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83 Trogons Trogonidae
Narina Trogon Apaloderma narina
Centralafrica    22.05.2023     Biodiversity, birds Sheet   1000f
Ciskei    04.12.1981     Birds   1r
Cuba    01.07.2014     Anniversary of diplomatic relations with Nigeria   85c
Gabon    07.10.1963     Birds   500f
Gambia    22.10.1996     Birds   20d
Ghana    12.01.1981     Birds of Ghana   20p
Ghana    12.01.1981     Birds of Ghana Sheet   25p
Ghana    14.10.1991     The birds of Ghana Sheet   80c
Liberia    18.02.1977     Liberian birds   10c
Liberia    11.08.1997     Birds   3$
Liberia    04.01.1999     Birds of the world   2$
Liberia    15.09.2001     Birds of Africa   30$
Mali    10.03.1998     Boy scouts   1500f
Mozambique    30.07.1980     Birds   1m
Somalia    01.06.1966     Somali birds   25c
Tanzania    15.03.1989     Birds Sheet   20s
Uganda    09.10.1965     Birds   20c
Uganda    30.08.1996     Anniversary, stamp on stamp     550s
Bar-tailed Trogon Apaloderma vittatum
Botswana    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   70t
Gambia    02.10.2000     Birds of the tropics Sheet   7d
Malawi    25.07.1988     Birds   15t
Malawi    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   15k
Mozambique    30.01.2010     Tropical birds and flora Sheet   20m
Namibia    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   3.40$
Paraguay    14.11.1973     Birds     20g
South Africa    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   12.05r
Swaziland    11.10.2004     SAPOA   2.45e
Swaziland    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   2.25e
Zambia    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   1500k
Zimbabwe    11.10.2004     SAPOA Sheet   12000$
Malabar Trogon Harpactes fasciatus
Rumania    07.10.1991     Birds Sheet   2l
Sri Lanka    27.09.2003     Resident birds of Sri Lanka Sheet   4.50r
Red-naped Trogon Harpactes kasumba
Indonesia    15.07.2009     Indonesian birds Sheet   2500r
Indonesia    28.10.2009     Jipex 2009 Sheet   2500r
Diard's Trogon Harpactes diardii
Palau    26.12.2001     Birds of Palau Sheet   55c
Philippine Trogon Harpactes ardens
Philippines    15.08.1969     Relief fund   5s
Philippines    25.11.1992     Endangered birds Sheet   2p
Scarlet-rumped Trogon Harpactes duvaucelii
Liberia    31.08.1998     Birds of the world Sheet   32c
Liberia    26.05.2003     Surcharge on 1998.05 Sheet   15$
Ward's Trogon Harpactes wardi
Bhutan    07.12.1968     Rare birds   3c
Bhutan    07.12.1968     Rare birds   30c
Bhutan    29.01.1969     Rare birds   2.50n
Bhutan    19.06.1970     Surcharge on 1968.02, 1968.04, 1969.01     20c
Bhutan    02.11.1970     Surcharge on 1968.01, 1968.03-4, 1969.01     20c
Bhutan    19.04.1982     Birds   5n
Bhutan    17.12.1999     Birds of the Himalayas   100n
Eared Quetzal Euptilotis neoxenus
Guyana    12.09.1990     Birds   8.90$
Golden-headed Quetzal Pharomachrus auriceps
Colombia    06.12.2023     National natural parks, Andes Nororientales 16v sheet   200p
Ecuador    17.06.1966     Birds   40c
Guyana    12.09.1990     Birds   12.65$
Resplendent Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno
Antigua & Barbuda    08.04.2002     Fauna and flora of the Caribbean 9v sheet   90c
Argentina    28.04.2012     Conicet   2.50p
Costa Rica    09.01.1984     Birds   10c
Cuba    12.10.1987     Latin American history   5c
Cuba    19.05.2010     Jose Marti 12v set   15c
Cuba    19.09.2011     MUSEO   65c
Ecuador    29.09.2015     Expoafe, stamp on stamp 25v sheet   0.75$
El Salvador    10.09.1980     Birds   10c
Fujeira    24.07.1972     Scouts and birds   1r
Ghana    15.04.1996     Rainforest wildlife 12v sheet   400c
Guatemala    1879     Definitives   ¼r
Guatemala    1879     Definitives     1r
Guatemala    1881     Surcharge on 1879.01     1c
Guatemala    1881     Surcharge on 1879.01     10c
Guatemala    07.11.1881     Definitives   1c
Guatemala    07.11.1881     Definitives   2c
Guatemala    07.11.1881     Definitives   5c
Guatemala    07.11.1881     Definitives   10c
Guatemala    07.11.1881     Definitives   20c
Guatemala    1918     Definitives     1.50p
Guatemala    19.02.1924     Definitives   1p
Guatemala    10.10.1935     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    10.10.1935     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    15.03.1937     Overprint EXPOSI... on 1935.01   3c
Guatemala    15.03.1937     Overprint EXPOSI... on 1935.01   3c
Guatemala    20.05.1937     Second term of president Ubico   ½c
Guatemala    07.09.1939     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    07.09.1939     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    13.03.1946     Jose Batres   3c
Guatemala    07.05.1946     Jose Batres   ½c
Guatemala    06.09.1946     Jose Batres     10c
Guatemala    11.11.1947     Jose Batres   3c
Guatemala    22.10.1951     UPU imp, 2 designs   1c
Guatemala    18.12.1953     Feria national   1q
Guatemala    29.09.1954     Definitives   1c
Guatemala    08.01.1957     Definitives   2c
Guatemala    23.01.1957     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    07.05.1957     Definitives   4c
Guatemala    27.05.1957     Definitives   5c
Guatemala    03.09.1957     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    03.09.1957     Definitives   6c
Guatemala    13.05.1958     Red Cross   1c
Guatemala    09.07.1958     Definitives   5c
Guatemala    20.02.1960     Definitives   4c
Guatemala    22.02.1960     Definitives   5c
Guatemala    23.04.1960     Overprint ANO... and surcharge on 1958.01   1c
Guatemala    23.04.1960     Overprint ANO... and surcharge on 1958.01   6c
Guatemala    15.12.1960     Definitives   2c
Guatemala    20.04.1961     Overprint MAYO... on 1958.01   1c
Guatemala    07.10.1963     Definitives   5c
Guatemala    26.06.1964     Overprint VIII VUELTA... on 1958.01   1c
Guatemala    26.06.1964     Overprint FERIA MUNDIAL... on 1958.01   1c
Guatemala    26.06.1964     Overprint OLIMPIADAS... on 1958.01   1c
Guatemala    26.06.1964     Overprint HABILITADA... and surcharge on 1958.01     7c
Guatemala    29.12.1964     Overprint HOMENAJE... on 1957.03     4c
Guatemala    23.01.1968     Overprint III REUNION... on 1958.01   1c
Guatemala    23.01.1968     Overprint III REUNION... on 1958.01   1c
Guatemala    15.10.1968     Olympic games, Mexico   1c
Guatemala    15.10.1968     Olympic games, Mexico   5c
Guatemala    15.10.1968     Olympic games, Mexico   8c
Guatemala    15.10.1968     Olympic games, Mexico   15c
Guatemala    15.10.1968     Olympic games, Mexico   30c
Guatemala    14.04.1969     Overprint AEREO on 1968.02   1c
Guatemala    14.04.1969     Overprint AEREO on 1968.02   5c
Guatemala    14.04.1969     Overprint AEREO on 1968.02   8c
Guatemala    14.04.1969     Overprint AEREO on 1968.02   15c
Guatemala    14.04.1969     Overprint AEREO on 1968.02   30c
Guatemala    29.03.1970     Overprint Cincuen... on 1968.02   8c
Guatemala    29.03.1970     Overprint Cincuen... on 1968.02   8c
Guatemala    29.03.1970     Overprint Cincuen... on 1968.02   15c
Guatemala    29.03.1970     Overprint Cincuen... on 1968.02   15c
Guatemala    02.02.1971     1968 Olympic games     5c
Guatemala    19.02.1971     1968 Olympic games     1c
Guatemala    06.04.1971     1968 Olympic games     5c
Guatemala    03.05.1971     1968 Olympic games   5c
Guatemala    25.06.1971     Liberal reformes     2c
Guatemala    25.06.1971     Liberal reformes     10c
Guatemala    25.06.1971     Liberal reformes     50c
Guatemala    25.06.1971     Liberal reformes     1q
Guatemala    23.10.1972     Overprint JUEGOS... on 1951.01 imp, 2 designs   1c
Guatemala    03.12.1974     Protection of the Resplendent Quetzal     10c
Guatemala    25.06.1975     International womens year     8c
Guatemala    25.06.1975     International womens year   20c
Guatemala    30.07.1976     Bicentenary of American Revolution   1c
Guatemala    30.07.1976     Bicentenary of American Revolution   4c
Guatemala    30.07.1976     Bicentenary of American Revolution   20c
Guatemala    30.07.1976     Bicentenary of American Revolution   35c
Guatemala    14.06.1979     Wildlife conservation   30c
Guatemala    31.07.1980     Rotary International 3v set   6c
Guatemala    31.07.1980     Rotary International 3v set   10c
Guatemala    20.02.1984     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    20.02.1984     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    20.02.1984     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    20.02.1984     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    20.02.1984     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    25.04.1986     Definitives   3c
Guatemala    25.04.1986     Definitives   6c
Guatemala    10.10.1986     ATRG   6c
Guatemala    16.02.1987     Definitives   1c
Guatemala    16.02.1987     Definitives   4c
Guatemala    16.02.1987     Definitives   5c
Guatemala    25.03.1987     Definitives   2c
Guatemala    14.05.1999     International society of Guatemala collectors   1q
Guatemala    19.06.2007     Guatemala Philatelic Association 75 years   1q
Guatemala    19.06.2007     Guatemala Philatelic Association 75 years   3q
Guatemala    19.06.2007     Guatemala Philatelic Association 75 years   6.50q
Guatemala    19.06.2007     Guatemala Philatelic Association 75 years   8q
Guatemala    19.06.2007     Guatemala Philatelic Association 75 years   25q
Guyana    12.09.1990     Birds   30$
Guyana    16.11.1990     Rare and endangered birds of South America Sheet   12.80$
Guyana    15.10.2001     Animals of tropical rainforests 8v sheet   80$
Honduras    02.10.1992     Exphilhon 92 imp   5l
Honduras    08.07.1999     Birds of Honduras in danger of extinction Sheet   5l
Honduras    08.07.1999     Birds of Honduras in danger of extinction Sheet   10l
Liberia    21.08.2000     Animals 6v set   10$
Maldive Islands    12.02.1997     Birds of the world Sheet   5r
Mali    20.10.1995     Birds of the world Sheet   50f
Mexico    25.10.1993     America   2p
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Mexico    18.02.2002     Conservation 20v set, p 14x14¼   4.50p
Mexico    01.08.2003     Conservation 16v set, p 13x13¼     4.50p
Mexico    25.06.2004     Conservation p 13   4.50p
Mexico    18.12.2004     Conservation 14v set   6p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 8v set   6.50p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 6v set   6.50p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 12v set   10.50p
Mozambique    30.01.2011     International year of forests, Quetzal Sheet   16m
Mozambique    30.01.2011     International year of forests, Quetzal Sheet   16m
Mozambique    30.01.2011     International year of forests, Quetzal Sheet   16m
Mozambique    30.01.2011     International year of forests, Quetzal Sheet   16m
Mozambique    30.01.2011     International year of forests, Quetzal Sheet   92m
Mozambique    30.01.2011     International year of forests, Quetzal Sheet   92m
Mozambique    30.01.2011     International year of forests, Quetzal   175m
Nicaragua    18.05.1981     Wipa 1981   10cor
Nicaragua    01.02.1991     Birds   2.25cor
Nicaragua    07.08.1991     Rainforest is life 20v sheet   2.25cor
Nicaragua    12.11.1992     Save the tropical rainforest 16v sheet   1.50cor
Nicaragua    23.08.2000     Birds of America Sheet   3cor
Panama    20.07.1967     Birds   1c
Rumania    14.08.2019     Exotic birds   1.60l
Sao Tome and Principe    15.09.1992     Birds   100d
St Vincent & Grenadines    16.06.1998     Birds of the world   60c
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
UN NY    01.02.2001     Endangered species 4v set   34c
Zambia    08.09.2000     Birds of the tropics 8v sheet   1500k
Cuban Trogon Priotelus temnurus
Cuba    01.12.1961     Christmas   2c
Cuba    10.12.1971     Ramon de la Sagra   3c
Cuba    15.06.1976     Endemic birds   30c
Cuba    20.12.1983     Birds   1p
Cuba    12.10.1987     Latin American history   5c
Cuba    15.07.1991     Express mail, birds   2p
Cuba    27.09.2003     Eco tourism: Baracoa, Valle de los Ingenios, Sierra Maestra, Granma   75c
Cuba    22.05.2008     MUSEO   50c
Cuba    15.04.2010     Anniversary of Cuba-Cambodia relationship   85c
Cuba    26.05.2010     MUSEO   10c
Cuba    13.12.2011     Turnat 2011   85c
Cuba    01.07.2014     Anniversary of diplomatic relations with Nigeria   85c
Grenadines (G)    05.09.1995     Birds of the Caribbean   25c
Guyana    22.12.2022     Diplomatic relations with Cuba 4v sheet   400$
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Hispaniolan Trogon Priotelus roseigaster
Dominican Republic    07.11.1964     Dominican birds   6c
Dominican Republic    12.09.1979     Birds   6c
Dominican Republic    11.11.1996     Endemic birds Sheet   2p
Grenada    01.03.2000     Birds Sheet   1$
Haiti    26.02.1969     Birds   10c
Haiti    26.02.1969     Birds   50c
Haiti    29.08.1969     Overprint APOLLO XI on 1969.01   50c
Haiti    20.12.1999     Birds   2g
Haiti    20.12.1999     Birds Sheet   2g
Togo    16.11.2016     Fauna of the world 4v sheet   900f
Slaty-tailed Trogon Trogon massena
British Honduras    02.04.1962     Definitives Upright wmk   15c
British Honduras    28.11.1967     Definitives Sideways wmk     15c
Nicaragua    30.11.1981     Birds   3cor
Black-tailed Trogon Trogon melanurus
Bolivia    23.08.2007     Birds of Pando   6.50b
Honduras    19.02.1999     Hurricane Mitch 32v set   5.40l
Honduras    03.06.2005     Surcharge on 1999.01 32v set   8l
Surinam    24.08.1977     Birds   85c
Surinam    1987     Surcharge on 1977.04, 1977.01   10c
Surinam    27.12.2018     Nature   5$
Black-headed Trogon Trogon melanocephalus
Belize    31.07.1978     Birds   35c
Belize    31.07.1978     Birds Sheet   35c
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
White-tailed Trogon Trogon chionurus
Ecuador    20.10.2015     Birds Booklet, sa   0.75$
Green-backed Trogon Trogon viridis
Colombia    14.11.1974     UPU, Colombian birds   1p
Guyana    10.03.1993     Birds of Guyana Sheet   50$
Guyana    10.07.1996     Birds Sheet   60$
Netherlands Antilles    11.12.2002     Birds Sheet   240c
Paraguay    22.10.1983     South American birds   2g
Peru    19.06.1972     Peruvian birds   2s
Surinam    03.06.2020     Birds 2x12v sheet   21$
Gartered Trogon Trogon caligatus
Bequia    01.12.2003     Birds of the Caribbean   1$
Guatemala    12.11.2008     Birds of Guatemala   0.50q
St Maarten    12.12.2012     Birds   350c
Blue-crowned Trogon Trogon curucui
Cuba    15.08.1997     Birds of the Caribbean   15c
Paraguay    21.09.2018     Birds of the Chaco Sheet   4000g
Surinam    03.06.2020     Birds 2x12v sheet   16$
Surucua Trogon Trogon surrucura
Surinam    03.06.2020     Birds 2x12v sheet   20$
Uruguay    30.09.2020     Tourism 10v sheet   25p
Amazonian Black-throated Trogon Trogon rufus
Sao Tome and Principe    15.03.2007     Scouts jubilee, birds Sheet   7000d
Sao Tome and Principe    15.03.2007     Scouts jubilee, birds   7000d
Elegant Trogon Trogon elegans
Comoro Islands    07.01.2009     Audubon & Gould Sheet   150f
Guyana    12.09.1990     Birds   9.75$
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Mountain Trogon Trogon mexicanus
Mexico    30.05.1981     Mexican fauna   1.60p
Mexico    02.10.1996     Protect Mexican wildlife 24v sheet   1.80p
Collared Trogon Trogon collaris
Guyana    12.09.1990     Birds   2.55$
Mexico    18.02.2002     Conservation 20v set, p 14x14¼   2p
Mexico    18.12.2004     Conservation 14v set   1p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 8v set   13p
Mexico    2005     Conservation 6v set   13p
Nicaragua    01.02.1991     Birds   75c
Sao Tome and Principe    15.03.2007     Scouts jubilee, birds Sheet   9000d
Venezuela    14.12.1962     Birds   25c
Venezuela    17.07.1998     Henri Pittier national park 10v sheet   200b
Masked Trogon Trogon personatus
Colombia    16.12.1988     Fauna 3v set   45p
Colombia    21.03.2024     Risaralda 2024 Sheet   2000p
Curacao    20.09.2020     South American birds   2
Ecuador    07.04.2000     Birds of the Mazan Forest   8000s
