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229 Sunbirds Nectariniidae
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird Chalcoparia singalensis
Bangladesh    14.06.2012     Indonesia 2012 Sheet   10t
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   20x
Fraser's Sunbird Deleornis fraseri
Tanzania    31.12.2013     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2000s
Plain-backed Sunbird Anthreptes reichenowi
South Africa    10.08.2012     Sunbirds Sheet with 2 sets   IASL
Anchieta's Sunbird Anthreptes anchietae
Malawi    03.10.1988     Birds   10k
Tanzania    31.12.2013     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2000s
Zambia    16.04.1987     Birds   1.60k
Zambia    01.07.1989     Surcharge on 1987.01, 1987.03   10.40k
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   250k
Brown-throated Sunbird Anthreptes malacensis
Djibouti    25.01.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   260f
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Togo    30.10.2014     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
Red-throated Sunbird Anthreptes rhodolaemus
Malaysia    27.06.2002     Birds   1r
Singapore    27.06.2002     Birds   *
Singapore    27.06.2002     Birds Sheet   *
Western Violet-backed Sunbird Anthreptes longuemarei
Centralafrica    26.03.1990     Scouts   1500f
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Togo    10.08.1981     Birds   50f
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   50k
Zambia    01.07.2002     Surcharge on 1994.01     300k
Grey-chinned Sunbird Anthreptes tephrolaemus
Tanzania    27.11.1999     Rare birds   300s
Collared Sunbird Hedydipna collaris
Gambia    27.02.2019     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   55d
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi   350k
Rwanda    17.05.1972     Rwanda birds   30c
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   5f
South Africa    10.08.2012     Sunbirds Sheet with 2 sets   IASL
Tanzania    31.12.2013     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2000s
Venda    16.02.1981     Sunbirds   5c
Venda    07.03.1991     Birds   40c
Pygmy Sunbird Hedydipna platura
Congo (Brazzaville)    15.07.1993     Brasiliana 93   250f
Niger    01.03.2013     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
Upper Volta    01.03.1965     Birds   10f
Nile Valley Sunbird Hedydipna metallica
Tanzania    31.12.2013     Sunbirds of Africa   5500s
Principe Sunbird Anabathmis hartlaubii
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   4d
Sao Tome and Principe    1998     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Sao Tome and Principe    31.12.2007     Birds Sheet   10000d
Newton's Sunbird Anabathmis newtonii
Sao Tome and Principe    20.11.2002     Birds   1000d
Sao Tome and Principe    20.11.2002     Birds Sheet   1000d
Giant Sunbird Dreptes thomensis
Sao Tome and Principe    21.12.1979     Birds   7d
Orange-breasted Sunbird Anthobaphes violacea
Centralafrica    10.03.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   280f
Centralafrica    28.05.2001     Birds Sheet   350f
Gambia    27.02.2019     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   75d
Gambia    27.02.2019     Sunbirds of Africa   250d
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
South Africa    01.07.2013     Kirstenbosch 10v sheet, sa   *
Togo    23.01.1995     Birds   90f
Zambia    08.09.2000     Birds of the world   1200k
Green-headed Sunbird Cyanomitra verticalis
Uganda    06.12.1999     Birds of Uganda Sheet   500s
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   350k
Bannerman's Sunbird Cyanomitra bannermani
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   150k
Blue-headed Sunbird Cyanomitra alinae
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   10f
Olive Sunbird Cyanomitra olivacea
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Tanzania    31.12.2013     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2000s
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   300k
Green-throated Sunbird Chalcomitra rubescens
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   2000k
Amethyst Sunbird Chalcomitra amethystina
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Mozambique    24.07.1992     Birds   150m
Namibia    14.04.2005     Sunbirds of Namibia   10$
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   1500k
Scarlet-chested Sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis
Bechuanaland    02.10.1961     Definitives   2½c
Botswana    30.09.1966     Overprint REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA on Bechuanaland 1961.01   2½c
Chad    27.10.1961     Birds   100f
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo Sheet   9f
Gambia    14.05.1990     African birds Sheet   1.25d
Gambia    27.02.2019     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   65d
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Kenya    22.02.1993     Birds   11s
Kenya    2014     Birds   35s
Malawi    13.11.1968     Birds   1d
Namibia    14.04.2005     Sunbirds of Namibia   reg.
Niger    06.07.1998     Scouts, birds and butterflies 4v sheet   450f
Niger    01.03.2013     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
Rwanda    17.05.1972     Rwanda birds   10f
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds   25s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds Booklet   25s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1990.03   25s
Uganda    22.07.1987     Flora and fauna 8v set   10s
Uganda    02.11.1987     Birds of Uganda   45s
Uganda    06.12.1999     Birds of Uganda Sheet   600s
Venda    16.02.1981     Sunbirds   25c
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   100k
Crimson-backed Sunbird Leptocoma minima
Djibouti    25.01.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   260f
Purple-throated Sunbird Leptocoma sperata
Djibouti    25.01.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   260f
Liberia    14.01.1994     Birds of Liberia Sheet   1$
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Sierra Leone    29.08.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   6000l
Sierra Leone    29.08.2016     Sunbirds   24000l
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   60x
Copper-throated Sunbird Leptocoma calcostetha
Niger    01.03.2013     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   50x
Purple-breasted Sunbird Nectarinia purpureiventris
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   20f
Uganda    06.12.1999     Birds of Uganda Sheet   700s
Tacazze Sunbird Nectarinia tacazze
Djibouti    25.01.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   260f
Bronze Sunbird Nectarinia kilimensis
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   4f
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   20k
Zambia    31.05.2007     Surcharge on 1994.01   1850k
Zambia    2022     Surcharge on 2002.02,2007.02   10k
Malachite Sunbird Nectarinia famosa
Ciskei    04.12.1981     Birds   4c
Djibouti    25.01.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   260f
Ghana    20.10.1997     Birds of Africa   3000c
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Lesotho    20.04.1981     Birds p 14½   40s
Lesotho    14.06.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1981.01 With wmk     40s
Lesotho    10.02.1992     Birds Sheet   30s
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa   100$
Liberia    26.12.2007     Birds of Africa   50$
Togo    30.10.2014     Sunbirds   2500f
Scarlet-tufted Sunbird Nectarinia johnstoni
Liberia    28.08.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   50c
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    13.01.2003     Birds of Africa Sheet   1300l
Tanzania    15.03.1989     Birds Sheet   20s
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   400k
Golden-winged Sunbird Drepanorhynchus reichenowi
Tanzania    22.08.1991     National game parks 8v set   10s
Olive-bellied Sunbird Cinnyris chloropygius
Congo (Brazzaville)    17.09.1980     Birds   45f
Congo (Brazzaville)    17.09.1980     Birds Sheet   45f
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   100c
Liberia    31.08.1998     Birds of the world Sheet   32c
Liberia    26.05.2003     Surcharge on 1998.05 Sheet   15$
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   50f
Sierra Leone    29.01.1980     Birds   2c
Sierra Leone    15.03.1982     Imprint 1981 on 1980.01   2c
Sierra Leone    11.10.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1980.01   2c
Sierra Leone    01.10.1983     Imprint 1983 on 1980.01     2c
Upper Volta    01.03.1965     Birds   15f
Eastern Miombo Sunbird Cinnyris manoensis
Djibouti    25.01.2016     Sunbirds   960f
Ghana    12.07.2012     Birds of Africa Sheet   2c
Togo    30.10.2014     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
Western Miombo Sunbird Cinnyris gertrudis
Zimbabwe    08.02.2005     Birds of Zimbabwe   E
Southern Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris chalybeus
Botswana    01.07.1982     Birds   2t
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Guyana    21.06.2021     Hummingbirds   800$
South Africa    01.07.2013     Kirstenbosch 10v sheet, sa   *
Neergaard's Sunbird Cinnyris neergaardi
Mozambique    27.04.1987     Birds   30m
South Africa    10.08.2012     Sunbirds Sheet with 2 sets   IASL
Northern Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris reichenowi
Rwanda    17.05.1972     Rwanda birds   1f
Rwanda    17.01.1983     Scout movement 8v set   30c
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   20c
Rwanda    25.11.1985     Girl scout emblem 8v set   30c
Greater Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris afer
Sierra Leone    29.08.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   6000l
South Africa    20.11.1974     Definitives   15c
Regal Sunbird Cinnyris regius
Comoro Islands    1998     Birds Sheet   175f
Congo (Brazzaville)    20.06.1967     Birds   150f
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Rwanda    18.12.1967     Birds of Rwanda   80f
Rwanda    07.01.1980     Birds   30c
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   30c
Uganda    09.10.1992     Birds   100s
Zaire    1979     Zaire river expedition 8v set   3k
Eastern Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris mediocris
Liberia    15.09.2001     African wonderland 6v sheet   25$
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   P
Moreau's Sunbird Cinnyris moreaui
Tanzania    25.03.2006     Endemic birds   500s
Beautiful Sunbird Cinnyris pulchellus
Gambia    04.11.1963     Birds   ½d
Gambia    18.02.1965     Overprint INDEPENDENCE on 1963.01   ½d
Gambia    27.02.2019     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   45d
Ghana    05.06.2015     Birds of Ghana Sheet   3c
Guinea    05.07.1988     Scouts   300f
Guinea    24.02.1993     Overprint 50 eme ANNIVERSAIRE... on 1988.01   300f
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Niger    01.03.2013     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
Marico Sunbird Cinnyris mariquensis
Bophuthatswana    04.07.1985     Tree conservation 4v set   30c
Botswana    04.08.1997     Birds   25t
Gambia    27.02.2019     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   85d
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Namibia    14.04.2005     Sunbirds of Namibia   2.90$
Venda    16.02.1981     Sunbirds   15c
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   O
Shelley's Sunbird Cinnyris shelleyi
Zambia    01.07.1977     Birds of Zambia   9n
Red-chested Sunbird Cinnyris erythrocercus
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   70f
Purple-banded Sunbird Cinnyris bifasciatus
Grenada    03.04.2017     Animals of the world 4v sheet   6$
Pemba Sunbird Cinnyris pembae
Tanzania    24.11.2006     Species of Zanzibar 4v sheet   1000s
Orange-tufted Sunbird Cinnyris bouvieri
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   1000k
Palestine Sunbird Cinnyris osea
Israel    19.06.1963     Birds   45a
Israel    16.02.1993     Songbirds   50a
Israel    17.04.1996     China 96 Sheet   30a
Jordan    01.09.1970     Birds   200f
Jordan    24.06.1987     Birds   40f
Jordan    01.02.2009     Birds   30p
Jordan    20.12.2009     Surcharge on 1970.01   80p
Palestine    13.12.1999     Palestinian Sunbird   750f
Palestine    29.11.2013     State of Palestine 5v sheet   200m
Palestine    08.08.2019     G77 5v sheet   300m
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world Sheet   900f
Splendid Sunbird Cinnyris coccinigastrus
Biafra    1968     Overprint SOVEREIGN BIAFRA on Nigeria 1966.02-03   1½d
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa   9c
Niger    01.03.2013     Sunbirds   2500f
Nigeria    02.05.1966     Definitives   1½d
Togo    10.08.1981     Birds   40f
Upper Volta    01.03.1965     Birds   20f
Johanna's Sunbird Cinnyris johannae
Gabon    07.10.1963     Birds   100f
Superb Sunbird Cinnyris superbus
Gambia    24.04.1989     West African birds   5d
Ghana    25.10.1990     African tropical rain forest 20v sheet   40c
Ghana    13.06.1994     Birds of Ghana Sheet   200c
Guinea-Bissau    16.08.1994     Philakorea 94 & Singpex 94   15000p
Sierra Leone    01.12.1992     Birds definitives   200l
Sierra Leone    10.08.1994     Birds   300l
Sierra Leone    1994     Imprint 1994 on 1992.05   200l
Sierra Leone    1996     Imprint 1996 on 1992.05   200l
Sierra Leone    1997     Imprint 1997 on 1992.05   200l
Sierra Leone    1998     Imprint 1998 on 1992.05     200l
Sierra Leone    1999     Imprint 1999 on 1992.05     200l
Sierra Leone    2000     Imprint 2000 on 1992.05   200l
Sierra Leone    31.12.2006     Imprint 2006 on 1992.05, 1999.02   200l
Rufous-winged Sunbird Cinnyris rufipennis
Tanzania    25.03.2006     Endemic birds   350s
Oustalet's Sunbird Cinnyris oustaleti
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   200k
White-bellied Sunbird Cinnyris talatala
Gambia    27.02.2019     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   95d
Lesotho    27.04.1998     Fauna and flora of the world   8m
Namibia    14.04.2005     Sunbirds of Namibia   nonst.
South Africa    10.08.2012     Sunbirds Sheet with 2 sets   IASL
Venda    16.02.1981     Sunbirds   20c
Variable Sunbird Cinnyris venustus
Chad    02.06.2003     Birds Sheet   300f
French Territory of Afars & Issas    21.11.1975     Birds   50f
Gambia    14.05.1990     African birds Sheet   1.25d
Gambia    15.04.1993     Birds of Africa Sheet   2d
Ghana    15.08.2002     Year of eco tourism 6v sheet   4000c
Ghana    02.03.2015     Sunbirds of Africa Sheet   2.50c
Guinea    27.08.2001     Philanippon 01 Sheet   750f
Ivory Coast    29.10.1999     Birds   180f+20f
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Malawi    07.04.1992     Birds Sheet   75t
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi Sheet   500k
Malawi    27.05.2016     Birds of Malawi   350k
Mauritania    07.09.1963     Postage due, birds   2f
Rwanda    17.05.1972     Rwanda birds   50c
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Sierra Leone    29.08.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   6000l
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   500k
Zimbabwe    20.10.1998     Birds   1.20$
Dusky Sunbird Cinnyris fuscus
Namibia    14.04.2005     Sunbirds of Namibia   3.40$
South Africa    10.08.2012     Sunbirds Sheet with 2 sets   IASL
Copper Sunbird Cinnyris cupreus
Rwanda    31.01.1983     Nectar-sucking birds   40f
Zambia    30.05.1994     Sunbirds   800k
Purple Sunbird Cinnyris asiaticus
Micronesia    20.04.2006     Birds   39c
Ornate Sunbird Cinnyris ornatus
Malaysia    14.05.2005     Birds of Malaysia   75s
Singapore    10.03.1963     Birds wmk upright   2$
Singapore    31.08.2012     Singapore 2015   2$
Singapore    31.08.2012     Singapore 2015 Sheet   5$
Singapore    27.11.2012     Joint issue with Brunei 2v set   1$
Singapore    27.11.2012     Joint issue with Brunei 3v sheet   1$
Palawan Sunbird Cinnyris aurora
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Sahul Sunbird Cinnyris frenatus
Australia    08.07.2003     Nature of Australia - Rainforests 4v set   50c
Australia    08.07.2003     Nature of Australia - Rainforests $5 booklet, sa, SNP   50c
Australia    08.07.2003     Nature of Australia - Rainforests $10 booklet, sa, SNP   50c
Australia    08.07.2003     Nature of Australia - Rainforests 4v strip, sa, SNP   50c
Australia    08.07.2003     Nature of Australia - Rainforests 4v strip, sa, Pemara   50c
Solomon Islands    05.06.2012     Birds Sheet   9$
Souimanga Sunbird Cinnyris sovimanga
British Indian Ocean Territory    28.02.1975     Birds   5r
Seychelles    18.02.1994     Overprint HONG KONG 94 on Zil Elw Sesel 1983.01   1r
Seychelles    11.11.1996     Birds   3r
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    13.07.1983     Birds   2.10r
Seychelles Sunbird Cinnyris dussumieri
Seychelles    08.11.1976     Ornithological congress   1.25r
Seychelles    08.11.1976     Ornithological congress Sheet   1.25r
Seychelles    01.03.1993     Flora and fauna 14v set   3r
Seychelles    11.11.1996     Birds   3r
Seychelles    1998     Flora and fauna     3r
Seychelles    18.07.2000     Flora and fauna   3r
Seychelles    01.07.2004     Surcharge   2r
Anjouan Sunbird Cinnyris comorensis
Comoro Islands    20.06.1967     Birds   2f
Comoro Islands    1975     Overprint ETAT COMORIEN on 1967.01   10f
Comoro Islands    06.02.1978     Birds   75f
Comoro Islands    02.05.1979     Overprint Republique Federale… on 1978.01   200f
Mayotte Sunbird Cinnyris coquerellii
Mayotte    23.09.2002     Birds of Mayotte Strip   0.46€
Loten's Sunbird Cinnyris lotenius
Sierra Leone    29.08.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   6000l
Grey-hooded Sunbird Aethopyga primigenia
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Apo Sunbird Aethopyga boltoni
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Lina's Sunbird Aethopyga linaraborae
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Flaming Sunbird Aethopyga flagrans
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Metallic-winged Sunbird Aethopyga pulcherrima
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Elegant Sunbird Aethopyga duyvenbodei
Indonesia    15.07.2012     Threatened bird species 6x4v sheet   2500r
Indonesia    15.07.2012     Threatened bird species Sheet   2500r
Lovely Sunbird Aethopyga shelleyi
Philippines    23.10.2008     Jakarta 2008 Sheet   7p
Philippines    09.03.2009     Birds   7p
Philippines    13.05.2009     Birds   7p
Mrs. Gould's Sunbird Aethopyga gouldiae
Bhutan    19.04.1982     Birds   10n
Bhutan    28.07.1998     Birds Sheet   1n
Togo    30.10.2014     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   40x
Green-tailed Sunbird Aethopyga nipalensis
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   1d
Fork-tailed Sunbird Aethopyga christinae
Comoro Islands    25.01.1999     Birds   150f
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives   1.40$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Sheet   1.40$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Booklet   1.40$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Booklet   1.40$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Booklet   1.40$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Booklet   1.40$
Hong Kong    31.12.2006     Birds definitives Prestige booklet   1.40$
Black-throated Sunbird Aethopyga saturata
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   30x
Crimson Sunbird Aethopyga siparaja
Bangladesh    28.05.2016     Birds Sheet   10t
Centralafrica    21.10.2015     Hong Kong 2015 4v sheet   750f
Djibouti    25.01.2016     Sunbirds Sheet   260f
India    31.12.1968     Birds   2r
Israel    08.05.2019     Joint issue with Singapore   2.50s
Israel    08.05.2019     Joint issue with Singapore   7.40s
Malaysia    30.06.1988     Protected passerine birds   50c
Sierra Leone    26.06.2015     Singapore 2015 Sheet   3500l
Sierra Leone    26.06.2015     Singapore 2015 Sheet   3500l
Sierra Leone    26.06.2015     Singapore 2015 Sheet   3500l
Sierra Leone    26.06.2015     Singapore 2015 Sheet   3500l
Sierra Leone    26.06.2015     Singapore 2015   14000l
Singapore    06.06.2007     Flora and fauna 14v set   5c
Singapore    06.06.2007     Flora and fauna 14v sheet   5c
Singapore    23.01.2008     Flora and fauna   5c
Singapore    28.11.2008     Flora and fauna   5c
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden   50c
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden   5$
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden 2x2v sheet, sa   50c
Singapore    08.05.2019     Joint issue with Israel   1.30$
Singapore    08.05.2019     Joint issue with Israel   1.30$
Singapore    08.05.2019     Joint issue with Israel Sheet   1.30$
Singapore    08.05.2019     Joint issue with Israel Sheet   1.30$
Solomon Islands    24.05.2015     Singapore 2015 4v sheet   5$
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   20x
Magnificent Sunbird Aethopyga magnifica
Philippines    28.12.2007     Birds   4p
Philippines    06.05.2008     Birds   4p
Temminck's Sunbird Aethopyga temminckii
Malaysia    04.01.1997     Malaysian highland birds   1$
Malaysia    09.09.1997     Malpex 97, stamp on stamp 4v sheet   30c
Malaysia    15.12.1997     Indepex 97 4v sheet     30c
Fire-tailed Sunbird Aethopyga ignicauda
Bhutan    22.11.1989     Birds   25n
Nepal    22.11.1979     International world pheasant association symposium   10r
Purple-naped Spiderhunter Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum
Vietnam    05.08.1981     Sunbirds   50x
Little Spiderhunter Arachnothera longirostra
Bhutan    22.11.1989     Birds   25n
Togo    30.10.2014     Sunbirds Sheet   750f
