Eurasian Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs |
Albania |
15.08.1971 |
| 2.40l |
Algeria |
19.01.2000 |
| 5d |
Andorra fr |
04.05.1998 |
Nature protection
| 3.80f |
Andorra sp |
15.06.2004 |
| 0.27€ |
Belarus |
16.06.2006 |
Garden birds
| 200r |
Belarus |
16.06.2006 |
Garden birds Sheet
| 200r |
Belgium |
15.01.1990 |
| 10f |
Caribbean Netherlands |
02.04.2022 |
Birds (St Eustatius) 2022 Sheet
| 99c |
Cyprus |
27.09.2018 |
Birds of Cyprus
| 1€ |
Czech Republic |
11.03.2020 |
| B |
Equatorial Guinea |
17.09.1985 |
Nature protection 4v set
| 35f |
Finland |
20.03.1991 |
Birds Booklet
| 60p |
Finland |
11.03.2020 |
Migratory birds Sheet, sa
| * |
France |
17.02.2025 |
Melody of birds Booklet, sa | * |
Gambia |
02.10.2000 |
Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet
| 5d |
Georgia |
26.02.1996 |
Birds Sheet
| 15t |
Germany |
10.04.2008 |
Seebach bird protection 100 years
| 45c |
Germany, East |
09.01.1979 |
| 5p |
Gibraltar |
06.06.2002 |
Birds - postage due
| 1£ |
Grenada |
13.07.1993 |
Songbirds Sheet
| 35c |
Grenada |
10.01.1995 |
| 6$ |
Guernsey |
16.10.1990 |
Christmas Sheet
| 10p |
Guinea |
31.08.1995 |
| 500f |
Guinea-Bissau |
27.09.2011 |
| 3500f |
Guinea-Bissau |
25.03.2013 |
Birds and their eggs Sheet
| 660f |
Hungary |
18.12.1961 |
Birds of the woods and fields
| 60fi |
Iran |
09.06.2001 |
Belgica 2001 3v set
| 350r |
Iraq |
25.08.2019 |
| 750d |
Iraq |
25.08.2019 |
| 1000d |
Ireland |
01.01.2002 |
| 41c |
Ireland |
02.04.2002 |
Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest Strip, sa, SNP
| 41c |
Ireland |
02.04.2002 |
Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest Booklet, sa, SNP
| 41c |
Ireland |
06.08.2002 |
Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest Booklet
| 41c |
Ireland |
06.08.2002 |
Birds, Wren and Chaffinch Booklet
| 41c |
Ireland |
06.08.2002 |
Birds, Wren and Chaffinch Booklet
| 41c |
Ireland |
17.10.2002 |
Birds, Chaffinch and Goldcrest Strip, sa, Ens
| 41c |
Isle of Man |
19.09.2019 |
Town and country birds
| ROW |
Jersey |
19.06.2007 |
Garden birds
| 37p |
Jersey |
19.06.2007 |
Garden birds Sheet
| 37p |
Malta |
22.06.2001 |
Birds of Malta Sheet
| 6c |
Micronesia |
29.10.2001 |
Birds Sheet
| 60c |
Poland |
17.11.1966 |
Woodland birds
| 10g |
Poland |
17.11.1966 |
Woodland birds
| 6.50z |
Poland |
24.04.2019 |
| 5z |
Rumania |
28.10.2022 |
| 6.50l |
St Vincent & Grenadines |
07.04.1997 |
Birds of the world
| 2$ |
Switzerland |
06.09.2007 |
Birds From singels sheets, sa
| 85c |
Switzerland |
06.09.2007 |
Birds From set sheet, sa
| 85c |
Switzerland |
06.09.2007 |
Birds Booklet, sa
| 85c |
Togo |
27.11.1996 |
Exotic birds
| 400f |
Togo |
08.09.1999 |
| 400f |
Turkey |
23.07.2004 |
Bird definitives
| 1000000l |
Yemen (Arab Republic) |
20.03.1980 |
International year of the child 6v set
| 25f |
Yugoslavia |
25.05.1968 |
Song birds
| 1.50d |
African Chaffinch Fringilla spodiogenys |
Madeira Chaffinch Fringilla maderensis |
Brambling Fringilla montifringilla |
Evening Grosbeak Hesperiphona vespertina |
Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes |
Chinese Grosbeak Eophona migratoria |
Japanese Grosbeak Eophona personata |
Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator |
White-cheeked Bullfinch Pyrrhula leucogenis |
Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula |
Aland |
08.10.2004 |
| 0.45€ |
Albania |
15.07.1974 |
Song birds
| 25q |
Algeria |
19.01.2000 |
| 10d |
Andorra fr |
21.09.1974 |
Nature protection
| 80c |
Antigua & Barbuda |
01.07.1989 |
| 5$ |
Barbuda |
14.12.1989 |
Overprint BARBUDA MAIL on Antigua & B 1989.02 | 5$ |
Belgium |
12.09.1988 |
| 6f |
Benin |
30.07.1997 |
Song birds
| 135f |
Bulgaria |
20.04.1965 |
| 1s |
Cambodia |
05.09.1999 |
| 200r |
Czechoslovakia |
16.11.1959 |
| 1k |
Czechoslovakia |
15.12.1972 |
| 1.60k |
Estonia |
15.10.2021 |
Christmas 2v set, sa
| 0.90€ |
Faroe Islands |
17.02.1997 |
Migratory birds
| 4.50k |
Faroe Islands |
17.02.1997 |
Birds Booklet
| 4.50k |
Finland |
27.10.1981 |
Christmas 4v set
| 70p |
Finland |
20.03.1991 |
Birds Booklet
| 2.10m |
Finland |
01.11.1991 |
Christmas 2v set
| 2.10m |
Finland |
04.11.1994 |
Christmas 2v set
| 2.10m |
Finland |
04.11.1994 |
Christmas Booklet
| 2.10m |
Finland |
04.11.1994 |
Christmas Booklet
| 2.10m |
Finland |
05.11.1999 |
Christmas 3v set
| 3.50m |
Finland |
03.11.2000 |
Christmas 2v set, sa
| 3.50m |
Finland |
03.11.2000 |
Christmas Sold with label attached, sa
| 3.50m |
Finland |
03.11.2017 |
Christmas sa
| * |
Gambia |
07.07.1989 |
Japanese art
| 12d |
Gambia |
02.10.2000 |
Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet
| 5d |
Gambia |
02.10.2000 |
Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet
| 5d |
Georgia |
04.08.1995 |
Birds Sheet
| 15k |
Germany |
08.08.2013 |
| 90c+40c |
Germany, East |
27.04.1967 |
Protected birds
| 25p |
Germany, West |
12.06.1963 |
Child welfare
| 20p |
Guernsey |
01.04.2019 |
| 66p |
Guernsey |
01.04.2019 |
Birds/Europa Sheet
| 66p |
Guinea |
22.11.1999 |
Birds of the world
| 450f |
Guinea-Bissau |
27.09.2011 |
| 3500f |
Hungary |
20.02.1990 |
| 3fo |
Japan |
25.04.1994 |
| 130y |
Japan |
20.04.2007 |
Philately week 5v sheet with 2 of each
| 80y |
Japan |
20.04.2010 |
Philately week 10v sheet
| 80y |
Jersey |
14.08.2012 |
Threatened birds
| 70p |
Jersey |
14.08.2012 |
Threatened birds Sheet
| 70p |
Jersey |
14.08.2012 |
Threatened birds Sheet
| 70p |
Korea, North |
19.05.2016 |
| 30w |
Korea, North |
19.05.2016 |
Birds Sheet with 2 sets
| 30w |
Korea, North |
19.05.2016 |
Birds Booklet
| 30w |
Latvia |
26.07.2021 |
| 1.27€ |
Lebanon |
03.05.1965 |
| 5p |
Lithuania |
06.11.2004 |
Christmas and New Year 2v set
| 1.70l |
Macedonia |
25.09.2004 |
| 48d |
Moldova |
25.09.2015 |
| 1.75l |
Netherlands Antilles |
18.08.2006 |
Birds Sheet
| 35c |
Norway |
14.11.1985 |
Christmas Booklet
| 2.50k |
Norway |
14.11.1985 |
Christmas Booklet
| 2.50k |
Norway |
17.11.2000 |
Christmas 2v booklet, sa
| 4.20k |
Norway |
17.11.2000 |
Christmas 2v booklet, sa
| 4.20k |
Poland |
15.07.1993 |
| 6000z |
Poland |
10.10.2012 |
Piotr Kwit
| 1.55z |
Rumania |
20.06.1959 |
| 1l |
Rumania |
30.04.1993 |
Birds No wmk
| 15l |
Rumania |
06.02.2015 |
| 9.10l |
Russia |
04.12.2018 |
New Year greetings sa
| 22r |
Russia |
03.12.2020 |
New Year greetings
| 23r |
Russia |
03.12.2020 |
New Year greetings
| 23r |
Russia |
05.12.2023 |
Happy New Year
| 29r |
San Marino |
30.06.1972 |
| 10l |
Slovenia |
18.11.1997 |
| 14t |
St Vincent & Grenadines |
16.08.1993 |
Taipei 93 6v sheet
| 1.50$ |
Sweden |
20.11.1970 |
Christmas Booklet
| 30ø |
Sweden |
20.11.1970 |
Christmas Booklet
| 30ø |
Sweden |
25.11.1987 |
Christmas 4v booklet
| 2k |
Sweden |
11.11.2004 |
Winter birds Booklet
| 10k |
Sweden |
09.11.2006 |
Christmas Booklet, sa
| * |
Sweden |
28.01.2010 |
Europa 4v set
| 12k |
Sweden |
01.11.2018 |
Winterbirds Booklet, sa
| Brev |
Sweden |
01.11.2018 |
Winterbirds Booklet, sa
| Brev |
Sweden |
11.11.2021 |
Christmas 10v sheet, sa
| * |
Switzerland |
28.11.1968 |
Pro Juventute
| 20c |
Switzerland |
28.11.1968 |
Pro Juventute Booklet
| 20c |
Switzerland |
07.11.2024 |
Globine and the birds 2v set, sa
| 100c |
Togo |
01.01.2013 |
Birds in painting Sheet
| 750f |
Uganda |
03.12.1998 |
| 600s |
Ukraine |
22.11.2013 |
Winter 4v sheet
| 2h |
Vatican City |
13.06.1989 |
Bird paintings
| 700l |
Yemen (Arab Republic) |
20.03.1980 |
International year of the child 6v set
| 80f |
Yugoslavia |
25.05.1968 |
Song birds
| 50p |
Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina |
Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes githagineus |
Mongolian Finch Bucanetes mongolicus |
Grey-crowned Rosy Finch Leucosticte tephrocotis |
Brown-capped Rosy Finch Leucosticte australis |
Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus |
Bonin Grosbeak Carpodacus ferreorostris † |
Great Rosefinch Carpodacus rubicilla |
Sinai Rosefinch Carpodacus synoicus |
Chinese Long-tailed Rosefinch Carpodacus lepidus |
Kakawahie Paroreomyza flammea † |
Lesser Koa Finch Rhodacanthis flaviceps † |
Greater Koa Finch Rhodacanthis palmeri † |
Kona Grosbeak Chloridops kona † |
Ula-ai-hawane Ciridops anna † |
Apapane Himatione sanguinea |
Greater Amakihi Viridonia sagittirostris † |
Kauai Akialoa Akialoa stejnegeri † |
Akiapolaau Hemignathus wilsoni |
Hawai Akepa Loxops coccineus |
Hawaii Amakihi Chlorodrepanis virens |
Purple Finch Haemorhous purpureus |
House Finch Haemorhous mexicanus |
European Greenfinch Chloris chloris |
Oriental Greenfinch Chloris sinica |
Black-headed Greenfinch Chloris ambigua |
Somali Golden-winged Grosbeak Rhynchostruthus louisae |
Oriole Finch Linurgus olivaceus |
Principe Seedeater Crithagra rufobrunnea |
Sao Tome Grosbeak Crithagra concolor |
Salvadori's Seedeater Crithagra xantholaema |
Lemon-breasted Canary Crithagra citrinipectus |
Yellow-fronted Canary Crithagra mozambica |
Yellow Canary Crithagra flaviventris |
Twite Linaria flavirostris |
Common Linnet Linaria cannabina |
Yemen Linnet Linaria yemenensis |
Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus |
Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra |
Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera |
Hispaniolan Crossbill Loxia megaplaga |
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis |
Afghanistan |
31.05.1982 |
| 11a |
Afghanistan |
25.10.1985 |
| 13a |
Albania |
31.07.1964 |
Albanian birds
| 6l |
Alderney |
21.01.2020 |
Birds definitives
| 7p |
Algeria |
19.01.2000 |
| 24d |
Andorra fr |
03.08.1985 |
Nature protection
| 2.20f |
Bahrain |
21.03.1992 |
Migratory birds Sheet
| 150f |
Belarus |
27.03.2018 |
Bird of the year Birdlife
| H |
Belgium |
30.09.1985 |
| 9f |
Belgium |
30.08.2021 |
Tricolor in nature 5v sheet
| 2 |
Bermuda |
21.09.2023 |
Backyard birds
| 1.35$ |
Bosnia Herzegovina (Rep Srpska) |
03.09.2015 |
| 0.90m |
Bulgaria |
20.04.1965 |
| 10s |
Burkina Faso |
01.10.1998 |
Birds Sheet
| 425f |
Caribbean Netherlands |
29.01.2021 |
Birds (St Eustatius) 2021 Sheet
| 99c |
Caribbean Netherlands |
02.04.2022 |
Birds (Bonaire) 2022 Sheet
| 99c |
Cook Islands |
15.10.1974 |
Christmas 5v set
| 1c |
Cook Islands |
09.12.1974 |
| 50c |
Croatia |
27.07.2022 |
| A |
Cuba |
14.11.1994 |
Havana Zoo 3v set
| 75c |
Cuba |
15.08.1997 |
Birds of the Caribbean
| 75c |
Cuba |
25.06.2004 |
Pets 5v set
| 75c |
Cuba |
10.04.2015 |
| 75c |
Cyprus |
27.09.2018 |
Birds of Cyprus
| 0.34€ |
Cyprus (Turkish) |
10.10.1983 |
Birds of Cyprus Sheet
| 15l |
Cyprus (Turkish) |
08.05.2012 |
| 80c |
Czech Republic |
11.03.2020 |
| B |
Czechoslovakia |
16.11.1959 |
| 80h |
Czechoslovakia |
15.12.1972 |
| 2k |
Egypt |
03.03.1994 |
| 15p |
Egypt |
24.10.2023 |
Migratory birds of Egypt Sheet
| 10£ |
France |
12.01.2009 |
Works of art 12v booklet, sa
| Lp |
France |
17.02.2025 |
Melody of birds Booklet, sa | * |
Gambia |
02.10.2000 |
Birds through the eyes of famous painters 8v sheet
| 5d |
Germany |
08.08.2013 |
| 58c+27c |
Germany, East |
20.03.1973 |
| 25p |
Ghana |
20.10.1997 |
Birds of Africa
| 200c |
Ghana |
01.06.2000 |
| 300c |
Gibraltar |
01.11.1978 |
Christmas 4v set
| 12p |
Gibraltar |
22.11.1994 |
| 54p |
Gibraltar |
06.06.2002 |
Birds - postage due
| 2£ |
Great Britain |
16.11.1983 |
Christmas 5v set
| 31p |
Great Britain |
13.03.2001 |
Weather 4v set
| 65p |
Great Britain |
13.03.2001 |
Weather 4v sheet
| 65p |
Greece |
20.03.2014 |
| 2.62€ |
Greece |
20.03.2014 |
Songbirds Prestige booklet
| 2.62€ |
Grenada |
05.12.1970 |
Christmas 8v set
| ½c |
Grenada |
05.12.1970 |
Christmas 8v set
| 3c |
Grenadines (G) |
17.12.1975 |
| 50c |
Guernsey |
01.04.2019 |
| 80p |
Guernsey |
01.04.2019 |
Birds/Europa Sheet
| 80p |
Guernsey |
01.04.2019 |
Birds/Europa Sheet
| 80p |
Guinea |
31.08.1995 |
| 150f |
Guinea |
10.04.2009 |
Charles Darwin 6v sheet
| 5000f |
Guyana |
16.08.1994 |
Philakorea 1994 Sheet
| 35$ |
Hungary |
23.06.1961 |
Budapest 1961 4x3fo sheet
| 3fo |
Hungary |
19.08.1961 |
Budapest 1961 4v set
| 3fo |
Hungary |
11.05.1973 |
IBRA, stamp on stamp 8v set
| 1fo |
Hungary |
03.11.1973 |
Paintings 7v set
| 1fo |
Ifni |
10.10.1960 |
| 50c |
Ifni |
10.10.1960 |
| 1.50p |
Ifni |
10.10.1960 |
| 5p |
Iran |
06.03.1969 |
New year stamps 3v set
| 1r |
Iraq |
21.08.2000 |
| 500d |
Iraq |
21.01.2015 |
Iraqi birds
| 1000d |
Iraq |
21.01.2015 |
Iraqi birds
| 1500d |
Ireland |
02.04.2013 |
Definitives Booklet, sa
| 60c |
Isle of Man |
28.09.2011 |
Winter birds p 13¼
| 58p |
Isle of Man |
19.09.2019 |
Town and country birds
| ROW |
Israel |
27.01.2010 |
| 2.40s |
Israel |
26.06.2012 |
Birds of Israel Prestige booklet
| 2.40s |
Italy |
04.10.2019 |
Europa sa
| B50g |
Jersey |
03.09.2018 |
Links with China
| 50p |
Jersey |
03.09.2018 |
Links with China Sheet
| 50p |
Jordan |
05.10.1968 |
Game protection 9v set
| 5f |
Jordan |
18.07.2002 |
Migratory birds
| 100f |
Jordan |
13.10.2017 |
Birds native to Jordan Sheet
| 30p |
Korea, North |
20.03.1983 |
Raphael 6v set
| 10c |
Latvia |
16.06.2012 |
| 98s |
Lebanon |
27.07.1965 |
| 10p |
Lebanon |
13.05.2019 |
World day of migratory birds
| 2250p |
Liberia |
04.01.1999 |
Birds of the world Sheet
| 50c |
Macedonia |
23.04.2015 |
| 31d |
Madeira |
09.05.2019 |
Europa Sheet
| 0.86€ |
Malta |
22.06.2001 |
Birds of Malta Sheet
| 6c |
Manama |
1970 |
| 5d |
Micronesia |
29.10.2001 |
Birds Sheet
| 60c |
Micronesia |
27.12.2004 |
Christmas, madonna and child paintings 4v set
| 37c |
Moldova |
08.04.2010 |
| 85b |
Monaco |
12.12.1962 |
| 15c |
Mongolia |
25.10.1979 |
Protected birds
| 70m |
Morocco |
18.09.1995 |
| 4.80d |
Morocco |
15.08.2005 |
Birds, previous illustrations in new format Booklet, sa
| 2.50d |
Netherlands |
08.06.1999 |
Dutch art in the 17th century 10v sheet
| 80c |
Netherlands |
24.09.2004 |
Carel Fabritius 10v sheet
| 0.39€ |
Netherlands |
24.09.2004 |
Carel Fabritius 10v sheet
| 0.39€ |
Netherlands |
24.09.2004 |
Carel Fabritius 10v sheet
| 0.39€ |
Netherlands |
24.09.2004 |
Carel Fabritius 10v sheet
| 0.39€ |
Netherlands |
24.09.2004 |
Carel Fabritius 10v sheet
| 0.78€ |
Netherlands |
24.09.2004 |
Carel Fabritius 10v sheet
| 0.78€ |
Netherlands |
24.09.2004 |
Carel Fabritius 10v sheet
| 0.78€ |
Netherlands |
23.04.2019 |
Europa 3x2v sheet
| 1 |
Netherlands |
23.04.2019 |
Europa 2x2v booklet
| 1 |
Netherlands Antilles |
12.12.2008 |
Birds Sheet
| 158c |
Niue |
25.11.1983 |
Raphael 5v set
| 58c |
Niue |
25.11.1983 |
Raphael 5v sheet
| 58c+3c |
Niue |
29.12.1983 |
Raphael | 85c+5c |
Paraguay |
25.09.1968 |
Paintings | 50g |
Poland |
15.07.1993 |
| 4000z |
Ras Al Khaima |
1972 |
| 190d |
Rumania |
20.06.1959 |
| 55b |
Russia |
15.06.1995 |
Goldfinch x2, Bluethrush x2 and Nightingale Sheet
| 500r |
San Marino |
28.01.1960 |
| 10l |
Spain |
01.04.2006 |
Flora and fauna Booklet, sa
| 0.29€ |
Spain |
03.01.2011 |
Tourism sa
| B |
St Kitts |
09.12.1996 |
Christmas 4v set
| 50c |
Sweden |
01.11.2018 |
Winterbirds Booklet, sa
| Brev |
Sweden |
07.11.2019 |
Small birds sa
| Brev |
Switzerland |
01.12.1969 |
Pro Juventute
| 10c |
Switzerland |
01.12.1969 |
Pro Juventute Booklet | 10c |
Syria |
18.04.1978 |
| 10p |
Syria |
21.03.1989 |
| 600p |
Syria |
2024 |
| 2800£ |
Tajikistan |
09.04.2002 |
Nature of Middle Asia 8v sheet
| 0.06s |
Togo |
08.09.1999 |
| 200f |
Tunisia |
16.12.1985 |
Aziza Othmana
| 100m |
Tunisia |
15.09.1992 |
| 180m |
Tunisia |
15.09.1992 |
Birds Sheet
| 180m |
Turkey |
05.06.2001 |
World environment day Sheet
| 300000l |
Turks & Caicos Islands |
11.12.1978 |
Christmas 4v set
| 6c |
28.10.1982 |
Christmas 5v set
| 20c |
Upper Yafa |
23.10.1967 |
Paintings 10v set
| 20f |
Vatican City |
09.11.2018 |
Celebrating the saints Adeodato and Zosimo 2v set
| 1.15€ |
Yemen (Arab Republic) |
29.03.1969 |
| 3b |
Yugoslavia |
25.05.1968 |
Song birds
| 1d |
Zambia |
08.09.2000 |
Birds of the world
| 1400k |
Citril Finch Carduelis citrinella |
European Serin Serinus serinus |
Syrian Serin Serinus syriacus |
Atlantic Canary Serinus canaria |
American Goldfinch Spinus tristis |
Eurasian Siskin Spinus spinus |
Antillean Siskin Spinus dominicensis |
Black-chinned Siskin Spinus barbatus |
Hooded Siskin Spinus magellanicus |
Red Siskin Spinus cucullatus |
Elegant Euphonia Chlorophonia elegantissima |
Hispaniolan Euphonia Chlorophonia musica |
Puerto Rican Euphonia Chlorophonia sclateri |
Lesser Antillean Euphonia Chlorophonia flavifrons |
Golden-rumped Euphonia Chlorophonia cyanocephala |
Blue-naped Chlorophonia Chlorophonia cyanea |
Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys |
Jamaican Euphonia Euphonia jamaica |
Plumbeous Euphonia Euphonia plumbea |
Finsch's Euphonia Euphonia finschi |
Violaceous Euphonia Euphonia violacea |