory birds StripGrenada 31.05.1988 Birds Grenadines (G) 21.05.1984 Songbirds Grenadines (G) 13.07.1993 Songbirds SheetGrenadines (G) 17.11.2003 Birds of the world Grenadines (G) 26.10.2011 Birds of the world MSLesotho 28.06.1999 Birds of the world SheetUSA 28.05.1988 Definitives BookletUSA 05.04.2014 Songbirds Booklet, sa