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231 Weavers, Widowbirds Ploceidae
White-billed Buffalo Weaver Bubalornis albirostris
Gambia    13.05.1991     Wildlife     18d
Mali    10.04.1978     Mali birds   80f
Tanzania    10.07.2012     Birds of Tanzania Sheet   1000s
Red-billed Buffalo Weaver Bubalornis niger
Botswana    04.08.1997     Birds   50t
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser mahali
Liberia    26.12.2007     Birds of Africa Sheet   45$
Namibia    28.02.2008     Weaver birds of Namibia   postc.
Sociable Weaver Philetairus socius
Botswana    12.05.2001     Kgalagadi transfrontier park 4v set   35t
Botswana    31.08.2018     Kgalagadi biodiversity 15v set   2p
Botswana    31.08.2018     Kgalagadi biodiversity Sheet   2p
Congo (Brazzaville)    13.02.1967     Birds   50f
Namibia    28.02.2008     Weaver birds of Namibia   4.20$
Namibia    18.07.2018     Felines 4v set   ZoneB
South Africa    12.05.2001     Kgalagadi transfrontier park 4v set   2.90r
South Africa    12.05.2001     Kgalagadi transfrontier park 2v sheet   2.90r
Vietnam    20.01.1995     Birds   400d
Thick-billed Weaver Amblyospiza albifrons
Namibia    28.02.2008     Weaver birds of Namibia   reg.
Baglafecht Weaver Ploceus baglafecht
Kenya    22.02.1993     Birds   14s
Manama    1971     Conservation   20d
Sierra Leone    18.05.1999     Birds of Africa   3000l
Little Weaver Ploceus luteolus
Niger    18.11.1967     Birds   45f
Niger    1981     Birds   65f
Spectacled Weaver Ploceus ocularis
Mali    19.12.1996     Fauna and flora 4v sheet   750f
Transkei    30.07.1980     Birds   20c
Uganda    05.05.1995     Waterfowl and wetland birds of Uganda Sheet   200s
Black-necked Weaver Ploceus nigricollis
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Strange Weaver Ploceus alienus
Rwanda    07.01.1980     Birds   20c
Cape Weaver Ploceus capensis
Lesotho    05.04.1988     Birds   16s
Lesotho    11.11.1989     Imprint 1989 on 1988.01     16s
Holub's Golden Weaver Ploceus xanthops
Angola    13.04.2000     Nature heritage of Angola 12v sheet   1.50k
Orange Weaver Ploceus aurantius
Uganda    09.10.1965     Birds   15c
Uganda    1965     Birds Booklet   15c
Uganda    1965     Birds Booklet   15c
Heuglin's Masked Weaver Ploceus heuglini
Ghana    26.08.2002     Birds Sheet   4500c
Rwanda    15.12.1986     Akagera national park 8v set   100f
Golden Palm Weaver Ploceus bojeri
Mali    13.09.1999     Birds Sheet   430f
Principe Weaver Ploceus princeps
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   1d
Sao Tome and Principe    1999     Surcharge on 1983.01     10000d
Sao Tome and Principe    31.12.2007     Birds Sheet   10000d
Kilombero Weaver Ploceus burnieri
Tanzania    25.03.2006     Endemic birds   600s
Rüppell's Weaver Ploceus galbula
Oman    15.12.2002     Birds in Oman Sheet   50b
Oman    14.12.2014     Wildlife in Oman   150b
Lesser Masked Weaver Ploceus intermedius
Antigua & Barbuda    24.04.1997     Endangered species of the world 6v sheet   1.65$
Barbuda    1998     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1997.04 6v sheet     1.65$
Malawi    07.04.1992     Birds Sheet   75t
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds   5s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds Booklet   5s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1990.03   5s
Tanzania    10.07.2012     Birds of Tanzania Sheet   1000s
Tanzania    28.01.2016     Birds of Africa Sheet   2000s
Southern Masked Weaver Ploceus velatus
Botswana    01.07.1982     Birds   1t
Liberia    19.08.1996     Birds Sheet   35c
Namibia    28.02.2008     Weaver birds of Namibia   stand.
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   3d
Sao Tome and Principe    1998     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Sierra Leone    01.12.1992     Birds definitives   150l
Sierra Leone    1994     Imprint 1994 on 1992.05   150l
Tanzania    20.01.2012     Birds of Africa Sheet   1700s
Togo    11.04.2014     Birds of Africa Sheet   650f
Vitelline Masked Weaver Ploceus vitellinus
Djibouti    11.08.1977     Birds   100f
Mali    18.04.1977     Mali birds   30f
Speke's Weaver Ploceus spekei
Kenya    15.12.2006     Kenya the land of opportunity 12v booklet   25s
Sierra Leone    31.01.1985     Audubon   3l
Fox's Weaver Ploceus spekeoides
Uganda    06.12.1999     Birds of Uganda Sheet   700s
Village Weaver Ploceus cucullatus
Benin    01.09.1982     Birds   20f
Benin    07.12.1999     Birds   400f
Biafra    1968     Overprint SOVEREIGN BIAFRA on Nigeria 1966.01-02   2d
Burkina Faso    2001     Birds   95f
Congo (Kinshasa)    28.02.2000     Wildlife of Africa 12v sheet   1.50f
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo Sheet   9f
Eritrea    16.03.1998     Birds Sheet   3n
Ethiopia    15.02.1966     Ethiopian birds   40c
Gambia    04.11.1963     Birds   6d
Gambia    18.02.1965     Overprint INDEPENDENCE on 1963.01   6d
Gambia    14.05.1990     African birds Sheet   1.25d
Gambia    22.10.1996     Birds   3d
Gambia    22.12.2023     Village Weaver Sheet   90d
Gambia    22.12.2023     Village Weaver Sheet   100d
Gambia    22.12.2023     Village Weaver Sheet   110d
Gambia    22.12.2023     Village Weaver Sheet   120d
Gambia    22.12.2023     Village Weaver   250d
Ghana    13.06.1994     Birds of Ghana Sheet   200c
Grenadines (G)    05.09.1995     Birds of the Caribbean   5$
Grenadines (G)    26.10.2011     Birds of the world Sheet   2.50$
Guinea-Bissau    27.12.1996     Birds   15000p
Liberia    04.01.1999     Birds of the world Sheet   50c
Liberia    28.08.2000     Birds of the world   15$
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa   10$
Mozambique    17.06.2002     Birds of Africa Sheet   17000m
Nigeria    01.04.1966     Definitives   2d
Nigeria    22.06.1971     Definitives 'WEAVERS'   2d
Senegal    26.04.1969     Birds   250f
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Giant Weaver Ploceus grandis
Sao Tome and Principe    21.12.1979     Birds   8d
Sao Tome and Principe    31.12.2007     Birds Sheet   10000d
Chestnut-and-black Weaver Ploceus castaneofuscus
Sierra Leone    15.11.2018     Definitives 17v set   500l
Black-headed Weaver Ploceus melanocephalus
Tanzania    28.01.2016     Birds of Africa   6000s
Golden-backed Weaver Ploceus jacksoni
Uganda    02.11.1987     Birds of Uganda   5s
Chestnut Weaver Ploceus rubiginosus
Namibia    22.05.2024     Biodiversity of the Etendeka Plateau 10v sheet   *
Nelicourvi Weaver Ploceus nelicourvi
Malagasy    29.09.1988     Scouts 6v set   270f
Mauritania    05.11.2000     Birds of Madagascar Sheet   220u
Mauritania    05.11.2000     Birds of Madagascar Strip, white frames   220u
Asian Golden Weaver Ploceus hypoxanthus
Laos    20.02.2004     Birds   3000k
Baya Weaver Ploceus philippinus
Bangladesh    14.06.2012     Bird nests   20t
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden   1.10$
Singapore    13.07.2013     Our city in a garden   5$
Vietnam, South    15.01.1970     Birds of Vietnam   2p
Bar-winged Weaver Ploceus angolensis
Zambia    30.10.1990     Birds   15n
Zambia    07.05.1991     Birds   1k
Sao Tome Weaver Ploceus sanctithomae
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   1.50d
Sao Tome and Principe    1996     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Sao Tome and Principe    2015     Biodiversity 8v sheet   1000d
Rachel's Malimbe Malimbus racheliae
Gambia    16.07.2001     Animals of Africa 6v sheet   8d
Gola Malimbe Malimbus ballmanni
Sierra Leone    27.05.2016     Gola rainforest national park 4v sheet   6000l
Red-vented Malimbe Malimbus scutatus
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa   400l
Red-headed Malimbe Malimbus rubricollis
Biafra    1968     Overprint SOVEREIGN BIAFRA on Nigeria 1966.01-02   2d
Nigeria    01.04.1966     Definitives   2d
Nigeria    22.06.1971     Definitives 'WEAVERS'   2d
Red-bellied Malimbe Malimbus erythrogaster
South Africa    06.02.1992     Environmental conservation 3v set   65c
South Africa    06.02.1992     Environmental conservation   65c
Crested Malimbe Malimbus malimbicus
Sierra Leone    01.12.1992     Birds definitives   100l
Sierra Leone    1994     Imprint 1994 on 1992.05   100l
Sierra Leone    1996     Imprint 1996 on 1992.05   100l
Sierra Leone    1997     Imprint 1997 on 1992.05   100l
Sierra Leone    1998     Imprint 1998 on 1992.05     100l
Sierra Leone    1999     Imprint 1999 on 1992.05     100l
Sierra Leone    2000     Imprint 2000 on 1992.05   100l
Red-headed Weaver Anaplectes rubriceps
Bechuanaland    02.10.1961     Definitives   10c
Botswana    30.09.1966     Overprint REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA on Bechuanaland 1961.01   10c
Ethiopia    04.01.1985     Birds   85c
Mozambique    20.03.1978     Birds   1.50e
Namibia    28.02.2008     Weaver birds of Namibia   3.70$
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Zimbabwe    08.02.2005     Birds of Zimbabwe   Z
Cardinal Quelea Quelea cardinalis
Centralafrica    28.05.2001     Birds Sheet   350f
Red-headed Quelea Quelea erythrops
Rwanda    17.05.1972     Rwanda birds   18f
Sao Tome and Principe    30.12.1983     Birds   2d
Sao Tome and Principe    1996     Surcharge on 1983.01     2500d
Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea
Benin    30.01.1999     Birds   200f
Burkina Faso    2001     Birds   25f
Chad    02.06.2003     Birds Sheet   300f
Eritrea    16.03.1998     Birds Sheet   3n
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   100c
Lesotho    10.02.1992     Birds Sheet   30s
Liberia    28.08.2000     Birds of the world   35$
Namibia    22.03.2007     Centenary of Etosha 10v sheet   postc.
Niger    01.07.1985     Vegetation protection 5v set   390f
Rwanda    18.12.1967     Birds of Rwanda   60c
St Vincent & Grenadines    16.06.1998     Birds of the world Sheet   90c
Tanzania    10.07.2012     Birds of Tanzania Sheet   1000s
Zaire    06.12.1982     Birds   25k
Zaire    1990     Surcharge on 1982.01   40z
Zaire    1990     Surcharge on 1982.01     80z
Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis
British Indian Ocean Territory    03.05.1990     Birds   1£
British Indian Ocean Territory    18.02.1994     Overprint HONG KONG 94 on 1990.01   1£
British Indian Ocean Territory    21.06.2004     Birds definitives   2p
British Indian Ocean Territory    05.10.2009     Definitives 12v set   54p
British Indian Ocean Territory    05.10.2009     Definitives 12v sheet   54p
Liberia    08.02.1999     Flora and fauna 12v sheet   20c
Madagascar    12.02.1999     Birds Sheet   1350f
Malagasy    12.08.1963     Malagasy birds and orchids 10v set   3f
Malagasy    27.05.1993     Butterflies and birds 16v sheet   140f
Mayotte    12.01.2009     Le cardinal   0.55€
Seychelles    10.11.1977     Definitives   1r
Seychelles    29.02.1980     Fauna 15r booklet   1r
Seychelles    14.03.1980     Definitives     1r
Seychelles    28.11.1980     Fauna 15r booklet   1r
Seychelles    09.01.1981     Definitives   1r
Seychelles    1982     Definitives     1r
Seychelles    1986     Definitives     1r
Seychelles    28.10.1986     Definitives "LAZOURNEN..."   1r
Seychelles    1988     Definitives     1r
Seychelles    1990     Definitives     1r
Seychelles    15.11.1991     Definitives   1r
St Helena    12.12.1961     Definitives   6d
St Helena    04.01.1965     Overprint FIRST LOCAL POST on 1961.01     6d
St Helena    12.09.1983     Birds   15p
St Helena    26.08.1993     Birds   75p
St Helena    03.02.1997     Hong Kong 97   75p
St Helena    11.11.2015     Definitives   2£
St Helena    11.11.2015     Definitives Sheet   2£
Tristan da Cunha    12.04.1963     Overprint TRISTAN DA... on St Helena 1961.01   6d
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    04.07.1980     Birds   1r
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    1981     Imprint 1981 on 1980.01     1r
Comoro Fody Foudia eminentissima
British Indian Ocean Territory    28.02.1975     Birds   20c
Comoro Islands    20.06.1967     Birds   15f
Comoro Islands    06.02.1978     Birds   500f
Mayotte    23.09.2002     Birds of Mayotte Strip   0.46€
Aldabra Fody Foudia aldabrana
Seychelles    11.11.1996     Birds   3r
Seychelles    01.10.2008     WWF   1r
Seychelles    01.10.2008     WWF   1r
Seychelles    01.10.2008     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   1r
Seychelles    01.10.2008     WWF Sheet with 4 sets   1r
Seychelles    01.10.2008     Fody and Drongo   20r
Zil Elwannyen Sesel    13.07.1983     Birds   40c
Forest Fody Foudia omissa
Comoro Islands    15.03.1989     Scouts   750f
Malagasy    29.09.1988     Scouts 6v set   270f
Mauritius Fody Foudia rubra
Mauritius    16.03.1965     Definitives Upright wmk   10c
Mauritius    01.09.1967     Overprint SELF GOVERNMENT 1967 on 1965.01   10c
Seychelles Fody Foudia sechellarum
Seychelles    27.02.1979     Birds   2r
Seychelles    26.10.1979     Fauna 20r booklet   2r
Seychelles    29.02.1980     Birds 20r booklet   2r
Seychelles    11.11.1996     Birds   3r
Rodrigues Fody Foudia flavicans
Jersey    06.07.1988     Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust 5v set   12p
Mauritius    16.03.1965     Definitives Upright wmk   3c
Mauritius    01.09.1967     Overprint SELF GOVERNMENT 1967 on 1965.01   3c
Mauritius    12.07.1968     New colours   3c
Yellow-crowned Bishop Euplectes afer
Benin    30.01.1999     Birds   270f
Benin    2000     Surcharge   150f
Benin    2005     Surcharge   175f
Burkina Faso    05.04.1995     Birds   750f
Burkina Faso    05.04.1995     Birds Sheet   750f
Gambia    18.02.1966     Birds   3d
Grenadines (G)    01.03.2000     Birds of the Caribbean Sheet   1.50$
Lesotho    10.02.1992     Birds Sheet   30s
Tanzania    15.10.1992     Birds   10s
Black-winged Red Bishop Euplectes hordeaceus
Centralafrica    01.07.1988     Scouts and birds   170f
Centralafrica    07.10.1988     Surcharge on 1988.01   30f
Congo (Brazzaville)    17.09.1980     Birds   75f
Congo (Brazzaville)    17.09.1980     Birds Sheet   75f
Ghana    05.10.1959     Definitives 8v set   6d
Ghana    01.01.1961     Definitives Booklet   6d
Ghana    01.01.1961     Definitives Booklet   6d
Ghana    01.01.1963     Definitives Booklet     6d
Ghana    01.01.1963     Definitives Booklet     6d
Ghana    19.07.1965     Surcharge on 1959.01   6p
Ghana    23.02.1967     Surcharge on 1959.01   5n
Ghana    13.06.1994     Birds of Ghana Sheet   200c
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa Sheet   25$
Mali    25.09.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   150f
Sierra Leone    01.12.1992     Birds definitives   30l
Sierra Leone    04.01.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   600l
Togo    07.08.1995     Birds   300f
Uganda    09.10.1965     Birds   65c
Southern Red Bishop Euplectes orix
Antigua & Barbuda    24.04.1997     Endangered species of the world 6v sheet   1.20$
Barbuda    1998     Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1997.03 6v sheet     1.20$
Benin    07.12.1999     Birds   300f
Botswana    03.07.1978     Birds   15t
Botswana    13.05.2014     Birds   *
Botswana    13.05.2014     Birds   50p
Comoro Islands    1998     Birds Sheet   175f
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo Sheet   9f
Ghana    14.06.2017     Colorful birds Sheet   4c
Lesotho    20.04.1981     Birds p 14½   1m
Lesotho    14.06.1982     Imprint 1982 on 1981.01 With wmk     1m
Lesotho    10.02.1992     Birds Sheet   30s
Liberia    28.08.2000     Birds of the world   25$
Malawi    07.04.1992     Birds Sheet   75t
Mongolia    24.12.2012     Birds   800t
Rwanda    18.12.1967     Birds of Rwanda   20c
Rwanda    01.11.1978     Philexafrique   30f
Swaziland    02.01.1976     Birds   50c
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds   15s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Birds Booklet   15s
Tanzania    15.12.1990     Overprint OFFICIAL on 1990.03   15s
Zambia    08.09.2000     Birds of the world Sheet   1000k
Northern Red Bishop Euplectes franciscanus
Chad    27.10.1961     Birds   50f
Chad    05.12.2012     Birds Sheet, white background     5000f
Chad    05.12.2012     Birds Sheet, fauna background     5000f
Chad    05.12.2012     Birds     5000f
Dominica    07.12.1999     Christmas   55c
Gambia    14.05.1990     African birds Sheet   1.25d
Gambia    13.05.1991     Wildlife 16v sheet   5d
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   80c
Guinea    05.07.1988     Scouts   150f
Guinea    24.02.1993     Overprint 50 eme ANNIVERSAIRE... on 1988.01   150f
Guinea    28.09.1996     Birds   500f
Liberia    14.01.1994     Birds of Liberia Sheet   1$
Niger    09.12.1970     Birds   40f
Niger    27.10.2000     Birds of Africa Sheet   225f
Nigeria    24.10.1984     Rare birds   30k
Senegal    09.03.1963     Birds   250f
Sierra Leone    25.06.1988     Birds   10l
Sierra Leone    10.08.1994     Birds   800l
Togo    10.08.1981     Birds   100f
Togo    10.08.1981     Birds Sheet   100f
Umm Al Qiwain    1972     Birds   1r
Golden-backed Bishop Euplectes aureus
Sao Tome and Principe    21.12.1979     Birds   50c
Sao Tome and Principe    15.11.1991     Exhibition 12v set   25d
Sao Tome and Principe    31.12.2007     Birds Sheet   5000d
Yellow Bishop Euplectes capensis
Bechuanaland    02.10.1961     Definitives   3½c
Botswana    30.09.1966     Overprint REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA on Bechuanaland 1961.01   3c
Malawi    13.11.1968     Birds   9d
Fan-tailed Widowbird Euplectes axillaris
Angola    22.03.1951     Birds   7a
Rwanda    18.12.1967     Birds of Rwanda   100f
Yellow-mantled Widowbird Euplectes macroura
Azerbaijan    19.06.1996     Birds   100m
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds Sheet   500f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds Sheet   500f
Chad    05.11.2012     Birds   500f
Congo (Brazzaville)    17.09.1980     Birds   200f
Congo (Brazzaville)    17.09.1980     Birds Sheet   200f
Congo (Brazzaville)    15.07.1993     Brasiliana 93   400f
Gambia    04.11.1963     Birds   1d
Gambia    07.11.1963     Overprint SELF GOVERNMENT on 1963.01   1d
Gambia    18.02.1965     Overprint INDEPENDENCE on 1963.01   1d
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   100c
Rhodesia    16.03.1977     Birds of Rhodesia   4c
Togo    09.09.1972     Exotic birds   40f
Togo    09.09.1972     Exotic birds Sheet, imp   40f
Red-cowled Widowbird Euplectes laticauda
Congo (Kinshasa)    16.08.2000     Birds of Congo Sheet   9f
Liberia    18.11.1953     Definitives   12c
Togo    10.08.1981     Birds   90f
Togo    10.08.1981     Birds Sheet   90f
Long-tailed Widowbird Euplectes progne
Argentina    28.04.2012     Conicet   2.50p
Ciskei    03.07.1989     Birds   18c
Swaziland    24.04.1962     Definitives   5c
Swaziland    01.05.1968     Surcharge on 1962.01     3c
Swaziland    06.09.1968     Overprint INDEPENDENCE 1968 on 1962.01     5c
Togo    09.09.1972     Exotic birds   60f
Togo    09.09.1972     Exotic birds Sheet, imp   60f
Jackson's Widowbird Euplectes jacksoni
Centralafrica    10.03.1999     Birds of Africa Sheet   280f
